

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneCopyX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Make a copy of a zone or zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneCopy (EntIndex_t ZoneUsed, LgIndex_t IMin, LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t ISkip, LgIndex_t JMin, LgIndex_t JMax, LgIndex_t JSkip, LgIndex_t KMin, LgIndex_t KMax, LgIndex_t KSkip)
  Make a copy of an existing zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneRename (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *ZoneName)
  Rename a data set zone in Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsLinear (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Test to see if a zone is linear.
void TecUtilZoneSetBuildZoneOptInfo (EntIndex_t Zone, Boolean_t BuildZoneOptInfo)
  Instruct Tecplot to either build or forgo building zone optimization information.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneRealloc (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints, LgIndex_t NewJMaxOrNumElements, LgIndex_t NewKMax)
  Reallocate the classic FE or ordered zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
UniqueID_t TecUtilZoneGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a unique ID for a zone.
EntIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Gets a zone number, given a unique ID.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetName (EntIndex_t Zone, char **ZName)
  Get the name of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilZoneGetInfo (EntIndex_t CurZone, LgIndex_t *IMax, LgIndex_t *JMax, LgIndex_t *KMax, FieldData_pa *XVar, FieldData_pa *YVar, FieldData_pa *ZVar, NodeMap_pa *NMap, FieldData_pa *UVar, FieldData_pa *VVar, FieldData_pa *WVar, FieldData_pa *BVar, FieldData_pa *CVar, FieldData_pa *SVar)
  Convenience function used to obtain information about a specific zone.
void TecUtilZoneGetIJK (EntIndex_t CurZone, LgIndex_t *IMax, LgIndex_t *JMax, LgIndex_t *KMax)
  Used to obtain the I, J, and K dimensions of a specific zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetEnabled (Set_pa *EnabledZones)
  Get the set of enabled zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetRelevant (double SolutionTime, Boolean_t IgnoreStaticZones, Set_pa *RelevantZones)
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetRelevantZones (double SolutionTimeMin, double SolutionTimeMax, Boolean_t IgnoreStaticZones)
  Get the set of relevant zones between the supplied maximum and minimum solution time.
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetStrandRelevantZones (Strand_t StrandID, double SolutionTimeMin, double SolutionTimeMax)
  Get the set of relevant zones for the supplied strand Id.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveZones)
  Obtain the set of active field zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsFiniteElement (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if a zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains finite-element data.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsOrdered (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains ordered data.
ZoneType_e TecUtilZoneGetType (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Get the type of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsEnabled (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if a zone is enabled.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsActive (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if a zone is active.
double TecUtilZoneGetSolutionTime (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the Solution Time associated with the specified zone.
Strand_t TecUtilZoneGetStrandID (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the StrandID associated with the specified zone.
EntIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetParentZone (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the number of the Parent Zone associated with the specified zone.
LgIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetFieldMap (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets the position of the zone in the Zone Style dialog.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetSolutionTime (EntIndex_t Zone, double SolutionTime)
  Assign a time value to the specified zone.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetActive (Set_pa ZoneSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
  Assign which zones are active.
void TecUtilZoneStyleApplyAuto (Set_pa ZoneSet)
  Invoke Tecplot's style-setting side-effects for appended data on the specified zones.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetMesh (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for mesh plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetContour (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for contour plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVector (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for vector plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVectorIJKSkip (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, LgIndex_t Skip)
  Set the vector I-, J-, or K-skipping.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatter (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign top level values to attributes for scatter plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatterIJKSkip (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, LgIndex_t Skip)
  Set the scatter I-, J-, or K-skipping.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatterSymbolShape (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values for the symbol shape in scatter plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetShade (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for shade plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetEdgeLayer (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for edge plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVolumeMode (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign the Volume Mode for field plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetStrandID (EntIndex_t Zone, Strand_t StrandID)
  Sets the StrandID associated with the specified zone.

Function Documentation

Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetRelevantZones ( double  SolutionTimeMin,
double  SolutionTimeMax,
Boolean_t  IgnoreStaticZones 

Get the set of relevant zones between the supplied maximum and minimum solution time.

A transient zone is relevant if its solution time is less than the supplied solution time and there are no other zones in its strand that have closer solution times. No zones of a strand are relevant if the solution time is outside the range of solution times for the entire strand. Static zones (non-transient) are always considered relevant. For more information on transient zones see the Tecplot User's Manual. This function is Thread Safe.

