TECUTILO.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Go to the source code of this file.


#define EXTERN   extern
#define TecUtilSetForEachMember(Member, Set)


Boolean_t TecUtilInterfaceWinAddPreMsgFn (PreTranslateMessage_pf PreTranslateMessageProc)
  Add a PreTranslateMessage function to Tecplot's message loop so that modeless dialogs messages can be dispatched correctly.
Boolean_t TecUtilTimerAddCallback (UInt32_t Interval, ArbParam_t ClientData, AddOnTimerCallback_pf TimerCallback)
  Adds a timer callback, a function which is called by Tecplot at a set interval of time.
Boolean_t TecUtilOnIdleQueueAddCallback (OnIdleCallback_pf Callback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Adds the function to a list of functions that Tecplot calls only one time when Tecplot is in an idle state.
Boolean_t TecUtilOnIdleQueueRemoveCallback (OnIdleCallback_pf Callback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Remove the oldest registered callback/client data pair from the on-idle queue if it exists.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetFolderName (const char *Title, char **FolderName)
  Launch a dialog to prompt the user for a folder name.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetFolderNameX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Launch a dialog to prompt the user for a folder name.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetFileName (SelectFileOption_e DialogOption, char **FileName, const char *FileTypeName, const char *DefaultFileName, const char *DefaultFilter)
  Launch a dialog to prompt the user for a file name.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetFileNames (SelectFileOption_e DialogOption, StringList_pa *FileNames, const char *FileTypeName, StringList_pa DefaultFileNames, const char *DefaultFilter)
  Launch a dialog to prompt the user for one or more file names.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetFileNamesX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Launch a dialog to prompt the user for one or more file names.
Boolean_t TecUtilFileDownloadURL (const char *SourceURL, const char *LocalDestinationFile, Boolean_t IsAscii, Boolean_t ConfirmOverwrite)
  Download a file given a valid URL.
Boolean_t TecUtilFileUploadURL (const char *LocalSourceFile, const char *DestinationURL, Boolean_t IsAscii, Boolean_t ConfirmOverwrite)
  Upload a file given a valid URL.
Boolean_t TecUtilFileIsURL (const char *URLFName)
  Convenience function that will determine if a supplied string uses valid URL syntax.
void TecUtilArrayDealloc (void **Array)
  Deallocates an array that was allocated and given to an add-on by Tecplot and assigns the pointer to NULL.
MouseButtonMode_e TecUtilMouseGetCurrentMode (void)
  Get Tecplot's current mouse mode.
Boolean_t TecUtilMouseIsValidMode (MouseButtonMode_e MouseMode)
  This function will tell you if the specified mouse mode is valid for the current state of Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilMouseSetMode (MouseButtonMode_e MouseMode)
  Sets Tecplot's mouse mode to the one specified.
void TecUtilSidebarAutoSensitivity (Boolean_t DoAuto)
void TecUtilSidebarSetSensitivity (MouseButtonMode_e MouseMode, Boolean_t IsSensitive)
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeRepeatLastEvent (void)
  Repeats the last probe event using the probe coordinates from that event.
void TecUtilProbeAtFieldPositionX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Use this function in concert with TecUtilProbeInstallCallback and TecUtilProbeInstallCallbackX.
void TecUtilProbeAtFieldIndexX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Use this function in concert with TecUtilProbeInstallCallback and TecUtilProbeInstallCallbackX.
void TecUtilProbeAtLinePositionX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Use this function in concert with TecUtilProbeInstallCallback and TecUtilProbeInstallCallbackX.
void TecUtilProbeAtLineIndexX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Use this function in concert with TecUtilProbeInstallCallback and TecUtilProbeInstallCallbackX.
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeInstallCallback (ProbeDestination_pf ProbeDestination, const char *InformationLineText)
  Change the mouse mode to be the probe tool, and instruct Tecplot to call a different function when the user completes a probe operation in the work area.
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeInstallCallbackX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Change the mouse mode to be the probe tool, and instruct Tecplot to call a different function when the user completes a probe operation in the work area.
void TecUtilProbeAllowCOBs (void)
  Instructs Tecplot to include COBs (iso-surfaces, slices, streamtraces, and so forth) along with zones during a probe when an add-on has a callback registered with TecUtilProbeInstallCallback() and if the user is pressing the Alt key.
double TecUtilProbeXYGetIndValue (void)
double TecUtilProbeLinePlotGetIndValue (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the independent value from the previous probe event in an Line-plot.
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeXYGetDepValue (EntIndex_t MapNum, double *DepValue)
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeLinePlotGetDepValue (EntIndex_t MapNum, double *DepValue)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a dependent value from the previous probe event in an Line-plot.
EntIndex_t TecUtilProbeXYGetSourceMap (void)
EntIndex_t TecUtilProbeLinePlotGetSourceMap (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the Line-map whose point was selected in the previous nearest-point probe.
char TecUtilProbeLinePlotGetIndAxisKind (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the indepedent axis kind associated with the line probe.
int TecUtilProbeLinePlotGetIndAxisNumber (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the indepedent axis number associated with the line probe.
LgIndex_t TecUtilProbeGetPointIndex (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the point index from the previous nearest-point probe event in a field plot or an XY-plot.
CZType_e TecUtilProbeFieldGetCZType (void)
  Indicates type type of COB or zone that was selected during the probe event.
double TecUtilProbeFieldGetValue (EntIndex_t VarNum)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a field variable value from the previous probe event in a field plot.
EntIndex_t TecUtilProbeFieldGetZone (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the zone number from the previous probe event in a field plot.
IJKPlanes_e TecUtilProbeFieldGetPlane (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the I-, J-, or K-plane from the previous probe event in a field plot.
SmInteger_t TecUtilProbeFieldGetFaceNumber (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the face number from the previous probe event in a field plot.
LgIndex_t TecUtilProbeFieldGetFaceCell (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the cell from the previous probe event in a field plot.
LgIndex_t TecUtilProbeFieldGetCell (void)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the cell from the previous probe event in a field plot.
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeFieldGetName (char **Name)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get the name of the item that was probed.
FieldData_pa TecUtilProbeFieldGetNativeRef (EntIndex_t Var)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a handle to the native data from the probed item for the specified variable.
FieldData_pa TecUtilProbeFieldGetReadableNativeRef (EntIndex_t Var)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a read-only handle to the native data from the probed item for the specified variable.
FieldData_pa TecUtilProbeFieldGetReadableDerivedRef (EntIndex_t Var)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a read-only handle to the derived data from the probed item for the specified variable.
FieldData_pa TecUtilProbeFieldGetReadableNLRef (EntIndex_t Var)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a read-only handle to the node-located data from the probed item for the specified variable.
FieldData_pa TecUtilProbeFieldGetReadableCCRef (EntIndex_t Var)
  Call this function from a probe destination callback to get a read-only handle to the cell-centered data from the probed item for the specified variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilExtractInstallCallback (ExtractDestination_pf ExtractDestination, const char *InformationLineText)
  If the current frame is 2D or 3D, change the mouse mode to be the extract discrete points tool and instruct Tecplot to call a different function when the user completes an extract-like operation in the work area.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetCreate (const char *DataSetTitle, StringList_pa VarNames, Boolean_t ResetStyle)
  Create a new data set and attach it to the current frame.
VarLoadMode_e TecUtilDataSetGetVarLoadMode (void)
  Get the variable load mode for the current data set.
void TecUtilZoneSetBuildZoneOptInfo (EntIndex_t Zone, Boolean_t BuildZoneOptInfo)
