14 - 3   Inside Views

When using 3D Grid plots, you can use the Inside View region of the sidebar to view the interior cells of your data set. The Inside View settings allow you to view sets of slices (either in IJK Slice, XYZ Slice or Arbitrary Slice), a group of cells or wells (Well Blank) or a user-defined IJK range (IJK Blank).

You can view the interior of your grid data by the following methods:

IJK Slice Use the IJK Slice option to view layers of your data based on selected I, J and K values.

XYZ Slice Use the XYZ Slice option to view slices of your data based on selected X, Y and Z values.

Arbitrary Slice Use the Arbitrary Slice option to create your own slice based upon points or wells you identify with clicks of the pointer.

IJK Blank Use the IJK Blank option to blank regions of your data based upon a range of I, J and K values.

Well Blank Use the Well Blank option to display just the cells associated with selected wells.

Iso-surface Use the Iso-surface option to create a surface based upon a user-specified variable (such as Pressure)

Grids and LGRs View the global grid and/or one or more Local Grid Refinements

Faults See faults that have been loaded with your data or defined via constraints

NNCs Display Non-Neighbor Connections (for NNCs in 2D Grid plots, see “NNCs (2D Grid plots)” on page 170)


warning00231.jpgThe Show toggle must be activated to view any selections made for an Inside View.

All Inside Views are controlled by the following toggles, which are next to the drop-down menu.

• Toggle-on Show to display the selected Inside View.

• Toggle-on Ghost to display the grid. Use the Grids page of the Plot Options dialog (accessible on the Options menu) to customize the style of the grid in Ghost mode (click the See-Through Styles radio button).

• Toggle-on Persistent (not available in all Inside Views) to continue to display the current view when you change to another Inside View type, allowing you to combine views. This will also be turned off when you toggle-off Show.