IgnoreStaticZones If set to TRUE the resulting set will not include static zones. If FALSE, static zones will be included in the result. Static zones are always "relevant" regardless of the solution time.
SolutionTimeMin The min solution time for which to get the relevant zones.
SolutionTimeMax The max solution time for which to get the relevant zones.
Allocated Set_pa with the resulting set of zones. If something went wrong RelevantZones will be NULL.
Fortran Syntax:

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.DataSetGetRelevantZones(SolutionTimeMin, SolutionTimeMax, IgnoreStaticZones)

                  SolutionTimeMin      double
                  SolutionTimeMax      double
                  IgnoreStaticZones    boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            sequence of ints

Get the set of relevant zones between solution times 0.4324 and 0.5324:

   Set_pa set = NULL;
   set = TecUtilDataSetGetRelevantZones(
                       0.4324, //Min
                       0.5324, //Max
   if ( set )
       // do something with the set here

Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetStrandRelevantZones ( Strand_t  StrandID,
double  SolutionTimeMin,
double  SolutionTimeMax 

Get the set of relevant zones for the supplied strand Id.

A transient zone is relevant if its solution time is less than the supplied solution time and there are no other zones in its strand that have closer solution times. No zones of a strand are relevant if the solution time is outside the range of solution times for the entire strand. Static zones (non-transient) are always considered relevant. For more information on transient zones see the Tecplot User's Manual. This function is Thread Safe.

StrandID The strand ID for which to get the relevant zones.
SolutionTimeMin The min solution time for which to get the relevant zones.
SolutionTimeMax The max solution time for which to get the relevant zones.
Allocated Set_pa with the resulting set of zones. If something went wrong RelevantZones will be NULL.
Fortran Syntax:

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.DataSetGetStrandRelevantZones(StrandID, SolutionTimeMin, SolutionTimeMax)

                  StrandID             int
                  SolutionTimeMin      double
                  SolutionTimeMax      double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            sequence of ints

Get the set of relevant zones for strand ID 5, between solution time 0.5 and 0.8:

   Set_pa set = NULL;
   set = TecUtilDataSetGetStrandRelevantZones(5,0.5,0.8);

   if (zones != NULL)
     // do something with the set here

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneCopy ( EntIndex_t  ZoneUsed,
LgIndex_t  IMin,
LgIndex_t  IMax,
LgIndex_t  ISkip,
LgIndex_t  JMin,
LgIndex_t  JMax,
LgIndex_t  JSkip,
LgIndex_t  KMin,
LgIndex_t  KMax,
LgIndex_t  KSkip 

Make a copy of an existing zone.

You can use index ranges to create a new zone which is a subset of the source zone.

The variables in the duplicate zone initially share data with the source zone; use TecUtilDataValueBranchShared() to branch any variables you do not want to be shared.
ZoneUsed Source zone. Must be greater than or equal to one
IMin Minimum I-index. Set to one to duplicate the entire zone
IMax Maximum I-index. Set to zero to duplicate the entire zone
ISkip I skip value. Set to one to duplicate the entire zone
JMin Minimum J-index. Set to one to duplicate the entire zone
JMax Maximum J-index. Set to zero to duplicate the entire zone
JSkip J skip value. Set to one to duplicate the entire zone.
KMin Minimum K-index. Set to one to duplicate the entire zone.
KMax Maximum K-index. Set to zero to duplicate the entire zone
KSkip K skip value. Set to one to duplicate the entire zone
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneCopy(
   &                   ZoneUsed,
   &                   IMin,
   &                   IMax,
   &                   ISkip,
   &                   JMin,
   &                   JMax,
   &                   JSkip,
   &                   KMin,
   &                   KMax,
   &                   KSkip)
    INTEGER*4       ZoneUsed
    INTEGER*4       IMin
    INTEGER*4       IMax
    INTEGER*4       ISkip
    INTEGER*4       JMin
    INTEGER*4       JMax
    INTEGER*4       JSkip
    INTEGER*4       KMin
    INTEGER*4       KMax
    INTEGER*4       KSkip

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneCopy(ZoneUsed, IMin, IMax, ISkip, JMin, JMax, JSkip, KMin, KMax, KSkip)

                  ZoneUsed             int
                  IMin                 int
                  IMax                 int
                  ISkip                int
                  JMin                 int
                  JMax                 int
                  JSkip                int
                  KMin                 int
                  KMax                 int
                  KSkip                int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Duplicate zone 3:

   Boolean_t IsOK = TecUtilZoneCopy(3,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1);

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneCopyX ( ArgList_pa  ArgList  ) 

Make a copy of a zone or zones.