  Instruct Tecplot to either build or forgo building zone optimization information.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetDefVarLoadFinish (Boolean_t IsDataSetOk)
Boolean_t TecUtiltDataSetDefVarLoadFinish (Boolean_t IsDataSetOk)
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddZone (const char *Name, LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t JMax, LgIndex_t KMax, ZoneType_e ZoneType, FieldDataType_e *VarDataType_Array)
  Add a zone to the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddZoneX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Add a zone to the current data set.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddVarX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Add a variable to the current data set.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneRealloc (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints, LgIndex_t NewJMaxOrNumElements, LgIndex_t NewKMax)
  Reallocate the classic FE or ordered zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddVar (const char *VarName, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType_Array)
  Add a variable to the current data set.
Boolean_t TecUtilQuitAddQueryCallback (MopupQueryAddOnCallback_pf QuitQueryCallback)
  Include a function in the list of functions to call when Tecplot is considering shutting down.
Boolean_t TecUtilEventAddPreDrawCallback (DrawEventCallback_pf DrawEventCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Adds the callback and its client data to the list of pre-draw event callbacks.
Boolean_t TecUtilEventAddPostDrawCallback (DrawEventCallback_pf DrawEventCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Adds the callback and its client data to the list of post-draw event callbacks.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeSetMode (StateChangeAddOnCallback_pf Callback, StateChangeMode_e Mode)
  Set the mode in which state changes are propagated to the specified state change callback.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeAddCallback (StateChangeAddOnCallback_pf StateChangeCallback)
  Include a function in the list of functions to call when a state change occurs in Tecplot.
void TecUtilStateChanged (StateChange_e StateChange, ArbParam_t CallData)
  Inform tecplot of a state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeRemoveCBX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Remove a previously added callback from Tecplot's list of add-on state change callbacks.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeRemoveCallback (void *AddOnStateChangeCallback)
  Remove a previously added callback from Tecplot's list of add-on state change callbacks.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeAddCallbackX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Add a callback to Tecplot's list of add-on's to receive state changes notifications.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetIndex (LgIndex_t *Index)
  Retrieve Index supplemental information from the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetPageUniqueID (UniqueID_t *UniqueID)
  Retrieve the page UniqueID supplemental information from the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetFrameUniqueID (UniqueID_t *UniqueID)
  Retrieve the frame UniqueID supplemental information from the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetDataSetUniqueID (UniqueID_t *UniqueID)
  Retrieve the dataset UniqueID supplemental information from the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetUniqueID (UniqueID_t *UniqueID)
  Retrieve UniqueID supplemental information from the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetArbEnum (LgIndex_t *ArbEnum)
  Retrieve enumerated supplemental information from the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetZoneSet (Set_pa *ZoneSetRef)
  Retrieve a reference to the set of zones associated with the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetVarSet (Set_pa *VarSetRef)
  Retrieve a reference to the set of variables associated with the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetName (char **NameRef)
  Retrieve a reference to the name associated with the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetMap (EntIndex_t *Map)
  Retrieve a reference to the map associated with the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetZone (EntIndex_t *Zone)
  Retrieve the number of the zone associated with the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetVar (EntIndex_t *Var)
  Retrieve a reference to the variable associated with the previous state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateChangeGetStyleParam (int Param, const char **StyleParam)
  Retrieve one of the P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6, or P7 style parameters from the previous style state change.
void TecUtilStateChangeGetInfoX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Retrieve the P1,P2,P3,P4,P5 style parameters from the previous style state change.
void TecUtilStateChangedX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Inform Tecplot of a state change.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroAddCommandCallback (const char *CommandProcessorIDString, MacroCommandExtCallback_pf MacroCommandCallback)
  Include a function in the list of functions to call when the $!EXTENDEDCOMMAND macro command is processed.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroRecordExtCommand (const char *CommandProcessorIDString, const char *Command)
  Instruct Tecplot to record a macro command to the macro file which is currently being recorded.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroRecordAddOnCommand (const char *AddOnIDString, const char *Command)
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroRecordExtComRaw (const char *CommandProcessorIDString, const char *Command, const char *RawData)
  Instruct Tecplot to record a macro command, that includes raw data, to the macro file.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroRecordAddOnComRaw (const char *AddOnIDString, const char *Command, const char *RawData)
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroRecordRawCommand (const char *Command)
  Send anything you want to the Tecplot record file.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddJournalCommand (const char *CommandProcessorIDString, const char *Instructions, const char *RawData)
  Adds a command to the data journal.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddRawJournalCom (const char *Command)
  Adds a raw macro command to the data journal.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAddPostConvInstr (const char *AddOnIDString, const char *Instructions, const char *RawData)
void TecUtilDataSetSuspendMarking (Boolean_t DoSuspend)
  Stops Tecplot for altering or marking the loaded dataset.
void TecUtilDispatchWorkAreaEvent (int I, int J, int ButtonOrKey, Event_e Event, Boolean_t IsShifted, Boolean_t IsAlted, Boolean_t IsControlled)
  Dispatches a Tecplot work area event to the Tecplot engine.
void TecUtilToolbarActivate (Boolean_t Activate)
  Specifies whether to show the Tecplot toolbar or not.
void TecUtilMenuActivate (Boolean_t Activate)
  Specifies whether to show the Tecplot menu or not.
Boolean_t TecUtilMenuAddOption (const char *MenuPath, const char *MenuLabel, char Mnemonic, DynamicMenuCallback_pf MenuOptionCallback)
  Create a simple menu option in Tecplot's main menu.
Boolean_t TecUtilMenuAddSeparator (const char *MenuPath)
  Adds menu separator to the end of the specified parent menu.
void TecUtilMenuAddStatusLineHelp (Menu_pa MenuItem, const char *StatusLineHelp)
  Registers a character string to be displayed on the status line for a menu item.
Boolean_t TecUtilMenuSetSensitivity (const char *MenuPath, const char *MenuLabel, Boolean_t IsSensitive)
Menu_pa TecUtilMenuGetMain (void)
  Gets the menu handle for Tecplot's main menu.
Menu_pa TecUtilMenuGetStandard (StandardMenu_e StandardMenu)
  Gets the menu handle for a top-level standard Tecplot menu.
Menu_pa TecUtilMenuInsertSubMenu (Menu_pa ParentMenu, int InsertPos, const char *SubMenuLabel)
  Inserts a submenu into a menu.
Menu_pa TecUtilMenuInsertOption (Menu_pa ParentMenu, int InsertPos, const char *OptionLabel, MenuActivateCallback_pf ActivateCallback, ArbParam_t ActivateClientData)
  Inserts a menu option into a menu.
Menu_pa TecUtilMenuInsertToggle (Menu_pa ParentMenu, int InsertPos, const char *ToggleLabel, MenuActivateCallback_pf ActivateCallback, ArbParam_t ActivateClientData, MenuGetToggleStateCallback_pf GetToggleStateCallback, ArbParam_t GetToggleStateClientData)
  Inserts a menu toggle into a menu.
Menu_pa TecUtilMenuInsertSeparator (Menu_pa ParentMenu, int InsertPos)
  Inserts a separator into a menu.
void TecUtilMenuInsertStandard (Menu_pa ParentMenu, int InsertPos, StandardMenu_e StandardMenu)
  Inserts a standard Tecplot menu into another menu as a submenu.
void TecUtilMenuRegisterSensitivityCallback (Menu_pa MenuItem, MenuGetSensitivityCallback_pf GetSensitivityCallback, ArbParam_t GetSensitivityClientData)
  Registers a function that will determine the sensitivity of a menu item (i.e., whether the item is enabled for user input or grayed out).
