Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | EXTERN extern |
Functions | |
ArgList_pa | TecUtilArgListAlloc (void) |
Allocate an argument list. | |
void | TecUtilArgListClear (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Clear all arguments from an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendInt (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, LgIndex_t Value) |
Append an integer parameter to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendArbParam (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, ArbParam_t Value) |
Append an ArbParam_t type parameter to an argument list | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendArbParamPtr (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, ArbParam_t *Value) |
Appends an ArbParam_t pointer parameter to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendDouble (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, double Value) |
Append a double parameter to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendDoublePtr (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, double *Value) |
Appends a double pointer parameter to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendString (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, const char *Value) |
Append a string to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendArray (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, const void *Value) |
Appends a named array reference to the argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendSet (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, Set_pa Value) |
Append a named set reference to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendStringList (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, StringList_pa StringList) |
Append a named string list reference to an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilArgListAppendFunction (ArgList_pa ArgList, const char *Name, const void *Value) |
Append a named function pointer to an argument list. | |
void | TecUtilArgListDealloc (ArgList_pa *ArgList) |
Deallocate an argument list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilColorMapRedistControlPts (void) |
Redistribute the control points for the currently active color map so they are evenly spaced across the color spectrum. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilColorMapCopyStandard (ContourColorMap_e ColorMap) |
Preset either the user-defined color map or the raw user-defined color map to be a copy of one of the standard color maps. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilColorMapResetToFactory (void) |
Redistribute the control points and reset the RGB values for the currently active color map. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameNeedsRedraw (UniqueID_t FrameID) |
Check to see if the supplied frame needs to be redrawn | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilRedraw (Boolean_t DoFullDrawing) |
Redraw the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilRedrawAll (Boolean_t DoFullDrawing) |
Redraw all frames. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDoubleBuffer (DoubleBufferAction_e DoubleBufferAction) |
Implements a double buffer action as described below by the DoubleBufferAction parameter definitions. | |
void | TecUtilWorkAreaSuspend (Boolean_t DoSuspend) |
Suspends or un-suspends updates to the work area only. | |
void | TecUtilInterfaceSuspend (Boolean_t DoSuspend) |
Suspends or un-suspends updates to the interface only (not including the status line). | |
void | TecUtilStatusSuspend (Boolean_t DoSuspend) |
Suspends or un-suspends updates to the status line only. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDrawGraphics (Boolean_t DoDrawing) |
Turn on or off all graphics drawing. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQuit (void) |
Terminate the execution of the Tecplot program. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPageCreateNew (void) |
Creates a new page. | |
void | TecUtilPageSetCurrentToNext (void) |
Changes the current page to the next one in the internal linked list of pages. | |
void | TecUtilPageSetCurrentToPrev (void) |
Changes the current page to the previous one in the internal linked list of pages. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPageSetCurrentByName (const char *PageName) |
Sets the current page to one matching the passed name. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPageSetCurrentByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Sets the current page to one matching the passed unique ID. | |
void | TecUtilPageDelete (void) |
Deletes the current page. | |
void | TecUtilPageClear (void) |
Deletes all frames in the current page. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameCreateNew (Boolean_t UseSuppliedFrameSize, double XPos, double YPos, double Width, double Height) |
Creates a new frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePopByName (const char *Name) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePushByName (const char *Name) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePopByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePushByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePushTop (void) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePush (int FrameNum) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePop (int FrameNum) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFramePopAtPosition (double X, double Y) |
Pop the frame on top at a specified position on the paper. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameDeleteTop (void) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameActivateTop (void) |
Activate the top frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameActivateByName (const char *Name) |
Activate a frame (specified by name). | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameActivateByNumber (int FrameNum) |
Activate a frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameActivateByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Activates a frame identified by a unique ID. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameActivateAtPosition (double X, double Y) |
