Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | EXTERN extern |
Functions | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstrCount (void) |
Gets the number of loader instruction lists available for retrieval by TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstrByNum. | |
void | TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstrByNum (LgIndex_t Index, char **DataSetReaderName, StringList_pa *DataSetLoaderInstructions) |
Retrieves the instructions of the n'th data loader used to load the data into the data set attached to the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldLayerIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag) |
Indicates if the field layer of interest is active or not. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLinePlotLayerIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag) |
Indicates if the line plot layer of interest is active or not. | |
ArbParam_t | TecUtilFrameGetLinking (const char *Attribute) |
| |
ArbParam_t | TecUtilLinkingGetValue (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute) |
Gets frame linking attributes. | |
void | TecUtilWorkAreaGetDimensions (LgIndex_t *Width, LgIndex_t *Height) |
Get the dimensions of the Tecplot workspace. | |
void | TecUtilPaperGetDimensions (double *Width, double *Height) |
Get the dimensions of the currently defined paper in the Tecplot workspace. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilViewGetMagnification (double *Magnification) |
Get the current view magnification. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilBlankingIsActive (void) |
Determine if blanking is active. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilBlankingCheckDataPoint (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t PointIndex) |
Determine if the specified data point in the specified zone is visible or if it is not drawn due to value-blanking or IJK-blanking. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilBlankingCheckFECell (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t CellIndex) |
Determine if the specified element in the specified finite-element zone is visible or if it is not drawn due to value-blanking. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilBlankingCheckIJKCell (EntIndex_t Zone, IJKPlanes_e ZonePlane, LgIndex_t CellIndex) |
Determine if the specified cell in the specified IJK-ordered zone is visible or if it is not drawn due to value-blanking or IJK-blanking. | |
int | TecUtilLockGetCount (void) |
Determine how many levels of locking are currently active in Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLockIsOn (void) |
Determine if Tecplot is locked. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilPageGetCount (void) |
Returns the number of pages managed by Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilPageGetName (char **PageName) |
Get the name of the current page. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilPageGetUniqueID (void) |
Gets the unique ID for the current page. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilPageGetPosByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Gets the position of the page specified by the unique ID relative to the current page. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilGetTecplotVersion (void) |
| |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilTecplotGetMajorVersion (void) |
Gets Tecplot's major version number. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilTecplotGetMinorVersion (void) |
Gets Tecplot's minor version number. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilTecplotGetMajorRevision (void) |
Gets Tecplot's major revision number. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilTecplotGetMinorRevision (void) |
Gets Tecplot's minor revision number. | |
char * | TecUtilTecplotGetHomeDirectory (void) |
Get the Tecplot home directory. | |
char * | TecUtilTecplotGetExePath (void) |
Get the full path name of the Tecplot executable. | |
char * | TecUtilAddOnGetPath (AddOn_pa AddOnID) |
Gets full path name, including the library name, of the specified add-on library. | |
int | TecUtilFrameGetCount (void) |
Get a count of the number of frames currently defined. | |
FrameMode_e | TecUtilFrameGetMode (void) |
| |
PlotType_e | TecUtilFrameGetPlotType (void) |
Get the plot type of the current frame. | |
int | TecUtilPickListGetCount (void) |
Get the number of items currently in the pick list. | |
PickObjects_e | TecUtilPickListGetType (int PickListIndex) |
Gets the type of object from the pick list at the specified index. | |
int | TecUtilPickListGetLabelsContourGroup (int PickListIndex) |
Get the contour group number that owns the label item at index PickListIndex. | |
int | TecUtilPickListGetLegendContourGroup (int PickListIndex) |
Get the contour group number that owns the legend item at index PickListIndex. | |
char * | TecUtilPickListGetFrameName (int PickListIndex) |
Get the name of the frame from the pick list at the specified index. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilPickListGetFrameUniqueID (int PickListIndex) |
Get the unique identifier of the frame from the pick list at the specified index. | |
void | TecUtilGetBoundingBoxOfAllFrames (double *X1, double *Y1, double *X2, double *Y2) |
Get dimension of the bounding box surrounding all frames in CoordSys_Paper units. | |
void | TecUtilAxisGetRange (char Axis, short AxisNum, double *AxisMin, double *AxisMax) |
Get the current minimum and maximum values for the specified axis. | |
void | TecUtilAxisGetVarAssignments (EntIndex_t *XOrThetaVar, EntIndex_t *YOrRVar, EntIndex_t *ZVar) |
Returns the axis variable assignments for 'X' or 'T', 'Y' or 'R', and 'Z'. | |
NumberFormat_e | TecUtilAxisLabelGetNumberFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum) |
Gets the specified axis label's number formatting. | |
char * | TecUtilAxisLabelGetTimeDateFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum) |
Gets the specified axis label's time/date formatting. | |
