TECUTILQ.h File Reference

Detailed Description

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#define EXTERN   extern


LgIndex_t TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstrCount (void)
  Gets the number of loader instruction lists available for retrieval by TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstrByNum.
void TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstrByNum (LgIndex_t Index, char **DataSetReaderName, StringList_pa *DataSetLoaderInstructions)
  Retrieves the instructions of the n'th data loader used to load the data into the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldLayerIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag)
  Indicates if the field layer of interest is active or not.
Boolean_t TecUtilLinePlotLayerIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag)
  Indicates if the line plot layer of interest is active or not.
ArbParam_t TecUtilFrameGetLinking (const char *Attribute)
ArbParam_t TecUtilLinkingGetValue (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute)
  Gets frame linking attributes.
void TecUtilWorkAreaGetDimensions (LgIndex_t *Width, LgIndex_t *Height)
  Get the dimensions of the Tecplot workspace.
void TecUtilPaperGetDimensions (double *Width, double *Height)
  Get the dimensions of the currently defined paper in the Tecplot workspace.
Boolean_t TecUtilViewGetMagnification (double *Magnification)
  Get the current view magnification.
Boolean_t TecUtilBlankingIsActive (void)
  Determine if blanking is active.
Boolean_t TecUtilBlankingCheckDataPoint (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t PointIndex)
  Determine if the specified data point in the specified zone is visible or if it is not drawn due to value-blanking or IJK-blanking.
Boolean_t TecUtilBlankingCheckFECell (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t CellIndex)
  Determine if the specified element in the specified finite-element zone is visible or if it is not drawn due to value-blanking.
Boolean_t TecUtilBlankingCheckIJKCell (EntIndex_t Zone, IJKPlanes_e ZonePlane, LgIndex_t CellIndex)
  Determine if the specified cell in the specified IJK-ordered zone is visible or if it is not drawn due to value-blanking or IJK-blanking.
int TecUtilLockGetCount (void)
  Determine how many levels of locking are currently active in Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilLockIsOn (void)
  Determine if Tecplot is locked.
LgIndex_t TecUtilPageGetCount (void)
  Returns the number of pages managed by Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilPageGetName (char **PageName)
  Get the name of the current page.
UniqueID_t TecUtilPageGetUniqueID (void)
  Gets the unique ID for the current page.
LgIndex_t TecUtilPageGetPosByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Gets the position of the page specified by the unique ID relative to the current page.
LgIndex_t TecUtilGetTecplotVersion (void)
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecplotGetMajorVersion (void)
  Gets Tecplot's major version number.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecplotGetMinorVersion (void)
  Gets Tecplot's minor version number.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecplotGetMajorRevision (void)
  Gets Tecplot's major revision number.
LgIndex_t TecUtilTecplotGetMinorRevision (void)
  Gets Tecplot's minor revision number.
char * TecUtilTecplotGetHomeDirectory (void)
  Get the Tecplot home directory.
char * TecUtilTecplotGetExePath (void)
  Get the full path name of the Tecplot executable.
char * TecUtilAddOnGetPath (AddOn_pa AddOnID)
  Gets full path name, including the library name, of the specified add-on library.
int TecUtilFrameGetCount (void)
  Get a count of the number of frames currently defined.
FrameMode_e TecUtilFrameGetMode (void)
PlotType_e TecUtilFrameGetPlotType (void)
  Get the plot type of the current frame.
int TecUtilPickListGetCount (void)
  Get the number of items currently in the pick list.
PickObjects_e TecUtilPickListGetType (int PickListIndex)
  Gets the type of object from the pick list at the specified index.
int TecUtilPickListGetLabelsContourGroup (int PickListIndex)
  Get the contour group number that owns the label item at index PickListIndex.
int TecUtilPickListGetLegendContourGroup (int PickListIndex)
  Get the contour group number that owns the legend item at index PickListIndex.
char * TecUtilPickListGetFrameName (int PickListIndex)
  Get the name of the frame from the pick list at the specified index.
UniqueID_t TecUtilPickListGetFrameUniqueID (int PickListIndex)
  Get the unique identifier of the frame from the pick list at the specified index.
void TecUtilGetBoundingBoxOfAllFrames (double *X1, double *Y1, double *X2, double *Y2)
  Get dimension of the bounding box surrounding all frames in CoordSys_Paper units.
void TecUtilAxisGetRange (char Axis, short AxisNum, double *AxisMin, double *AxisMax)
  Get the current minimum and maximum values for the specified axis.
void TecUtilAxisGetVarAssignments (EntIndex_t *XOrThetaVar, EntIndex_t *YOrRVar, EntIndex_t *ZVar)
  Returns the axis variable assignments for 'X' or 'T', 'Y' or 'R', and 'Z'.
