

Boolean_t TecUtilPublish (const char *FName, Boolean_t IncludeLayoutPackage, ImageSelection_e ImageSelection)
  Write out an html file and related image files.
Boolean_t TecUtilWinCopyToClipboard (void)
  Copy the current plot to the Windows system clipboard.
Boolean_t TecUtilExport (Boolean_t Append)
  Export an image file from Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilWriteCurveInfo (const char *FName, EntIndex_t XYMapNum, ProcessXYMode_e ProcessXYMode)
Boolean_t TecUtilExportIsRecording (void)
  Checks to see if Tecplot is currently recording an animation.
Boolean_t TecUtilExportFinish (void)
  This function assembles all of the exported animation frames into the final animation file.
Boolean_t TecUtilExportStart (void)
  This functions starts a new animation and exports the first frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilExportNextFrame (void)
  Export the next frame of a movie animation.
void TecUtilExportCancel (void)
  Cancel a movie export which is in progress.
ScreenDim_t TecUtilGetDefaultExportImageWidth (ExportFormat_e ExportFormat, ExportRegion_e ExportRegion)
  Calculates the width of an image for exporting for the given export format and plot region.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilExportSetup (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Set up all attributes related to exporting a plot.

Function Documentation

Boolean_t TecUtilExport ( Boolean_t  Append  ) 

Export an image file from Tecplot.

See TecUtilExportSetup() for details on settup the exported image type, file name and so forth.

Append Append the image data. This can only be set to TRUE if the export format is a Raster Metafile or AVI. However, it is recommended that you use TecUtilExportStart(), TecUtilExportNextFrame(), and TecUtilExportFinish() for Raster Metafile and AVI formats. This value must be FALSE for all other formats.
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilExport(Append)
    INTEGER*4 Append

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Export(Append)

                  Append               boolean
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

void TecUtilExportCancel ( void   ) 

Cancel a movie export which is in progress.

This function is only valid after you have called TecUtilExportStart() but before you have called TecUtilExportFinish(). It ensures that any resources used by the animation are properly released and that no partial files are created or left on the user's drive.

Fortran Syntax:

    SUBROUTINE TecUtilExportCancel()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ExportCancel()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            NONE

Boolean_t TecUtilExportFinish ( void   ) 

This function assembles all of the exported animation frames into the final animation file.

Note that the final *.avi or *.rm file is not created until you call this function. This function will assert if there is no current animation.

TRUE if Tecplot is currently recording an animation, FALSE otherwise.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilExportFinish()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ExportFinish()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilExportIsRecording ( void   ) 

Checks to see if Tecplot is currently recording an animation.

Fortran Syntax:

    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilExportIsRecording()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ExportIsRecording()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Boolean_t TecUtilExportNextFrame ( void   ) 

Export the next frame of a movie animation.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilExportNextFrame()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ExportNextFrame()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilExportSetup ( const char *  Attribute,
const char *  SubAttribute,
double  DValue,
ArbParam_t  IValue 

Set up all attributes related to exporting a plot.

Use TecUtilExport() or TecUtilWinCopyToClipboard (Windows only) to perform the actual exporting.