SmInteger_t | TecUtilAxisLabelGetPrecisionFormat (short Axis, int AxisNum) |
Gets the specified axis label's formatting precision. | |
AxisSubObject_e | TecUtilPickListGetAxisSubObject (int PickListIndex) |
Get the picked subobject type of the picked axis object. | |
char | TecUtilPickListGetAxisKind (int PickListIndex) |
Get the kind of axis (X, Y, or Z) from the pick list at the specified index. | |
int | TecUtilPickListGetAxisNumber (int PickListIndex) |
Get the number of the axis from the pick list at the specified index. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilPickListGetZoneNumber (int PickListIndex) |
Get the number of the zone from the pick list at the specified index. | |
void | TecUtilPickListGetZoneIndices (int PickListIndex, LgIndex_t *IIndex, LgIndex_t *JIndex, LgIndex_t *KIndex) |
Get the specific point that was selected in the zone from the pick list at the specified index. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilPickListGetXYMapNumber (int PickListIndex) |
| |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilPickListGetLineMapNumber (int PickListIndex) |
Get the number of the Line-mapping from the pick list at the specified index. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilPickListGetXYMapIndex (int PickListIndex) |
| |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilPickListGetLineMapIndex (int PickListIndex) |
Get the index value of the specific point that was selected in the Line-mapping from the pick list at the specified index. | |
Text_ID | TecUtilPickListGetText (int PickListIndex) |
Get the text from the pick list at the specified index. | |
Geom_ID | TecUtilPickListGetGeom (int PickListIndex) |
Get the geometry from the pick list at the specified index. | |
void | TecUtilPickListGetGeomInfo (int PickListIndex, SmInteger_t *PolylineNum, LgIndex_t *PointIndex) |
Get the specific point that was selected in the geometry from the pick list at the specified index. | |
void | TecUtilVarGetMinMax (EntIndex_t Var, double *VarMin, double *VarMax) |
Gets the minimum and maximum values of a variable. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFEPolyGetCellNodesSizeAndCenter (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, ElemToFaceMap_pa ElemToFaceMap, LgIndex_t CellIndex, FieldData_pa XFieldData, FieldData_pa YFieldData, FieldData_pa ZFieldData, LgIndex_t *NumUniqueNodes, LgIndex_t *UniqueNodesSize, LgIndex_t **UniqueNodes, double *CellSize, XYZ_s *CellCenter) |
Gets the logically unique nodes, cell size, and cell center position of an entire finite element polytope cell. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFECellGetUniqueNodes (EntIndex_t Zone, ElemFaceOffset_t FaceOffset, LgIndex_t CellIndex, LgIndex_t *NumUniqueNodes, LgIndex_t *UniqueNodesSize, LgIndex_t **UniqueNodes) |
Gets the logically unique nodes of an entire finite element cell or, for finite element volume data only, a finite element face. | |
void | TecUtilDataFECellGetNodes (EntIndex_t Zone, int Face, LgIndex_t CellIndex, LgIndex_t *I1, LgIndex_t *I2, LgIndex_t *I3, LgIndex_t *I4) |
Get the indices for the nodes of a finite-element cell. | |
void | TecUtilDataIJKCellGetIndices (EntIndex_t Zone, IJKPlanes_e Plane, LgIndex_t CellIndex, LgIndex_t *I1, LgIndex_t *I2, LgIndex_t *I3, LgIndex_t *I4) |
Get the indices for the nodes a cell in an ordered zone. | |
GetValueReturnCode_e | TecUtilStyleGetLowLevelX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Low level function used to get most page, frame, and general attribute values in Tecplot. | |
char * | TecUtilStyleGetLastErrorString (void) |
If the last call to TecUtilStyleSetLowLevel or TecUtilStyleSetLowLevelX returns an error, this function may be called to retrieve the error message generated by Tecplot | |
char * | TecUtilLastErrorMessage (void) |
Returns the last recorded error message by Tecplot. | |
void | TecUtilLastErrorMessageClear (void) |
Clears the last error message queue such that immediately calling TecUtilLastErrorMessage() will return NULL. | |
ArbParam_t | TecUtilFieldStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3) |
Queries a zone attribute. | |
double | TecUtilFieldStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t Zone, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3) |
Queries a zone attribute. | |
ArbParam_t | TecUtilXYMapStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t XYMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3) |
| |
ArbParam_t | TecUtilLineMapStyleGetArbValue (EntIndex_t LineMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3) |
Queries an Line-map attribute. | |
double | TecUtilXYMapStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t XYMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3) |
| |
double | TecUtilLineMapStyleGetDoubleValue (EntIndex_t LineMap, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3) |
Queries an Line-map attribute. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStateIsProcessingMacro (void) |
Determine if Tecplot is currently playing a macro. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStateIsProcessingStylesheet (void) |
Determine if Tecplot is currently processing a stylesheet. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStateIsProcessingJournal (void) |
Query Tecplot to find out if Tecplot is in the middle of processing the data journal. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilStateIsProcessingLayout (void) |
Query Tecplot to find out if Tecplot is in the middle of processing a layout. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilFrameGetUniqueID (void) |
Gets the unique ID for the current frame. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilDataSetGetUniqueID (void) |
Gets the unique ID for the data set in the current frame. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilZoneGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets a unique ID for a zone. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilVarGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t Var) |