NumberFormat_e TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum)
  Gets the specified axis label's number formatting.
char * TecUtilAxisLabelGetTimeDateFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum)
  Gets the specified axis label's time/date formatting.
SmInteger_t TecUtilAxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum)
  Gets the specified axis label's formatting precision.
AxisSubObject_e TecUtilPickListGetAxisSubObject (int PickListIndex)
  Get the picked subobject type of the picked axis object.
char TecUtilPickListGetAxisKind (int PickListIndex)
  Get the kind of axis (X, Y, or Z) from the pick list at the specified index.
int TecUtilPickListGetAxisNumber (int PickListIndex)
  Get the number of the axis from the pick list at the specified index.
EntIndex_t TecUtilPickListGetZoneNumber (int PickListIndex)
  Get the number of the zone from the pick list at the specified index.
void TecUtilPickListGetZoneIndices (int PickListIndex, LgIndex_t *IIndex, LgIndex_t *JIndex, LgIndex_t *KIndex)
  Get the specific point that was selected in the zone from the pick list at the specified index.
EntIndex_t TecUtilPickListGetXYMapNumber (int PickListIndex)
EntIndex_t TecUtilPickListGetLineMapNumber (int PickListIndex)
  Get the number of the Line-mapping from the pick list at the specified index.
LgIndex_t TecUtilPickListGetXYMapIndex (int PickListIndex)
LgIndex_t TecUtilPickListGetLineMapIndex (int PickListIndex)
  Get the index value of the specific point that was selected in the Line-mapping from the pick list at the specified index.
Text_ID TecUtilPickListGetText (int PickListIndex)
  Get the text from the pick list at the specified index.
Geom_ID TecUtilPickListGetGeom (int PickListIndex)
  Get the geometry from the pick list at the specified index.
void TecUtilPickListGetGeomInfo (int PickListIndex, SmInteger_t *PolylineNum, LgIndex_t *PointIndex)
  Get the specific point that was selected in the geometry from the pick list at the specified index.
void TecUtilVarGetMinMax (EntIndex_t Var, double *VarMin, double *VarMax)
  Gets the minimum and maximum values of a variable.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFEPolyGetCellNodesSizeAndCenter (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, ElemToFaceMap_pa ElemToFaceMap, LgIndex_t CellIndex, FieldData_pa XFieldData, FieldData_pa YFieldData, FieldData_pa ZFieldData, LgIndex_t *NumUniqueNodes, LgIndex_t *UniqueNodesSize, LgIndex_t **UniqueNodes, double *CellSize, XYZ_s *CellCenter)
  Gets the logically unique nodes, cell size, and cell center position of an entire finite element polytope cell.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFECellGetUniqueNodes (EntIndex_t Zone, ElemFaceOffset_t FaceOffset, LgIndex_t CellIndex, LgIndex_t *NumUniqueNodes, LgIndex_t *UniqueNodesSize, LgIndex_t **UniqueNodes)
  Gets the logically unique nodes of an entire finite element cell or, for finite element volume data only, a finite element face.
void TecUtilDataFECellGetNodes (EntIndex_t Zone, int Face, LgIndex_t CellIndex, LgIndex_t *I1, LgIndex_t *I2, LgIndex_t *I3, LgIndex_t *I4)
  Get the indices for the nodes of a finite-element cell.
void TecUtilDataIJKCellGetIndices (EntIndex_t Zone, IJKPlanes_e Plane, LgIndex_t CellIndex, LgIndex_t *I1, LgIndex_t *I2, LgIndex_t *I3, LgIndex_t *I4)
  Get the indices for the nodes a cell in an ordered zone.
GetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilStyleGetLowLevelX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Low level function used to get most page, frame, and general attribute values in Tecplot.
char * TecUtilStyleGetLastErrorString (void)
  If the last call to TecUtilStyleSetLowLevel or TecUtilStyleSetLowLevelX returns an error, this function may be called to retrieve the error message generated by Tecplot
char * TecUtilLastErrorMessage (void)
  Returns the last recorded error message by Tecplot.
void TecUtilLastErrorMessageClear (void)
  Clears the last error message queue such that immediately calling TecUtilLastErrorMessage() will return NULL.
ArbParam_t TecUtilFieldStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
  Queries a zone attribute.
double TecUtilFieldStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
  Queries a zone attribute.