void TecUtilMenuDelete (Menu_pa *MenuItemPtr)
  Deletes a menu item.
void TecUtilMenuClearAll (void)
  Remove all menus, submenus, and menu items from the Tecplot menu bar.
Boolean_t TecUtilImportAddConverter (DataSetConverter_pf ConverterCallback, const char *ConverterName, const char *FNameExtension)
  Register a data set converter with Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilImportAddLoader (DataSetLoader_pf LoaderCallback, const char *DataSetLoaderName, DynamicMenuCallback_pf LoaderSelectedCallback, DataSetLoaderInstructionOverride_pf InstructionOverrideCallback)
  Register a data set loader with Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilImportAddLoaderX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Register a data set loader with Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilImportSetLoaderInstr (const char *DataSetLoaderName, StringList_pa Instructions)
  Inform Tecplot about the instructions used to load the current data set.
void TecUtilImportWriteLoaderInstr (const char *DataSetLoaderName, StringList_pa Instructions)
  Writes a $!READDATASET macro command to the macro file if macro recording is on.
void TecUtilAddOnRegisterInfo (const char *OfficialName, const char *Version, const char *Author)
AddOn_pa TecUtilAddOnRegister (int TecplotBaseVersionNumber, const char *OfficialName, const char *Version, const char *Author)
  Register information about your add-on with Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilAddOnGetRegisteredInfo (const char *OfficialName, char **Version, char **Author)
  Query Tecplot's list of loaded addons for the specified add-on's version and author strings.
void TecUtilDynamicLabelRegisterCallback (const char *DynamicLabelName, DynamicLabelCallback_pf DynamicLabelCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers a dynamic axis label provider callback.
Boolean_t TecUtilCurveRegisterExtCrvFit (const char *CurveFitName, GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback_pf GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback, GetProbeValueCallback_pf GetProbeValueCallback, GetCurveInfoStringCallback_pf GetCurveInfoStringCallback, GetCurveSettingsCallback_pf GetCurveSettingsCallback, GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback_pf GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback)
  Registers an extended curve fit add-on.
void TecUtilDialogErrMsg (const char *Message)
  Launch a dialog with an error message.
void TecUtilDataLoadBegin (void)
  Notifies Tecplot that a major data load operation is about to begin.
void TecUtilDataLoadEnd (void)
  Notifies Tecplot that a major data load operation has completed.
void TecUtilDataValueShare (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Sets the properties of the variable so that it is shared between source and destination zones (using the source for values).
void TecUtilDataValueCopy (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Copies the data from the source zone's variable to the destination zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueAlloc (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Allocates the space needed for the variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueCanMemMapData (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, MemMapOffset_t Offset, Boolean_t IsDataNativeByteOrder)
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueMemMapData (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, int FileDescriptor, MemMapOffset_t Offset, Boolean_t IsDataNativeByteOrder)
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueAutoLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, DataValueStructure_e DataValueStructure, const char *FileName, FileOffset_t Offset, Int64_t Stride, Boolean_t IsDataNativeByteOrder)
  Specifies where in the data file the data for the specified variable resides.
ArbParam_t TecUtilDataValueGetClientData (FieldData_pa FieldData)
  Return the custom load-on-demand client data from a field data handle.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueCustomLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, LoadOnDemandVarLoad_pf VariableLoad, LoadOnDemandVarUnload_pf VariableUnload, LoadOnDemandVarCleanup_pf VariableCleanup, FieldValueGetFunction_pf GetValueFunction, FieldValueSetFunction_pf SetValueFunction, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers with Tecplot the load-on-demand callbacks and client data for a specific variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueUnload (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Instructs Tecplot to unload the variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueBranchShared (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Branch off a shared variable.
void TecUtilDataConnectShare (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone)
  Sets the properties of the connectivity so that it is shared between source and destination zones (using the source for values).
Boolean_t TecUtilDataConnectBranchShared (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Branch the connectivity information.
void TecUtilDataValueArraySetByRef (FieldData_pa DestFieldData, LgIndex_t DestOffset, LgIndex_t DestCount, void *SourceValueArray)
  Copies the specified number of values from the base of the source value array to the destination field data starting at the specified offset.
void TecUtilDataValueSetByRef (FieldData_pa FD, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double Value)
  Assign a value to a field variable at a specific position.
void TecUtilDataValueSetMinMaxByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData, double MinValue, double MaxValue)
  Set the minimum and maximum values for a tecplot variable using a field data reference.
void TecUtilDataValueSetMinMaxByZoneVar (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, double MinValue, double MaxValue)
  Set the minimum and maximum values for a tecplot variable using a zone and variable number.
void TecUtilDataNodeSetByZone (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Corner, NodeMap_t Node)
  Set the node index for a particular corner of a finite-element.
void TecUtilDataNodeArraySetByRef (NodeMap_pa DestNodeMap, LgIndex_t DestOffset, LgIndex_t DestCount, NodeMap_t *SourceNodeArray)
  Copies the specified number of nodes from the base of the source node array to the destination node map starting at the specified offset.
void TecUtilDataNodeSetByRef (NodeMap_pa NM, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Corner, NodeMap_t Node)
  Set the node index for a particular corner of a finite-element.
ArbParam_t TecUtilDataNodeGetClientData (NodeMap_pa NodeMap)
  Return the custom load-on-demand client data from a node map handle.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataNodeAutoLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *FileName, FileOffset_t Offset, Boolean_t IsDataNativeByteOrder)
  Specifies where in the data file the data for the specified node map resides.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataNodeCustomLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, LoadOnDemandNodeMapLoad_pf LoadCallback, LoadOnDemandNodeMapUnload_pf UnloadCallback, LoadOnDemandNodeMapCleanup_pf CleanupCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers with Tecplot the load-on-demand callbacks and client data for a node mapping for a specific zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataNodeAlloc (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Allocates the space needed for the node mapping.
void TecUtilLockOn (void)
  Lock Tecplot.
void TecUtilLockOff (void)
  Unlock Tecplot.
void TecUtilLockStart (AddOn_pa AddOn)
  Lock Tecplot.
void TecUtilLockFinish (AddOn_pa AddOn)
  Unlock Tecplot.
char * TecUtilLockGetCurrentOwnerName (void)
  Queries for and returns the name of the object currently locking Tecplot.
void TecUtilStatusStartPercentDone (const char *PercentDoneText, Boolean_t ShowStopButton, Boolean_t ShowProgressBar)
  Called when a long operation that needs to present percent done information on the status line begins.
void TecUtilStatusSetPercentDoneText (const char *PercentDoneText)
  Sets the string to displayed on the percent done status line.
Boolean_t TecUtilStatusCheckPercentDone (int PercentDone)
  Tells the status line what percentage of the task is complete.
void TecUtilStatusFinishPercentDone (void)
  Called when a long operation that needs to present percent done information on the status line completes.
void TecUtilDialogLaunchPercentDone (const char *Label, Boolean_t ShowTheScale)
  Launch the Percent Done dialog.
void TecUtilDialogSetPercentDoneText (const char *Text)
  Update the text in the Percent Done dialog.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogCheckPercentDone (int PercentDone)
  Set the current value of the Percent Done dialog and check to see if the user has clicked Cancel.
void TecUtilDialogDropPercentDone (void)
  Drop the Percent Done dialog.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroExecuteCommand (const char *Command)
  Instruct Tecplot to execute a single macro command.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroSetMacroVar (const char *MacroVar, const char *ValueString)