Gets a unique ID for a variable. | |
UniqueID_t | TecUtilLineMapGetUniqueID (EntIndex_t LineMap) |
Gets a unique ID for a line map. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilVarGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Gets a variable number, given a unique ID. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilLineMapGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Gets a line map number, given a unique ID. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilZoneGetNumByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Gets a zone number, given a unique ID. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilVarGetNumByAssignment (char Var) |
Gets the number (that is, the index) of a variable based on the variable assignment. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilVarGetNumByName (const char *VarName) |
Gets the number (that is, the index) of a variable based on variable name. | |
VarStatus_e | TecUtilVarGetStatus (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Gets the load status of a variable for a zone. | |
VarStatus_e | TecUtilVarGetStatusByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData) |
Gets the load status of a variable for a zone. | |
void | TecUtilDataValueGetReadableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, void **DataPtr, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType) |
Get a read-only handle to the raw field data in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
void | TecUtilDataValueGetWritableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, void **DataPtr, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType) |
Get a read/write handle to the raw field data in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
void | TecUtilDataValueGetRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, void **DataPtr, FieldDataType_e *FieldDataType) |
| |
void | TecUtilDataNodeGetRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, NodeMap_t **NodeMapPtr) |
| |
void | TecUtilDataNodeGetReadableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, NodeMap_t **NodeMapPtr) |
Get a readable raw pointer to the finite-element node map of the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
void | TecUtilDataNodeGetWritableRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, NodeMap_t **NodeMapPtr) |
Get a writable raw pointer to the finite-element node map of the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
void | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetRawPtr (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t **FNPtr) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneGetName (EntIndex_t Zone, char **ZName) |
Get the name of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilVarGetName (EntIndex_t VarNum, char **VName) |
Get the name of a variable in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapGetName (EntIndex_t Map, char **Name) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapGetName (EntIndex_t Map, char **Name) |
Get the name of an Line-map. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataValueGetCountByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData) |
Gets the number of values associated with the field data reference. | |
void | TecUtilZoneGetInfo (EntIndex_t CurZone, LgIndex_t *IMax, LgIndex_t *JMax, LgIndex_t *KMax, FieldData_pa *XVar, FieldData_pa *YVar, FieldData_pa *ZVar, NodeMap_pa *NMap, FieldData_pa *UVar, FieldData_pa *VVar, FieldData_pa *WVar, FieldData_pa *BVar, FieldData_pa *CVar, FieldData_pa *SVar) |
Convenience function used to obtain information about a specific zone. | |
void | TecUtilZoneGetIJK (EntIndex_t CurZone, LgIndex_t *IMax, LgIndex_t *JMax, LgIndex_t *KMax) |
Used to obtain the I, J, and K dimensions of a specific zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetGetInfo (char **DataSetTitle, EntIndex_t *NumZones, EntIndex_t *NumVars) |
Get the title, number of zones, and number of variables of the data set attached to the current frame. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilDataSetGetNumZones (void) |
Get the number of zones in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilDataSetGetNumVars (void) |
Get the number of variables in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
Strand_t | TecUtilDataSetGetMaxStrandID (void) |
Get the largest Strand number currently in use. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetJournalIsValid (void) |
Query Tecplot to see if the journal for the data set attached to the current frame is valid. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetRequiresSaving (void) |
| |
void | TecUtilFrameGetPosAndSize (double *X, double *Y, double *Width, double *Height) |
Get the position and size of a frame. | |
Text_ID | TecUtilTextGetBase (void) |
Get the first text object from the list of text objects maintained by the current frame. | |
Geom_ID | TecUtilGeomGetBase (void) |
Get the base geometry attached to the current frame. | |
void | TecUtilProbeAtPosSequenceBeginX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
Begin a sequence of calling TecUtilProbeAtPosition() many times. | |
void | TecUtilProbeAtPosSequenceEnd (void) |
End a sequence of calling TecUtilProbeAtPosition() many times. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilProbeAtPosition (double X, double Y, double Z, LgIndex_t *ICell, LgIndex_t *JCell, LgIndex_t *KCell, IJKPlanes_e *Plane, EntIndex_t *CurZone, Boolean_t StartWithLocalCell, double *VValue_Array, Set_pa SourceZones, Boolean_t SearchVolume, Boolean_t GetZoneOnly, Boolean_t GetNearestPoint) |
Use Tecplot's probe capability to return field values at a specified X, Y, [Z] location. | |
LineSegProbeResult_pa | TecUtilLineSegProbeResultAlloc (void) |
Allocate a line segment probe result structure to receive results from future calls to TecUtilLineSegProbe(). | |
void | TecUtilLineSegProbeResultDealloc (LineSegProbeResult_pa *LineSegProbeResult) |
