

Boolean_t TecUtilReadStylesheet (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludePlotStyle, Boolean_t IncludeText, Boolean_t IncludeGeom, Boolean_t IncludeStreamPositions, Boolean_t IncludeContourLevels, Boolean_t MergeStyle, Boolean_t IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition)
  Read a stylesheet file into the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilWriteStylesheetX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Write the style for the current frame to a file.
Boolean_t TecUtilWriteStylesheet (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludePlotStyle, Boolean_t IncludeText, Boolean_t IncludeGeom, Boolean_t IncludeStreamPositions, Boolean_t IncludeContourLevels, Boolean_t IncludeFactoryDefaults)
  Write the style for the current frame to a file.

Function Documentation

Boolean_t TecUtilReadStylesheet ( const char *  FName,
Boolean_t  IncludePlotStyle,
Boolean_t  IncludeText,
Boolean_t  IncludeGeom,
Boolean_t  IncludeStreamPositions,
Boolean_t  IncludeContourLevels,
Boolean_t  MergeStyle,
Boolean_t  IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition 

Read a stylesheet file into the current frame.

FName The name of the stylesheet file to read
IncludePlotStyle Set to TRUE to process commands related to the style of the plot (that is, mesh color, vector type, etc.)
IncludeText Set to TRUE to load any text in the stylesheet
IncludeGeom Set to TRUE to load any geometries in the stylesheet
IncludeStreamPositions Set to TRUE to load any streamtrace starting positions in the stylesheet
IncludeContourLevels Set to TRUE to load any contour level information in the stylesheet.
MergeStyle Set to TRUE to merge the current frame style with the new stylesheet. Set to FALSE to reset the style of the current frame back to factory defaults before reading in the stylesheet
IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition Set to TRUE to resize and position the current frame to the specifications of the stylesheet file. Set to FALSE to keep the current frame's size and position
TRUE if the input parameters are valid and the specified style was successfully loaded, FALSE otherwise.
FName String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilReadStylesheet(
   &                   FName,
   &                   IncludePlotStyle,
   &                   IncludeText,
   &                   IncludeGeom,
   &                   IncludeStreamPositions,
   &                   IncludeContourLevels,
   &                   MergeStyle,
   &                   IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition)
    CHARACTER*(*)   FName
    INTEGER*4       IncludePlotStyle
    INTEGER*4       IncludeText
    INTEGER*4       IncludeGeom
    INTEGER*4       IncludeStreamPositions
    INTEGER*4       IncludeContourLevels
    INTEGER*4       MergeStyle
    INTEGER*4       IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ReadStylesheet(FName, IncludePlotStyle, IncludeText, IncludeGeom, IncludeStreamPositions, IncludeContourLevels, MergeStyle, IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition)

                  FName                string
                  IncludePlotStyle     boolean
                  IncludeText          boolean
                  IncludeGeom          boolean
                  IncludeStreamPositions boolean
                  IncludeContourLevels boolean
                  MergeStyle           boolean
                  IncludeFrameSizeAndPosition boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Load in the stylesheet file1.sty, choosing to reset the style of the current frame back to factory defaults first. Next, load only text and geometries from the stylesheet file2.sty, adding them to the current style:

   Boolean_t IsOk;
   IsOk = TecUtilReadStylesheet("file1.sty", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE,
                                TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
   IsOk = TecUtilReadStylesheet("file2.sty", FALSE, TRUE, TRUE,
                                FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);

Boolean_t TecUtilWriteStylesheet ( const char *  FName,
Boolean_t  IncludePlotStyle,
Boolean_t  IncludeText,
Boolean_t  IncludeGeom,
Boolean_t  IncludeStreamPositions,
Boolean_t  IncludeContourLevels,
Boolean_t  IncludeFactoryDefaults 

Write the style for the current frame to a file.

FName File name. Must not be NULL
IncludePlotStyle Set to TRUE to include the plot style
IncludeText Set to TRUE to include text
IncludeGeom Set to TRUE to include geometries
IncludeStreamPositions Set to TRUE to include stream positions
IncludeContourLevels Set to TRUE to include contour levels
IncludeFactoryDefaults Set to TRUE to include factory defaults
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
FName String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilWriteStylesheet(
   &                   FName,
   &                   IncludePlotStyle,
   &                   IncludeText,
   &                   IncludeGeom,
   &                   IncludeStreamPositions,
   &                   IncludeContourLevels,
   &                   IncludeFactoryDefaults)
    CHARACTER*(*)   FName
    INTEGER*4       IncludePlotStyle
    INTEGER*4       IncludeText
    INTEGER*4       IncludeGeom
    INTEGER*4       IncludeStreamPositions
    INTEGER*4       IncludeContourLevels
    INTEGER*4       IncludeFactoryDefaults

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.WriteStylesheet(FName, IncludePlotStyle, IncludeText, IncludeGeom, IncludeStreamPositions, IncludeContourLevels, IncludeFactoryDefaults)

                  FName                string
                  IncludePlotStyle     boolean
                  IncludeText          boolean
                  IncludeGeom          boolean
                  IncludeStreamPositions boolean
                  IncludeContourLevels boolean
                  IncludeFactoryDefaults boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Write the style for the current frame to the file f1.sty:


Boolean_t TecUtilWriteStylesheetX ( ArgList_pa  ArgList  ) 

Write the style for the current frame to a file.

ArgList Set of Arglist entries. This is built using calls to TecUtilArgListAppendXXXX functions.

Arglist Values

Type: char *
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendString()
Required: Yes
Notes: File to write to.

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to include contour levels

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to include text

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to include auxiliary data

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to include geometries

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: --------------------------

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: FALSE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to compress the stylesheet file

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to include stream positions

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: FALSE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to include factory defaults

Type: Boolean_t
Arg Function: TecUtilArgListAppendInt()
Default: TRUE
Required: No
Notes: Set to TRUE to save with relative paths for any image geometries in the frame

TRUE if successfully, FALSE otherwise.
ArgList Argument list must be valid.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilWriteStylesheetX(ArgListPtr)
    POINTER (ArgListPtr, ArgList)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.WriteStylesheetX(ArgList)

                  ArgList              dictionary
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Save a stylesheet "temp.sty" with no text objects included:

   IsOk = TecUtilWriteStyleSheetX(ArgList);

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:44 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5