ArbParam_t TecUtilXYMapStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t XYMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
ArbParam_t TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t LineMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
  Queries an Line-map attribute.
double TecUtilXYMapStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t XYMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
double TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t LineMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3)
  Queries an Line-map attribute.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateIsProcessingMacro (void)
  Determine if Tecplot is currently playing a macro.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateIsProcessingStylesheet (void)
  Determine if Tecplot is currently processing a stylesheet.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateIsProcessingJournal (void)
  Query Tecplot to find out if Tecplot is in the middle of processing the data journal.
Boolean_t TecUtilStateIsProcessingLayout (void)
  Query Tecplot to find out if Tecplot is in the middle of processing a layout.
UniqueID_t TecUtilFrameGetUniqueID (void)
  Gets the unique ID for the current frame.
UniqueID_t TecUtilDataSetGetUniqueID (void)
  Gets the unique ID for the data set in the current frame.
UniqueID_t TecUtilZoneGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a unique ID for a zone.
UniqueID_t TecUtilVarGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t Var)
  Gets a unique ID for a variable.
UniqueID_t TecUtilLineMapGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t LineMap)
  Gets a unique ID for a line map.
EntIndex_t TecUtilVarGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Gets a variable number, given a unique ID.
EntIndex_t TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Gets a line map number, given a unique ID.
EntIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Gets a zone number, given a unique ID.
EntIndex_t TecUtilVarGetNumByAssignment (char Var)
  Gets the number (that is, the index) of a variable based on the variable assignment.
EntIndex_t TecUtilVarGetNumByName (const char *VarName)
  Gets the number (that is, the index) of a variable based on variable name.
VarStatus_e TecUtilVarGetStatus (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Gets the load status of a variable for a zone.
VarStatus_e TecUtilVarGetStatusByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData)
  Gets the load status of a variable for a zone.
void TecUtilDataValueGetReadableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, void **DataPtr, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType)
  Get a read-only handle to the raw field data in the data set attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilDataValueGetWritableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, void **DataPtr, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType)
  Get a read/write handle to the raw field data in the data set attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilDataValueGetRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, void **DataPtr, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType)
void TecUtilDataNodeGetRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, NodeMap_t **NodeMapPtr)
void TecUtilDataNodeGetReadableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, NodeMap_t **NodeMapPtr)
  Get a readable raw pointer to the finite-element node map of the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilDataNodeGetWritableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, NodeMap_t **NodeMapPtr)
  Get a writable raw pointer to the finite-element node map of the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t **FNPtr)
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetName (EntIndex_t Zone, char **ZName)
  Get the name of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilVarGetName (EntIndex_t VarNum, char **VName)
  Get the name of a variable in the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapGetName (EntIndex_t Map, char **Name)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapGetName (EntIndex_t Map, char **Name)
  Get the name of an Line-map.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataValueGetCountByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData)
  Gets the number of values associated with the field data reference.
void TecUtilZoneGetInfo (EntIndex_t CurZone, LgIndex_t *IMax, LgIndex_t *JMax, LgIndex_t *KMax, FieldData_pa *XVar, FieldData_pa *YVar, FieldData_pa *ZVar, NodeMap_pa *NMap, FieldData_pa *UVar, FieldData_pa *VVar, FieldData_pa *WVar, FieldData_pa *BVar, FieldData_pa *CVar, FieldData_pa *SVar)
  Convenience function used to obtain information about a specific zone.
void TecUtilZoneGetIJK (EntIndex_t CurZone, LgIndex_t *IMax, LgIndex_t *JMax, LgIndex_t *KMax)
  Used to obtain the I, J, and K dimensions of a specific zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetGetInfo (char **DataSetTitle, EntIndex_t *NumZones, EntIndex_t *NumVars)
  Get the title, number of zones, and number of variables of the data set attached to the current frame.
EntIndex_t TecUtilDataSetGetNumZones (void)
  Get the number of zones in the data set attached to the current frame.
EntIndex_t TecUtilDataSetGetNumVars (void)
  Get the number of variables in the data set attached to the current frame.
Strand_t TecUtilDataSetGetMaxStrandID (void)
  Get the largest Strand number currently in use.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetJournalIsValid (void)
  Query Tecplot to see if the journal for the data set attached to the current frame is valid.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetRequiresSaving (void)
void TecUtilFrameGetPosAndSize (double *X, double *Y, double *Width, double *Height)
  Get the position and size of a frame.
