import collections
import contextlib
import ctypes
import inspect
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import tempfile
import textwrap
import warnings
from import Iterable
from ctypes import cast, c_int, POINTER
from ..exception import *
from ..constant import Color
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
maxint64 = 2**(64 - 1) - 1
minint64 = -maxint64 - 1
maxuint64 = 2**64 - 1
IndexRange = collections.namedtuple('IndexRange', 'min max step')
IndexRange.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, None)
class Index(int):
"""Position identifier type.
This type is used internally to represent a position in a list. It is
used to indicate that a change between zero-based indexing and one-based
indexing must occur at the TecUtil boundary.
This type can be treated exactly like a Python native `int` and is only
meaningful internally to the tecplot Python module.
XY = collections.namedtuple('XY', ('x', 'y'))
XY.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None)
XYZ = collections.namedtuple('XYZ', ('x', 'y', 'z'))
XYZ.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, None)
def flatten_args(*args):
flatargs = []
for a in args:
if isinstance(a, Iterable) and not isinstance(a, str):
flatargs += list(a)
return tuple(flatargs)
def array_to_enums(array_pointer, array_size, enum_type):
indexes = cast(array_pointer, POINTER(c_int))
return tuple(enum_type(indexes[i]) for i in range(array_size))
def inherited_property(cls):
def _copy_property(prop):
attr = getattr(cls, prop.__name__)
return property(attr.fget, attr.fset, attr.fdel, prop.__doc__)
return _copy_property
def lock_attributes(cls):
As a decorator of a class, this ensures that no new attributes are created
after __init__() is called.
if __debug__:
def _setattr(self, name, value):
if not name.startswith('_') and name not in dir(self):
stacknames = [f[0].f_code.co_name for f in inspect.stack()[:3]]
if '__init__' not in stacknames:
msg = 'No attribute: {}.{}'
classname = self.__class__.__name__
raise TecplotAttributeError(msg.format(classname, name))
return super(cls, self).__setattr__(name, value)
cls.__setattr__ = _setattr
return cls
_VarInfo = collections.namedtuple('_VarInfo', ('types', 'values', 'names'))
def check_arglist_argtypes(function_name, *args):
for arg in args:
vinfo = _VarInfo(*arg)
for name, value in zip(vinfo.names, vinfo.values):
if value is not None:
if not isinstance(value, tuple(vinfo.types)):
errfmt = '{}: Type of parameter {} must be one of: {}'
types = ', '.join(t.__name__ for t in vinfo.types)
errmsg = errfmt.format(function_name, name, types)
raise TecplotTypeError(errmsg)
def color_spec(color, plot=None):
color_spec(Color.Blue, plot) --> Color.Blue
color_spec(Color.MultiColor, plot) --> plot.contour(0)
color_spec(Color.MultiColor2, plot) --> plot.contour(1)
color_spec(Color.Blue) --> Color.Blue
color_spec(plot.contour(0)) --> Color.MultiColor
color_spec(plot.contour(1)) --> Color.MultiColor2
color_spec(plot.rgb_coloring) --> Color.RGBColor
color_spec(Color.RGBColor, plot) --> plot.rgb_coloring
if isinstance(color, Iterable):
return tuple([color_spec(c, plot) for c in color])
color_spec._indexes = {
Color.RGBColor: Index(Color.RGBColor.value),
Color.MultiColor: Index(0),
Color.MultiColor2: Index(1),
Color.MultiColor3: Index(2),
Color.MultiColor4: Index(3),
Color.MultiColor5: Index(4),
Color.MultiColor6: Index(5),
Color.MultiColor7: Index(6),
Color.MultiColor8: Index(7)}
color_spec._multicolors = {v: k for k, v in color_spec._indexes.items()}
if plot:
if color == Color.RGBColor:
return plot.rgb_coloring
return plot.contour(color_spec._indexes[Color(color)])
return color_spec._multicolors[Index(color.index)]
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
return Color(color)
def filled_slice(slice_, maxstop):
"""Convert start, stop, step in slice to real integers.
None and negative values are converted to positive default values depending
on the maxstop given.
if slice_.start is None:
start = 0
elif slice_.start < 0:
start = maxstop + slice_.start
start = slice_.start
start = min(max(start, 0), maxstop)
if slice_.stop is None:
stop = maxstop
elif slice_.stop < 0:
stop = maxstop + slice_.stop
stop = slice_.stop
stop = min(max(stop, 0), maxstop)
if slice_.step is None:
step = 1
step = min(max(slice_.step, 1), maxstop)
return slice(start, stop, step)
def as_slice(index, size):
"""Convert index to a filled slice.
index (`slice` or `int`): A slice or index into an array.
size (`int`): Maximum index to include in the slice. This is ignored
if **index** is an `int`.
if isinstance(index, slice):
return filled_slice(index, size + (index.start or 0))
return slice(index, index + 1, 1)
def array_to_str(arr, maxlen=10):
itr = iter(arr)
item = next(itr)
ret = '[' + str(item)
for i, item in enumerate(itr, start=2):
if i > maxlen:
ret += ' ...'
ret += ', {}'.format(item)
return ret + ']'
except StopIteration:
return '[]'
except TypeError:
return str(arr)
class ListWrapper(object):
"""Converts a list to a wrapped paragraph of items.