Deallocate a line segment probe result structure previously allocated by TecUtilLineSegProbeResultAlloc(). | |
void | TecUtilLineSegProbeResultClear (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult) |
Clears a line segment probe result structure of any stored results. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineSegProbe (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, double *StartingPosition, double *EndingPositions, LgIndex_t NumEndingPositions, LgIndex_t ICell, LgIndex_t JCell, LgIndex_t KCell, LgIndex_t CurZone, Set_pa ZonesToSearch, Set_pa VarsToReturn, LineSegProbeCallback_pf LineSegProbeCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData) |
Perform "ray shooting" probe along line segments from a starting position to a set of ending positions, stopping if any domain boundaries are encountered, and optionally calling a callback routine each time a ray encounters a cell face. | |
int | TecUtilLineSegProbeResultGetCount (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult) |
Return the number of segments probed by a "ray shooting" probe. | |
ProbeStatus_e | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetStatus (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment) |
Return the status of a "ray shooting" probe. | |
double | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetVarValue (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment, EntIndex_t Var) |
Return a variable value at the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetICell (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment) |
Return the I index of the cell containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetJCell (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment) |
Return the J index of the cell containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetKCell (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment) |
Return the K index of the cell containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetZone (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment) |
Return the zone containing the terminus of a "ray shooting" probe. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilLineSegProbeGetFace (LineSegProbeResult_pa LineSegProbeResult, int WhichSegment) |
Return the cell face at which the a "ray shooting" probe terminated, or 0 if the ray reached its destination without terminating. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneGetEnabled (Set_pa *EnabledZones) |
Get the set of enabled zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneGetRelevant (double SolutionTime, Boolean_t IgnoreStaticZones, Set_pa *RelevantZones) |
| |
Set_pa | TecUtilDataSetGetRelevantZones (double SolutionTimeMin, double SolutionTimeMax, Boolean_t IgnoreStaticZones) |
Get the set of relevant zones between the supplied maximum and minimum solution time. | |
Set_pa | TecUtilDataSetGetStrandRelevantZones (Strand_t StrandID, double SolutionTimeMin, double SolutionTimeMax) |
Get the set of relevant zones for the supplied strand Id. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilVarGetEnabled (Set_pa *EnabledVars) |
Get the set of enabled variables. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveZones) |
Obtain the set of active field zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveXYMaps) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveLineMaps) |
Obtain the set of active Line-maps. | |
void | TecUtilXYMapGetAssignment (EntIndex_t XYMap, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *XAxisVar, EntIndex_t *YAxisVar, SmInteger_t *XAxis, SmInteger_t *YAxis, FunctionDependency_e *FunctionDependency) |
| |
void | TecUtilLineMapGetAssignment (EntIndex_t LineMap, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *XOrThetaVar, EntIndex_t *YOrRVar, SmInteger_t *XAxis, SmInteger_t *YAxis, FunctionDependency_e *FunctionDependency) |
Get the assignment information for a given Line-map. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneIsFiniteElement (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Determine if a zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains finite-element data. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneIsOrdered (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Determine if the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame contains ordered data. | |
ZoneType_e | TecUtilZoneGetType (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Get the type of a specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
double | TecUtilDataValueGetByZoneVar (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, LgIndex_t PointIndex) |
Get a field data value. | |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetReadableNativeRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Get a read-only handle to the native data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetReadableDerivedRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Get a read-only handle to the derived data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetReadableNLRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Get a read-only handle to the node located data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetReadableCCRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Get a read-only handle to the cell centered data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetWritableNativeRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Get a native read/write handle to the data for the specified zone and variable in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetWritableRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
| |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
| |
FieldData_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
| |
FieldValueGetFunction_pf | TecUtilDataValueRefGetGetFunc (FieldData_pa FD) |
Get the low-level "get value" function associated with a field data handle. | |
FieldValueSetFunction_pf | TecUtilDataValueRefGetSetFunc (FieldData_pa FD) |