The variables in the duplicate zone initially share data with the source zone; use TecUtilDataValueBranchShared() to branch any variables you do not want to be shared.
ArgList Set of Arglist entries. This is built using calls to TecUtilArgListAppendXXXX functions.

Arglist Values

Type: EntIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Required: Yes
Notes: The source zone. This can be only used if SV_SOURCEZONES is not set.

Type: Set_pa
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendSet()
Required: Yes
Notes: The source zones. This can be only used if SV_SOURCEZONE is not set.

Type: EntIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: The number of Zones in the DataSet plus one. TecUtilDataSetGetNumZones()+1.
Required: No
Notes: The destination zone number for the duplicated zone. If more than one zone is specified for the source zones then zone numbers are assigned sequentially using this value for the first zone, this value plus one for the next zone and so on. Specifying an existing zone number will replace that zone with a copy of SourceZone. SourceZone and DestinationZone cannot be the same value. Destination zone will be assigned a new UniqueID.

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 1
Required: No

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 0
Required: No
Notes: 0 = Max

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 1
Required: No

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 1
Required: No

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 0
Required: No
Notes: 0 = Max

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 1
Required: No

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 1
Required: No

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 0
Required: No
Notes: 0 = Max

Type: LgIndex_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: 1
Required: No

Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
ArgList Argument list must be valid.

Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneCopyX(ArgListPtr)
    POINTER (ArgListPtr, ArgList)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneCopyX(ArgList)

                  ArgList              dictionary
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetActive ( Set_pa ActiveZones  ) 

Obtain the set of active field zones.

ActiveZones Receives the set of active field zones. You must call TecUtilSetDealloc() when you are through using the set.
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set.

ActiveZones Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetActive(ActiveZonesPtr)
    POINTER (ActiveZonesPtr, ActiveZones)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetActive()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    ActiveZones          sequence of ints

Do something if zone 3 is active:

   Set_pa zone_set = NULL;
   if ( TecUtilSetIsMember(zone_set, 3) )
       // do something

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetEnabled ( Set_pa EnabledZones  ) 

Get the set of enabled zones.

Zones are enabled/disabled when they are read in.

EnabledZones Receives the set of enabled zones. You must free this pointer by calling TecUtilSetDealloc().
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set.

EnabledZones Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetEnabled(EnabledZonesPtr)
    POINTER (EnabledZonesPtr, EnabledZones)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetEnabled()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    EnabledZones         sequence of ints

Get the set of enabled zones:

   Set_pa set = NULL;
   if (TecUtilZoneGetEnabled(&set))
    // do something with the set here

LgIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetFieldMap ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Gets the position of the zone in the Zone Style dialog.

This function may only be called when the Plot Type is 2D or 3D.

Must have one or more frames.
Python Syntax:
  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetFieldMap(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

void TecUtilZoneGetIJK ( EntIndex_t  CurZone,
LgIndex_t IMax,
LgIndex_t JMax,
LgIndex_t KMax 

Used to obtain the I, J, and K dimensions of a specific zone.

This function is Thread Safe.

CurZone Number of the zone to query.
IMax Receives the I-dimension for ordered data. Number of data points for FE-data. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired.
JMax Receives the J-dimension for ordered data. Number of elements for FE-data. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired.
KMax Receives the K-dimension for ordered data. Number of nodes per cell for cell-based FE-data (triangle, brick, tetrahedral, quadtrilateral). Number of faces for face-based FE-data (polygons and polyhedrons). Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

IMax Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

JMax Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

KMax Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
   &           CurZone,
   &           IMax,
   &           JMax,
   &           KMax)
    INTEGER*4       CurZone
    INTEGER*4       IMax
    INTEGER*4       JMax
    INTEGER*4       KMax

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetIJK(CurZone)

                  CurZone              int
    Results[0]    IMax                 int
    Results[1]    JMax                 int
    Results[2]    KMax                 int

Get IMAX for the first zone:

   LgIndex_t IMax;
   // Use NULL for values we're not interested in

See also:

void TecUtilZoneGetInfo ( EntIndex_t  CurZone,
LgIndex_t IMax,
LgIndex_t JMax,
LgIndex_t KMax,
FieldData_pa XVar,
FieldData_pa YVar,
FieldData_pa ZVar,
NodeMap_pa NMap,
FieldData_pa UVar,
FieldData_pa VVar,
FieldData_pa WVar,
FieldData_pa BVar,
FieldData_pa CVar,
FieldData_pa SVar 

Convenience function used to obtain information about a specific zone.