  Set the value for a macro variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilInterruptCheck (void)
  Checks if Tecplot is in an interrupted state.
void TecUtilInterrupt (void)
  Interrupt Tecplot execution.
void TecUtilGeomDelete (Geom_ID GID)
  Deletes the specified geometry object.
void TecUtilTextDelete (Text_ID TID)
  Deletes the specified text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilPickGeom (Geom_ID GID)
  Add the specified geometry to the pick list.
Boolean_t TecUtilPickText (Text_ID TID)
  Add the specified text to the pick list.
Boolean_t TecUtilGeomIsValid (Geom_ID GID)
  Validate a geometry ID.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextIsValid (Text_ID TID)
  Determine if the text object is valid in the current frame context.
char * TecUtilStringConvOldFormatting (const char *OldString, Font_e BaseFont)
  Convert a text string using the old formatting syntax into the new formatting syntax.
char * TecUtilStringAlloc (int MaxLength, const char *DebugInfo)
  Allocate a character string.
void TecUtilStringDealloc (char **S)
  Free a string previously allocated with TecUtilStringAlloc(), or one that was allocated and returned as the result of calling any other TecUtilXxx function.
void TecUtilStringListClear (StringList_pa StringList)
  Remove all members of the string list.
void TecUtilStringListRemoveStrings (StringList_pa StringList, LgIndex_t StringNumber, LgIndex_t Count)
  Remove the specified number of strings beginning at the nth string.
void TecUtilStringListRemoveString (StringList_pa StringList, LgIndex_t StringNumber)
  Remove the nth string from the string list.
void TecUtilStringListDealloc (StringList_pa *StringList)
  Deallocate the string list members and handle, and set the handle to NULL.
StringList_pa TecUtilStringListAlloc (void)
  Create an empty string list.
Boolean_t TecUtilStringListAppendString (StringList_pa StringList, const char *String)
  Append a copy of the string to the string list.
LgIndex_t TecUtilStringListGetCount (StringList_pa StringList)
  Count the number of strings currently maintained by the string list.
const char * TecUtilStringListGetRawStringPtr (StringList_pa StringList, LgIndex_t StringNumber)
  Return a reference to the nth string in a string list.
char * TecUtilStringListGetString (StringList_pa StringList, LgIndex_t StringNumber)
  Return a copy of the nth string from a string list.
Boolean_t TecUtilStringListSetString (StringList_pa StringList, LgIndex_t StringNumber, const char *String)
  Place a copy of the specified string at the nth position in the string list.
Boolean_t TecUtilStringListInsertString (StringList_pa StringList, LgIndex_t StringNumber, const char *String)
  Insert a copy of the string into the nth position of the string list.
StringList_pa TecUtilStringListCopy (StringList_pa StringList)
  Return a handle to a duplicate of the specified string list and its contents.
Boolean_t TecUtilStringListAppend (StringList_pa Target, StringList_pa Source)
  Append a copy of the contents of the source string list to the target string list.
char * TecUtilStringListToNLString (StringList_pa StringList)
  Return a newline delimited string representation of the string list.
StringList_pa TecUtilStringListFromNLString (const char *String)
  Create a string list from a newline delimited string.
void TecUtilStringListSort (StringList_pa StringList, StringListStringComparator_pf Comparator, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Sorts the string list by repeatedly calling the 'Comparator' function until the list is in order.
Set_pa TecUtilSetAlloc (Boolean_t ShowErr)
  Allocate a new empty set.
void TecUtilSetDealloc (Set_pa *Set)
  Free all memory associated with the specified set and assign the set to be NULL.
Boolean_t TecUtilSetCopy (Set_pa DstSet, Set_pa SrcSet, Boolean_t ShowErr)
  Copy one set to another.
void TecUtilSetClear (Set_pa Set)
  Empties the specified set.
Boolean_t TecUtilSetAddMember (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Member, Boolean_t ShowErr)
  Add the specified member to the specified set.
void TecUtilSetRemoveMember (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Member)
  Remove a member from a set.
Boolean_t TecUtilSetIsMember (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Member)
  Determine if the specified member is in the specified set.
Boolean_t TecUtilSetIsEmpty (Set_pa Set)
  Determine if the specified set is NULL or contains no members.
SetIndex_t TecUtilSetGetMemberCount (Set_pa Set)
  Get the count of the number of members in a set.
Boolean_t TecUtilSetIsEqual (Set_pa Set1, Set_pa Set2)
  Determines if the specified sets are equal (have the same members).
SetIndex_t TecUtilSetGetMember (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Position)
SetIndex_t TecUtilSetGetPosition (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Member)
SetIndex_t TecUtilSetGetNextMember (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Member)
  Get the next member in the specified set which is located after the specified member.
SetIndex_t TecUtilSetGetPrevMember (Set_pa Set, SetIndex_t Member)
  Get the previous member in the specified set which is located before the specified member.
void TecUtilSetForEachMember (SetIndex_t Member, Set_pa Set)
 Convenience macro for looping through all members in a set.
double TecUtilConvertXPosition (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldX)
  Convert the specified X-coordinate value from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertXDimension (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldDimension)
  Convert the specified horizontal dimension from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertYPosition (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldY)
  Convert the specified Y-coordinate value from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertYDimension (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldDimension)
  Convert the specified vertical dimension from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertUnits (Units_e OldUnits, Units_e NewUnits, double OldSize)
  Convert from one measurement system to another.
void TecUtilTecForeign (LgIndex_t *OutputForeignByteOrder)
  Sets the byte ordering request for subsequent calls to TecUtilTecIni().
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecIni (const char *Title, const char *Variables, const char *FName, const char *ScratchDir, LgIndex_t *Debug, LgIndex_t *VIsDouble)
  Initializes the process of writing a binary data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecIniX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Initializes the process of writing a binary data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecZne (const char *ZoneTitle, LgIndex_t *IMx, LgIndex_t *JMx, LgIndex_t *KMx, const char *ZFormat, const char *DupList)
  Writes header information about the next zone to be added to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecZneX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Writes the zone to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecDat (LgIndex_t *N, void *FieldData_Array, LgIndex_t *IsDouble)
  Writes an array of data to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecNod (LgIndex_t *NData_Array)
  Writes an array of node data to the binary data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecNode (LgIndex_t *N, LgIndex_t *NData_Array)
  Writes an array of node data to the binary data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecEnd (void)
  Must be called to close out the current data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecLab (const char *S)
  Write a set of custom labels to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecUsr (const char *S)
  Add a user-defined record, in the form of a character string, to the Tecplot data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecFil (LgIndex_t *F)
  Switch output context to a different file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecTxt (double *XPos, double *YPos, LgIndex_t *PosCoordMode, LgIndex_t *AttachToZone, LgIndex_t *Zone, LgIndex_t *Font, LgIndex_t *FontHeightUnits, double *FontHeight, LgIndex_t *BoxType, double *BoxMargin, double *BoxLineThickness, LgIndex_t *BoxColor, LgIndex_t *BoxFillColor, double *Angle, LgIndex_t *Anchor, double *LineSpacing, LgIndex_t *TextColor, LgIndex_t *Scope, const char *Text, const char *MacroFunctionCommand)
  Write a text label to a binary tecplot data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecTxtX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Writes the text item to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecGeo (double *XPos, double *YPos, double *ZPos, LgIndex_t *PosCoordMode, LgIndex_t *AttachToZone, LgIndex_t *Zone, LgIndex_t *Color, LgIndex_t *FillColor, LgIndex_t *IsFilled, LgIndex_t *GeomType, LgIndex_t *LinePattern, double *PatternLength, double *LineThickness, LgIndex_t *NumEllipsePts, LgIndex_t *ArrowheadStyle, LgIndex_t *ArrowheadAttachment, double *ArrowheadSize, double *ArrowheadAngle, LgIndex_t *Scope, LgIndex_t *NumSegments, LgIndex_t *NumSegPts, float *XGeomData, float *YGeomData, float *ZGeomData, const char *MacroFunctionCommand)