Get the low-level "set value" function associated with a field data handle. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueGetZoneVarByRef (FieldData_pa FD, EntIndex_t *Zone, EntIndex_t *Var) |
Get a candidate zone and variable associated with the given field data reference. | |
NodeMap_pa | TecUtilDataNodeGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Get a readable finite-element node map handle to the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
NodeMap_pa | TecUtilDataNodeGetWritableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Get a writable finite-element node map handle to the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
NodeMap_pa | TecUtilDataNodeGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
| |
FaceNeighbor_pa | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
| |
FieldDataType_e | TecUtilDataValueGetRefType (FieldData_pa FieldData) |
Get the field data type of a field data handle. | |
FieldDataType_e | TecUtilDataValueGetType (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Queries for the data type of the variable. | |
ValueLocation_e | TecUtilDataValueGetLocation (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Queries for the location of the variable. | |
ValueLocation_e | TecUtilDataValueGetLocationByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData) |
Queries for the location of the data values associated with the field data reference. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilImportGetLoaderInstr (char **DataSetLoaderName, StringList_pa *DataSetLoaderInstructions) |
Get the instructions of the last data loader used to load the data into the data set attached to the current frame. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogMessageBox (const char *Message, MessageBoxType_e MessageBoxType) |
Display a message to the user and, if desired, prompt for yes or no input. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogGetIndexRange (LgIndex_t MaxRangeValue, LgIndex_t *Min, LgIndex_t *Max, LgIndex_t *Skip) |
Launch a dialog that prompts the user for the minimum, maximum, and skip values of a range. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogGetVariables (const char *Instructions, const char *TextField1Label, const char *TextField2Label, const char *TextField3Label, EntIndex_t *Var1, EntIndex_t *Var2, EntIndex_t *Var3) |
Launch a dialog that prompts the user for one, two, or three variables. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogGetColor (Boolean_t AllowMultiColor, ColorIndex_t *Color) |
Launch a dialog that prompts the user for a color or for a multi-color setting. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDialogGetSimpleText (const char *Instructions, const char *DefaultText, char **Text) |
Launch a dialog to prompt the user to input into a simple text field. | |
void | TecUtilTextBoxGetPosition (Text_ID T, double *X1, double *Y1, double *X2, double *Y2, double *X3, double *Y3, double *X4, double *Y4) |
Get the position of the four corners of the box surrounding the text object. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilMacroFunctionExists (const char *FunctionName) |
Query Tecplot to see if a macro function called FunctionName exists. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilMacroIsBatchModeActive (void) |
Determine if Tecplot is currently running in batch mode. | |
void | TecUtilInterfaceGetDotsPerInch (double *VDotsPerInch, double *HDotsPerInch) |
| |
void | TecUtilDataValueArrayGetByRef (FieldData_pa SourceFieldData, LgIndex_t SourceOffset, LgIndex_t SourceCount, void *DestValueArray) |
Fetch an Array of values by reference. | |
double | TecUtilDataValueGetByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData, LgIndex_t PointIndex) |
Get a field data value. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueGetMinMaxByZoneVar (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var, double *Min, double *Max) |
Get the minimum and maximum values for a tecplot variable using a zone and variable number. | |
void | TecUtilDataValueGetMinMaxByRef (FieldData_pa FieldData, double *Min, double *Max) |
Get the minimum and maximum values for a tecplot variable using the field data reference. | |
NodeMap_t | TecUtilDataNodeGetByZone (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Corner) |
Get the node index for a particular corner of a finite-element. | |
void | TecUtilDataNodeArrayGetByRef (NodeMap_pa SourceNodeMap, LgIndex_t SourceOffset, LgIndex_t SourceCount, NodeMap_t *DestNodeArray) |
Fetch an array of nodes by reference. | |
NodeMap_t | TecUtilDataNodeGetByRef (NodeMap_pa NodeMapPtr, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Corner) |
Get the node index for a particular corner of a finite-element. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilDataNodeGetNodesPerElem (NodeMap_pa NodeMapPtr) |
Get the number of nodes per element. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetByZone (EntIndex_t Zone, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face) |
| |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face) |
| |
FaceNeighborMode_e | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetModeByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor) |
Returns the FaceNeigborMode_e value for the referenced face neighbor. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetNumNByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face) |
Gets the number of face neighbors for the elements's face. | |
void | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetNbrByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face, LgIndex_t NeighborNumber, LgIndex_t *NeighborElem, EntIndex_t *NeighborZone) |
Get the cell index of the element the is a neighbor of the specified Element and Face. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrBeginAssignX (ArgList_pa ArgList) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrBeginAssign (EntIndex_t Zone) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrAssign (LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face, Boolean_t NeighborsCompletelyObscure, LgIndex_t NumNeighbors, LgIndex_t *NeighborElems, EntIndex_t *NeighborZones) |