This function is primarily targeted for use with 2D and 3D frame modes. If the frame mode is XY, only the zone dimensions can be queried. To get a field data pointer to axis variables when the frame mode is XY use TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment(). This function is Thread Safe.

This function always returns a writable native field data handle when one is requested. Getting a writable native field data handle is more expensive than getting a readable native one therefore if you only intend to inspect the data you should call TecUtilDataValueGetReadableNativeRef() instead.
CurZone Number of the zone to query.
IMax Receives the I-dimension for ordered data. Number of data points for FE-data. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired.
JMax Receives the J-dimension for ordered data. Number of elements for FE-data. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired.
KMax Receives the K-dimension for ordered data. Number of nodes per cell for cell-based FE-data (triangle, brick, tetrahedral, quadtrilateral). Number of faces for face-based FE-data (polygons and polyhedrons). Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired.
XVar Receives the handle to a writeable field data for X. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
YVar Receives the handle to a writeable field data for Y. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
ZVar Receives the handle to a writeable field data for Z. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
NMap Receives the handle for a writeable connectivity list. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
UVar Receives the Handle to a writeable field data for U. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
VVar Receives the handle to a writable field data for V. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
WVar Receives the handle to a writable field data for W. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
BVar Receives the handle to a writable field data for the blanking variable. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
CVar Receives the handle to a writable field data for the contouring variable. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
SVar Receives the handle to a writable field data for the scatter sizing variable. Passing NULL indicates the value is not desired. If the frame mode is XY this parameter must be NULL.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

IMax Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

JMax Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

KMax Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

XVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

YVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

ZVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

NMap Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

UVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

VVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

WVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

BVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

CVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

SVar Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilZoneGetInfo(
   &           CurZone,
   &           IMax,
   &           JMax,
   &           KMax,
   &           XVarPtr,
   &           YVarPtr,
   &           ZVarPtr,
   &           NMapPtr,
   &           UVarPtr,
   &           VVarPtr,
   &           WVarPtr,
   &           BVarPtr,
   &           CVarPtr,
   &           SVarPtr)
    INTEGER*4       CurZone
    INTEGER*4       IMax
    INTEGER*4       JMax
    INTEGER*4       KMax
    POINTER         (XVarPtr, XVar)
    POINTER         (YVarPtr, YVar)
    POINTER         (ZVarPtr, ZVar)
    POINTER         (NMapPtr, NMap)
    POINTER         (UVarPtr, UVar)
    POINTER         (VVarPtr, VVar)
    POINTER         (WVarPtr, WVar)
    POINTER         (BVarPtr, BVar)
    POINTER         (CVarPtr, CVar)
    POINTER         (SVarPtr, SVar)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetInfo(CurZone)

                  CurZone              int
    Results[0]    IMax                 int
    Results[1]    JMax                 int
    Results[2]    KMax                 int
    Results[3]    XVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[4]    YVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[5]    ZVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[6]    NMap                 opaque pointer
    Results[7]    UVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[8]    VVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[9]    WVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[10]   BVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[11]   CVar                 opaque pointer
    Results[12]   SVar                 opaque pointer

Get IMAX for the first zone:

   LgIndex_t IMax;
   // Use NULL for values we're not interested in

FORTRAN example to get IMAX for the first zone:

      INTEGER*4 IMax
      INTEGER*4 ZoneNum
      POINTER   (NullPntr, Null)
      NullPntr = 0
      ZoneNum  = 1

      Call TecUtilZoneGetInfo(ZoneNum,
     &                        IMax,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null,
     &                        Null)

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetName ( EntIndex_t  Zone,
char **  ZName 

Get the name of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.

This function is Thread Safe.

