Axis Control


Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DAxes (void)
  Reset the ranges on the 3-D axes.
void TecUtilRotateToSpecificAngles (double Psi, double Theta, double Alpha)
void TecUtilReset3DAngles (void)
Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DScaleFactors (void)
  Recalculate the scale factors for the 3-D axes.
Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DOrigin (void)
  Reposition the rotation origin in 3-D to be at the centroid of the data.
Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DOriginX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Reposition the rotation origin in 3-D to the specified location.
void TecUtilConvert3DPositionToGrid (double XPosition, double YPosition, double ZPosition, double *XGridPosition, double *YGridPosition, double *ZGridPosition)
  Converts from 3-D world coordinates to Tecplot's 3-D grid coordinates.
void TecUtilConvertGridTo3DPosition (double XGridPosition, double YGridPosition, double ZGridPosition, double *XPosition, double *YPosition, double *ZPosition)
  Converts from Tecplot's 3-D "Grid" or view coordinates to world coordinates.
void TecUtilDynamicLabelRegisterCallback (const char *DynamicLabelName, DynamicLabelCallback_pf DynamicLabelCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers a dynamic axis label provider callback.
double TecUtilConvertXPosition (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldX)
  Convert the specified X-coordinate value from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertXDimension (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldDimension)
  Convert the specified horizontal dimension from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertYPosition (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldY)
  Convert the specified Y-coordinate value from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertYDimension (CoordSys_e OldCoordSys, CoordSys_e NewCoordSys, double OldDimension)
  Convert the specified vertical dimension from one coordinate system to another.
double TecUtilConvertUnits (Units_e OldUnits, Units_e NewUnits, double OldSize)
  Convert from one measurement system to another.
void TecUtilAxisGetRange (char Axis, short AxisNum, double *AxisMin, double *AxisMax)
  Get the current minimum and maximum values for the specified axis.
void TecUtilAxisGetVarAssignments (EntIndex_t *XOrThetaVar, EntIndex_t *YOrRVar, EntIndex_t *ZVar)
  Returns the axis variable assignments for 'X' or 'T', 'Y' or 'R', and 'Z'.
NumberFormat_e TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum)
  Gets the specified axis label's number formatting.
char * TecUtilAxisLabelGetTimeDateFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum)
  Gets the specified axis label's time/date formatting.
SmInteger_t TecUtilAxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum)
  Gets the specified axis label's formatting precision.

Function Documentation

void TecUtilAxisGetRange ( char  Axis,
short  AxisNum,
double *  AxisMin,
double *  AxisMax 

Get the current minimum and maximum values for the specified axis.

Axis The axis to query. This can be one of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', or 'R',
AxisNum The axis number. For XY-plots this can be any number from one to five. For all other plots this must be one.
AxisMin The current axis minimum value
AxisMax The current axis maximum value
Must have one or more frames.

AxisMin Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

AxisMax Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilAxisGetRange(
   &           Axis,
   &           AxisNum,
   &           AxisMin,
   &           AxisMax)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Axis
    INTEGER*4       AxisNum
    REAL*8          AxisMin
    REAL*8          AxisMax

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.AxisGetRange(Axis, AxisNum)

                  Axis                 int
                  AxisNum              int
    Results[0]    AxisMin              double
    Results[1]    AxisMax              double

Get the range on Y-Axis number 2 (assume that it was previously determined that the frame mode is currently XY):

   double YMin,YMax;

void TecUtilAxisGetVarAssignments ( EntIndex_t XOrThetaVar,
EntIndex_t YOrRVar,
EntIndex_t ZVar 

Returns the axis variable assignments for 'X' or 'T', 'Y' or 'R', and 'Z'.

XOrThetaVar 'X' or 'T' axis variable assignment or TECUTILBADVARNUMBER if unassigned.
YOrRVar 'Y' or 'R' axis variable assignment or TECUTILBADVARNUMBER if unassigned.
ZVar 'Z' axis variable assignment or TECUTILBADVARNUMBER if unassigned.
Must have one or more frames.

XOrThetaVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

YOrRVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

ZVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilAxisGetVarAssignments(
   &           XOrThetaVar,
   &           YOrRVar,
   &           ZVar)
    REAL*8 XOrThetaVar
    REAL*8 YOrRVar
    REAL*8 ZVar

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.AxisGetVarAssignments()

    Results[0]    XOrThetaVar          int
    Results[1]    YOrRVar              int
    Results[2]    ZVar                 int


NumberFormat_e TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat ( short  Axis,
int  AxisNum 

Gets the specified axis label's number formatting.

Axis The axis to query. This can be one of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', or 'R',
AxisNum The axis number. For XY-plots this can be any number from one to five. For all other plots this must be one.
The number formatting currently begin used for the specified axis and axis number.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat(
   &                   Axis,
   &                   AxisNum)
    CHARACTER*(*) Axis
    INTEGER*4     AxisNum

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.AxisLabelGetNumberFormat(Axis, AxisNum)

                  Axis                 int
                  AxisNum              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            NumberFormat_e  (defined in

See also:
TecUtilStringFormatTimeDate(), TecUtilStringFormatValue(), TecUtilAxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat()

SmInteger_t TecUtilAxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat ( short  Axis,
int  AxisNum 

Gets the specified axis label's formatting precision.

Axis The axis to query. This can be one of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', or 'R',
AxisNum The axis number. For XY-plots this can be any number from one to five. For all other plots this must be one.
The number formatting precision that will be used for NumberFormat_FixedFloat, NumberFormat_SuperScript, and NumberFormat_Exponential formats.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilAxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat(
   &                   Axis,
   &                   AxisNum)
    CHARACTER*(*) Axis
    INTEGER*4     AxisNum

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.AxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat(Axis, AxisNum)

                  Axis                 int
                  AxisNum              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

See also:
TecUtilStringFormatValue(), TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat()

char* TecUtilAxisLabelGetTimeDateFormat ( short  Axis,
int  AxisNum 

Gets the specified axis label's time/date formatting.

Axis The axis to query. This can be one of 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T', or 'R',
AxisNum The axis number. For XY-plots this can be any number from one to five. For all other plots this must be one.
Allocated string containing the time/date formatting that will be used if the number formatting is NumberFormat_TimeDate. The client is responsible for deallocating the result when it is no longer needed using TecUtilStringDealloc().
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilAxisLabelGetTimeDateFormat(
   &                Axis,
   &                AxisNum,
   &                Result,
   &                ResultLength)
    CHARACTER*(*) Axis
    INTEGER*4     AxisNum
    CHARACTER*(*) Result
    INTEGER*4     ResultLength

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.AxisLabelGetTimeDateFormat(Axis, AxisNum)

                  Axis                 int
                  AxisNum              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            string

See also:
TecUtilStringFormatTimeDate(), TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat()

void TecUtilConvert3DPositionToGrid ( double  XPosition,
double  YPosition,
double  ZPosition,
double *  XGridPosition,
double *  YGridPosition,
double *  ZGridPosition 

Converts from 3-D world coordinates to Tecplot's 3-D grid coordinates.

Note that these 3-D grid coordinates are only to be used for zoom and 2-D grid mode text and geometries in 3-D. Converted grid coordinates should be used immediately. This transformation may change in future versions of Tecplot. You must call TecUtilSetupTransformations() before calling this function, although TecUtilSetupTransformations() need only be called once for each sequence of calls to TecUtilConvert3DPositionToGrid().

XPosition X-position in world coordinates.
YPosition Y-position in world coordinates.
ZPosition Z-position in world coordinates.
XGridPosition Receives X-grid position. You may pass NULL for this parameter.
YGridPosition Receives Y-grid position. You may pass NULL for this parameter.
ZGridPosition Receives Z-grid position. You may pass NULL for this parameter.
Must have one or more frames.

XGridPosition Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

YGridPosition Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

ZGridPosition Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilConvert3DPositionToGrid(
   &           XPosition,
   &           YPosition,
   &           ZPosition,
   &           XGridPosition,
   &           YGridPosition,
   &           ZGridPosition)
    REAL*8          XPosition
    REAL*8          YPosition
    REAL*8          ZPosition
    REAL*8          XGridPosition
    REAL*8          YGridPosition
    REAL*8          ZGridPosition

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Convert3DPositionToGrid(XPosition, YPosition, ZPosition)

                  XPosition            double
                  YPosition            double
                  ZPosition            double
    Results[0]    XGridPosition        double
    Results[1]    YGridPosition        double
    Results[2]    ZGridPosition        double

Convert from 3-D world coordinates to Tecplot's 3-D grid coordinates.

     double ZPlaneFloor;
     double X,Y,Z;

     ZPlaneFloor = TecUtil3DViewGetNearZPlane();



void TecUtilConvertGridTo3DPosition ( double  XGridPosition,
double  YGridPosition,
double  ZGridPosition,
double *  XPosition,
double *  YPosition,
double *  ZPosition 

Converts from Tecplot's 3-D "Grid" or view coordinates to world coordinates.

