Source code for tecplot.session

"""|Tecplot Engine| State and |Tecplot License| Management

The `session` module contains methods used to manipulate the |Tecplot Engine|
such as notification of a `state change` that was done such as adding or
modifying data. It also contains methods for acquiring and releasing the
|Tecplot License|.

.. _state change:

State Changes

State changes are the method for propagating information when an event occurs.
A state change can be triggered by many events. Examples include: loading a
data file, changing the color of a mesh plot, creating a new zone, or changing
the plot type.

In general, state changes are already handled internally after each call to the
PyTecplot API. This can cause a script that performs many operations,
especially those that alter data, to run slowly since the |Tecplot Engine| must
update it's internal state every time a state change is received. To speed up
such scripts, it may be necessary to use the `tecplot.session.suspend()`
context. This will collect state changes for any operation performed and will
emit the required state changes only upon exit of the context.

Using the `tecplot.session.suspend()` context in combination with Python's
"-OO" flag which removes many run-time checks in the PyTecplot API is the
recommended way to run a PyTecplot script which requires faster execution
time. The user should be aware that, when using the "-OO" flag, errors may
not be recoverable by the |Tecplot Engine|.


from .aux_data import AuxData
from .config import configuration
from .session import (acquire_license, clear_suspend, connect, connected,
                      disconnect, license_expiration, release_license,
                      start_roaming, stop, stop_roaming, suspend,
                      suspend_enter, suspend_exit)
from .state_changed import connectivity_altered, data_altered, zone_added
from .style import (Style, SubStyle, get_style, set_style,
                    IJK, IJKMaxFract, IJKMinFract, IndependentVariableLimits,
                    Limits, IndexIJK, IndexRange, RectPosition, RectSize,
                    SplineDerivativeAtEnds, XY, XYZ)

import os
import pathlib
import platform
from ..tecutil import _tecutil_connector

[docs] def tecplot_install_directory(): """|Tecplot 360| installation directory. Top-level installation directory for |Tecplot 360|. This will typically contain configuration files and the examples directory. This directory is platform-dependent and will contain configuration files and the examples directory: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 4 import os import tecplot install_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_install_directory() infile = os.path.join(install_dir, 'examples', 'SimpleData', 'SpaceShip.lpk') tecplot.load_layout(infile) tecplot.export.save_png('spaceship.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/spaceship.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px .. versionchanged:: 1.6 This function now returns a `pathlib.Path` object instead of `str`. """ if not _tecutil_connector.connected: _tecutil_connector.start() d = _tecutil_connector.tecsdkhome if d: if platform.system() in ['Darwin', 'Mac']: d = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(d, '..', '..')) return pathlib.Path(d)
[docs] def tecplot_examples_directory(): """|Tecplot 360| examples directory. Examples directory that is typically installed with |Tecplot 360|. This may be overridden with the TECPLOT_EXAMPLES environment variable. This directory is platform-dependent and by default contains the various examples shipped with |Tecplot 360|: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 4 import os import tecplot examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'F18.lay') tecplot.load_layout(infile) tecplot.export.save_png('load_example.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/load_example.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px .. versionchanged:: 1.6 This function now returns a `pathlib.Path` object instead of `str`. """ d = tecplot_install_directory() if d: d = os.environ.get('TECPLOT_EXAMPLES', os.path.join(d, 'examples')) return pathlib.Path(d)