Zone Number of the zone for which to get the zone name information
ZName Receives the name of the specified zone. You must free the returned string with TecUtilStringDealloc().
TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. FALSE usually indicates an invalid zone or that the current frame does not have an attached data set.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

ZName Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetName(
   &                   Zone,
   &                   ZName,
   &                   ZNameLength)
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    CHARACTER*(*)   ZName
    INTEGER*4       ZNameLength

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetName(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    ZName                string

Get the name of the first zone:

   char *name = NULL;
   if (TecUtilZoneGetName(1,&name)
     // do something with the name here

EntIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID ( UniqueID_t  UniqueID  ) 

Gets a zone number, given a unique ID.

This function is Thread Safe.

UniqueID Unique ID of the zone
The zone number of the vairable represented by the unique ID. If there is no zone number for the given unique ID, the return value is TECUTILBADID.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID(UniqueID)
    INTEGER*4 UniqueID

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetNumByUniqueID(UniqueID)

                  UniqueID             long
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

Get a zone number from a unique ID:

     extern UniqueID_t ID; // previously initialized

     if ( TecUtilDataSetIsAvailable() )
         EntIndex_t ZoneNum = TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID(ID);
         if (ZoneNum != TECUTILBADID)

EntIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetParentZone ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Returns the number of the Parent Zone associated with the specified zone.

Parent Zone for the zone. 0 indicates that the zone has no parent zone.
Zone A zone number for a currently enabled zone.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetParentZone(
   &                   Zone)
    INTEGER*4       Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetParentZone(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetRelevant ( double  SolutionTime,
Boolean_t  IgnoreStaticZones,
Set_pa RelevantZones 

Please use TecUtilDataSetGetRelevantZones() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetRelevant(SolutionTime, IgnoreStaticZones)

                  SolutionTime         double
                  IgnoreStaticZones    boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean
    Results[1]    RelevantZones        sequence of ints

double TecUtilZoneGetSolutionTime ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Returns the Solution Time associated with the specified zone.

This function is Thread Safe.

Solution time for the zone.
Zone A zone number for a currently enabled zone.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    REAL*8 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetSolutionTime(
   &                Zone)
    INTEGER*4    Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetSolutionTime(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            double

See also:
TecUtilSolutionTimeSetCurrent() and TecUtilSolutionTimeGetCurrent()

Strand_t TecUtilZoneGetStrandID ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Returns the StrandID associated with the specified zone.

StrandID for the zone. 0 indicates that the zone is not part of a strand. Transient zones will have a StrandID of 1 or greater.
Zone A zone number for a currently enabled zone.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetStrandID(
   &                   Zone)
    INTEGER*4       Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetStrandID(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

See also:

ZoneType_e TecUtilZoneGetType ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Get the type of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.

This function is Thread Safe.

Zone Number of the zone for which to get the zone type information
The zone type.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Zone Must specify a valid zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetType(Zone)
    INTEGER*4 Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetType(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            ZoneType_e  (defined in

Get the time of the first zone:

UniqueID_t TecUtilZoneGetUniqueID ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Gets a unique ID for a zone.

A unique ID is an integer that uniquely identifies a zone. An addon can use these IDs to internally keep track of a set of zones. TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID() can be used to convert between a unique ID and a zone number. This function is Thread Safe.

Zone Zone number to query.
A unique ID for a zone.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneGetUniqueID(Zone)
    INTEGER*4 Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneGetUniqueID(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            long

Get the UniqueID for zone 1:

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsActive ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Determine if a zone is active.

This function is Thread Safe.

Returns TRUE if the zone is active, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.

The active frame's plot plot type must be 2D or 3D.

ZoneIsValid(Zone) Must specify a valid zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneIsActive(Zone)
    INTEGER*4 Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneIsActive(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsEnabled ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Determine if a zone is enabled.

This function is Thread Safe.

Zone Number of the zone for which to get the zone type information
TRUE, if a zone is enabled, otherwise, FALSE.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneIsEnabled(Zone)
    INTEGER*4 Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneIsEnabled(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Check if the first zone is enabled:

   if (TecUtilZoneIsEnabled(1))
     // sure is!

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsFiniteElement ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Determine if a zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains finite-element data.

This function is Thread Safe.

Zone Number of the zone for which to get the zone type information
TRUE if the zone is a finite-element zone, FALSE if it is not.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Zone Must specify a valid zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneIsFiniteElement(Zone)
    INTEGER*4 Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneIsFiniteElement(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Check if the first zone is finite element:

   if (TecUtilZoneIsFiniteElement(1))
     // sure is!

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsLinear ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Test to see if a zone is linear.