Activate the frame on top at a specified position on the paper. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameDeleteActive (void) |
Delete the active frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameMoveToTopByName (const char *Name) |
Pop a frame (specified by name) to the top, but do not activate it. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameMoveToTopByNumber (int FrameNum) |
Pop a frame to the top, but do not make it the active frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameMoveToTopByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Pops a frame identified by a unique ID, but does not activate the frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameMoveToBottomByName (const char *Name) |
Push a frame (specified by name) to the bottom. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameMoveToBottomByNumber (int FrameNum) |
Push a frame to the bottom of the frame stack. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameMoveToBottomByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Pushes a frame identified by a unique ID. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameFitAllToPaper (void) |
Resize all frames so that they fit inside the hardclip limits of the paper. | |
ColorIndex_t | TecUtilFrameGetBackgroundColor (void) |
This function gets the current background color of the frame. | |
SetValueReturnCode_e | TecUtilFrameSetBackgroundColor (ColorIndex_t color) |
Sets the frame background color to the specified color and surveys all basic color assignments in Tecplot 360, converting the all basic colors using the following rules to achieve the best contrast: 1. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameGetName (char **Name) |
Get the name of the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStyleSetBase (StyleBase_e StyleBase) |
Set the frame style defaults used by Tecplot when creating new frames. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneDelete (Set_pa ZoneList) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetDeleteZone (Set_pa ZoneList) |
Deletes the specified set of zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetDeleteVar (Set_pa VarList) |
Deletes the specified set of variables. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReadDataSet (ReadDataOption_e ReadDataOption, Boolean_t ResetStyle, StringList_pa FileNamesOrInstructions, const char *DataSetReader, PlotType_e InitialPlotType, Boolean_t IncludeText, Boolean_t IncludeGeom, Boolean_t IncludeCustomLabels, Boolean_t IncludeData, Boolean_t CollapseZonesAndVars, Set_pa ZonesToRead, VarLoadMode_e VarLoadMode, Set_pa VarPositionList, StringList_pa VarNameList, LgIndex_t ISkip, LgIndex_t JSkip, LgIndex_t KSkip) |
Read one or more data files into Tecplot to form a new data set in the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetReadX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Read one or more data files into Tecplot to form a new data set in the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetWriteX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Write the specified components of the current frame's data set to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWriteDataSet (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludeText, Boolean_t IncludeGeom, Boolean_t IncludeCustomLabels, Boolean_t IncludeData, Set_pa ZonesToWrite, Set_pa VarsToWrite, Boolean_t WriteBinary, Boolean_t UsePointFormat, SmInteger_t AsciiPrecision) |
Write the data set attached to the current frame to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateRectangularZone (LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t JMax, LgIndex_t KMax, double XMin, double YMin, double ZMin, double XMax, double YMax, double ZMax, FieldDataType_e FieldDataType) |
Create a rectangular zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateCircularZone (LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t JMax, LgIndex_t KMax, double XOrigin, double YOrigin, double Radius, double ZMin, double ZMax, FieldDataType_e FieldDataType) |
Create a circular (or cylindrical) IJ- or IJK-ordered zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSphericalZone (LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t JMax, double XOrigin, double YOrigin, double ZOrigin, double Radius, FieldDataType_e FieldDataType) |
Create a Spherical IJ-ordered zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSimpleXYZone (LgIndex_t NumPoints, const double *XValues, const double *YValues, FieldDataType_e FieldDataType) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSimpleZone (LgIndex_t NumPoints, const double *V1Values, const double *V2Values, FieldDataType_e FieldDataType) |
Create a new zone by specifying only a list of XY pairs of data. | |
char * | TecUtilGetBasePath (const char *FName) |
Get the base path of a file name. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPublish (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludeLayoutPackage, ImageSelection_e ImageSelection) |
Write out an html file and related image files. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilNewLayout (void) |
Delete all frames and data sets (clear the current layout). | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilOpenLayout (const char *FName, StringList_pa AltInstructions, Boolean_t Append) |
Open and read in a new layout file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilOpenLayoutX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Open and read in a new layout file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilSaveLayout (const char *FName, Boolean_t UseRelativePaths) |
Save the current layout to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilSaveLayoutX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Save the current layout to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReadStylesheet (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludePlotStyle, Boolean_t IncludeText, Boolean_t IncludeGeom, Boolean_t IncludeStreamPositions, Boolean_t IncludeContourLevels, Boolean_t MergeStyle, Boolean_t IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition) |