Text_ID TecUtilTextGetBase (void)
  Get the first text object from the list of text objects maintained by the current frame.
Geom_ID TecUtilGeomGetBase (void)
  Get the base geometry attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilProbeAtPosSequenceBeginX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Begin a sequence of calling TecUtilProbeAtPosition() many times.
void TecUtilProbeAtPosSequenceEnd (void)
  End a sequence of calling TecUtilProbeAtPosition() many times.
Boolean_t TecUtilProbeAtPosition (double X, double Y, double Z, LgIndex_t *ICell, LgIndex_t *JCell, LgIndex_t *KCell, IJKPlanes_e *Plane, EntIndex_t *CurZone, Boolean_t StartWithLocalCell, double *VValue_Array, Set_pa SourceZones, Boolean_t SearchVolume, Boolean_t GetZoneOnly, Boolean_t GetNearestPoint)
  Use Tecplot's probe capability to return field values at a specified X, Y, [Z] location.
LineSegProbeResult_pa TecUtilLineSegProbeResultAlloc (void)
  Allocate a line segment probe result structure to receive results from future calls to TecUtilLineSegProbe().
void TecUtilLineSegProbeResultDealloc (LineSegProbeResult_pa *LineSegProbeResult)
  Deallocate a line segment probe result structure previously allocated by TecUtilLineSegProbeResultAlloc().
void TecUtilLineSegProbeResultClear (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult)
  Clears a line segment probe result structure of any stored results.
Boolean_t TecUtilLineSegProbe (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, double *StartingPosition, double *EndingPositions, LgIndex_t NumEndingPositions, LgIndex_t ICell, LgIndex_t JCell, LgIndex_t KCell, LgIndex_t CurZone, Set_pa ZonesToSearch, Set_pa VarsToReturn, LineSegProbeCallback_pf LineSegProbeCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Perform "ray shooting" probe along line segments from a starting position to a set of ending positions, stopping if any domain boundaries are encountered, and optionally calling a callback routine each time a ray encounters a cell face.
int TecUtilLineSegProbeResultGetCount (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult)
  Return the number of segments probed by a "ray shooting" probe.
ProbeStatus_e TecUtilLineSegProbeGetStatus (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment)
  Return the status of a "ray shooting" probe.
double TecUtilLineSegProbeGetVarValue (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment, EntIndex_t Var)
  Return a variable value at the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe.
LgIndex_t TecUtilLineSegProbeGetICell (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment)
  Return the I index of the cell containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe.
LgIndex_t TecUtilLineSegProbeGetJCell (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment)
  Return the J index of the cell containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe.
LgIndex_t TecUtilLineSegProbeGetKCell (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment)
  Return the K index of the cell containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe.
EntIndex_t TecUtilLineSegProbeGetZone (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment)
  Return the zone containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe.
LgIndex_t TecUtilLineSegProbeGetFace (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment)
  Return the cell face at which the a "ray shooting" probe terminated, or 0 if the ray reached its destination without terminating.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetEnabled (Set_pa *EnabledZones)
  Get the set of enabled zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetRelevant (double SolutionTime, Boolean_t IgnoreStaticZones, Set_pa *RelevantZones)
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetRelevantZones (double SolutionTimeMin, double SolutionTimeMax, Boolean_t IgnoreStaticZones)
  Get the set of relevant zones between the supplied maximum and minimum solution time.
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetStrandRelevantZones (Strand_t StrandID, double SolutionTimeMin, double SolutionTimeMax)
  Get the set of relevant zones for the supplied strand Id.
Boolean_t TecUtilVarGetEnabled (Set_pa *EnabledVars)
  Get the set of enabled variables.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveZones)
  Obtain the set of active field zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveXYMaps)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveLineMaps)
  Obtain the set of active Line-maps.
void TecUtilXYMapGetAssignment (EntIndex_t XYMap, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *XAxisVar, EntIndex_t *YAxisVar, SmInteger_t *XAxis, SmInteger_t *YAxis, FunctionDependency_e *FunctionDependency)
void TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment (EntIndex_t LineMap, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *XOrThetaVar, EntIndex_t *YOrRVar, SmInteger_t *XAxis, SmInteger_t *YAxis, FunctionDependency_e *FunctionDependency)
  Get the assignment information for a given Line-map.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsFiniteElement (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if a zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains finite-element data.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsOrdered (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains ordered data.
ZoneType_e TecUtilZoneGetType (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Get the type of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
double TecUtilDataValueGetByZoneVar (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, LgIndex_t PointIndex)
  Get a field data value.