Note that these 3-D grid coordinates are taken from 2-D grid mode text and geometries when the frame is in a 3D view. This transformation may change in future versions of Tecplot. You must call TecUtilSetupTransformations() before calling this function, although TecUtilSetupTransformations() need only be called once for each sequence of calls to TecUtilConvertGridTo3DPosition().

XGridPosition X position in eye coordinates.
YGridPosition Y position in eye coordinates.
ZGridPosition Z position in eye coordinates.
XPosition Receives X position in world coordinates. You may pass NULL for this parameter.
YPosition Receives Y position in world coordinates. You may pass NULL for this parameter.
ZPosition Receives Z position in world coordinates. You may pass NULL for this parameter.
Must have one or more frames.

XPosition Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

YPosition Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

ZPosition Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilConvertGridTo3DPosition(
   &           XGridPosition,
   &           YGridPosition,
   &           ZGridPosition,
   &           XPosition,
   &           YPosition,
   &           ZPosition)
    REAL*8          XGridPosition
    REAL*8          YGridPosition
    REAL*8          ZGridPosition
    REAL*8          XPosition
    REAL*8          YPosition
    REAL*8          ZPosition

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ConvertGridTo3DPosition(XGridPosition, YGridPosition, ZGridPosition)

                  XGridPosition        double
                  YGridPosition        double
                  ZGridPosition        double
    Results[0]    XPosition            double
    Results[1]    YPosition            double
    Results[2]    ZPosition            double

Convert from Tecplot's 3-D eye (view) coordinates to 3-D world coordinates.


     Geom_ID   GeomId  = 0;
     double    xView   = 0.0;
     double    yView   = 0.0;
     double    zView   = 0.0;
     double    xPos    = 0.0;
     double    yPos    = 0.0;
     double    zPos    = 0.0;

     for (GeomId = TecUtilGeomGetBase();
          GeomId != TECUTILBADID;
          GeomId = TecUtilGeomGetNext(GeomId))
          TecUtilGeomGetAnchorPos(geomId, &xView, &yView, &zView);
          TecUtilConvertGridTo3DPosition(xView, yView, zView, &xPos, &yPos, &zPos);


double TecUtilConvertUnits ( Units_e  OldUnits,
Units_e  NewUnits,
double  OldSize 

Convert from one measurement system to another.

OldUnits Units in which OldSize is measured. The possible values are: Units_Grid, Units_Frame, Units_Point, Units_Screen or Units_AxisPercentage.
NewUnits Unit space in which the return value is measured. The possible values are: Units_Grid, Units_Frame, Units_Point, Units_Screen or Units_AxisPercentage.
OldSize Size in the old measurement system.
Converted size in the new measurement system.
Units_AxisPercentage are only pertinent to Polar and 3D plot types.
Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilConvertUnits(
   &                   OldUnits,
   &                   NewUnits,
   &                   OldSize)
    INTEGER*4       OldUnits
    INTEGER*4       NewUnits
    REAL*8          OldSize

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ConvertUnits(OldUnits, NewUnits, OldSize)

                  OldUnits             Units_e  (defined in
                  NewUnits             Units_e  (defined in
                  OldSize              double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

To create a line with a line thickness of three points:

   Geom_ID g;
   double frame_units;
   frame_units = TecUtilConvertUnits(Units_Point, Units_Frame, 3.);
   g = TecUtilGeom2DLineSegmentCreate(CoordSys_Frame, 5., 5., 95., 95.);
   TecUtilGeomSetLineThickness(g, frame_units)

double TecUtilConvertXDimension ( CoordSys_e  OldCoordSys,
CoordSys_e  NewCoordSys,
double  OldDimension 

Convert the specified horizontal dimension from one coordinate system to another.