Read a stylesheet file into the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWriteStylesheetX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Write the style for the current frame to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWriteStylesheet (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludePlotStyle, Boolean_t IncludeText, Boolean_t IncludeGeom, Boolean_t IncludeStreamPositions, Boolean_t IncludeContourLevels, Boolean_t IncludeFactoryDefaults) |
Write the style for the current frame to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReadColorMap (const char *FName) |
Load a color map file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilRawColorMap (int NumRawRGBValues, ColorIndex_t *RawRValues_Array, ColorIndex_t *RawGValues_Array, ColorIndex_t *RawBValues_Array) |
Assign the RGB values that define the Raw User-Defined color map. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWriteColorMap (const char *FName) |
Write the current color map to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWinCopyToClipboard (void) |
Copy the current plot to the Windows system clipboard. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExport (Boolean_t Append) |
Export an image file from Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewFitSelectFrames (void) |
Change the view in the workspace so the currently selected frames (that is, the frames with picked handles) are fit just inside the edges of the workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewFitAllFrames (void) |
Change the view in the workspace so all frames are fit just inside the edges of the workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewFitPaper (void) |
Change the view in the workspace so the entire paper is fit just inside the edges of the workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewMaximize (void) |
Temporarily expand the workspace as large as possible. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewLastView (void) |
Return to the previous workspace view. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewZoom (double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) |
Change the view into the workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWorkViewTranslate (double X, double Y) |
Shift the view of the workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewPush (void) |
Instruct Tecplot to push the current view onto the view stack associated with the frame mode for the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewPaste (void) |
Retrieve the view from the view paste buffer and assign it to the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewCopy (void) |
Copy the view from the current frame to the view paste buffer. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewLast (void) |
Retrieve the previous view from the view stack. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewZoom (double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2) |
Change the view by "zooming" into the image. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewTranslate (double X, double Y) |
Shift the image in the X- and/or Y-direction. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewCenter (void) |
Center the data within the axis grid area. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewScale (double Scale) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewSetMagnification (double Magnification) |
Scale (magnify) the view by a given value. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewAxisFitToEntireCircle (char Axis, short AxisNum) |
Reset the range of a polar axis to fit the entire circle. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewAxisFit (char Axis, short AxisNum) |
Reset the range on a specific axis so that it equals the minimum and maximum of the data being plotted. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewDataFit (void) |
Fit the data being plotted within the axis grid area. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewFit (void) |
Fit the data being plotted within the axis grid area. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewNiceFit (void) |
Fit the data being plotted within the axis grid area leaving a determined border around the edge of the plot to make in more visually appealing. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewMakeCurViewNice (void) |
Give a border to the current view. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewAxisNiceFit (char Axis, short AxisNum) |
Reset the range on a specific axis so that it equals a little more than the minimum and maximum of the data being plotted allowing a small border to enhance visual appeal. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewAxisMakeCurValsNice (char Axis, short AxisNum) |
Makes the curently viewed axis values visually appealing. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReset3DAxes (void) |
Reset the ranges on the 3-D axes. | |
void | TecUtilRotateToSpecificAngles (double Psi, double Theta, double Alpha) |
| |
void | TecUtilReset3DAngles (void) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReset3DScaleFactors (void) |
Recalculate the scale factors for the 3-D axes. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPrint (void) |
Print the current layout to a printer or send the print instructions to a file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAtPosition (double X, double Y, Boolean_t CollectingObjects, Boolean_t DiggingForObjects) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddAtPosition (double X, double Y, Boolean_t CollectingObjects, Boolean_t DiggingForObjects, Boolean_t ConsiderStyle) |
Pick an object at a specified location. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickDeselectAll (void) |
Deselect all selected objects. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickDeselect (int PickListItem) |