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetReadableNativeRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Get a read-only handle to the native data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame.
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetReadableDerivedRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Get a read-only handle to the derived data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame.
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetReadableNLRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Get a read-only handle to the node located data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame.
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetReadableCCRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Get a read-only handle to the cell centered data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame.
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetWritableNativeRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Get a native read/write handle to the data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame.
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetWritableRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
FieldData_pa TecUtilDataValueGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
FieldValueGetFunction_pf TecUtilDataValueRefGetGetFunc (FieldData_pa FD)
  Get the low-level "get value" function associated with a field data handle.
FieldValueSetFunction_pf TecUtilDataValueRefGetSetFunc (FieldData_pa FD)
  Get the low-level "set value" function associated with a field data handle.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueGetZoneVarByRef (FieldData_pa FD, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *Var)
  Get a candidate zone and variable associated with the given field data reference.
NodeMap_pa TecUtilDataNodeGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Get a readable finite-element node map handle to the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
NodeMap_pa TecUtilDataNodeGetWritableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Get a writable finite-element node map handle to the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
NodeMap_pa TecUtilDataNodeGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
FaceNeighbor_pa TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
FieldDataType_e TecUtilDataValueGetRefType (FieldData_pa FieldData)
  Get the field data type of a field data handle.
FieldDataType_e TecUtilDataValueGetType (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Queries for the data type of the variable.
ValueLocation_e TecUtilDataValueGetLocation (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Queries for the location of the variable.
ValueLocation_e TecUtilDataValueGetLocationByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData)
  Queries for the location of the data values associated with the field data reference.
Boolean_t TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstr (char **DataSetLoaderName, StringList_pa *DataSetLoaderInstructions)
  Get the instructions of the last data loader used to load the data into the data set attached to the current frame.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogMessageBox (const char *Message, MessageBoxType_e MessageBoxType)
  Display a message to the user and, if desired, prompt for yes or no input.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetIndexRange (LgIndex_t MaxRangeValue, LgIndex_t *Min, LgIndex_t *Max, LgIndex_t *Skip)
  Launch a dialog that prompts the user for the minimum, maximum, and skip values of a range.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetVariables (const char *Instructions, const char *TextField1Label, const char *TextField2Label, const char *TextField3Label, EntIndex_t *Var1, EntIndex_t *Var2, EntIndex_t *Var3)
  Launch a dialog that prompts the user for one, two, or three variables.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetColor (Boolean_t AllowMultiColor, ColorIndex_t *Color)
  Launch a dialog that prompts the user for a color or for a multi-color setting.
Boolean_t TecUtilDialogGetSimpleText (const char *Instructions, const char *DefaultText, char **Text)
  Launch a dialog to prompt the user to input into a simple text field.
void TecUtilTextBoxGetPosition (Text_ID T, double *X1, double *Y1, double *X2, double *Y2, double *X3, double *Y3, double *X4, double *Y4)
  Get the position of the four corners of the box surrounding the text object.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroFunctionExists (const char *FunctionName)
  Query Tecplot to see if a macro function called FunctionName exists.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroIsBatchModeActive (void)
  Determine if Tecplot is currently running in batch mode.
void TecUtilInterfaceGetDotsPerInch (double *VDotsPerInch, double *HDotsPerInch)
void TecUtilDataValueArrayGetByRef (FieldData_pa SourceFieldData, LgIndex_t SourceOffset, LgIndex_t SourceCount, void *DestValueArray)
  Fetch an Array of values by reference.
double TecUtilDataValueGetByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData, LgIndex_t PointIndex)
  Get a field data value.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueGetMinMaxByZoneVar (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, double *Min, double *Max)
  Get the minimum and maximum values for a tecplot variable using a zone and variable number.
void TecUtilDataValueGetMinMaxByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData, double *Min, double *Max)
  Get the minimum and maximum values for a tecplot variable using the field data reference.
NodeMap_t TecUtilDataNodeGetByZone (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Corner)
  Get the node index for a particular corner of a finite-element.
void TecUtilDataNodeArrayGetByRef (NodeMap_pa SourceNodeMap, LgIndex_t SourceOffset, LgIndex_t SourceCount, NodeMap_t *DestNodeArray)
  Fetch an array of nodes by reference.
NodeMap_t TecUtilDataNodeGetByRef (NodeMap_pa NodeMapPtr, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Corner)
  Get the node index for a particular corner of a finite-element.