| |
void | TecUtilDataFaceNbrArrayAssign (LgIndex_t DestOffset, LgIndex_t DestCount, LgIndex_t *NeighborElems) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrEndAssign (void) |
| |
ArbParam_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetClientData (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor) |
Return the custom load-on-demand client data from a face neighbor handle. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrCustomLOD (EntIndex_t Zone, Boolean_t AutoAssignFN, LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborLoad_pf LoadCallback, LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborUnload_pf UnloadCallback, LoadOnDemandFaceNeighborCleanup_pf CleanupCallback, ArbParam_t ClientData) |
Registers with Tecplot the load-on-demand callbacks and client data for the face neighbors for a specific zone. | |
FaceNeighbor_pa | TecUtilDataFaceNbrGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Get a readable face neighbor handle to the specified zone in the data set attached to the current frame. | |
void | TecUtilDataFaceNbrAssignArrayByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t DestOffset, LgIndex_t NumNeighbors, const LgIndex_t *NeighborElems) |
Copies the specified number of local one-to-one cell face neighbors from the base of the neighbor element array to the currently open face neighbor assignment sequence starting at the specified destination offset. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataFaceNbrAssignByRef (FaceNeighbor_pa FaceNeighbor, LgIndex_t Element, LgIndex_t Face, Boolean_t NbrsCompObscure, LgIndex_t NumNeighbors, const LgIndex_t *NeighborElems, const EntIndex_t *NeighborZones) |
Sets the boundary connection face neighbors within an open face neighbor assignment sequence for the specified element and face. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilXYMapGetCount (void) |
| |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilLineMapGetCount (void) |
Returns the number of Line-maps. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilFieldMapGetCount (void) |
Returns the number of Field-maps. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapGetActive (Set_pa *ActiveFieldMaps) |
Obtain the set of active Field-maps. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapIsActive (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determine if an Field-map is active. | |
FieldMapMode_e | TecUtilFieldMapGetMode (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Returns the mode of a fieldmap. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapGetZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap, Set_pa *Zones) |
Get the set of zones for the fieldmap. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilFieldMapGetCandidateZone (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Returns the number of the candidate zone for the fieldmap. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapIsRelevant (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap is relevant for the current time step. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapHasOrderedZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap contains any ordered zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapHasIJKOrderedZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap contains any IJK ordered zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapHasFEZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap contains any FE zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapHasVolumeZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap contains any Volume zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapHasSurfaceZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap contains any Surface zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFieldMapHasLinearZones (EntIndex_t FieldMap) |
Determines if the fieldmap contains any Linear zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilMacroIsRecordingActive (void) |
Determine if Tecplot is currently recording a macro. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilLimitGetValue (const char *LimitString) |
Convenience function to query Tecplot for a limit value. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetIsAvailableByUniqueID (UniqueID_t UniqueID) |
Determine if any frame in any page has an attached data set with the specified unique ID. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetIsAvailable (void) |
Determine if the current frame has a data set attached. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilVarIsEnabled (EntIndex_t Var) |
Determine if a variable is enabled. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneIsEnabled (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Determine if a zone is enabled. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilZoneIsActive (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Determine if a zone is active. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilXYMapIsActive (EntIndex_t XYMap) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilLineMapIsActive (EntIndex_t LineMap) |
Determine if an Line-map is active. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilGetTempFileName (char **TempFileName) |
| |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFileGetTempName (char **TempFileName) |
Creates a temporary file name, including a full path. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilFileGetTempDirName (char **TempDirName) |
Creates a temporary directory name, including a full path. | |
void | TecUtilColorMapGetBasicColorRGB (ColorIndex_t BasicColor, ColorIndex_t *Red, ColorIndex_t *Green, ColorIndex_t *Blue) |
Get the RGB components of a basic color. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilColorMapNumBasicColors (void) |
Get the number of basic colors in Tecplot. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAutoRedrawIsActive (void) |