  Write a geometry to a binary tecplot datafile.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecGeoX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Writes the geometry item to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecAux (char *Name, char *Value)
  Writes the name/value data set auxiliary data pair to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecZAux (char *Name, char *Value)
  Writes the name/value zone auxiliary data pair to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecVAux (LgIndex_t *Var, char *Name, char *Value)
  Writes the name/value variable auxiliary data pair to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecFace (LgIndex_t *FaceConnections)
  Writes the face neighbor connections to the data file.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecPoly (LgIndex_t *FaceNodeCounts, LgIndex_t *FaceNodes, LgIndex_t *FaceLeftElems, LgIndex_t *FaceRightElems, LgIndex_t *FaceBndryConnectionCounts, LgIndex_t *FaceBndryConnectionElems, SmInteger_t *FaceBndryConnectionZones)
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecPolyX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Writes the face map for polygonal and polyhedral zones to the data file.
Clipping_e TecUtilTextGetClipping (Text_ID TID)
  Get the clipping properties of a text object.
void TecUtilTextGetAnchorPos (Text_ID TID, double *XOrThetaPos, double *YOrRPos, double *ZPos)
  Get the anchor coordinate position of the text object in the current coordinate system.
void TecUtilTextGetXYPos (Text_ID TID, double *XPos, double *YPos)
CoordSys_e TecUtilTextGetPositionCoordSys (Text_ID TID)
  Get the coordinate system to which the text is associated.
EntIndex_t TecUtilTextGetZoneOrMap (Text_ID TID)
  Get the zone or map with which the text object is associated (if it is attached).
Boolean_t TecUtilTextIsAttached (Text_ID TID)
  Determine if the text object is attached to a zone or map.
ColorIndex_t TecUtilTextGetColor (Text_ID TID)
  Get the color of the text object.
Font_e TecUtilTextGetFont (Text_ID TID)
  Get the font used for the text object.
char * TecUtilTextGetTypefaceFamily (Text_ID TID)
  Gets the typeface font family used for the text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextGetTypefaceIsBold (Text_ID TID)
  Indicates if the text object's typeface has bold font style.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextGetTypefaceIsItalic (Text_ID TID)
  Indicates if the text object's typeface has italic font style.
double TecUtilTextGetHeight (Text_ID TID)
  Get the text height in the currently defined text size units.
Units_e TecUtilTextGetSizeUnits (Text_ID TID)
  Get the size units for the text object.
TextBox_e TecUtilTextBoxGetType (Text_ID TID)
  Get the type of the box surrounding the text object.
double TecUtilTextBoxGetMargin (Text_ID TID)
  Get the margin between the text and the box surrounding the text object.
double TecUtilTextBoxGetLineThickness (Text_ID TID)
  Get the line thickness of the text box border.
ColorIndex_t TecUtilTextBoxGetColor (Text_ID TID)
  Get the line color of the box surrounding the text object.
ColorIndex_t TecUtilTextBoxGetFillColor (Text_ID TID)
  Get the fill color of the box surrounding the text object.
double TecUtilTextGetAngle (Text_ID TID)
  Get the text angle.
TextAnchor_e TecUtilTextGetAnchor (Text_ID TID)
  Get the text anchor style.
double TecUtilTextGetLineSpacing (Text_ID TID)
  Get the spacing between lines of text.
Scope_e TecUtilTextGetScope (Text_ID TID)
  Get the scope of the text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextGetMacroFunctionCmd (Text_ID TID, char **MacroFunctionCommand)
  Get the macro function command string associated with the text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextGetString (Text_ID TID, char **TextString)
  Get the string associated with the text object.
Text_ID TecUtilTextGetNext (Text_ID TID)
  Get the next text object, relative to the specified text object, from the list of text objects maintained by the current frame.
Text_ID TecUtilTextGetPrev (Text_ID TID)
  Get the previous text object, relative to the specified text object, from the list of text objects maintained by the current frame.
Clipping_e TecUtilGeomGetClipping (Geom_ID GID)
  Function will get the clipping properties of a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomGetAnchorPos (Geom_ID GID, double *XOrThetaPos, double *YOrRPos, double *ZPos)
  Gets the anchor postion of the specified geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageSetUseRatio (Geom_ID GID, Boolean_t MaintainAspectRatio)
  Sets the state of the "preserve aspect ratio" toggle for an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomGetXYZAnchorPos (Geom_ID GID, double *XPos, double *YPos, double *ZPos)
EntIndex_t TecUtilGeomGetZoneOrMap (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the zone or Line-mapping to which the geometry is attached.
Boolean_t TecUtilGeomIsAttached (Geom_ID GID)
  Determine whether or not a geometry is attached to a zone or Line-mapping.
ColorIndex_t TecUtilGeomGetColor (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry line color.
ColorIndex_t TecUtilGeomGetFillColor (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry fill color.
Boolean_t TecUtilGeomGetIsFilled (Geom_ID GID)
  Determine if a geometry if filled.
GeomForm_e TecUtilGeomGetType (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry type.
LinePattern_e TecUtilGeomGetLinePattern (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the line pattern of a geometry.
double TecUtilGeomGetPatternLength (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry line pattern length.
double TecUtilGeomGetLineThickness (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry line thickness.
SmInteger_t TecUtilGeomEllipseGetNumPoints (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the number of points used to draw a circle or ellipse geometry.
ArrowheadStyle_e TecUtilGeomArrowheadGetStyle (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry arrowhead style.
ArrowheadAttachment_e TecUtilGeomArrowheadGetAttach (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry arrowhead attachment.
double TecUtilGeomArrowheadGetSize (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry arrowhead size.
double TecUtilGeomArrowheadGetAngle (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry arrowhead angle.
Scope_e TecUtilGeomGetScope (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry scope.
CoordSys_e TecUtilGeomGetPositionCoordSys (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the geometry position coordinate system.
ImageResizeFilter_e TecUtilGeomImageGetResizeFilter (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the resize filter of an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageSetResizeFilter (Geom_ID GID, ImageResizeFilter_e ResizeFilter)
  Sets the resize filter of an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageGetFileName (Geom_ID GID, char **FileName)
  Get the name of the file associated with an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageSetWidth (Geom_ID GID, double Width)
  Sets the width of an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageSetHeight (Geom_ID GID, double Height)
  Sets the Height of an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageGetSize (Geom_ID GID, double *Width, double *Height)
  Get the width and height of an image geometry.
void TecUtilGeomImageResetAspectRatio (Geom_ID GID)
  Resets the aspect ratio after any changes have been made in the position of an image geometry.
Boolean_t TecUtilGeomGetMacroFunctionCmd (Geom_ID GID, char **MacroFunctionCmd)
  Get the geometry macro function command.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomImageCreate (const char *FName, double CornerX, double CornerY, double Size)
  Create an image geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomGetNext (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the next geometry in the list of geometries attached to the current frame.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomGetPrev (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the previous geometry in the list of geometries attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilTextSetClipping (Text_ID TID, Clipping_e Clipping)
  Set the clipping properties of a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetAnchorPos (Text_ID TID, double XOrThetaPos, double YOrRPos, double ZPos)
  Set the XY-position for the text object.
void TecUtilTextSetXYPos (Text_ID TID, double XPos, double YPos)
void TecUtilTextSetCoordSysAndUnits (Text_ID TID, CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, Units_e HeightUnits)
  Set the coordinate system for the position and the units for the character height of a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetZoneOrMap (Text_ID TID, EntIndex_t ZoneOrMap)
  Set the zone or map to which the text object is associated (if it is attached).
void TecUtilTextSetAttached (Text_ID TID, Boolean_t Attached)
  Indicate if the text object should be attached to a zone or map.