EntIndex_t TecUtilDataNodeGetNodesPerElem (NodeMap_pa NodeMapPtr)
  Get the number of nodes per element.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetByZone (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face)
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face)
FaceNeighborMode_e TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetModeByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor)
  Returns the FaceNeigborMode_e value for the referenced face neighbor.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetNumNByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face)
  Gets the number of face neighbors for the elements's face.
void TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetNbrByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face, LgIndex_t NeighborNumber, LgIndex_t *NeighborElem, EntIndex_t *NeighborZone)
  Get the cell index of the element the is a neighbor of the specified Element and Face.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrBeginAssignX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrBeginAssign (EntIndex_t Zone)
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrAssign (LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face, Boolean_t NeighborsCompletelyObscure, LgIndex_t NumNeighbors, LgIndex_t *NeighborElems, EntIndex_t *NeighborZones)
void TecUtilDataFaceNbrArrayAssign (LgIndex_t DestOffset, LgIndex_t DestCount, LgIndex_t *NeighborElems)
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrEndAssign (void)
ArbParam_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor)
  Return the custom load-on-demand client data from a face neighbor handle.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrCustomLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, Boolean_t AutoAssignFN, LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborLoad_pf LoadCallback, LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborUnload_pf UnloadCallback, LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborCleanup_pf CleanupCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData)
  Registers with Tecplot the load-on-demand callbacks and client data for the face neighbors for a specific zone.
FaceNeighbor_pa TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Get a readable face neighbor handle to the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame.
void TecUtilDataFaceNbrAssignArrayByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t DestOffset, LgIndex_t NumNeighbors, const LgIndex_t *NeighborElems)
  Copies the specified number of local one-to-one cell face neighbors from the base of the neighbor element array to the currently open face neighbor assignment sequence starting at the specified destination offset.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataFaceNbrAssignByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face, Boolean_t NbrsCompObscure, LgIndex_t NumNeighbors, const LgIndex_t *NeighborElems, const EntIndex_t *NeighborZones)
  Sets the boundary connection face neighbors within an open face neighbor assignment sequence for the specified element and face.
EntIndex_t TecUtilXYMapGetCount (void)
EntIndex_t TecUtilLineMapGetCount (void)
  Returns the number of Line-maps.
EntIndex_t TecUtilFieldMapGetCount (void)
  Returns the number of Field-maps.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveFieldMaps)
  Obtain the set of active Field-maps.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapIsActive (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determine if an Field-map is active.
FieldMapMode_e TecUtilFieldMapGetMode (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Returns the mode of a fieldmap.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapGetZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap, Set_pa *Zones)
  Get the set of zones for the fieldmap.
EntIndex_t TecUtilFieldMapGetCandidateZone (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Returns the number of the candidate zone for the fieldmap.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapIsRelevant (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap is relevant for the current time step.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapHasOrderedZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap contains any ordered zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapHasIJKOrderedZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap contains any IJK ordered zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapHasFEZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap contains any FE zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapHasVolumeZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap contains any Volume zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapHasSurfaceZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap contains any Surface zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilFieldMapHasLinearZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap)
  Determines if the fieldmap contains any Linear zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilMacroIsRecordingActive (void)
  Determine if Tecplot is currently recording a macro.
LgIndex_t TecUtilLimitGetValue (const char *LimitString)
  Convenience function to query Tecplot for a limit value.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetIsAvailableByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID)
  Determine if any frame in any page has an attached data set with the specified unique ID.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetIsAvailable (void)
  Determine if the current frame has a data set attached.
Boolean_t TecUtilVarIsEnabled (EntIndex_t Var)
  Determine if a variable is enabled.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsEnabled (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if a zone is enabled.
Boolean_t TecUtilZoneIsActive (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Determine if a zone is active.
Boolean_t TecUtilXYMapIsActive (EntIndex_t XYMap)
Boolean_t TecUtilLineMapIsActive (EntIndex_t LineMap)
  Determine if an Line-map is active.
Boolean_t TecUtilGetTempFileName (char **TempFileName)
Boolean_t TecUtilFileGetTempName (char **TempFileName)
  Creates a temporary file name, including a full path.
Boolean_t TecUtilFileGetTempDirName (char **TempDirName)
  Creates a temporary directory name, including a full path.
void TecUtilColorMapGetBasicColorRGB (ColorIndex_t BasicColor, ColorIndex_t *Red, ColorIndex_t *Green, ColorIndex_t *Blue)
  Get the RGB components of a basic color.