Deselect a single pick list item. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddFrameByUniqueID (Boolean_t CollectingObjects, UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Adds the frame identified by the unique identifier to the pick list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddZones (Boolean_t CollectingObjects, Set_pa ZoneSet) |
Adds the specified Line-maps to the pick object list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddXYMaps (Boolean_t CollectingObjects, Set_pa XYMapsSet) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddLineMaps (Boolean_t CollectingObjects, Set_pa LineMapSet) |
Adds the specified Line-maps to the pick object list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddAll (PickObjects_e ObjectType) |
Add all objects of a certain type to the pick list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickAddAllInRect (double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, PickObjects_e ObjectType, const char *Filter) |
Add all objects defined within a specified rectangle to the pick list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickEdit (const char *Action) |
Perform a global edit operation on the currently picked objects. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickCut (void) |
Copy all objects that are currently picked to the paste buffer and then delete them from the plot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickCopy (void) |
Copy all objects that are currently picked to the paste buffer. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickClear (void) |
Clear (that is, delete) all objects that are currently picked. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickPaste (void) |
Paste the currently picked objects from the paste buffer to the workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickShift (double DXPaper, double DYPaper, PointerStyle_e PointerStyle) |
Shift the currently picked objects. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickMagnify (double MagFactor) |
Magnify all picked objects. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickPush (void) |
Change the order in which objects are drawn by pushing the currently picked objects back. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickPop (void) |
Change the order in which objects are drawn by popping the currently picked objects to the front. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPickSetMouseMode (MouseButtonMode_e MouseMode) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapCopy (EntIndex_t SourceMap, EntIndex_t DestMap) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapCopy (EntIndex_t SourceMap, EntIndex_t DestMap) |
Copy attributes from an existing Line-mapping to another. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapCreate (void) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapCreate (void) |
Create a new Line-mapping. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapDelete (Set_pa MapsToDelete) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapDelete (Set_pa MapsToDelete) |
Delete one or more Line-maps. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapShiftToTop (Set_pa MapsToShift) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapShiftToTop (Set_pa MapsToShift) |
Shift a list of Line-maps to the top of the Line-map list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapShiftToBottom (Set_pa MapsToShift) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapShiftToBottom (Set_pa MapsToShift) |
Shift a list of Line-maps to the bottom of the Line-map list. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewRotate (RotateAxis_e RotateAxis, double RotateAmountInDegrees) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewRotate3D (RotateAxis_e RotateAxis, double RotateAmountInDegrees, double VectorX, double VectorY, double VectorZ, RotateOriginLocation_e RotateOriginLocation) |
Do a 3-D rotation about a given axis. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReset3DOrigin (void) |
Reposition the rotation origin in 3-D to be at the centroid of the data. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilSet3DEyeDistance (double EyeDistance) |
Sets the distance the viewer is from the plane that is parallel to the screen and passes through the 3-D rotation origin. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilReset3DOriginX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Reposition the rotation origin in 3-D to the specified location. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilResetVectorLength (void) |
Reset the length of the vectors. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilScatterResetRelSize (void) |
Reset the relative scatter sizing. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLevelX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Modify the contour levels. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLevelAdd (int NumEntries, const double *RawData_Array, Boolean_t ShowTrace) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLevelNew (int NumEntries, const double *RawData_Array, Boolean_t ShowTrace) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLevelDeleteRange (double RangeMin, double RangeMax, Boolean_t ShowTrace) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLevelReset (int NumEntries) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLevelDelNearest (double Level, Boolean_t ShowTrace) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLabelX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Manage contour line labels in your plot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLabelAdd (double X, double Y, double Z, Boolean_t IsAligned) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourLabelDeleteAll (void) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceAddX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Add one or more streamtraces to the plot of the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceAdd (EntIndex_t NumRakePoints, Streamtrace_e StreamType, StreamDir_e Direction, double StartXPos, double StartYPos, double StartZPos, double AltStartXPos, double AltStartYPos, double AltStartZPos) |
Add a single streamtrace or a rake of streamtraces to the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceDeleteAll (void) |