Zone Zone of interest. This zone must be an enabled zone.
TRUE if the zone data is linear, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneIsLinear(
    INTEGER*4       Zone

Python Syntax:
  Results = TecUtil.ZoneIsLinear(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsOrdered ( EntIndex_t  Zone  ) 

Determine if the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains ordered data.

This function is Thread Safe.

Zone Number of the zone for which to get the zone type information
TRUE if the zone is an I-ordered, IJ-ordered, or IJK-ordered zone; FALSE if it is not.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneIsOrdered(Zone)
    INTEGER*4 Zone

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneIsOrdered(Zone)

                  Zone                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Check if the first zone is ordered:

   if (TecUtilZoneIsOrdered(1))
     // sure is!

Boolean_t TecUtilZoneRealloc ( EntIndex_t  Zone,
LgIndex_t  NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints,
LgIndex_t  NewJMaxOrNumElements,
LgIndex_t  NewKMax 

Reallocate the classic FE or ordered zone in the data set attached to the current frame.

This in effect re-dimensions the raw data referenced by the zone.

Data in the reallocated zone is preserved as much as possible. If the zone is reduced in size all field data should be preserved where like I,J,K subscripted locations in the old zone (using the old dimensions to calculate the offset) are copied to the same I,J,K subscripted locations in the new zone (using the new dimensions). If the dimensions of the zone are increased then the field data at subscripts beyond the original dimensions are initialized to zero.

If the zone is classic finite element and an element contains a point that is no longer available (because the zone was reduced in size) it is reset to the first point in the dataset. If the connectivity list is expanded then all nodes in the newly created elements will reference the first point in the dataset.

The preferred method of resizing a zone is to call TecUtilDataSetAddZoneX() using the zone number of the target zone to resize.
Zone One-based index of the zone to reallocate
NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints New IMax or number of data points
NewJMaxOrNumElements New JMax or number of elements
NewKMax New KMax
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneRealloc(
   &                   Zone,
   &                   NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints,
   &                   NewJMaxOrNumElements,
   &                   NewKMax)
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    INTEGER*4       NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints
    INTEGER*4       NewJMaxOrNumElements
    INTEGER*4       NewKMax

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneRealloc(Zone, NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints, NewJMaxOrNumElements, NewKMax)

                  Zone                 int
                  NewIMaxOrNumDataPoints int
                  NewJMaxOrNumElements int
                  NewKMax              int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Reallocate the first zone:


Boolean_t TecUtilZoneRename ( EntIndex_t  Zone,
const char *  ZoneName 

Rename a data set zone in Tecplot.

Zone The number of the zone to be renamed. The first zone in Tecplot is at position 1
ZoneName A string containing the new zone name. The name will be trimmed of any leading or trailing whitespace and truncated to be no more than 128 characters in length.
Must have one or more frames.

Current frame must have a data set with at least one zone.

ZoneName Pointer must be a valid address and non-NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneRename(
   &                   Zone,
   &                   ZoneName)
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    CHARACTER*(*)   ZoneName

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneRename(Zone, ZoneName)

                  Zone                 int
                  ZoneName             string
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Rename the first zone:

   TecUtilZoneRename(1,"New Zone Name");

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetActive ( Set_pa  ZoneSet,
AssignOp_e  AssignModifier 

Assign which zones are active.

ZoneSet Set of zones used to change the set of active zones. The way in which the active zones are changed is based on the AssignModifier. Must not be NULL.
AssignModifier The possible values are: AssignOp_Equals, AssignOp_PlusEquals, AssignOp_MinusEquals
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetActive(
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   AssignModifier)
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    INTEGER*4       AssignModifier

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetActive(ZoneSet, AssignModifier)

                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  AssignModifier       AssignOp_e  (defined in
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Activate zone 3:

   Set_pa zone_set = TecUtilSetAlloc();
   TecUtilSetAddMember(zone_set, 3,TRUE);
   TecUtilZoneSetActive(zone_set, AssignOp_PlusEquals);

void TecUtilZoneSetBuildZoneOptInfo ( EntIndex_t  Zone,
Boolean_t  BuildZoneOptInfo 

Instruct Tecplot to either build or forgo building zone optimization information.

Zone optimization information enhances interactive performance but has an upfront performance cost. This function can be called any time after the zone has been created.