void TecUtilTextSetColor (Text_ID TID, ColorIndex_t Color)
  Set the color of a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetFont (Text_ID TID, Font_e Font)
  Set the font for a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetTypeface (Text_ID TID, const char *FontFamily, Boolean_t IsBold, Boolean_t IsItalic)
  Sets the requested typeface for a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetHeight (Text_ID TID, double Height)
  Set the character height for a text object.
void TecUtilTextBoxSetType (Text_ID TID, TextBox_e TextBoxType)
  Set the type of the box surrounding the text object.
void TecUtilTextBoxSetMargin (Text_ID TID, double Margin)
  Set the margin between the text and the box surrounding the text object.
void TecUtilTextBoxSetLineThickness (Text_ID TID, double LineThickness)
  Set the line thickness of the box surrounding the text object.
void TecUtilTextBoxSetColor (Text_ID TID, ColorIndex_t BoxColor)
  Set the line color for the box surrounding a text object.
void TecUtilTextBoxSetFillColor (Text_ID TID, ColorIndex_t BoxFillColor)
  Set the fill color of the box surrounding a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetAngle (Text_ID TID, double Angle)
  Set the angle in degrees for a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetAnchor (Text_ID TID, TextAnchor_e Anchor)
  Set the anchor style for a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetLineSpacing (Text_ID TID, double LineSpacing)
  Set the line spacing for a text object.
void TecUtilTextSetScope (Text_ID TID, Scope_e Scope)
  Set the scope of the text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextSetMacroFunctionCmd (Text_ID TID, const char *Command)
  Set the macro function command associated with a text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilTextSetString (Text_ID TID, const char *TextString)
  Set the text string for a text object.
void TecUtilGeomSetClipping (Geom_ID GID, Clipping_e Clipping)
  Set the clipping properties of a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetAnchorPos (Geom_ID GID, double XPos, double YPos, double ZPos)
  Set the anchor position for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetXYZAnchorPos (Geom_ID GID, double XPos, double YPos, double ZPos)
void TecUtilGeomSetZoneOrMap (Geom_ID GID, EntIndex_t ZoneOrMap)
  Set the zone or Line-mapping attachment for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetAttached (Geom_ID GID, Boolean_t Attached)
  Set whether or not a geometry is attached to a zone or Line-mapping.
void TecUtilGeomSetColor (Geom_ID GID, ColorIndex_t Color)
  Set the line color of a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetFillColor (Geom_ID GID, ColorIndex_t FillColor)
  Set the fill color of a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetIsFilled (Geom_ID GID, Boolean_t IsFilled)
  Set whether or not a geometry is filled with a color.
void TecUtilGeomSetLinePattern (Geom_ID GID, LinePattern_e LinePattern)
  Set the line pattern for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetPatternLength (Geom_ID GID, double PatternLength)
  Set the line pattern length for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetLineThickness (Geom_ID GID, double LineThickness)
  Set the line thickness for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomEllipseSetNumPoints (Geom_ID GID, SmInteger_t NumEllipsePts)
  Set the number of points used to draw a circle or an ellipse geometry.
void TecUtilGeomArrowheadSetStyle (Geom_ID GID, ArrowheadStyle_e ArrowheadStyle)
  Set the arrowhead style for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomArrowheadSetAttach (Geom_ID GID, ArrowheadAttachment_e ArrowheadAttachment)
  Set the arrowhead attachment for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomArrowheadSetSize (Geom_ID GID, double ArrowheadSize)
  Set the arrowhead size for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomArrowheadSetAngle (Geom_ID GID, double ArrowheadAngle)
  Set the arrowhead angle for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetDrawOrder (Geom_ID GID, DrawOrder_e DrawOrder)
  Sets the draw order of a geometry.
Boolean_t TecUtilGeomImageGetUseRatio (Geom_ID GID)
  Queries the state of the "preserve aspect ratio" toggle for an image geometry.
DrawOrder_e TecUtilGeomGetDrawOrder (Geom_ID GID)
  Gets the draw order of a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetScope (Geom_ID GID, Scope_e Scope)
  Set the scope for a geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSetPositionCoordSys (Geom_ID GID, CoordSys_e CoordSys)
  Set the position coordinate system for a geometry.
Boolean_t TecUtilGeomSetMacroFunctionCmd (Geom_ID GID, const char *Command)
  Set the macro function command for a geometry.
void TecUtilDropOpeningBanner (void)
  Forces drop of opening banner.
void TecUtilPopMainProcessWindow (void)
  Pop Tecplot to the top of the Z-Order.
Text_ID TecUtilTextCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double PosX, double PosY, Units_e HeightUnits, double Height, const char *Text)
  Creates a text object.
Text_ID TecUtilTextCreateX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Create a text object and apply the attributes supplied in the arglist.
Text_ID TecUtilText3DCreate (double PosX, double PosY, double PosZ, Units_e HeightUnits, double Height, const char *Text)
  Create a 3D text label in Tecplot.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomSquareCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double CornerX, double CornerY, double Size)
  Create a square geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomCircleCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double CenterX, double CenterY, double Radius)
  Create a circle geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomRectangleCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double CornerX, double CornerY, double Width, double Height)
  Create a rectangle geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomEllipseCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double CenterX, double CenterY, double HAxis, double VAxis)
  Create an ellipse geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeom2DPolylineCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double *PtsX_Array, double *PtsY_Array, LgIndex_t NumPts)
  Create a 2-D polyline geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeom3DPolylineCreate (double *PtsX_Array, double *PtsY_Array, double *PtsZ_Array, LgIndex_t NumPts)
  Create a 3-D polyline geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeom2DMPolyCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, LgIndex_t NumPolys, LgIndex_t *NumPointsInPolylines_Array)
  Create a 2-D multi-polyline geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeom3DMPolyCreate (LgIndex_t NumPolys, LgIndex_t *NumPointsInPolylines_Array)
  Create a 3-D multi-polyline geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomArcCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double CenterX, double CenterY, double Radius, double StartAngle, double EndAngle)
  Create a 2-D arc.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeom2DLineSegmentCreate (CoordSys_e PositionCoordSys, double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2)
  Create a 2-D line geometry.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeom3DLineSegmentCreate (double X1, double Y1, double Z1, double X2, double Y2, double Z2)
  Create a 3-D line.
LgIndex_t TecUtilGeomMPolyGetPolylineCnt (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the number of polylines in a multi-polyline geometry.
LgIndex_t TecUtilGeomPolyGetPointCount (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the number of points in a polyline geometry.
LgIndex_t TecUtilGeomMPolyGetPointCount (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum)
  Get information about the number of points in a polyline of a multi-polyline geometry.
void TecUtilGeom2DMPolyGetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double *X, double *Y)
  Gets the 2-D (X,Y) value of point in a 2-D multi-polyline geometry.
void TecUtilGeom2DPolylineGetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double *X, double *Y)
  Get a point (X,Y) of a 2-D polyline.
void TecUtilGeom2DMPolySetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double X, double Y)
  Set the 2-D (X,Y) value of point in a 2-D multi-polyline geometry.
void TecUtilGeom2DPolylineSetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double X, double Y)
  Set a point (X,Y) of a 2-D polyline.
void TecUtilGeom2DMPolySetPolyline (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum, double *X_Array, double *Y_Array)
  Set the points for a polyline in a 2-D multi-polyline geometry.
void TecUtilGeom3DMPolyGetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double *X, double *Y, double *Z)
  Get the 3-D (X, Y, Z) value of point in a 3-D multi-polyline geometry.
void TecUtilGeom3DPolylineGetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double *X, double *Y, double *Z)
  Get a point (X, Y, Z) of a 3-D polyline
void TecUtilGeom3DMPolySetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double X, double Y, double Z)
