TECUTILS.h File Reference

Detailed Description

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#define EXTERN   extern


SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFrameSetPosAndSize (double X, double Y, double Width, double Height)
  Sets the position and size of the current frame.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilStyleSetLowLevelX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Low level function used to set most page, frame, and general attribute values in Tecplot.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilStyleSetLowLevel (Widget TextFieldWidget, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue, ArbParam_t SetOrOffset, AssignOp_e AssignModifier, const char *P1, const char *P2, const char *P3, const char *P4, const char *P5, const char *P6, Boolean_t DoImplicitRecording)
  Low level function used to set most frame and base attribute values in Tecplot.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFrameSetMode (FrameMode_e NewFrameMode)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFrameSetPlotType (PlotType_e NewPlotType)
  Set the current frame's plot type.
Boolean_t TecUtilFrameSetDataSet (UniqueID_t sourceDataSetID, UniqueID_t targetFrameID)
  Assigns the specified dataset to a target frame.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFrameSetName (const char *Name)
  Set the name for the current frame.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilPageSetName (const char *Name)
  Set the name for the current page.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetSolutionTime (EntIndex_t Zone, double SolutionTime)
  Assign a time value to the specified zone.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetActive (Set_pa ZoneSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
  Assign which zones are active.
void TecUtilZoneStyleApplyAuto (Set_pa ZoneSet)
  Invoke Tecplot's style-setting side-effects for appended data on the specified zones.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFieldMapSetActive (Set_pa FieldMapSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
  Assign which field maps are active.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetActive (Set_pa XYMapSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetActive (Set_pa LineMapSet, AssignOp_e AssignModifier)
  Assigns which Line-maps are active.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFieldSetLayer (const char *LayerShowFlag, Boolean_t TurnOnFieldLayer)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFieldLayerSetIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag, Boolean_t TurnOnFieldLayer)
  Instructs Tecplot to turn the specified layer on or off.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYSetLayer (const char *LayerShowFlag, Boolean_t TurnOnXYLayer)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLinePlotLayerSetIsActive (const char *LayerShowFlag, Boolean_t TurnOnLinePlotLayer)
  Instructs Tecplot to turn on or off the specified line plot layer.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilContourSetVariableX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Assign which variable to use for contouring a specific contour group.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilContourSetVariable (EntIndex_t NewVariable)
  Assign which variable to use for contouring.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetMesh (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for mesh plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetContour (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for contour plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVector (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for vector plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVectorIJKSkip (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, LgIndex_t Skip)
  Set the vector I-, J-, or K-skipping.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatter (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign top level values to attributes for scatter plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatterIJKSkip (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, LgIndex_t Skip)
  Set the scatter I-, J-, or K-skipping.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetScatterSymbolShape (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values for the symbol shape in scatter plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetShade (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for shade plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetBoundary (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetEdgeLayer (const char *Attribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for edge plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetVolumeMode (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign the Volume Mode for field plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetIJKMode (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa ZoneSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetName (Set_pa XYMapSet, const char *NewName)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetName (Set_pa LineMapSet, const char *NewName)
  Set the name of an Line-map.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetAssignment (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetAssignment (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Define Line-map assignments.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetLine (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetLine (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for lines in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetCurve (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetCurve (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for curves in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetSymbol (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetSymbol (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for symbols in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetSymbolShape (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetSymbolShape (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values for the symbol shape in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetBarChart (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetBarChart (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for bar charts in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetErrorBar (const char *Attribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetErrorBar (const char *Attribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for error bars in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilXYMapSetIndices (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa XYMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLineMapSetIndices (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, Set_pa LineMapSet, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Assign values to attributes for index ranges in Line-plots.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilCurveSetExtendedSettings (EntIndex_t LineMapNum, const char *Settings)
  Sets the extended curve fit settings for the set of Line-maps selected in the Plot Attributes dialog.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilPrintSetup (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Setup the attributes for printing.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilExportSetup (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, double DValue, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Set up all attributes related to exporting a plot.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilFrameSetLinking (const char *Attribute, ArbParam_t IValue)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilLinkingSetValue (const char *Attribute, const char *SubAttribute, ArbParam_t IValue)
  Convenience function for setting a frame linking attribute.
void TecUtilColorMapRefresh (void)
  Refresh the current tecplot colormap.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilColorMapSetBase (ContourColorMap_e BaseColorMap)
  Convenience function used to set the color map in Tecplot to one of the base color map types.
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilSolutionTimeSetCurrent (double NewSolutionTime)
  Sets the current solution time for the current frame.
void TecUtilDialogSetLaunchPosition (Widget W, int DialogWidth, int DialogHeight, AnchorAlignment_e DialogAnchor, LgIndex_t IOffset, LgIndex_t JOffset)
SetValueReturnCode_e TecUtilZoneSetStrandID (EntIndex_t Zone, Strand_t StrandID)
  Sets the StrandID associated with the specified zone.
Boolean_t TecUtilDataSetAutoAssignStrandIDs (Set_pa ZoneSet)
  Auto assign strand IDs for the specified set of zones.

Define Documentation

#define EXTERN   extern

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:40 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5