Zone Zone for which the decision to build zone optimization information needs changing.
BuildZoneOptInfo Indicates if Tecplot should build zone optimization if needed.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilZoneSetBuildZoneOptInfo(
   &           Zone,
   &           BuildZoneOptInfo)
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    INTEGER*4       BuildZoneOptInfo

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetBuildZoneOptInfo(Zone, BuildZoneOptInfo)

                  Zone                 int
                  BuildZoneOptInfo     boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            NONE

See also:
TecUtilDataSetAddZoneX() allows you to create a zone with the appropriate setting.

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetContour ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for contour plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute                  I or D Value     Notes
        SV_SHOW                         IValue      TRUE, FALSE
        SV_CONTOURTYPE                  IValue      ContourType_e
        SV_COLOR                        IValue      ColorIndex_t
        SV_FLOODCOLORING                IValue      ContourColoring_e
        SV_LINECONTOURGROUP             IValue      integer value 1 through 4
        SV_LINEPATTERN                  IValue      LinePattern_e
        SV_PATTERNLENGTH                DValue      Valid length
        SV_LINETHICKNESS                DValue      Valid thickness
        SV_USELIGHTINGEFFECT            IValue      TRUE, FALSE

ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones.
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value, put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetContour(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetContour(Attribute, ZoneSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Change the contour plot type to flood for the first zone:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetEdgeLayer ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for edge plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute                  I or D Value     Notes
        SV_SHOW                    IValue          TRUE, FALSE
        SV_EDGETYPE                IValue          EdgeType_e
        SV_IBORDER                 IValue          BorderLocation_e
        SV_JBORDER                 IValue          BorderLocation_e
        SV_KBORDER                 IValue          BorderLocation_e
        SV_COLOR                   IValue          Valid color index.
        SV_LINETHICKNESS           DValue          Valid line thickness.

ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetEdgeLayer(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetEdgeLayer(Attribute, ZoneSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the line thickness for the first zone to 0.1:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetMesh ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for mesh plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_MESHTYPE            IValue       MeshType_e
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_LINEPATTERN         IValue       LinePattern_e
        SV_PATTERNLENGTH       DValue       Valid pattern length
        SV_LINETHICKNESS       DValue       Valid line thickness

ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones.
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetMesh(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetMesh(Attribute, ZoneSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the mesh color for all zones to be red:


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatter ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign top level values to attributes for scatter plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_ISFILLED            IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_FILLMODE            IValue       FillMode_e
        SV_FILLCOLOR           IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_SIZEBYVARIABLE      IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_FRAMESIZE           DValue       0.0-100.0
        SV_LINETHICKNESS       DValue       0.001-100.0
ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones
DValue If the attribute requires a double value then assigned it to the DValue parameter.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetScatter(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetScatter(Attribute, ZoneSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set scatter line thickness for all zones to 0.1:


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatterIJKSkip ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
LgIndex_t  Skip 

Set the scatter I-, J-, or K-skipping.

Attribute Specify the attribute (in this case, I-, J-, or K-skip) to change. The possible values are SV_I, SV_J, or SV_K.
ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones.
Skip The scatter skip value to assign.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetScatterIJKSkip(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   Skip)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    INTEGER*4       Skip

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetScatterIJKSkip(Attribute, ZoneSet, Skip)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  Skip                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the scatter I-skip to two for all zones:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatterSymbolShape ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values for the symbol shape in scatter plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_ISASCII             IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_GEOMSHAPE           IValue       GeomShape_e
        SV_ASCIICHAR           IValue       Character string.  Must
                                            be a single character (like "A").

ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assigned it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetScatterSymbolShap(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetScatterSymbolShape(Attribute, ZoneSet, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

IMPORTANT! Note that the FORTRAN Name for this function is truncated to 31 characters!
Set the scatter symbol shape to squares for all zones:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetShade ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for shade plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones.
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used. This is reserved for future use.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValueparameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetShade(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetShade(Attribute, ZoneSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the shade color to red:


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetSolutionTime ( EntIndex_t  Zone,
double  SolutionTime 

Assign a time value to the specified zone.

For this value to be used, the zone must have a valid strand assigned.

Zone Zone on which to operate.
SolutionTime Solution Time to be assigned to the specified zone
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
INTEGER*4 NewVariable Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetSolutionTime(
   &                   Zone,
   &                   SolutionTime)
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    REAL*8          SolutionTime

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetSolutionTime(Zone, SolutionTime)

                  Zone                 int
                  SolutionTime         double
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

See also:
TecUtilDataSetAddZoneX and TecUtilDataSetGetMaxStrandID

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetStrandID ( EntIndex_t  Zone,
Strand_t  StrandID 

Sets the StrandID associated with the specified zone.