  Set the 3-D (X, Y, Z) value of point in a 3-D multi-polyline geometry.
void TecUtilGeom3DPolylineSetPoint (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double X, double Y, double Z)
  Set a point (X, Y, Z) of a 3-D polyline.
void TecUtilGeom3DMPolySetPolyline (Geom_ID GID, LgIndex_t PolyNum, double *X_Array, double *Y_Array, double *Z_Array)
  Set the points for a polyline in a 3-D multi-polyline geometry.
double TecUtilGeomCircleGetRadius (Geom_ID GID)
  Return the radius of a circle geometry.
void TecUtilGeomCircleSetRadius (Geom_ID GID, double Radius)
  Set the radius of a circle geometry.
double TecUtilGeomSquareGetSize (Geom_ID GID)
  Get the size of a square geometry.
void TecUtilGeomSquareSetSize (Geom_ID GID, double Size)
  Set the size of a square geometry.
void TecUtilGeomRectangleGetSize (Geom_ID GID, double *Width, double *Height)
  Get the width and height of a rectangle geometry.
void TecUtilGeomRectangleSetSize (Geom_ID GID, double Width, double Height)
  Set the width and height of a rectangle geometry.
void TecUtilGeomEllipseGetSize (Geom_ID GID, double *HAxis, double *VAxis)
  Get length of the axes of an ellipse.
void TecUtilGeomEllipseSetSize (Geom_ID GID, double HAxis, double VAxis)
  Set the length of the axes of an ellipse.
char * TecUtilGetCurLayoutFName (void)
  Get the current layout file name.
void TecUtilHelp (const char *HelpFileOrURL, Boolean_t GoToID, int HelpID)
  Use either WinHelp or a browser to view help information.
Boolean_t TecUtilVariableIsLocked (EntIndex_t Var, VarLockMode_e *VarLockMode, char **LockOwner)
  Indicates if the variable is locked and optionally the mode in which it was locked and the current lock owner.
Boolean_t TecUtilVariableLockOn (EntIndex_t Var, VarLockMode_e VarLockMode, const char *LockOwner)
  Lock the variable from being altered according to the specified locking mode.
Boolean_t TecUtilVariableLockOff (EntIndex_t Var, const char *LockOwner)
  Unlock the variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetLockOn (const char *LockString)
  Lock the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetLockOff (const char *LockString)
  Unlock the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetIsLocked (char **LockString)
  Query to see of the data set attached to the current frame is locked.
void TecUtilPleaseWait (const char *WaitMessage, Boolean_t DoWait)
  Shows or hides the wait cursor and optionally displays a wait message.
Boolean_t TecUtilUndoCanUndo (void)
  Determine if you can undo the last operation.
Boolean_t TecUtilUndoDoUndo (void)
  Undo the last operation.
Boolean_t TecUtilUndoGetCategoryText (char **CategoryText)
  Get the current Undo category text string
Boolean_t TecUtilThreadCreateDetached (ThreadFunction_pf ThreadFunction, ArbParam_t ThreadData)
  Create a new thread.
Mutex_pa TecUtilThreadMutexAlloc (void)
  Allocates and initializes a new thread mutex for use with the mutex locking and unlocking functions.
Mutex_pa TecUtilThreadRecursiveMutexAlloc (void)
  Allocates and initializes a new thread mutex for use with the mutex locking and unlocking functions.
void TecUtilThreadMutexDealloc (Mutex_pa *Mutex)
  Deallocates thread mutex previously allocated with TecUtilThreadMutexAlloc().
void TecUtilThreadMutexLock (Mutex_pa Mutex)
  Lock on a thread mutex previously allocated with TecUtilThreadMutexAlloc().
void TecUtilThreadMutexUnlock (Mutex_pa Mutex)
  Unlock on a thread mutex previously locked with TecUtilThreadMutexLock().
Condition_pa TecUtilThreadConditionAlloc (void)
  Allocates a condition variable.
void TecUtilThreadConditionDealloc (Condition_pa *Condition)
  Deallocates a previously allocated condition variable.
void TecUtilThreadSignalCondition (Condition_pa Condition)
  Signals at least one thread, if any, waiting on the condition variable.
void TecUtilThreadBroadcastCondition (Condition_pa Condition)
  Signals all threads, if any, waiting on the condition variable.
void TecUtilThreadWaitForCondition (Condition_pa Condition, Mutex_pa Mutex)
  Wait on the specified condition variable until signaled.
ConditionAwakeReason_e TecUtilThreadTimedWaitForCondition (Condition_pa Condition, Mutex_pa Mutex, Int32_t WaitPeriodInMS)
  Wait on the specified condition variable until signaled or until timed out.
JobControl_pa TecUtilThreadPoolJobControlAlloc (void)
  Allocates a job control variable for associating jobs submitted to Tecplot's standard thread pool with one another other.
void TecUtilThreadPoolJobControlDealloc (JobControl_pa *JobControl)
  Deallocates a previously allocated job control variable that is no longer needed.
void TecUtilThreadPoolAddJob (ThreadPoolJob_pf Job, ArbParam_t JobData, JobControl_pa JobControl)
  Submits a job to the thread pool using the specified job control.
int TecUtilThreadPoolPoolSize (void)
  Returns the number of worker threads assigned to this thread pool.
int TecUtilThreadPoolJobThreadOffset (void)
  Returns this worker thread's unique offset.
void TecUtilThreadPoolWait (JobControl_pa JobControl)
  Blocks the calling thread until all jobs associated with the job control are finished.
int TecUtilThreadPoolGetNumConcurrentJobs (void)
  Returns the number of jobs that can concurrently run within the thread pool.
LgIndex_t FExtFileExists (const char *FName)
 Check to see if a file exists.
LgIndex_t FExtGetFGlueVersion (void)
 Get the version of the fglue library.
LgIndex_t FExtGetIntFromCString (const char *S, LgIndex_t *IRetValue)
 Get an integer from a C-String.
LgIndex_t FExtGetReal8FromCString (const char *S, double *RetValue)
 Get a real*8 value from a C-String.
void FExtGetCharFromCStringPtr (const char **CStringPtr, char *FString, LgIndex_t *CStringLen)
 Given a pointer to a C-String, return a FORTRAN string.
void FExtGetCharFromCString (const char *CString, char *FString, LgIndex_t *CStringLen)
 Given a C-String, return a FORTRAN string.
Boolean_t TecUtilScriptExecRegisterCallback (const char *FileExt, const char *ScriptLanguage, ScriptExecCallback_pf ScriptExecCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers the script execution callback and client data with the specified file extension.
Boolean_t TecUtilScriptExec (const char *FileName)
  Executes the specified script file.
Boolean_t TecUtilScriptProcessorGetClientData (const char *ScriptExtension, ArbParam_t *ClientData)
  Returns client data associated with a script processor.
ViewState_pa TecUtilViewGet (void)
  Saves a view for a plot type (2D, 3D, etc.
Boolean_t TecUtilViewSet (ViewState_pa ViewState)
  Restores a saved view for a plot type (2D, 3D, etc.
PlotType_e TecUtilViewGetPlotType (ViewState_pa ViewState)
  Queries the plot type of a saved view object.
void TecUtilViewDealloc (ViewState_pa *ViewState)
  Deallocates a saved view returned by TecUtilViewGet and sets the pointer to NULL
void TecUtilDataFaceMapBeginAssign (FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
  Opens a face-mapping assignment context.
void TecUtilDataFaceMapAssignNodes (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t NumFaces, const LgIndex_t *NumFaceNodes, const LgIndex_t *FaceNodes)
  Assigns the supplied face nodes to the open face-mapping assignment context.
void TecUtilDataFaceMapAssignElems (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t NumFaces, const LgIndex_t *FaceLeftElems, const LgIndex_t *FaceRightElems)
  Assigns the supplied face left and right elements to the open face-mapping assignment context.
void TecUtilDataFaceMapAssignBConns (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t NumBndryFaces, const LgIndex_t *NumBndryConns, const LgIndex_t *FaceBndryElems, const EntIndex_t *FaceBndryElemZones)
  Assigns the supplied boundary connected elements and zones to the open face-mapping assignment context.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceMapEndAssign (FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
  Ends a face-mapping assignment sequence.
ArbParam_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetClientData (FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
  Return the custom load-on-demand client data from a face map handle.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceMapCustomLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t NumFaces, LgIndex_t NumFaceNodes, LgIndex_t NumFaceBndryFaces, LgIndex_t NumFaceBndryConns, LoadOnDemandFaceMapLoad_pf LoadCallback, LoadOnDemandFaceMapUnload_pf UnloadCallback, LoadOnDemandFaceMapCleanup_pf CleanupCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers with Tecplot the load-on-demand callbacks and client data for a face mapping for a specific zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceMapAlloc (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t NumFaces, LgIndex_t NumFaceNodes, LgIndex_t NumFaceBndryFaces, LgIndex_t NumFaceBndryConns)
  Allocates the space needed for the face mapping.
void TecUtilDataFaceMapAssignElemToNodeMap (FaceMap_pa faceMap, LgIndex_t numElements, const LgIndex_t *facesPerElem, const LgIndex_t *nodesPerFace, const LgIndex_t *elemToNodeMap)
  Assigns the nodes of each element to a polytope zone without having to provide the nodes and adjacent elements of each unique face, generating the required connectivity information.