Delete all streamtraces in the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceDeleteRange (EntIndex_t Start, EntIndex_t End) |
Delete a range of streamtraces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceSetTermLine (EntIndex_t NumPoints, const double *XTermLinePts_Array, const double *YTermLinePts_Array) |
Set the position of the termination line for streamtraces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceHasTermLine (void) |
Determines if streamtraces have the terminating line. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtraceResetDelta (void) |
Resets the time interval between stream markers. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilStreamtraceGetCount (void) |
Get the number of active streamtraces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStreamtracesAreActive (void) |
| |
void | TecUtilStreamtraceGetPos (EntIndex_t StreamNumber, double *X, double *Y, double *Z) |
Get the starting position for a given streamtrace. | |
Streamtrace_e | TecUtilStreamtraceGetType (EntIndex_t StreamNumber) |
Get the type of a given streamtrace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueSetByZoneVar (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, LgIndex_t PointIndex, double Value) |
Assign a value to a field variable at a specific position. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueSetByZoneVarX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Assign a value to a field variable at a specific position. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataAlter (const char *Equation, Set_pa ZoneSet, LgIndex_t IMin, LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t ISkip, LgIndex_t JMin, LgIndex_t JMax, LgIndex_t JSkip, LgIndex_t KMin, LgIndex_t KMax, LgIndex_t KSkip, FieldDataType_e DestDataType) |
Operates on a data set within Tecplot using FORTRAN-like equations. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataAlterX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Operates on a data set within Tecplot using FORTRAN-like equations. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilSmooth (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t SmoothVar, LgIndex_t NumSmoothPasses, double SmoothWeight, BoundaryCondition_e SmoothBndryCond) |
Smooth data (that is, reduce the spikes) for selected variables in selected zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilWriteCurveInfo (const char *FName, EntIndex_t XYMapNum, ProcessXYMode_e ProcessXYMode) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCurveWriteInfo (const char *FileName, EntIndex_t LineMap, CurveInfoMode_e CurveInfoMode) |
Write out the coefficients or the calculated data points for the equations used to draw the curve for a selected line-mapping. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneCopyX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Make a copy of a zone or zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneCopy (EntIndex_t ZoneUsed, LgIndex_t IMin, LgIndex_t IMax, LgIndex_t ISkip, LgIndex_t JMin, LgIndex_t JMax, LgIndex_t JSkip, LgIndex_t KMin, LgIndex_t KMax, LgIndex_t KSkip) |
Make a copy of an existing zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateMirrorZones (Set_pa SourceZones, char MirrorVar) |
Create new zones that are mirror images of the source zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateStreamZones (Boolean_t ConcatenateStreams) |
Create one or more zones out of the currently defined streamtraces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateIsoZones (void) |
Create finite element surface zones out of iso-surfaces in volume zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSliceZones (void) |
Create surface zones out of all slices currently defined in volume zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateContourLineZones (void) |
Create zones from contour lines. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateContourLineZonesX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Create zones from contour lines. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateFEBoundary (EntIndex_t SourceZone, Boolean_t RemoveBlankedSurfaces) |
Finite element volume boundaries cannot be turned on or off using the edge plot layer in Tecplot. | |
void | TecUtilCreateSliceZoneShowTrace (Boolean_t DoShow) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSliceZone (double OriginX, double OriginY, double OriginZ, double NormalX, double NormalY, double NormalZ) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSliceZoneFromPlane (SliceSource_e SliceSource, double OriginX, double OriginY, double OriginZ, double NormalX, double NormalY, double NormalZ) |
Create a new zone as a slice through the currently active zones that match the specified slice source and are intersected by a slice plane having the specified origin and normal. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilCreateSliceZoneFromPlneX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Create a zone from a slice taken from a 2D or 3D plot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExtractFromPolyline (const double *PolylineXPts_Array, const double *PolylineYPts_Array, const double *PolylineZPts_Array, LgIndex_t NumPtsInPolyline, Boolean_t ExtractThroughVolume, Boolean_t ExtractOnlyPointsOnPolyline, Boolean_t IncludeDistanceVariable, LgIndex_t NumPtsToExtractAlongPolyline, Boolean_t ExtractToFile, const char *ExtractFName) |
Extract data from a 2-D or 3-D field plot | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExtractFromGeom (Boolean_t ExtractOnlyPointsOnPolyline, Boolean_t IncludeDistanceVariable, LgIndex_t NumPtsToExtractAlongPolyline, Boolean_t ExtractToFile, const char *ExtractFName) |
Extract data from a 2D or 3D field plot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPolarToRectangular (Set_pa ZoneSet) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFourierTransform (EntIndex_t independentVar, WindowFunction_e windowFunction, Set_pa dependentVars, Set_pa sourceZones, Boolean_t includeConjugates, Boolean_t obeySourceZoneBlanking) |