Queries the auto redraw state. | |
AuxData_pa | TecUtilAuxDataDataSetGetRef (void) |
Gets a reference to the current data set's auxiliary data. | |
AuxData_pa | TecUtilAuxDataLineMapGetRef (EntIndex_t Map) |
Gets a reference to the specified line map's auxiliary data. | |
AuxData_pa | TecUtilAuxDataPageGetRef (void) |
Gets a reference to the current page's auxiliary data. | |
AuxData_pa | TecUtilAuxDataFrameGetRef (void) |
Gets a reference to the current frame's auxiliary data. | |
AuxData_pa | TecUtilAuxDataZoneGetRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets a reference to the specified zone's auxiliary data. | |
AuxData_pa | TecUtilAuxDataVarGetRef (EntIndex_t Var) |
Gets a reference to the specified variable's auxiliary data. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilAuxDataGetNumItems (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef) |
Gets the current number of auxiliary data items maintained by the auxiliary data reference. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAuxDataGetItemIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, LgIndex_t *ItemIndex) |
Gets the index of the named auxiliary data item if found or if not found the index where an auxiliary data item could be inserted in sorted order. | |
void | TecUtilAuxDataGetStrItemByIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, LgIndex_t Index, char **Name, char **Value, Boolean_t *Retain) |
Gets the auxiliary string data item at the specified index. | |
void | TecUtilAuxDataGetItemByIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, LgIndex_t Index, char **Name, ArbParam_t *Value, AuxDataType_e *Type, Boolean_t *Retain) |
Gets the auxiliary data item at the specified index. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAuxDataGetStrItemByName (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, char **Value, Boolean_t *Retain) |
Gets the auxiliary string data item by the specified name if it exists. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAuxDataGetItemByName (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, ArbParam_t *Value, AuxDataType_e *Type, Boolean_t *Retain) |
Gets the auxiliary data item by the specified name if it exists. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAuxDataSetStrItem (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, const char *Value, Boolean_t Retain) |
Adds the auxiliary data string item to the auxiliary data or replaces it if one already exists by the same name. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAuxDataSetItem (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name, ArbParam_t Value, AuxDataType_e Type, Boolean_t Retain) |
Adds the auxiliary data item to the auxiliary data or replaces it if one already exists by the same name. | |
void | TecUtilAuxDataDeleteItemByIndex (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, LgIndex_t Index) |
Deletes the auxiliary data item. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilAuxDataDeleteItemByName (AuxData_pa AuxDataRef, const char *Name) |
Deletes the auxiliary data item by the specified name if it exists. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetIsSharingAllowed (void) |
Query to see if variable and connectivity sharing is permitted for this dataset. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueIsSharingOk (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Determine if it is ok to share a variable between zones. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataConnectIsSharingOk (EntIndex_t SourceZone, EntIndex_t DestZone) |
Determine if it is ok to share the connectivity between zones. | |
Set_pa | TecUtilDataValueGetShareZoneSet (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Gets the set of zones that share the variable with the specified zone. | |
Set_pa | TecUtilConnectGetShareZoneSet (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets the set of zones that share the connectivity with the specified zone. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilDataValueGetShareCount (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Get a count for the number of times a particular variable is shared. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilDataConnectGetShareCount (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Returns the share count for connectivity for the given zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilContourGetLevels (SmInteger_t ContourGroup, LgIndex_t *NumLevels, double **LevelValues) |
Gets the number of contour levels and contour level values currently defined for the specified contour group. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryColorBandsInUseForContourGroup (SmInteger_t ContourGroup) |
Query to see if a color band is in use in the a contour group. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataSetIsLODAllowed (void) |
Query to see if Load on Demand is permitted for this dataset. | |
double | TecUtilZoneGetSolutionTime (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Returns the Solution Time associated with the specified zone. | |
Strand_t | TecUtilZoneGetStrandID (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Returns the StrandID associated with the specified zone. | |
EntIndex_t | TecUtilZoneGetParentZone (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Returns the number of the Parent Zone associated with the specified zone. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilZoneGetFieldMap (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets the position of the zone in the Zone Style dialog. | |
double | TecUtilSolutionTimeGetCurrent (void) |
Returns the current solution time for the current frame. | |
double | TecUtilSolutionTimeGetMin (void) |
Returns the minimum solution time for the current frame. | |
double | TecUtilSolutionTimeGetMax (void) |
Returns the maximum solution time for the current frame. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetNFaces (FaceMap_pa FaceMap) |
