Tecplot RS includes the following plot layers for grid plots:
• Connect - When displaying wells, the Connect toggle turns on and off the lines connecting the well nodes.
• Lighting Layer (3D Grid plots only)
• Translucency Layer (3D Grid plots only)
• NNCs (2D Grid plots) (see Inside Views for NNCs on 3D Grid plots)
• Wells
Use the toggles in the top region of the sidebar to activate each layer. The Details (...) button next to the Light, Inactive, NNCs (2D Grid plots), Wells, Bubbles and, Cell Labels, toggles launches dialogs that you can use to customize your settings for the corresponding layer. Use the Plot Options dialog (accessed from the Options menu) to change global settings for each of the layers. You must turn on a layer to view its settings.
Toggle-on “Mesh” in the sidebar to add a mesh layer to your grid plot.
The mesh plot layer displays the lines connecting neighboring data points within a zone. For I-ordered data, the mesh is a single line connecting all of the points in order of increasing I-index. For IJ-ordered data, the mesh consists of two families of lines connecting adjacent data points of increasing I-index and increasing J-index. For IJK-ordered data, the mesh consists of three families of lines, one connecting points of increasing I-index, one connecting points of increasing J-index, and one connecting points of increasing K-index. For finite element zones, the mesh is a plot of every edge of all of the elements that are defined by the connectivity list for the node points.
To adjust the appearance of the Mesh layer on your plot, use the Grids page of the Plot Options dialog (accessible by double-clicking on your plot or choosing “Plot Options” from the Options menu).
You can use the contour layer to show variation of one variable across all cells. To add a contour layer to your plot, toggle-on “Contour” in the 2D or 3D Grid sidebar.
To change the type of color mapping used in the contour layer, use the Grids and Grid Legend pages of the Plot Options dialog.
Although most commonly used with 3D grid plots, you can also use the shade layer to flood 2D plots with sold colors, or light source shade the exterior of 3D volume plots. In 3D plots, translucency and lighting cause color variation when you have the shade layer turned on. Shading can also help you determine the shape of a plot.
Toggle-on “Shade” to add shading to your 2D or 3D Grid plot.