from builtins import str, super
from ..exception import *
from .. import constant, session
from ..tecutil import sv
class Font(session.Style):
"""Style of text objects such as titles and labels.
This class controls the typeface and size of various text objects found
in plots and axes:
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 26-30
from os import path
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Units, AxisTitleMode
examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'OneraM6wing', 'OneraM6_SU2_RANS.plt')
dataset =
frame = tp.active_frame()
plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D)
plot.show_contour = True
xaxis = plot.axes.x_axis
xaxis.title.title_mode = AxisTitleMode.UseText
xaxis.title.text = 'Longitudinal (m)'
xaxis.min, xaxis.max = 0, 1.2
yaxis = plot.axes.y_axis
yaxis.title.title_mode = AxisTitleMode.UseText
yaxis.title.text = 'Transverse (m)'
yaxis.min, yaxis.max = 0, 1.3
for ax in [xaxis, yaxis]:
ax.title.font.typeface = 'Times'
ax.title.font.bold = False
ax.title.font.italic = True
ax.title.font.size_units = Units.Frame
ax.title.font.size = 7
# ensure consistent output between interactive (connected) and batch
tp.export.save_png('font.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/font.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, parent, sv_textshape=sv.TEXTSHAPE):
self.parent = parent
super().__init__(parent._sv, sv_textshape, **parent._kw)
def bold(self):
"""`bool`: Use the bold version of the current typeface.
>>> axis.title.font.bold = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.ISBOLD)
def bold(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.ISBOLD)
def italic(self):
"""`bool`: Use the italic version of the current typeface.
>>> axis.title.font.italic = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.ISITALIC)
def italic(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.ISITALIC)
def size(self):
"""`float`: Height of the font. in units of `Font.size_units`.
Example usage::
>>> axis.title.font.size = 10
return self._get_style(float, sv.HEIGHT)
def size(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.HEIGHT)
def size_units(self):
"""`constant.Units`: Used by the size attribute.
Possible values: `Units.Point`, `Units.Frame` (percentage of frame
height). This example sets the axis title to 10% of the frame height::
>>> from tecplot.constant import Units
>>> axis.title.font.size_units = Units.Frame
>>> axis.title.font.size = 10
return self._get_style(constant.Units, sv.SIZEUNITS)
def size_units(self, value):
size = self.size
self._set_style(constant.Units(value), sv.SIZEUNITS)
self.size = size
def typeface(self):
"""`str`: Specific font (or typeface) to use for text.
This can be any font installed on the current system. If the font is
not found, Times or Helvetica will be used when rendering the text.
Example usage::
>>> axis.title.font.typeface = 'Times'
return self._get_style(str, sv.FONTFAMILY)
def typeface(self, value):
self._set_style(str(value), sv.FONTFAMILY)
class BaseFont(session.Style):
"""Plot-level or scatter font style fall-back settings.
.. note::
Base fonts are accessible directly from line plots
(`XYLinePlot.base_font`, `PolarLinePlot.base_font`)::
>>> frame.plot(PlotType.XYLine).base_font
and the scatter style of field plots (`Scatter.base_font`)::
>>> frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D).scatter.base_font
def typeface(self):
"""`str`: Specific font (or typeface) to use for text.
This can be any font installed on the current system. If the font is
not found, Times or Helvetica will be used when rendering the text.
Example usage::
>>> line_plot.base_font.typeface = 'Times'
>>> field_plot.scatter.base_font.typeface = 'Times'
return self._get_style(str, sv.BASEFONTFAMILY)
def typeface(self, value):
self._set_style(str(value), sv.BASEFONTFAMILY)
def bold(self):
"""`bool`: Use the bold version of the current typeface.
>>> line_plot.base_font.bold = True
>>> field_plot.scatter.base_font.bold = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.BASEFONTISBOLD)
def bold(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.BASEFONTISBOLD)
def italic(self):
"""`bool`: Use the italic version of the current typeface.
>>> line_plot.base_font.italic = True
>>> field_plot.scatter.base_font.italic = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.BASEFONTISITALIC)
def italic(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.BASEFONTISITALIC)
class LegendFont(Font):
"""`LegendFont` is a font that restricts the setting of size_units."""
def size_units(self):
"""`Units <constant.Units>`: Units used by the size attribute.
Possible values: `Units.Point`, `Units.Frame` (percentage of frame
height). This example sets the axis title to 10% of the frame height::
>>> legend.font.size_units = Units.Frame
>>> legend.font.size = 10
return self._get_style(constant.Units, sv.SIZEUNITS)
def size_units(self, value):
value = constant.Units(value)
if __debug__:
if value not in (constant.Units.Frame, constant.Units.Point):
msg = '''\
Legend font size units must be one of:
Units.Frame, Units.Point'''
raise TecplotValueError(msg)
self._set_style(value, sv.SIZEUNITS)