Indicates how many faces comprise the specified face mapping. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetNFaceNodes (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face) |
Indicates how many nodes comprise the specified face. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetFaceNode (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face, LgIndex_t NodeOffset) |
Fetch a node from the face. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetLeftElem (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face) |
The left element associated with the specified face. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetRightElem (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face) |
The right element associated with the specified face. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetNBndryConns (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face) |
Retrieves the number of boundary connections for the specified face. | |
void | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetBndryConn (FaceMap_pa FaceMap, LgIndex_t Face, LgIndex_t BndryConnOffset, LgIndex_t *BndryElem, EntIndex_t *BndryElemZone) |
Fetch a connected element and its zone for a boundary face. | |
FaceMap_pa | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets a readable face mapping for the specified polyhedral or polygonal zone of the current frame. | |
FaceMap_pa | TecUtilDataFaceMapGetWritableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets a writable face mapping for the specified polyhedral or polygonal zone of the current frame. | |
NodeToElemMap_pa | TecUtilDataNodeToElemMapGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets a readable node-to-element mapping for the specified finite element zone of the current frame. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataNodeToElemMapGetNumElems (NodeToElemMap_pa NodeToElemMap, LgIndex_t Node) |
Gets the number of elements that are connected to the specified node. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataNodeToElemMapGetElem (NodeToElemMap_pa NodeToElemMap, LgIndex_t Node, LgIndex_t ElemOffset) |
Gets an element that is connected to the specified node. | |
ElemToFaceMap_pa | TecUtilDataElemGetReadableRef (EntIndex_t Zone) |
Gets a readable element-to-face mapping for the specified polyhedral or polygonal zone of the current frame. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataElemGetNumFaces (ElemToFaceMap_pa ElemToFaceMap, LgIndex_t Elem) |
Gets the number of faces that comprise the specified polyhedral or polygonal element. | |
LgIndex_t | TecUtilDataElemGetFace (ElemToFaceMap_pa ElemToFaceMap, LgIndex_t Elem, ElemFaceOffset_t FaceOffset) |
Gets the specified face number for the specified polyhedral or polygonal element. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueIsPassive (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Determine if a variable is passive for a particular zone. | |
ScreenDim_t | TecUtilGetDefaultExportImageWidth (ExportFormat_e ExportFormat, ExportRegion_e ExportRegion) |
Calculates the width of an image for exporting for the given export format and plot region. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilVectorCheckVariableAssignments (void) |
Determine if the vector variables have been assigned to valid variable number. | |
Set_pa | TecUtilDataSetGetZonesForStrandID (Strand_t strandID) |
Returns a list of zones associated to the specifiesd strand Id. | |
Set_pa | TecUtilDataSetGetStrandIDs (void) |
Returns a list of all the existing strand Ids. | |
Set_pa | TecUtilDataSetGetActiveStrandIDs (void) |
Returns a list of all the active existing strand Ids. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilExtractTimesFromFileNames (StringList_pa fileNames, double *times, Boolean_t requireAlphaTokenMatching) |
Extracts time values from a consistent tokenized location within the list of file names. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilDataValueIsLoaded (EntIndex_t Zone, EntIndex_t Var) |
Determine if a variable is loaded for a particular zone. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryCanPlotStreamtraces (void) |
Determine if streamtraces can be ploted. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryCanPlotVolumeStreamtraces (void) |
Determine if volume streamtraces can be ploted. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryCanPlotSlices (void) |
Determine if slices can be ploted. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryPlotContainsContourLines (void) |
Determine if the plot contains contour lines. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryContourLevelModificationsAllowed (void) |
Determine if contour level modification are allowed. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryOkToExtractPoints (void) |
Determine if points can be extracted. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryStreamtracesAreActive (void) |
Determine if there are active streamtraces. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryOkToCopyPickedObjects (void) |
Determine if there are picked objects to copy This function is Thread Safe. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryOkToPastePickedObjects (void) |
Determine if there are picked objects to paste This function is Thread Safe. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryOkToClearPickedObjects (void) |
Determine if there are picked objects to clear This function is Thread Safe. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryOkToPushPopPickedObjects (void) |
Determine if there are picked objects to send to the back or bring to the front This function is Thread Safe. | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryIsLayoutDirty (void) |
Determine if the dirty layout flag was activated | |
Boolean_t | TecUtilQueryLayoutHasStyle (void) |
Determine if the current layout has any style, checking if there are pages or data ser defined, as well as a base text or base geom on a current frame |
#define EXTERN extern |