Attribute The posible values are listed in the Attribute column below, as well as whether the DValue or IValue parameter is used and what kind of information is expected in the DValue or IValue parameter:
           Attribute                      Assign To:  Data Type               Notes
           SV_EXPORTFNAME                 IValue      char*                   May be a path if all specified dirs exist and are writable
           SV_EXPORTFORMAT                IValue      ExportFormat_e
           SV_SUNRASTERFORMAT             IValue      SunRaster_e             SunRaster only.
           SV_EXPORTREGION                IValue      ExportRegion_e          ExportRegion_WorkArea is not available for WindowsMetafile
           SV_EPSPREVIEWIMAGE             IValue      See SubAttribute        EPS only.
           SV_GRAYSCALEDEPTH              IValue      SmInteger_t             TIFF only.
           SV_IMAGEWIDTH                  IValue      ScreenDim_t             Image formats only.
           SV_CONVERTTO256COLORS          IValue      Boolean_t               TIFF, BMP, and PNG only
           SV_ANIMATIONSPEED              DValue      double                  Animation formats only.
           SV_USEMULTIPLECOLORTABLES      IValue      Boolean_t               Animation formats only.
           SV_EXTRASORTFOR3DPLOTS         IValue      Boolean_t               Vector formats only.
           SV_USESUPERSAMPLEANTIALIASING  IValue      Boolean_t               Image formats only.
           SV_SUPERSAMPLEFACTOR           IValue      SmInteger_t             Only applies if SV_USESUPERSAMPLEANTIALIASING is TRUE
           SV_TIFFBYTEORDER               IValue      TIFFByteOrder_e         TIFF only.
           SV_JPEGENCODING                IValue      JPEGEncoding_e          JPEG only.
           SV_QUALITY                     DValue      double                  JPEG only.
           SV_FLASHIMAGETYPE              IValue      FlashImageType_e        Flash only.
           SV_FLASHCOMPRESSIONTYPE        IValue      FlashCompressionType_e  Flash only.
           SV_RESIZEFILTER                IValue      ImageResizeFilter_e

SubAttribute Only used with an Attribute of SV_EPSPREVIEWIMAGE. If SubAttribute is not used, pass NULL. Available options are listed in the SubAttribute column below, as well as whether the DValue or IValue parameter is used and what kind of information is expected in the DValue or IValue parameter: For an Attribute of SV_EPSPREVIEWIMAGE the possible values are:
           Attribute                Assign to:       Value Notes
           SV_IMAGETYPE             IValue           EPSPreviewImage_e
           SV_IMAGEWIDTH            IValue           Must be > 0
           SV_IMAGEHEIGHT           IValue           Must be > 0
           SV_GRAYSCALEDEPTH        IValue           Must be > 0

DValue If the Attribute/SubAttribute requires a double or float value pass it here. Otherwise, use 0.0.
IValue If the Attribute/SubAttribute requires a value other than double or float value (that is, an integer, enumerated type, boolean value, or a string), pass it here. Otherwise, use 0.0. Always typecast the IValue parameter to (ArbParam_t).
The setvalue return code (of type SetValueReturnCode_e).
Attribute String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilExportSetup(
   &                   Attribute,
   &                   SubAttribute,
   &                   DValue,
   &                   IValuePtr)
    CHARACTER*(*)   Attribute
    CHARACTER*(*)   SubAttribute
    REAL*8          DValue
    POINTER         (IValuePtr, IValue)

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ExportSetup(Attribute, SubAttribute, DValue, IValue)

                  Attribute            string
                  SubAttribute         string
                  DValue               double
                  IValue               (depends on attribute)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            SetValueReturnCode_e  (defined in TecVals.py)

Export an EPS file with a TIFF preview image to the file "file1.eps." Then, export a PostScript Image file with a 1.25 scale factor to the file "file1.ps."

   TecUtilExportSetup(SV_EXPORTFNAME, NULL,
                      0.0, (ArbParam_t)"file1.eps");
   TecUtilExportSetup(SV_EXPORTFORMAT, NULL,
                      0.0, (ArbParam_t)ExportFormat_EPS);
                      0.0, (ArbParam_t)Image_TIFF);

   TecUtilExportSetup(SV_EXPORTFNAME, NULL,
                      0.0, (ArbParam_t)"file1.ps");
   TecUtilExportSetup(SV_EXPORTFORMAT, NULL,
                      0.0, (ArbParam_t)ExportFormat_PSImage);
                      1.25, (ArbParam_t)0);

Boolean_t TecUtilExportStart ( void   ) 

This functions starts a new animation and exports the first frame.

Use TecUtilExportIsRecording() to make sure an export session is not in progress before calling this function.

TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise. The return value will be FALSE only if Tecplot is unable to allocate a small amount of memory.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilExportStart()

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.ExportStart()

    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

This example makes use of the following export functions:

   This example may be used as a template when creating an animation routine.
     int ii;
     Boolean_t IsOk;

     // Make sure there is no current export session before starting a new one.
     if ( TecUtilExportIsRecording() )
         TecUtilDialogErrMsg("An export session is alread in progress.");
         IsOk = FALSE;
         // Setup the export format and the file name.
         TecUtilExportSetup(SV_EXPORTFNAME, NULL,
                            0.0, (ArbParam_t)"export.avi");
         TecUtilExportSetup(SV_EXPORTFORMAT, NULL,
                            0.0, (ArbParam_t)ExportFormat_AVI);
         // Start the export session.
         IsOk = TecUtilExportStart();

     if ( IsOk )
         for (ii=0; ii<4; ii++)
             // Rotate the plot around the PSI axis by 5 degrees.
             IsOk = TecUtilViewRotate3D(RotateAxis_Psi,

             // Export the new image.
             if ( IsOk )
                 IsOk = TecUtilExportNextFrame();

             // If the rotation or the exporting of the next frame
             // was not sucessful, abandon the export session.

             if ( !IsOk )
     // If everything was successful, finish the export session.
     if ( IsOk )
       IsOk = TecUtilExportFinish();

     if ( !IsOk )
       TecUtilDialogErrMsg("Error exporting, file may not be complete.");


ScreenDim_t TecUtilGetDefaultExportImageWidth ( ExportFormat_e  ExportFormat,
ExportRegion_e  ExportRegion 

Calculates the width of an image for exporting for the given export format and plot region.

ExportFormat The format in which an image will be exported.
ExportRegion The region of the plot that will be exported.
Returns default width of the image for exporting.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilGetDefaultExportImageWidth(
   &                   ExportFormat,
   &                   ExportRegion)
    INTEGER*4       ExportFormat
    INTEGER*4       ExportRegion

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.GetDefaultExportImageWidth(ExportFormat, ExportRegion)

                  ExportFormat         ExportFormat_e  (defined in TecVals.py)
                  ExportRegion         ExportRegion_e  (defined in TecVals.py)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            int

Boolean_t TecUtilPublish ( const char *  FName,
Boolean_t  IncludeLayoutPackage,
ImageSelection_e  ImageSelection 

Write out an html file and related image files.

The resulting html file, when viewed will show the current tecplot session.

FName Name of the publish file to create
IncludeLayoutPackage If TRUE, write out a layout package file as well and include a link to the file in the HTML document
ImageSelection Choose the image types to reference in the HTML document. Choose from one of ImageSelection_OnePerFrame or ImageSelection_WorkspaceOnly
Returns TRUE if publish file could be written, FALSE otherwise.
FName String must have a valid address and non-zero length.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilPublish(
   &                   FName,
   &                   IncludeLayoutPackage,
   &                   ImageSelection)
    CHARACTER*(*)   FName
    INTEGER*4       IncludeLayoutPackage
    INTEGER*4       ImageSelection

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.Publish(FName, IncludeLayoutPackage, ImageSelection)

                  FName                string
                  IncludeLayoutPackage boolean
                  ImageSelection       ImageSelection_e  (defined in TecVals.py)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Write out a publish file to mydoc.htm. Include the package file and include a separate image per frame.

Boolean_t TecUtilWinCopyToClipboard ( void   ) 

Copy the current plot to the Windows system clipboard.

Call TecUtilExportSetup() first to specify the type and options of an image that will be inserted into the clipboard.

Supported export formats are ExportFormat_WindowsMetafile and ExportFormat_BMP

TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
Fortran Syntax:
    INTEGER*4 FUNCTION TecUtilWinCopyToClipboard()

Python Syntax:

    This function is not supported in Python.

Boolean_t TecUtilWriteCurveInfo ( const char *  FName,
EntIndex_t  XYMapNum,
ProcessXYMode_e  ProcessXYMode 

Please use TecUtilCurveWriteInfo() instead.

Python Syntax:

  Results = TecUtil.WriteCurveInfo(FName, XYMapNum, ProcessXYMode)

                  FName                string
                  XYMapNum             int
                  ProcessXYMode        ProcessXYMode_e  (defined in TecVals.py)
    Results[0]    ReturnVal            boolean

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:41 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5