Linemap Commands


Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapCopy (EntIndex_t SourceMap, EntIndex_t DestMap)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapCopy (EntIndex_t SourceMap, EntIndex_t DestMap)
  Copy attributes from an existing Line-mapping to another.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapCreate (void)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapCreate (void)
  Create a new Line-mapping.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapDelete (Set_pa MapsToDelete)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapDelete (Set_pa MapsToDelete)
  Delete one or more Line-maps.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapShiftToTop (Set_pa MapsToShift)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapShiftToTop (Set_pa MapsToShift)
  Shift a list of Line-maps to the top of the Line-map list.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapShiftToBottom (Set_pa MapsToShift)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapShiftToBottom (Set_pa MapsToShift)
  Shift a list of Line-maps to the bottom of the Line-map list.
Boolean_t TecUtilCurveWriteInfo (const char *FileName, EntIndex_t LineMap, CurveInfoMode_e CurveInfoMode)
  Write out the coefficients or the calculated data points for the equations used to draw the curve for a selected line-mapping.
Boolean_t TecUtilCurveRegisterExtCrvFit (const char *CurveFitName, GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback_pf GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback, GetProbeValueCallback_pf GetProbeValueCallback, GetCurveInfoStringCallback_pf GetCurveInfoStringCallback, GetCurveSettingsCallback_pf GetCurveSettingsCallback, GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback_pf GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback)
  Registers an extended curve fit add-on.
Boolean_t TecUtilLinePlotLayerIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag)
  Indicates if the line plot layer of interest is active or not.
ArbParam_t TecUtilXYMapStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t XYMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
ArbParam_t TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t LineMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
  Queries an Line-map attribute.
double TecUtilXYMapStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t XYMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
double TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t LineMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
  Queries an Line-map attribute.
UniqueID_t TecUtilLineMapGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t LineMap)
  Gets a unique ID for a line map.
EntIndex_t TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Gets a line map number, given a unique ID.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapGetName (EntIndex_t Map, char **Name)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapGetName (EntIndex_t Map, char **Name)
  Get the name of an Line-map.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveXYMaps)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveLineMaps)
  Obtain the set of active Line-maps.
void TecUtilXYMapGetAssignment (EntIndex_t XYMap, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *XAxisVar, EntIndex_t *YAxisVar, SmInteger_t *XAxis, SmInteger_t *YAxis, FunctionDependency_e *FunctionDependency)
void TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment (EntIndex_t LineMap, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *XOrThetaVar, EntIndex_t *YOrRVar, SmInteger_t *XAxis, SmInteger_t *YAxis, FunctionDependency_e *FunctionDependency)
  Get the assignment information for a given Line-map.
EntIndex_t TecUtilXYMapGetCount (void)
EntIndex_t TecUtilLineMapGetCount (void)
  Returns the number of Line-maps.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapIsActive (EntIndex_t XYMap)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapIsActive (EntIndex_t LineMap)
  Determine if an Line-map is active.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetActive (Set_pa XYMapSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetActive (Set_pa LineMapSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
  Assigns which Line-maps are active.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYSetLayer (const char *LayerShowFlag, Boolean_t TurnOnXYLayer)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLinePlotLayerSetIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag, Boolean_t TurnOnLinePlotLayer)
  Instructs Tecplot to turn on or off the specified line plot layer.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetName (Set_pa XYMapSet, const char *NewName)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetName (Set_pa LineMapSet, const char *NewName)
  Set the name of an Line-map.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetAssignment (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetAssignment (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Define Line-map assignments.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetLine (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetLine (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for lines in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetCurve (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetCurve (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for curves in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetSymbol (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetSymbol (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for symbols in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetSymbolShape (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetSymbolShape (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values for the symbol shape in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetBarChart (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetBarChart (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for bar charts in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetErrorBar (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetErrorBar (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for error bars in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetIndices (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetIndices (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for index ranges in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilCurveSetExtendedSettings (EntIndex_t LineMapNum, const char *Settings)
  Sets the extended curve fit settings for the set of Line-maps selected in the Plot Attributes dialog.

