The KSum/KAvg Options dialog (accessed with the Details [...] button to the right of the KAvg toggle in the sidebar) allow you to choose the averaging method and also to optionally specify a weighting variable.
KSum/KAvg options on this dialog apply to both KSum and KAvg. |
Averaging Methods
The following averaging methods are available. The current averaging method appears in the plot title.
• Arithmetic Average:
• Geometric Average:
• Harmonic Average:
Weighting Methods
You may choose a weighting variable to be applied to the grid variable at each cell before being incorporated into the sum or average.
For KSum, the value of the weighting variable W is simply multiplied by the grid variable V before being added to the sum, i.e., KSum(VW), the sum of V times W over active K layers for each active I, J.
For KAvg, the method of weighting varies depending on the type of averaging being used, as follows. For geometric and harmonic averages, where V is zero or less, a very small number (specifically, 0.000005) is substituted.
• Arithmetic Average:
• Geometric Average:
• Harmonic Average:
18 - 5.6 KSum/KAvg Delta Options
The KSum/KAvg Delta Options dialog (accessed with the [...] button to the right of the KSum Delta toggle in the sidebar) allows you to choose the reference timestep for KSum/KAvg delta calculations, the delta formula, and whether to use delta magnitudes (absolute value) when displaying delta.
The reference time step, or “Reference Time”, is the time step to which Tecplot RS compares each time increment in the delta value formula. This is usually the first time step, but you can choose any time step as the reference time.
Tecplot RS supports several methods of calculating the delta value. Choosing one of the methods from the Formula menu will assign the delta calculation to use that formula. Methods for calculating the delta value include the following, where Vc indicates the variable value at the current time and Vr indicates the variable value at the reference time:
• Vc-Vr = Variable value at current time minus variable value at reference time (default and previously standard method)
• Vr-Vc = Variable value at reference time minus variable value at current time
• (Vr-Vc)/Vr = Value at reference time minus vale at current time, normalized by value at reference time
• (Vc-Vr)/Vc = Value at current time minus value at reference time, normalized by value at current time
Toggle-on “Show Magnitudes” to use the magnitude (absolute value) of each delta value. This option ignores the direction (+ or -) of the delta value, allowing for greater display resolution.
Tecplot RS calculates K Averaging and Summing over all visible K cells. You can restrict the K range using any of the following methods:
• Value Blanking - refer to Section 18 - 3 “Cell Value Blanking”.
• Pick Blanking - refer to Section 18 - 4 “Pick Blanking”.
• Inside Views:
• IJK Slices - refer to Section 14 - 3.1 “IJK Slice”.
• IJK Blanking - refer to Section 14 - 3.4 “IJK Blank”.
• Well Blanking - refer to Section 14 - 3.5 “Well Blank”.