Data loader add-ons should specify the strand ID when creating the zone by using TecUtilDataSetAddZoneX().

Zone A zone number for a currently enabled zone.
StrandID The strand ID to assign. Use a strand ID of zero to specify the zone as static (non-transient). Values greater than zero are used to associate zones with a particular strand.
Must have one or more frames.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetStrandID(
   &                   Zone,
   &                   StrandID)
    INTEGER*4       Zone
    INTEGER*4       StrandID

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetStrandID(Zone, StrandID)

                  Zone                 int
                  StrandID             int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

See also:


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVector ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign values to attributes for vector plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change from the possible values found below:
        Attribute              Assign To    Value Notes
        SV_SHOW                IValue       TRUE,FALSE
        SV_VECTORTYPE          IValue       VectorType_e
        SV_COLOR               IValue       ColorIndex_t
        SV_LINEPATTERN         DValue       LinePattern_e
        SV_PATTERNLENGTH       DValue       Valid pattern length
        SV_LINETHICKNESS       DValue       Valid line thickness
        SV_ARROWHEADSTYLE      IValue       ArrowheadStyle_e
        SV_ISTANGENT           IValue       TRUE,FALSE

ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones
DValue If the attribute requires a floating point value then put that value in DValue, otherwise DValue is not used.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetVector(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetVector(Attribute, ZoneSet, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the arrowhead style for vector plots to be "plain" for all zones:


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVectorIJKSkip ( const char *  Attribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
LgIndex_t  Skip 

Set the vector I-, J-, or K-skipping.

Attribute Specify the attribute (in this case, I, J, or K-skip) to change. The possible values are: SV_I, SV_J, or SV_K
ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones
Skip The vector skip value to assign
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetVectorIJKSkip(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   Skip)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    INTEGER*4       Skip

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetVectorIJKSkip(Attribute, ZoneSet, Skip)

                  Attribute            string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  Skip                 int
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Set the vector I-skip to two for all zones:

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVolumeMode ( const char *  Attribute,
const char *  SubAttribute,
Set_pa  ZoneSet,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Assign the Volume Mode for field plots.

Attribute Specify the attribute to change. See SubAttribute for possible value combinations.
SubAttribute Specify the sub-attribute to change. The table below lists possible Attribute/SubAttribute combinations.
   Attribute               SubAttribute        IValue

ZoneSet Set of zones to operate on. Pass NULL to operate on all zones.
IValue If the attribute requires an integer, enumerated value, or a handle to a string then assign it to the IValue parameter. Always typecast the IValue parameter to ArbParam_t.
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.

ZoneSet Pointer must be a valid address or NULL.

Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilZoneSetVolumeMode(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   SubAttribute,
   &                   ZoneSetPtr,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    CHARACTER*(*)   SubAttribute
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneSetVolumeMode(Attribute, SubAttribute, ZoneSet, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  SubAttribute         string
                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in

Do not draw volume streamtraces through zone 1.

   Set_pa set = TecUtilSetAlloc(FALSE);

void TecUtilZoneStyleApplyAuto ( Set_pa  ZoneSet  ) 

Invoke Tecplot's style-setting side-effects for appended data on the specified zones.

By default, this activates (plots) all zones except non-wall boundary zones. Wall boundary zones are designated with zone auxiliary data Common.IsBoundaryCondition set to True and Common.BoundaryCondition set to Wall. If Common.IsBoundaryCondition is set to True but Common.BoundaryCondition is not set to Wall, the zone is considered a non-wall boundary zone and would be deactivated by this function.

Only new field maps created for zones in ZoneSet are altered.

The current plot type must be 2D or 3D Cartesian.

ZoneSet Set of zones for which to perform the style settings. Must not be NULL.
Fortran Syntax:
    SUBROUTINE TecUtilZoneStyleApplyAuto(
   &                   ZoneSetPtr)
    POINTER         (ZoneSetPtr, ZoneSet)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ZoneStyleApplyAuto(ZoneSet)

                  ZoneSet              sequence of ints
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            NONE

Set auto-style on newly appended zone 3:

   Set_pa zone_set = TecUtilSetAlloc();
   TecUtilSetAddMember(zone_set, 3,TRUE);

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:46 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5