Function Documentation

Boolean_t TecUtilCurveRegisterExtCrvFit ( const char *  CurveFitName,
GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback_pf  GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback,
GetProbeValueCallback_pf  GetProbeValueCallback,
GetCurveInfoStringCallback_pf  GetCurveInfoStringCallback,
GetCurveSettingsCallback_pf  GetCurveSettingsCallback,
GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback_pf  GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback 

Registers an extended curve fit add-on.

This will add an option to the single selection list launched by the Curve Type/Extended option on the Curves page of the Plot Attributes dialog.

CurveFitName Unique name given to the extended curve fit. This name is used in the list of extended curve fits in the Extended Curve Fits dialog, launched from Curve Type/Extended in the Plot Attributes dialog.
GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback The name of the function that will calculate the curve fit. This is the only function that needs to be defined to create an extended curve fit add-on.
GetProbeValueCallback The name of the function that will return the dependent value when the extended curve fit is probed at a given independent value. If this function is set to NULL, Tecplot will perform a linear interpolation based on the values returned by the GetLinePlotDataPoints function.
GetCurveInfoStringCallback The name of the function that will create a string to be presented in the Data/LinePlot Curve Info dialog. This callback may be set to NULL if you do not wish to present a string to the LinePlot Curve Info dialog.
GetCurveSettingsCallback The name of the function that is called when the Curve Settings button on the Curves page of the Plot Attributes dialog is pressed while the extended curve fit is set as the Curve Type. This function may be set to NULL if there are not configurable settings for the extended curve fit. If settings are changed, it is the responsibility of the add-on writer to inform Tecplot of the change by calling the function TecUtilCurveSetExtendedSettings(). This function is usually called when OK is clicked on the add-on dialog.
GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback See GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback_pf.
Returns TRUE if the extended curve fit was added.
CurveFitName String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilCurveRegisterExtCrvFit(
   &                   CurveFitName,
   &                   GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback,
   &                   GetProbeValueCallback,
   &                   GetCurveInfoStringCallback,
   &                   GetCurveSettingsCallback,
   &                   GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback)
    CHARACTER*(*)   CurveFitName
    POINTER         (GetLinePlotDataPointsCallbackPtr, GetLinePlotDataPointsCallback)
    POINTER         (GetProbeValueCallbackPtr, GetProbeValueCallback)
    POINTER         (GetCurveInfoStringCallbackPtr, GetCurveInfoStringCallback)
    POINTER         (GetCurveSettingsCallbackPtr, GetCurveSettingsCallback)
    POINTER         (GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallbackPtr, GetAbbreviatedSettingsStringCallback)

Python Syntax:

    This function is not supported in Python.

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilCurveSetExtendedSettings ( EntIndex_t  LineMapNum,
const char *  Settings 

Sets the extended curve fit settings for the set of Line-maps selected in the Plot Attributes dialog.

LineMapNum LineMapNum is the map number that is currently being operated on.
Settings Settings is the current settings for your extended curve fit. This string will be maintained by Tecplot and saved in layouts.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilCurveSetExtendedSettings(
   &                   LineMapNum,
   &                   Settings)
    INTEGER*4       LineMapNum
    CHARACTER*(*)   Settings

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.CurveSetExtendedSettings(LineMapNum, Settings)

                  LineMapNum           int
                  Settings             string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Boolean_t TecUtilCurveWriteInfo ( const char *  FileName,
EntIndex_t  LineMap,
CurveInfoMode_e  CurveInfoMode 

Write out the coefficients or the calculated data points for the equations used to draw the curve for a selected line-mapping.