Unlike textwrap.TextWrapper, items in the list are not broken over
multiple lines even if they contain spaces.
def __init__(self, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=' ',
initial_width=70, subsequent_width=70, delim=',',
prefix='', suffix=''):
assert (len(prefix) + len(initial_indent)) < initial_width
assert (len(suffix) + len(subsequent_indent)) < subsequent_width
self.initial_indent = initial_indent
self.subsequent_indent = subsequent_indent
self.initial_width = initial_width
self.subsequent_width = subsequent_width
self.delim = delim
self.prefix = prefix
self.suffix = suffix
def wrap(self, str_list):
ret = []
max_space = self.subsequent_width - len(self.subsequent_indent)
line = "{}{}".format(self.prefix, self.initial_indent)
itr = iter(str_list)
item = next(itr)
line += "'{}'".format(item)
except StopIteration:
pass # no items in list
space_left = self.initial_width - len(line)
for item in itr:
s = "{} '{}'".format(self.delim, str(item))
if len(s) < space_left or max_space <= space_left:
line += s
space_left -= len(s)
ret.append(line + self.delim)
line = "{}'{}'".format(self.subsequent_indent, item)
space_left = self.subsequent_width - len(line)
if len(self.suffix) <= space_left:
ret.append(line + self.suffix)
ret.append("{}{}".format(self.subsequent_indent, self.suffix))
return ret
def fill(self, str_list):
return '\n'.join(self.wrap(str_list))
def optional(cls, args):
"""Context for optional arguments that can be None.
In this example, variables is an optional parameter. If not `None`, then
``varset`` will be the result of ``IndexSet(*variables)``, if `None`, then
``varset`` will be `None`::
def fn(variables=None):
with optional(IndexSet, variables) as varset:
The ``cls`` parameter must be a class and must have the ``__enter__`` and
``__exit__`` methods implemented.
if args is None:
yield None
with cls(*flatten_args(args)) as obj:
yield obj
def split_macro(source):
"""Split macro code into a list of commands."""
comments = re.compile(r'(?<!\\)(\".*?\"|\'.*?\')|(#[^\r\n]*$)', re.MULTILINE)
pattern = re.compile(r'(\$!.*?)(?=\$!)|(\$!.*)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
source = comments.sub(lambda m: or '', source)
for match in pattern.finditer(source):
yield ( or
def normalize_path(nodepath, resolve=True):
"""Convert relative paths to absolute and normalize.
Always use Python's current working directory to convert to absolute paths.
However, relative paths are disallowed when connected to a non-local
instance of the TecUtil Server.
if nodepath is not None:
if not isinstance(nodepath, pathlib.Path):
nodepath = pathlib.Path(str(nodepath))
from tecplot.tecutil import _tecutil_connector
if _tecutil_connector.connected:
if not in ['localhost', '']:
if not nodepath.is_absolute():
msg = 'paths must be absolute when connected to Tecplot 360'
raise TecplotLogicError(msg)
return nodepath.resolve() if resolve else nodepath
def normalize_filenames(filenames, resolve=True):
"""Convert a comma-deliminated string to a list of `pathlib.Path` objects.
This function validates that the files exist when PyTecplot is running in batch
mode or connected to Tecplot 360 on the same system.
if filenames:
if isinstance(filenames, str):
filenames = filenames.split(',')
elif isinstance(filenames, pathlib.Path):
filenames = [filenames]
return [normalize_path(f, resolve) for f in filenames]
def temporary_closed_file(suffix=None):
"""A named temporary file that has been created and closed.
The file will be removed on exit of the context.
ftmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix, delete=False)
ftmp_path = pathlib.Path(
yield ftmp_path
except OSError as e:
warnings.warn(f'Temp file I/O error: {e}')
def api_changed(msg, version_changed, sdk_version_changed, warning=False):
msg = textwrap.dedent('''\
PyTecplot API Change (version {})
Tecplot 360 version: {}
''').format(version_changed, sdk_version_changed, textwrap.fill(msg))
if warning:
if __debug__:
msg += 'Please update your code as the legacy interface will\n' \
+ 'be removed in the next major release of PyTecplot.'
warnings.warn(msg, TecplotFutureWarning)
raise TecplotInterfaceChangeError(msg)
def api_moved(old, new, version_changed, sdk_version_changed, warning=False):
msg = textwrap.dedent('''\
PyTecplot API Change (version {})
Tecplot 360 version: {}
{} has been moved to {}
''').format(version_changed, sdk_version_changed, old, new)
if warning:
if __debug__:
msg += 'Please update your code as the legacy interface will\n' \
+ 'be removed in the next major release of PyTecplot.'
warnings.warn(msg, TecplotFutureWarning)
raise TecplotInterfaceChangeError(msg)