Define Documentation

#define EXTERN   extern


#define TecUtilSetForEachMember ( Member,
Set   ) 


for (Member = TecUtilSetGetNextMember(Set, TECUTILSETNOTMEMBER); \
                 Member != TECUTILSETNOTMEMBER; \
                 Member = TecUtilSetGetNextMember(Set, Member))

Function Documentation

LgIndex_t FExtFileExists ( const char *  FName  ) 

Check to see if a file exists.

This is mainly provided as a convenience for FORTRAN development. This function requires linking against the fglue library.

FName String containing the filename.
Returns TRUE if the file exists. FALSE otherwise.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FExtFileExists(
   &           FName)
    CHARACTER*(*)   FName

FORTRAN Example:

       if (FExtFileExists('MyFile').Eq.TRUE) Then
 *C      .... do something with 'MyFile'

void FExtGetCharFromCString ( const char *  CString,
char *  FString,
LgIndex_t CStringLen 

Given a C-String, return a FORTRAN string.

This is mainly provided as a convenience for FORTRAN development. This function requires linking against the fglue library.

CString C-String to be converted.
FString Returned Fortran string.
CStringLen Returned length of the original C-String.
Fortran Syntax:
   &           CString,
   &           FString,
   &           CStringLen)
    INTEGER*1     CString
    CHARACTER*(*) FString
    INTEGER*4     CStringLen

FORTRAN Example:

The following example shows the callback generated by the Tecplot GUI Builder for a text field.

 C...Treat the incoming "C-String" as an array of bytes..
       INTEGER*1 S(1)
 C...S2 will hold the converted C String.
       CHARACTER*80 S2
       INTEGER*4 ILen
       Call TecUtilLockStart(AddonID)
 C... Convert the incoming "C-String" to a Fortran String
       call FExtGetCharFromCString(S,S2,ILen)
       write (*,*) 'CS = ',S2(1:ILen)
       TF1_TF_D1_CB = 1
       Call TecUtilLockFinish()

void FExtGetCharFromCStringPtr ( const char **  CStringPtr,
char *  FString,
LgIndex_t CStringLen 

Given a pointer to a C-String, return a FORTRAN string.

This is mainly provided as a convenience for FORTRAN development. This function requires linking against the fglue library.

CStringPtr Pointer to a C-String
FString Returned Fortran string.
CStringLen Returned length of the original C-String.
Fortran Syntax:
   &           CStringPtr,
   &           FString,
   &           CStringLen)
    POINTER       (CStringPtr,CString)
    INTEGER*1     CString
    CHARACTER*(*) FString
    INTEGER*4     CStringLen

FORTRAN Example: The following example shows a sub-routine that was registered as the state change callback function. This example shows how to take the incoming state change calldata parameter and extract a FORTRAN string (only allowed for style state changes).

      SUBROUTINE MyCallback(StateChange, CallDataPtr)
      INTEGER*4 StateChange
      POINTER(CallDataPtr, CallData)
      CHARACTER*256 StyleString
      INTEGER*4 StyleStringLength
      if (StateChange .eq. STATECHANGE_STYLE) then
        if (CallDataPtr .ne. NULLPTR) then
          call FExtGetCharFromCStringPtr(CallDataPtr,
     &                                   StyleString,
     &                                   StyleStringLength)
          write (*,*) StyleString(1:StyleStringLength)

LgIndex_t FExtGetFGlueVersion ( void   ) 

Get the version of the fglue library.

This is mainly provided as a convenience for FORTRAN development. This function requires linking against the fglue library.

Returns the version. Current version is 2000.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FExtGetFGlueVersion()

FORTRAN Example:

       if (FExtGetFGlueVersion().Lt.2000) Then
 *C      ....take some action.

LgIndex_t FExtGetIntFromCString ( const char *  S,
LgIndex_t IRetValue 

Get an integer from a C-String.

This is most often called from callback functions generated by the tecplot gui builder where a C-string is the parameter.

This is mainly provided as a convenience for FORTRAN development. This function requires linking against the fglue library.

S C-String to be parsed.
IRetValue Returned Integer value produced by parsing S.
Returns 0 if there was no error otherwise returns 1.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FExtGetIntFromCString(
   &          S,
   &          IRetValue)
    INTEGER*1 S(1)
    INTEGER*4 IRetValue

FORTRAN Example:

       if (FExtGetIntFromCString(S,IRetValue).Eq.0) Then
         write(*,*) 'S contained the integer value ',IRetValue

LgIndex_t FExtGetReal8FromCString ( const char *  S,
double *  RetValue 

Get a real*8 value from a C-String.

This is most often called from callback functions generated by the tecplot gui builder where a C-string is the parameter.

This is mainly provided as a convenience for FORTRAN development. This function requires linking against the fglue library.

S C-String to be parsed.
RetValue Returned double precision value produced by parsing S.
Returns 0 if there was no error otherwise returns 1.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION FExtGetReal8FromCString(
   &          S,
   &          RetValue)
    INTEGER*1 S(1)
    REAL*8    RetValue

FORTRAN Example:

       REAL*8 RetValue

       if (FExtGetReal8FromCString(S,RetValue).Eq.0) Then
         write(*,*) 'S contained the real value ',RetValue

void TecUtilSetForEachMember ( SetIndex_t  Member,
Set_pa  Set 

Convenience macro for looping through all members in a set.

This is a macro and not a function.
Member Set member placeholder. This parameter does not have to be initialized before use. Since TecUtilSetForEachMember is a macro you do not have to pass the address of Member.
Set Any valid Tecplot set.
Perform some processing on all active zones:
   Set_pa ActiveZones;
   if ( TecUtilDataSetIsAvailable() &&
       TecUtilSetForEachMember(Zone, ActiveZones)
           // do something with the active Zone

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:40 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5