OldCoordSys Coordinate system in which OldDimension is measured. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen
NewCoordSys Coordinate system in which the return value is measured. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen
OldDimension Dimension to convert
Converted dimension in the new coordinate system.
Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilConvertXDimension(
   &                   OldCoordSys,
   &                   NewCoordSys,
   &                   OldDimension)
    INTEGER*4       OldCoordSys
    INTEGER*4       NewCoordSys
    REAL*8          OldDimension

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ConvertXDimension(OldCoordSys, NewCoordSys, OldDimension)

                  OldCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  NewCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  OldDimension         double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

Find the size of the current frame in screen pixels.

   double X, Y, Width, Height;
   // get frame width and height in inches
   TecUtilFrameGetPosAndSize(&X,&Y, &Width, &Height);
   // convert width and height to screen coordinates (pixels)
   Width = TecUtilConvertXDimension(CoordSys_Paper,
                                    CoordSys_Screen, Width);
   Height = TecUtilConvertYDimension(CoordSys_Paper,
                                     CoordSys_Screen, Height);

double TecUtilConvertXPosition ( CoordSys_e  OldCoordSys,
CoordSys_e  NewCoordSys,
double  OldX 

Convert the specified X-coordinate value from one coordinate system to another.

OldCoordSys The coordinate system in which OldX is currently defined. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen.
NewCoordSys The coordinate system into which to transform OldX. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen.
OldX The value to convert from one coordinate system to another
The value OldX converted into the new coordinate system.
Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilConvertXPosition(
   &                   OldCoordSys,
   &                   NewCoordSys,
   &                   OldX)
    INTEGER*4       OldCoordSys
    INTEGER*4       NewCoordSys
    REAL*8          OldX

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ConvertXPosition(OldCoordSys, NewCoordSys, OldX)

                  OldCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  NewCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  OldX                 double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

Determine the position on the paper of a text label. Assume the Text_ID has already been obtained (See TecUtilPickListXxx functions or TecUtilTextXxx functions for examples on how to obtain a Text_ID).

   Text_ID TID;
   double  XPos,YPos;
   double PaperXPos,PaperYPos;

   ... Text_ID obtained....


   PaperXPos = TecUtilConvertXPosition(TecUtilTextGetPositionCoordSys(TID),
   PaperYPos = TecUtilConvertYPosition(TecUtilTextGetPositionCoordSys(TID),

double TecUtilConvertYDimension ( CoordSys_e  OldCoordSys,
CoordSys_e  NewCoordSys,
double  OldDimension 

Convert the specified vertical dimension from one coordinate system to another.

OldCoordSys Coordinate system in which OldDimension is measured. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen
NewCoordSys Coordinate system in which OldDimension is measured. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen
OldDimension Dimension to convert
Converted dimension in the new coordinate system.
Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilConvertYDimension(
   &                   OldCoordSys,
   &                   NewCoordSys,
   &                   OldDimension)
    INTEGER*4       OldCoordSys
    INTEGER*4       NewCoordSys
    REAL*8          OldDimension

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ConvertYDimension(OldCoordSys, NewCoordSys, OldDimension)

                  OldCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  NewCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  OldDimension         double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

Find the size of the current frame in screen pixels.

   double X, Y, Width, Height;
   // get frame width and height in inches
   TecUtilFrameGetPosAndSize(&X,&Y, &Width, &Height);
   // convert width and height to screen coordinates (pixels)
   Width = TecUtilConvertXDimension(CoordSys_Paper,
                                    CoordSys_Screen, Width);
   Height = TecUtilConvertYDimension(CoordSys_Paper,
                                     CoordSys_Screen, Height);

double TecUtilConvertYPosition ( CoordSys_e  OldCoordSys,
CoordSys_e  NewCoordSys,
double  OldY 

Convert the specified Y-coordinate value from one coordinate system to another.

OldCoordSys The coordinate system in which OldY is currently defined. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen
NewCoordSys The coordinate system into which to transform OldY. The possible values are: CoordSys_Grid, CoordSys_Frame, CoordSys_Paper, or CoordSys_Screen
OldY The value to convert from one coordinate system to another
The value OldY converted into the new coordinate system.
Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilConvertYPosition(
   &                   OldCoordSys,
   &                   NewCoordSys,
   &                   OldY)
    INTEGER*4       OldCoordSys
    INTEGER*4       NewCoordSys
    REAL*8          OldY

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ConvertYPosition(OldCoordSys, NewCoordSys, OldY)

                  OldCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  NewCoordSys          CoordSys_e  (defined in
                  OldY                 double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

Determine the position on the paper of a text label. Assume the Text_ID has already been obtained (See TecUtilPickListXxx functions or TecUtilTextXxx functions for examples on how to obtain a Text_ID).