LgIndex_t TecUtilColorMapNumBasicColors (void)
  Get the number of basic colors in Tecplot.
Boolean_t TecUtilAutoRedrawIsActive (void)
  Queries the auto redraw state.
AuxData_pa TecUtilAuxDataDataSetGetRef (void)
  Gets a reference to the current data set's auxiliary data.
AuxData_pa TecUtilAuxDataLineMapGetRef (EntIndex_t Map)
  Gets a reference to the specified line map's auxiliary data.
AuxData_pa TecUtilAuxDataPageGetRef (void)
  Gets a reference to the current page's auxiliary data.
AuxData_pa TecUtilAuxDataFrameGetRef (void)
  Gets a reference to the current frame's auxiliary data.
AuxData_pa TecUtilAuxDataZoneGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a reference to the specified zone's auxiliary data.
AuxData_pa TecUtilAuxDataVarGetRef (EntIndex_t Var)
  Gets a reference to the specified variable's auxiliary data.
LgIndex_t TecUtilAuxDataGetNumItems (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef)
  Gets the current number of auxiliary data items maintained by the auxiliary data reference.
Boolean_t TecUtilAuxDataGetItemIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, LgIndex_t *ItemIndex)
  Gets the index of the named auxiliary data item if found or if not found the index where an auxiliary data item could be inserted in sorted order.
void TecUtilAuxDataGetStrItemByIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, LgIndex_t Index, char **Name, char **Value, Boolean_t *Retain)
  Gets the auxiliary string data item at the specified index.
void TecUtilAuxDataGetItemByIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, LgIndex_t Index, char **Name, ArbParam_t *Value, AuxDataType_e *Type, Boolean_t *Retain)
  Gets the auxiliary data item at the specified index.
Boolean_t TecUtilAuxDataGetStrItemByName (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, char **Value, Boolean_t *Retain)
  Gets the auxiliary string data item by the specified name if it exists.
Boolean_t TecUtilAuxDataGetItemByName (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, ArbParam_t *Value, AuxDataType_e *Type, Boolean_t *Retain)
  Gets the auxiliary data item by the specified name if it exists.
Boolean_t TecUtilAuxDataSetStrItem (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, const char *Value, Boolean_t Retain)
  Adds the auxiliary data string item to the auxiliary data or replaces it if one already exists by the same name.
Boolean_t TecUtilAuxDataSetItem (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, ArbParam_t Value, AuxDataType_e Type, Boolean_t Retain)
  Adds the auxiliary data item to the auxiliary data or replaces it if one already exists by the same name.
void TecUtilAuxDataDeleteItemByIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, LgIndex_t Index)
  Deletes the auxiliary data item.
Boolean_t TecUtilAuxDataDeleteItemByName (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name)
  Deletes the auxiliary data item by the specified name if it exists.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetIsSharingAllowed (void)
  Query to see if variable and connectivity sharing is permitted for this dataset.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueIsSharingOk (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Determine if it is ok to share a variable between zones.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataConnectIsSharingOk (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone)
  Determine if it is ok to share the connectivity between zones.
Set_pa TecUtilDataValueGetShareZoneSet (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Gets the set of zones that share the variable with the specified zone.
Set_pa TecUtilConnectGetShareZoneSet (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets the set of zones that share the connectivity with the specified zone.
EntIndex_t TecUtilDataValueGetShareCount (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Get a count for the number of times a particular variable is shared.
EntIndex_t TecUtilDataConnectGetShareCount (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the share count for connectivity for the given zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilContourGetLevels (SmInteger_t ContourGroup, LgIndex_t *NumLevels, double **LevelValues)
  Gets the number of contour levels and contour level values currently defined for the specified contour group.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryColorBandsInUseForContourGroup (SmInteger_t ContourGroup)
  Query to see if a color band is in use in the a contour group.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetIsLODAllowed (void)
  Query to see if Load on Demand is permitted for this dataset.
double TecUtilZoneGetSolutionTime (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the Solution Time associated with the specified zone.
Strand_t TecUtilZoneGetStrandID (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the StrandID associated with the specified zone.
EntIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetParentZone (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Returns the number of the Parent Zone associated with the specified zone.