Performs a Fourier transform for each dependent variable for each source zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFourierTransformX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Performs a Fourier transform for each dependent variable for each source zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilTransformCoordinatesX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Transform Coordinates. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilRotate2D (Set_pa ZoneSet, double RotateAmountInDegrees, double XOrigin, double YOrigin) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataRotate2D (Set_pa ZoneSet, double RotateAmountInDegrees, double XOrigin, double YOrigin) |
Rotate field data in 2-D about any point. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAverageCellCenterData (Set_pa ZoneSet, Set_pa VarSet) |
Most plotting in Tecplot is based on using values at the corners (nodes) of each cell. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLinearInterpolate (Set_pa SourceZones, EntIndex_t DestZone, Set_pa VarList, double LinearInterpConst, LinearInterpMode_e LinearInterpMode) |
Interpolate selected variables from a set of source zones to a destination zone using linear interpolation. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilInverseDistInterpolation (Set_pa SourceZones, EntIndex_t DestZone, Set_pa VarList, double InvDistExponent, double InvDistMinRadius, PtSelection_e InterpPtSelection, LgIndex_t InterpNPoints) |
Interpolate selected variables from one or more zones onto a destination zone using the inverse distance method. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilKrig (Set_pa SourceZones, EntIndex_t DestZone, Set_pa VarList, double KrigRange, double KrigZeroValue, Drift_e KrigDrift, PtSelection_e InterpPtSelection, LgIndex_t InterpNPoints) |
Interpolate selected variables from a set of source zones to a destination zone using the kriging method. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilTriangulate (Set_pa SourceZones, Boolean_t DoBoundary, Set_pa BoundaryZones, Boolean_t IncludeBoundaryPts, LgIndex_t *NumCoincidentPts, double TriangleKeepFactor) |
Create a new zone by forming triangles from data points in existing zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateZonesX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateXYMapsX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateLineMapsX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate Line-mapping. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateContourLevelsX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate contour levels. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateIsoSurfacesX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate iso-surfaces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateTimeX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate Time. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateIJKPlanesX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate I-, J-, or K-planes. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateIJKBlankingX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate IJK-blanking. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateStreamX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animate streamtraces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateSlicesX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Animates slices. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateZones (EntIndex_t StartZone, EntIndex_t EndZone, EntIndex_t ZoneSkip, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
Produce an animation showing one zone at a time. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateXYMaps (EntIndex_t StartMap, EntIndex_t EndMap, EntIndex_t MapSkip, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateContourLevels (SmInteger_t StartLevel, SmInteger_t EndLevel, SmInteger_t LevelSkip, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
Produce an animation of a contour line plot by showing a single level at a time. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateIJKPlanes (char IJOrK, LgIndex_t StartIndex, LgIndex_t EndIndex, LgIndex_t IndexSkip, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
Produce an animation that cycles through I-, J-, or K-planes in an IJK-ordered data set. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateIJKBlanking (double StartIMinFract, double StartJMinFract, double StartKMinFract, double StartIMaxFract, double StartJMaxFract, double StartKMaxFract, double EndIMinFract, double EndJMinFract, double EndKMinFract, double EndIMaxFract, double EndJMaxFract, double EndKMaxFract, int NumSteps, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
Produce an animation of different IJK-blankings in your plot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateStream (int NumStepsPerCycle, int NumCycles, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
Produce an animation of stream markers or dashes, moving along the currently defined streamtrace paths. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAnimateSlices (SmInteger_t StartSlice, SmInteger_t EndSlice, SmInteger_t NumSlices, Boolean_t CreateMovieFile, const char *MovieFName) |
Animates the currently defined 3-D slices. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDelay (LgIndex_t Seconds) |
Delay Tecplot execution for a specified time. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilMacroRunFunction (const char *QuickMacroName, const char *MacroParameters) |
Run a macro function. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetSetTitle (const char *DataSetTitle) |
Set the title for the current data set. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilVarRename (EntIndex_t VarNum, const char *VarName) |
Rename a data set variable in Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneRename (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *ZoneName) |
Rename a data set zone in Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilSystem (const char *Command, Boolean_t Wait) |
Instruct Tecplot to submit and execute an operating system specific command. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilMacroPanelAddTitle (const char *Title) |
Add a title to a page in the Quick Macro Panel. | |
void | TecUtilDialogAllowDoubleClickLaunch (Dialog_e Dialog, Boolean_t DoAllow) |
Enables or disables a dialog's ability to be launched via a context sensitive double click. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogLaunch (Dialog_e DialogToLaunch) |
Launch a Tecplot interface dialog. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogDrop (Dialog_e DialogToDrop) |
Drop a Tecplot interface dialog. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilMacroRunFile (const char *FName) |
Run a macro file. | |
void | TecUtilAddOnAllowUnload (AddOn_pa AddOnID, Boolean_t DoAllowUnload) |
Allow or disallow the unloading of an add-on on Tecplot exit. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAddOnLoad (const char *LibName, const char *NotUsed, int NotUsed2) |
Load an add-on into Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExportIsRecording (void) |
Checks to see if Tecplot is currently recording an animation. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExportFinish (void) |
This function assembles all of the exported animation frames into the final animation file. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExportStart (void) |
This functions starts a new animation and exports the first frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExportNextFrame (void) |
Export the next frame of a movie animation. | |
void | TecUtilExportCancel (void) |
Cancel a movie export which is in progress. | |
void | TecUtilThreeDViewGetViewerAngle (double *PsiAngle, double *ThetaAngle, double *AlphaAngle) |
Queries the 3-D viewer angles. | |
void | TecUtilThreeDViewGetViewerPos (double *XPos, double *YPos, double *ZPos) |
Queries the 3-D viewer angles. | |
double | TecUtilThreeDViewGetDistanceToRotateOriginPlane (void) |
Queries the distance btween the viewer position and then plane of rotation origin. | |
double | TecUtilThreeDViewGetMidZPlane (void) |
Queries the location of the middle plane of view. | |
void | TecUtilThreeDViewGetMinMaxPanes (double *ZMin, double *ZMax) |
Queries the location of the minimum and maximum view planes. | |
void | TecUtilThreeDViewGetProjection (double *FieldOfView, double *ViewWidth, Boolean_t *IsInPerspective) |
Queries the 3-D view attributes. | |
void | TecUtilConvert3DPositionToGrid (double XPosition, double YPosition, double ZPosition, double *XGridPosition, double *YGridPosition, double *ZGridPosition) |
Converts from 3-D world coordinates to Tecplot's 3-D grid coordinates. | |
void | TecUtilConvertGridTo3DPosition (double XGridPosition, double YGridPosition, double ZGridPosition, double *XPosition, double *YPosition, double *ZPosition) |
Converts from Tecplot's 3-D "Grid" or view coordinates to world coordinates. | |
double | TecUtilThreeDViewGetNearZPlane (void) |
Returns the Z-value below which you can no longer trust any values of TecUtilConvert3DPositionToGrid(). | |
double | TecUtil3DViewGetNearZPlane (void) |
| |
void | TecUtilSetupTransformations (void) |
Initializes transformation information so that coordinate conversion functions can be used. | |
void | TecUtilFrameLightweightPopStart (void) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameLightweightPopNext (void) |
| |
void | TecUtilFrameLightweightPopEnd (void) |
| |
void | TecUtilFrameLightweightLoopStart (void) |
Initialize lightweight frame activation loop. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFrameLightweightLoopNext (void) |
Activate the next frame. | |
void | TecUtilFrameLightweightLoopEnd (void) |
Ends a sequence of lightweight frame activations. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImageRGBBitmapCreate (BitDumpRegion_e Region) |
Call this function to initialize the export state if you are exporting using the RGB functions. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImageIndexedBitmapCreate (BitDumpRegion_e Region, short *RedColorTable_Array, short *GreenColorTable_Array, short *BlueColorTable_Array) |
Call this function to initialize the export state if you are exporting using the index functions. | |
void | TecUtilImageBitmapDestroy (void) |
Destroy the bitmap buffer. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImageGetDimensions (short *Width, short *Height) |
Gets the image dimensions. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImageRGBGetScanLine (short ScanLine, short *Red_Array, short *Green_Array, short *Blue_Array) |
Gets the RGB values of a scan line. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImageIndexedGetScanLine (short ScanLine, short *RGBIndex_Array) |
Gets the color table indices for a scan line. | |
void | TecUtilImageGetColorTable (Byte_t *Red_Array, Byte_t *Green_Array, Byte_t *Blue_Array) |
Get the color table, that is, the palette, of a color-reduced image. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImageBitmapCreateX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Create a true color or color-reduced bitmap of a specified width. | |
void | TecUtilMemoryChangeNotify (Int64_t ChangeInKBytes) |
Notify Tecplot when a significant change in memory occurs that is outside Tecplot's knowledge. | |
void | TecUtilWindowsAssertionFailed (const char *expr, const char *file, int line) |
Private: Used by Windows add-ons in checked builds to display an assertion error and copy the assertion to the Windows clipboard. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneIsLinear (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Test to see if a zone is linear. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilVarIsSpatial (EntIndex_t Var) |
Test to see if a variable is spatial A spatial variable is X,Y, or Z in 3D, or X,Y in 2D. | |
char * | TecUtilStringFormatValue (double Value, NumberFormat_e Format, SmInteger_t Precision) |
Formats the data value according to the specified format and precision. | |
char * | TecUtilStringFormatTimeDate (double TimeDateValue, const char *TimeDateFormat) |
Formats the data value according to the specified time/date format. |
#define EXTERN extern |