FileName File name. Must not be NULL
LineMap The number of a line-mapping that does some type of curve fit or spline
CurveInfoMode The possible values are: CurveInfoMode_Coefficients, CurveInfoMode_RawData, and CurveInfoMode_Macro
TRUE if the curve information wrote, FALSE otherwise.
FileName String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilCurveWriteInfo(
   &                   FileName,
   &                   LineMap,
   &                   CurveInfoMode)
    CHARACTER*(*)   FileName
    INTEGER*4       LineMap
    INTEGER*4       CurveInfoMode

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.CurveWriteInfo(FileName, LineMap, CurveInfoMode)

                  FileName             string
                  LineMap              int
                  CurveInfoMode        CurveInfoMode_e  (defined in
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Write out the coefficients for line-mapping number 3 to the file map3.out:

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapCopy ( EntIndex_t  SourceMap,
EntIndex_t  DestMap 

Copy attributes from an existing Line-mapping to another.

SourceMap Existing Line-map to copy. Must be greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to the current number of maps
DestMap Destination map. Must be greater than or equal to one and less than or equal to the current number of maps plus one
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapCopy(
   &                   SourceMap,
   &                   DestMap)
    INTEGER*4       SourceMap
    INTEGER*4       DestMap

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapCopy(SourceMap, DestMap)

                  SourceMap            int
                  DestMap              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Duplicate the first Line-map:

   Boolean_t IsOk = TecUtilLineMapCopy(1,2);
   if (!IsOk)
    // function NOT successful

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapCreate ( void   ) 

Create a new Line-mapping.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise .
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapCreate()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapCreate()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapDelete ( Set_pa  MapsToDelete  ) 

Delete one or more Line-maps.

MapsToDelete Set of maps to delete
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
MapsToDelete Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapDelete(MapsToDeletePtr)
    POINTER (MapsToDeletePtr, MapsToDelete)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapDelete(MapsToDelete)

                  MapsToDelete         sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Delete maps 1 and 3:

   Set_pa set = TecUtilSetAlloc(FALSE);
   if (set)

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapGetActive ( Set_pa ActiveLineMaps  ) 

Obtain the set of active Line-maps.

This function is Thread Safe.

ActiveLineMaps Receives the set of active Line-maps. You must call TecUtilSetDealloc() when you are through using the set. It must not be NULL.
TRUE if successful.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

ActiveLineMaps Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapGetActive(ActiveLineMapsPtr)
    POINTER (ActiveLineMapsPtr, ActiveLineMaps)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapGetActive()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    ActiveLineMaps       sequence of ints

Get the set of active Line-maps:

   Set_pa s = NULL;
   if (TecUtilLineMapGetActive(&s))
    // maps are now in s

void TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment ( EntIndex_t  LineMap,
EntIndex_t Zone,
EntIndex_t XOrThetaVar,
EntIndex_t YOrRVar,
SmInteger_t XAxis,
SmInteger_t YAxis,
FunctionDependency_e FunctionDependency 

Get the assignment information for a given Line-map.

This function is Thread Safe.

LineMap Map number to query
Zone Zone number assigned to the Line-map. Set to NULL if you are not interested in this returned value.
XOrThetaVar Receives the X-axis or Theta variable number assigned to the Line-map. Will only receive a Theta value if plot is in polar mode. Set to NULL if you are not interested in this returned value
YOrRVar Receives the Y-axis or Radian variable number assigned to the Line-map. Will only receive Radian value if plot is in polar mode. Set to NULL if you are not interested in this returned value.
XAxis Receives the X-axis number assigned to the Line-map. Set to NULL if you are not interested in this returned value.
YAxis Receives the Y-axis number assigned to the Line-map. Set to NULL if you are not interested in this returned value
FunctionDependency Receives the Function dependency assigned to the Line-map. Set to NULL if you are not interested in this returned value
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Zone Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

XOrThetaVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

YOrRVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

XAxis Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

YAxis Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

FunctionDependency Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment(
   &           LineMap,
   &           Zone,
   &           XOrThetaVar,
   &           YOrRVar,
   &           XAxis,
   &           YAxis,
   &           FunctionDependency)
    INTEGER*4       LineMap
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    INTEGER*4       XOrThetaVar
    INTEGER*4       YOrRVar
    INTEGER*4       XAxis
    INTEGER*4       YAxis
    INTEGER*4       FunctionDependency