   Text_ID TID;
   double  XPos,YPos;
   double PaperXPos,PaperYPos;

   ... Text_ID obtained....


   PaperXPos = TecUtilConvertXPosition(TecUtilTextGetPositionCoordSys(TID),
   PaperYPos = TecUtilConvertYPosition(TecUtilTextGetPositionCoordSys(TID),

void TecUtilDynamicLabelRegisterCallback ( const char *  DynamicLabelName,
DynamicLabelCallback_pf  DynamicLabelCallback,
ArbParam_t  ClientData 

Registers a dynamic axis label provider callback.

DynamicLabelName Unique name given to the Callback. This name is used in the list of available Callback in SpecifyNumberFormat dialog.
DynamicLabelCallback A callback that will be called for the label string.
ClientData This can be any 32-bit value and will be passed to the timer callback. Typically this is a pointer to a structure
DynamicLabelName String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilDynamicLabelRegisterCallback(
   &           DynamicLabelName,
   &           DynamicLabelCallback,
   &           ClientData)
   CHARACTER*(*)   DynamicLabelName
   POINTER         (DynamicLabelCallback_pf, DynamicLabelCallback)
   POINTER         (ClientDataPtr, ClientData)

Python Syntax:

    This function is not supported in Python.

void TecUtilReset3DAngles ( void   ) 

Reset angles to default value. The current frame must be in 3D frame mode to use this function.

Must have one or more frames.

VALID_REF(FB) Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE FUNCTION TecUtilReset3DAngles()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Reset3DAngles()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            NONE

Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DAxes ( void   ) 

Reset the ranges on the 3-D axes.

The current frame mode must be 3D to use this function.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilReset3DAxes()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Reset3DAxes()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DOrigin ( void   ) 

Reposition the rotation origin in 3-D to be at the centroid of the data.

The current frame must be in 3D mode to use this function.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilReset3DOrigin()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Reset3DOrigin()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DOriginX ( ArgList_pa  ArgList  ) 

Reposition the rotation origin in 3-D to the specified location.

The current frame must be in 3D frame mode to use this function.

ArgList Set of Arglist entries. This is built using calls to TecUtilArgListAppendXXXX functions.

Arglist Values

Type: OriginResetLocation_e
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: OriginResetLocation_DataCenter
Required: No
Notes: Associated value indicates the location to which the origin should be reset. Valid values are: OriginResetLocation_DataCenter and OriginResetLocation_ViewCenter

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
ArgList Argument list must be valid.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilReset3DOriginX(ArgListPtr)
    POINTER (ArgListPtr, ArgList)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Reset3DOriginX(ArgList)

                  ArgList              dictionary
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Reset the origin location to the center of the current view.

   Boolean_t IsOk = TRUE;
   ArgList_pa ArgList;
   ArgList = TecUtilArgListAlloc();
   IsOk = TecUtilReset3DOriginX(ArgList);

Boolean_t TecUtilReset3DScaleFactors ( void   ) 

Recalculate the scale factors for the 3-D axes.

Aspect ratio limits are taken into account. The current frame must be in 3D frame mode to use this function.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilReset3DScaleFactors()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Reset3DScaleFactors()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

void TecUtilRotateToSpecificAngles ( double  Psi,
double  Theta,
double  Alpha 

Rotate to specific angles. The current frame must be in 3D frame mode to use this function.

Psi Tilt, in degrees, of the eye origin ray away from the Z-axis.
Theta Rotation, in degrees, of the eye origin ray about the Z-axis.
Alpha Twist, in degrees, about the eye origin ray.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
   &                   Psi,
   &                   Theta,
   &                   Alpha)
    REAL*8          Psi
    REAL*8          Theta
    REAL*8          Alpha

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.RotateToSpecificAngles(Psi, Theta, Alpha)

                  Psi                  double
                  Theta                double
                  Alpha                double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            NONE

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:40 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5