18 - 5.4   KSum/KAvg Options

ksum_kavg_options.pngThe KSum/KAvg Options dialog (accessed with the Details [...] button to the right of the KAvg toggle in the sidebar) allow you to choose the averaging method and also to optionally specify a weighting variable.

Averaging Methods

The following averaging methods are available. The current averaging method appears in the plot title.

• Arithmetic Average:    grid_data_manip00315.png

• Geometric Average:    grid_data_manip00317.png

• Harmonic Average:    grid_data_manip00319.png

Weighting Methods

You may choose a weighting variable to be applied to the grid variable at each cell before being incorporated into the sum or average.

For KSum, the value of the weighting variable W is simply multiplied by the grid variable V before being added to the sum, i.e., KSum(VW), the sum of V times W over active K layers for each active I, J.

For KAvg, the method of weighting varies depending on the type of averaging being used, as follows. For geometric and harmonic averages, where V is zero or less, a very small number (specifically, 0.000005) is substituted.

• Arithmetic Average:   grid_data_manip00321.png

• Geometric Average:      grid_data_manip00323.png

• Harmonic Average:   grid_data_manip00325.png

18 - 5.5   Restricting K Values

Tecplot RS calculates K Averaging and Summing over all visible K cells. You can restrict the K range using any of the following methods:

• Value Blanking - refer to Section 18 - 3 “Cell Value Blanking”.

• Pick Blanking - refer to Section 18 - 4 “Pick Blanking”.

• Inside Views:

IJK Slices - refer to Section 14 - 3.1 “IJK Slice”.

IJK Blanking - refer to Section 14 - 3.4 “IJK Blank”.

Well Blanking - refer to Section 14 - 3.5 “Well Blank”.



IJK Slice

IJK Blank

Well Blank

Cell Value Blanking