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapGetAssignment(LineMap)

                  LineMap              int
    Results[0]    Zone                 int
    Results[1]    XOrThetaVar          int
    Results[2]    YOrRVar              int
    Results[3]    XAxis                int
    Results[4]    YAxis                int
    Results[5]    FunctionDependency   FunctionDependency_e  (defined in

Obtain the zone number and which variables are used for X and Y for Line-map number 3:

     EntIndex_t Zone;
     EntIndex_t XVar;
     EntIndex_t YVar;

                               (SmInteger_t *)NULL,
                               (SmInteger_t *)NULL,
                               (FunctionDependency_e *)NULL);

EntIndex_t TecUtilLineMapGetCount ( void   ) 

Returns the number of Line-maps.

The number of Line-maps.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapGetCount()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapGetCount()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapGetName ( EntIndex_t  Map,
char **  Name 

Get the name of an Line-map.

Map Number of the Line-map
Name Allocated string containing the Line-map name
Returns TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Name Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapGetName(
   &                   Map,
   &                   Name,
   &                   ReturnedNameLength)
    INTEGER*4       Map
    CHARACTER*(*)   Name
    INTEGER*4       ReturnedNameLength

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapGetName(Map)

                  Map                  int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    Name                 string

Get the name of Line-map 3:

   Boolean_t IsOk;
   char *MapName = NULL;
   IsOk = TecUtilLineMapGetName(3,&MapName);

EntIndex_t TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID ( UniqueID_t  UniqueID  ) 

Gets a line map number, given a unique ID.

This function is Thread Safe.

UniqueID Unique ID of the line map.
The line map number of the line map represented by the unique ID. If there is no line map number for the given unique ID, the return value is TECUTILBADID.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID(UniqueID)
    INTEGER*4 UniqueID

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapGetNumByUniqueID(UniqueID)

                  UniqueID             long
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

Get a line map number from a unique ID:

     extern UniqueID_t ID; // previously initialized

     if ( TecUtilDataSetIsAvailable() )
         EntIndex_t MapNum = TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID(ID);
         if (MapNum != TECUTILBADID)

UniqueID_t TecUtilLineMapGetUniqueID ( EntIndex_t  LineMap  ) 

Gets a unique ID for a line map.

A unique ID is an integer that uniquely identifies a line map. An addon can use these IDs to internally keep track of a set of line maps. TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID() can be used to convert between a unique ID and a line map number. This function is Thread Safe.

LineMap Line map number to query.
A unique ID for a line map.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapGetUniqueID(LineMap)
    INTEGER*4 Map

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapGetUniqueID(LineMap)

                  LineMap              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            long

Get the unique ID for line map N:

   ... N is assigned...
     if ( TecUtilDataSetIsAvailable() && TecUtilLineMapGetCount() >= N )
         UniqueID_t ID = TecUtilLineMapGetUniqueID(N);

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapIsActive ( EntIndex_t  LineMap  ) 

Determine if an Line-map is active.

This function is Thread Safe.

Returns TRUE if the Line-map is active, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapIsActive(LineMap)
    INTEGER*4 LineMap

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapIsActive(LineMap)

                  LineMap              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetActive ( Set_pa  LineMapSet,
AssignOp_e  AssignModifier 

Assigns which Line-maps are active.

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps used to change the current set of active Line-maps. How the active Line-maps are changed is based on the AssignModifier
AssignModifier The possible values are: AssignOp_Equals, AssignOp_PlusEquals, AssignOp_MinusEquals
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetActive(
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   AssignModifier)
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    INTEGER*4       AssignModifier

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetActive(LineMapSet, AssignModifier)

                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  AssignModifier       AssignOp_e  (defined in
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Add Line-map 3 to the set of Line-maps:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetAssignment ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Define Line-map assignments.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_ZONE                IValue       Valid Zone Number
        SV_XAXISVAR            IValue       Valid Variable Number
        SV_YAXISVAR            IValue       Valid Variable Number
        SV_XAXIS               IValue       Axis number (1-5)
        SV_YAXIS               IValue       Axis number (1-5)
        SV_FUNCTIONDEPENDENCY  IValue       FunctionDependency_e
        SV_SORT                IValue       LineMapSort_e
        SV_SORTVAR             IValue       Valid Variable number.