LgIndex_t TecUtilZoneGetFieldMap (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets the position of the zone in the Zone Style dialog.
double TecUtilSolutionTimeGetCurrent (void)
  Returns the current solution time for the current frame.
double TecUtilSolutionTimeGetMin (void)
  Returns the minimum solution time for the current frame.
double TecUtilSolutionTimeGetMax (void)
  Returns the maximum solution time for the current frame.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetNFaces (FaceMap_pa FaceMap)
  Indicates how many faces comprise the specified face mapping.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetNFaceNodes (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face)
  Indicates how many nodes comprise the specified face.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetFaceNode (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face, LgIndex_t NodeOffset)
  Fetch a node from the face.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetLeftElem (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face)
  The left element associated with the specified face.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetRightElem (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face)
  The right element associated with the specified face.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataFaceMapGetNBndryConns (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face)
  Retrieves the number of boundary connections for the specified face.
void TecUtilDataFaceMapGetBndryConn (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face, LgIndex_t BndryConnOffset, LgIndex_t *BndryElem, EntIndex_t *BndryElemZone)
  Fetch a connected element and its zone for a boundary face.
FaceMap_pa TecUtilDataFaceMapGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a readable face mapping for the specified polyhedral or polygonal zone of the current frame.
FaceMap_pa TecUtilDataFaceMapGetWritableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a writable face mapping for the specified polyhedral or polygonal zone of the current frame.
NodeToElemMap_pa TecUtilDataNodeToElemMapGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a readable node-to-element mapping for the specified finite element zone of the current frame.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataNodeToElemMapGetNumElems (NodeToElemMap_pa NodeToElemMap, LgIndex_t Node)
  Gets the number of elements that are connected to the specified node.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataNodeToElemMapGetElem (NodeToElemMap_pa NodeToElemMap, LgIndex_t Node, LgIndex_t ElemOffset)
  Gets an element that is connected to the specified node.
ElemToFaceMap_pa TecUtilDataElemGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone)
  Gets a readable element-to-face mapping for the specified polyhedral or polygonal zone of the current frame.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataElemGetNumFaces (ElemToFaceMap_pa ElemToFaceMap, LgIndex_t Elem)
  Gets the number of faces that comprise the specified polyhedral or polygonal element.
LgIndex_t TecUtilDataElemGetFace (ElemToFaceMap_pa ElemToFaceMap, LgIndex_t Elem, ElemFaceOffset_t FaceOffset)
  Gets the specified face number for the specified polyhedral or polygonal element.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueIsPassive (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Determine if a variable is passive for a particular zone.
ScreenDim_t TecUtilGetDefaultExportImageWidth (ExportFormat_e ExportFormat, ExportRegion_e ExportRegion)
  Calculates the width of an image for exporting for the given export format and plot region.
Boolean_t TecUtilVectorCheckVariableAssignments (void)
  Determine if the vector variables have been assigned to valid variable number.
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetZonesForStrandID (Strand_t strandID)
  Returns a list of zones associated to the specifiesd strand Id.
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetStrandIDs (void)
  Returns a list of all the existing strand Ids.
Set_pa TecUtilDataSetGetActiveStrandIDs (void)
  Returns a list of all the active existing strand Ids.
Boolean_t TecUtilExtractTimesFromFileNames (StringList_pa fileNames, double *times, Boolean_t requireAlphaTokenMatching)
  Extracts time values from a consistent tokenized location within the list of file names.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataValueIsLoaded (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var)
  Determine if a variable is loaded for a particular zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryCanPlotStreamtraces (void)
  Determine if streamtraces can be ploted.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryCanPlotVolumeStreamtraces (void)
  Determine if volume streamtraces can be ploted.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryCanPlotSlices (void)
  Determine if slices can be ploted.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryPlotContainsContourLines (void)
  Determine if the plot contains contour lines.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryContourLevelModificationsAllowed (void)
  Determine if contour level modification are allowed.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryOkToExtractPoints (void)
  Determine if points can be extracted.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryStreamtracesAreActive (void)
  Determine if there are active streamtraces.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryOkToCopyPickedObjects (void)
  Determine if there are picked objects to copy This function is Thread Safe.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryOkToPastePickedObjects (void)
  Determine if there are picked objects to paste This function is Thread Safe.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryOkToClearPickedObjects (void)
  Determine if there are picked objects to clear This function is Thread Safe.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryOkToPushPopPickedObjects (void)
  Determine if there are picked objects to send to the back or bring to the front This function is Thread Safe.
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryIsLayoutDirty (void)
  Determine if the dirty layout flag was activated
Boolean_t TecUtilQueryLayoutHasStyle (void)
  Determine if the current layout has any style, checking if there are pages or data ser defined, as well as a base text or base geom on a current frame

Define Documentation

#define EXTERN   extern

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:40 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5