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on. Use NULL to specify all Line-maps
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value, put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used. (Reserved for future use)
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetAssignment(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetAssignment(Attribute, LineMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Assign variable 1 to be on the X-axis and variable 4 to be on the Y-axis for Line-mapping number 7:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetBarChart ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for bar charts in Line-plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_ISFILLED            IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_FILLCOLOR           IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_SIZE                DValue       Frame Units
        SV_LINETHICKNESS       DValue       Frame Units

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on. Pass NULL to specify all Line-maps
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value, put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetBarChart(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr,LineMapSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr,IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetBarChart(Attribute, LineMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the fill color of the bar chart to red for Line-mapping number 7:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetCurve ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for curves in Line-plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_NUMPTS              IValue
        SV_POLYORDER           IValue       1-10
        SV_WEIGHTVAR           IValue       Valid variable number
        SV_USEWEIGHTVAR        IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_INDVARMIN           DValue
        SV_INDVARMAX           DValue
        SV_USEINDVARRANGE      IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_CLAMPSPLINE         IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_SPLINESLOPE1        DValue
        SV_SPLINESLOPE2        DValue
        SV_EXTENDEDNAME        IValue       String
        SV_EXTENDEDSETTINGS    IValue       String
        SV_CURVETYPE           IValue       CurveType_e
LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all Line-maps
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value, then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetCurve(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetCurve(Attribute, LineMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set Line-mappings 3-5 to draw a polynomial curve fit of order 5. Note that you must set the curve type first.

   Set_pa set = TecUtilSetAlloc(FALSE);

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetErrorBar ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for error bars in Line-plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are in the table below:
        Attribute           Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW             IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_VAR              IValue       Valid Variable Number
        SV_BARTYPE          IValue       ErrorBar_e
        SV_COLOR            IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_LINETHICKNESS    DValue       Frame Units
        SV_SIZE             DValue       Frame Units
        SV_SKIPMODE         IValue       SkipMode_e

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on.
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetErrorBar(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetErrorBar(Attribute, LineMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Make Error Bars red for all Line-mappings:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetIndices ( const char *  Attribute,
const char *  SubAttribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for index ranges in Line-plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. Set SubAttribute.
SubAttribute Specify the sub-attribute to change. The following table shows the possible values for Attribute and SubAttribute:
        Attribute    SubAttribute  Value Notes
        SV_IJKLINES  NULL          IJKLines_e
        SV_IRANGE    SV_MIN        Min range, 0 = IMax
        SV_IRANGE    SV_MAX        Max range, 0 = IMax
        SV_IRANGE    SV_SKIP       Index skip, 0 = IMax-1
        SV_JRANGE    SV_MIN        Min range, 0 = JMax
        SV_JRANGE    SV_MAX        Max range, 0 = JMax
        SV_JRANGE    SV_SKIP       Index skip, 0 = JMax-1
        SV_KRANGE    SV_MIN        Min range, 0 = KMax
        SV_KRANGE    SV_MAX        Max range, 0 = KMax
        SV_KRANGE    SV_SKIP       Index skip, 0 = KMax-1

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on. Pass NULL to affect all Line-maps.
IValue Pass the value via the IValue prameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetIndices(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   SubAttribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    CHARACTER*(*)   SubAttribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetIndices(Attribute, SubAttribute, LineMapSet, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  SubAttribute         string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the I-range to 0-10 for all Line-mappings:


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetLine ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for lines in Line-plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are in the table below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_LINEPATTERN         IValue       LinePattern_e
        SV_PATTERNLENGTH       DValue       Valid pattern length
        SV_LINETHICKNESS       DValue       Valid line thickness

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on.
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetLine(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetLine(Attribute, LineMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set line patterns in Line-mappings 3-5 to dashed:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetName ( Set_pa  LineMapSet,
const char *  NewName 

Set the name of an Line-map.

LineMapSet Set of maps to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all maps
NewName New name of the map(s). Must not be NULL
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetName(
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   NewName)
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    CHARACTER*(*)   NewName

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetName(LineMapSet, NewName)

                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  NewName              string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the name of the first Line-map:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetSymbol ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for symbols in Line-plots.

All attributes except for symbol shape are set here. Use TecUtilLineMapSetSymbolShape() to set the symbol shape.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are in the table below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_ISFILLED            IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_FILLCOLOR           IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_SIZE                DValue       Frame Units
        SV_LINETHICKNESS       DValue       Valid line thickness
        SV_SKIPMODE            IValue       Skip_ByIndex,Skip_ByFrameUnits
        SV_SKIPPING            DValue       If SkipMode is Skip_ByIndex
                                            then set to index skip.  If
                                            SkipMode is Skip_ByFrameUnits then
                                            supply a distance in frame units.

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on.
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetSymbol(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetSymbol(Attribute, LineMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the skip mode of all Line-maps to frame units (distance):

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetSymbolShape ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  LineMapSet,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values for the symbol shape in Line-plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. The possible values are in the table below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_ISASCII             IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_ASCIICHAR           IValue       String containing a single character.
        SV_GEOMSHAPE           IValue       GeomShape_e

LineMapSet Set of Line-maps to operate on.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

LineMapSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapSetSymbolShape(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   LineMapSetPtr,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (LineMapSetPtr, LineMapSet)
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapSetSymbolShape(Attribute, LineMapSet, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  LineMapSet           sequence of ints
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Change the symbol shape for symbols drawn with Line-map 3 to use circles:

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapShiftToBottom ( Set_pa  MapsToShift  ) 

Shift a list of Line-maps to the bottom of the Line-map list.

This in effect causes the selected Line-maps to be drawn last.

MapsToShift Set of maps to shift. Must not be NULL
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
MapsToShift Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapShiftToBottom(MapsToShiftPtr)
    POINTER (MapsToShiftPtr, MapsToShift)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapShiftToBottom(MapsToShift)

                  MapsToShift          sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Shift Line-maps 2 and 4 to the bottom:

Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapShiftToTop ( Set_pa  MapsToShift  ) 

Shift a list of Line-maps to the top of the Line-map list.

This in effect causes the selected Line-maps to be drawn first.

MapsToShift Set of maps to shift. Must not be NULL
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
MapsToShift Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapShiftToTop(MapsToShiftPtr)
    POINTER (MapsToShiftPtr, MapsToShift)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapShiftToTop(MapsToShift)

                  MapsToShift          sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Shift Line-maps 2 and 4 to the top:

ArbParam_t TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue ( EntIndex_t  LineMap,
const char *  S1,
const char *  S2,
const char *  S3 

Queries an Line-map attribute.

You can use this function to query any Line-map attribute that is not a floating point value. To query a floating point attribute, use TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue().

LineMap Line-map number to query
S1 First parameter used to define the attribute to query. The parameters follow the same order that you would use when constructing a set value macro command. If a parameter is not used, then it must be NULL.These parameters are actually strings, but you can use the supplied SV_ constants from the SV.h include file. Using the SV_ constants will help prevent misspellings and other errors.If you are not sure of the possible values for an enumerate type, you can find the definitions in Include/GLOBAL.h below the Teclot home directory.
S2 Second parameter used to define the attribute to query. See S1.
S3 Third parameter used to define the attribute to query. See S1.This function will assert if the combination of parameters or the LineMap number is invalid.
The queried attribute. This must be cast to the appropriate type (see the table below). If the return type is a char *, then you must call TecUtilStringDealloc() to free the string.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue(
   &           LineMap,
   &           S1,
   &           S2,
   &           S3,
   &           ResultPtr)
    INTEGER*4       LineMap
    CHARACTER*(*)   S1
    CHARACTER*(*)   S2
    CHARACTER*(*)   S3
    POINTER         (ResultPtr, Result)

Python Syntax:

    This function is not supported in Python.

Query the name of Line-map number 2.

     // Equivalent macro command to set the color is: $!LINEMAP [2] NAME = "..."
     char *LineMapName = NULL;


     MapName = (const char *) TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue(2,SV_NAME,NULL,NULL);

     // Use MapName.

     TecUtilStringDealloc(&MapName); // When finished


Get the error bar variable for line map 7:

     EntIndex_t ErrorBarVar;

     LineThickness = (EntIndex_t)TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue(7,

double TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue ( EntIndex_t  LineMap,
const char *  S1,
const char *  S2,
const char *  S3 

Queries an Line-map attribute.

You can use this function to query any attribute that is a floating point value. To query a non-floating point attribute, use TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue().

LineMap Line-map number to query
S1 First parameter used to define the attribute to query. The parameters follow the same order that you would use when constructing a set value macro command. If a parameter is not used, then it must be NULL.These parameters are actually strings, but you can use the supplied SV_ constants from the SV.h include file. Using the SV_ constants will help prevent misspellings and other errors.If you are not sure of the possible values for an enumerate type, you can find the definitions in Include/GLOBAL.h below the Teclot home directory.
S2 Second parameter used to define the attribute to query. See S1.
S3 Third parameter used to define the attribute to query. See S1.
The queried attribute.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue(
   &                   LineMap,
   &                   S1,
   &                   S2,
   &                   S3)
    INTEGER*4       LineMap
    CHARACTER*(*)   S1
    CHARACTER*(*)   S2
    CHARACTER*(*)   S3

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LineMapStyleGetDoubleValue(LineMap, S1, S2, S3)

                  LineMap              int
                  S1                   string
                  S2                   string
                  S3                   string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

Query the pattern length for Line-map number 2.

     // Equivalent macro command to set the pattern
     // length is: $!LINEMAP [2] LINES {  PATTERNLENGTH = ... }

     double  LinePatternLength;


     LinePatternLength = TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue(2,SV_LINES,

Boolean_t TecUtilLinePlotLayerIsActive ( const char *  LayerShowFlag  ) 

Indicates if the line plot layer of interest is active or not.

LayerShowFlag Show flag for the line plot layer of interest.
TRUE if the specific layer in a line plot is active, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.

LayerShowFlag Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLinePlotLayerIsActive(LayerShowFlag)
    CHARACTER*(*) LayerShowFlag

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LinePlotLayerIsActive(LayerShowFlag)

                  LayerShowFlag        string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Determine if the line plot's symbol layer is on:

   if (TecUtilLinePlotLayerIsActive(SV_SHOWSYMBOLS))
       // Do something with the line plot's symbols

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLinePlotLayerSetIsActive ( const char *  LayerShowFlag,
Boolean_t  TurnOnLinePlotLayer 

Instructs Tecplot to turn on or off the specified line plot layer.

LayerShowFlag Show flag for the line plot layer of interest
TurnOnLinePlotLayer If TRUE Tecplot will turn on the layer, otherwise it will turn the layer off.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
LayerShowFlag Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilLinePlotLayerSetIsActive(
   &                   LayerShowFlag,
   &                   TurnOnLinePlotLayer)
    CHARACTER*(*)   LayerShowFlag
    INTEGER*4       TurnOnLinePlotLayer

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.LinePlotLayerSetIsActive(LayerShowFlag, TurnOnLinePlotLayer)

                  LayerShowFlag        string
                  TurnOnLinePlotLayer  boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Turn on the line plot's symbol layer:

   SetValueReturnCode_e SVRC;
   SVRC = TecUtilLinePlotLayerSetIsActive(SV_SHOWSYMBOLS, TRUE);

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapCopy ( EntIndex_t  SourceMap,
EntIndex_t  DestMap 

Please use TecUtilLineMapCopy() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapCopy(SourceMap, DestMap)

                  SourceMap            int
                  DestMap              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapCreate ( void   ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapCreate() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapCreate()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapDelete ( Set_pa  MapsToDelete  ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapDelete() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapDelete(MapsToDelete)

                  MapsToDelete         sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapGetActive ( Set_pa ActiveXYMaps  ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapGetActive() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapGetActive()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    ActiveXYMaps         sequence of ints

void TecUtilXYMapGetAssignment ( EntIndex_t  XYMap,
EntIndex_t Zone,
EntIndex_t XAxisVar,
EntIndex_t YAxisVar,
SmInteger_t XAxis,
SmInteger_t YAxis,
FunctionDependency_e FunctionDependency 

Please use TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapGetAssignment(XYMap)

                  XYMap                int
    Results[0]    Zone                 int
    Results[1]    XAxisVar             int
    Results[2]    YAxisVar             int
    Results[3]    XAxis                int
    Results[4]    YAxis                int
    Results[5]    FunctionDependency   FunctionDependency_e  (defined in

EntIndex_t TecUtilXYMapGetCount ( void   ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapGetCount() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapGetCount()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapGetName ( EntIndex_t  Map,
char **  Name 

Please use TecUtilLineMapGetName() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapGetName(Map)

                  Map                  int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    Name                 string

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapIsActive ( EntIndex_t  XYMap  ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapIsActive() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapIsActive(XYMap)

                  XYMap                int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetActive ( Set_pa  XYMapSet,
AssignOp_e  AssignModifier 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetActive() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetActive(XYMapSet, AssignModifier)

                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  AssignModifier       AssignOp_e  (defined in
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetAssignment ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetAssignment() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetAssignment(Attribute, XYMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetBarChart ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetBarChart() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetBarChart(Attribute, XYMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetCurve ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetCurve() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetCurve(Attribute, XYMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetErrorBar ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetErrorBar() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetErrorBar(Attribute, XYMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetIndices ( const char *  Attribute,
const char *  SubAttribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetIndices() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetIndices(Attribute, SubAttribute, XYMapSet, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  SubAttribute         string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetLine ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetLine() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetLine(Attribute, XYMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetName ( Set_pa  XYMapSet,
const char *  NewName 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetName() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetName(XYMapSet, NewName)

                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  NewName              string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetSymbol ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetSymbol() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetSymbol(Attribute, XYMapSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetSymbolShape ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  XYMapSet,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Please use TecUtilLineMapSetSymbolShape() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapSetSymbolShape(Attribute, XYMapSet, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  XYMapSet             sequence of ints
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapShiftToBottom ( Set_pa  MapsToShift  ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapShiftToBottom() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapShiftToBottom(MapsToShift)

                  MapsToShift          sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapShiftToTop ( Set_pa  MapsToShift  ) 

Please use TecUtilLineMapShiftToTop() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapShiftToTop(MapsToShift)

                  MapsToShift          sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

ArbParam_t TecUtilXYMapStyleGetArbValue ( EntIndex_t  XYMap,
const char *  S1,
const char *  S2,
const char *  S3 

Please use TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue() instead.

Python Syntax:

    This function is not supported in Python.

double TecUtilXYMapStyleGetDoubleValue ( EntIndex_t  XYMap,
const char *  S1,
const char *  S2,
const char *  S3 

Please use TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYMapStyleGetDoubleValue(XYMap, S1, S2, S3)

                  XYMap                int
                  S1                   string
                  S2                   string
                  S3                   string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYSetLayer ( const char *  LayerShowFlag,
Boolean_t  TurnOnXYLayer 

Please use TecUtilLinePlotLayerSetIsActive() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.XYSetLayer(LayerShowFlag, TurnOnXYLayer)

                  LayerShowFlag        string
                  TurnOnXYLayer        boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

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