Source code for tecplot.plot.ticks

from builtins import int

from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from .. import session
from ..tecutil import Index, StringList, flatten_args, lock, sv
from ..text import Font, LabelFormat

class Ticks(session.Style):
    def __init__(self, axis):
        self.axis = axis
        super().__init__(axis._sv, sv.TICKS, **axis._kw)

    def show(self):
        """`bool`: Draw ticks along axis.

        Example usage::

            >>> = True
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONAXISLINE)

    def show(self, value):
        self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONAXISLINE)

    def direction(self):
        """`TickDirection`: How to draw the ticks with respect the axis line.

        Possible values: `TickDirection.In`, `TickDirection.Out` or

            >>> from tecplot.constant import TickDirection
            >>> axis.ticks.direction = TickDirection.Centered
        return self._get_style(TickDirection, sv.TICKDIRECTION)

    def direction(self, value):
        self._set_style(TickDirection(value), sv.TICKDIRECTION)

    def length(self):
        """`float` (percent of frame height): Size of the major tick lines to draw.

        Example usage::

            >>> axis.ticks.length = 2
        return self._get_style(float, sv.LENGTH)

    def length(self, value):
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.LENGTH)

    def line_thickness(self):
        """`float`: Width of the major tick lines to be drawn.

        Example usage::

            >>> axis.ticks.line_thickness = 0.4
        return self._get_style(float, sv.LINETHICKNESS)

    def line_thickness(self, value):
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.LINETHICKNESS)

    def minor_num_ticks(self):
        """`int`: Number of minor ticks between each major tick.

        Example usage::

            >>> axis.ticks.minor_num_ticks = 3
        return self._get_style(int, sv.NUMMINORTICKS)

    def minor_num_ticks(self, value):
        self._set_style(int(value), sv.NUMMINORTICKS)

    def minor_length(self):
        """`float` (percent of frame height): Size of the minor tick lines to draw.

        Example usage::

            >>> axis.ticks.minor_length = 1.2
        return self._get_style(float, sv.MINORLENGTH)

    def minor_length(self, value):
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.MINORLENGTH)

    def minor_line_thickness(self):
        """`float`: Width of the minor tick lines to be drawn.

        Example usage::

            >>> axis.ticks.minor_line_thickness = 0.1
        return self._get_style(float, sv.MINORLINETHICKNESS)

    def minor_line_thickness(self, value):
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.MINORLINETHICKNESS)

    def auto_spacing(self):
        """`bool`: Automatically set the spacing between tick marks.

        Example usage::

            >>> axis.ticks.auto_spacing = True
        return self.axis._get_style(bool, sv.AUTOGRID)

    def auto_spacing(self, value):
        self.axis._set_style(bool(value), sv.AUTOGRID)

    def spacing(self):
        """`float` (axis data units): Distance between major ticks.

        The ``auto_spacing`` attribute must be set to `False`::

            >>> axis.ticks.auto_spacing = False
            >>> axis.ticks.spacing = 0.2
        return self.axis._get_style(float, sv.GRSPACING)

    def spacing(self, value):
        self.axis._set_style(float(value), sv.GRSPACING)

    def spacing_anchor(self):
        """`float`: Value to place the first major tick mark.

        All ticks will placed around this anchor position::

            >>> axis.ticks.spacing_anchor = 0.05
        return self.axis._get_style(float, sv.GRANCHOR)

    def spacing_anchor(self, value):
        self.axis._set_style(float(value), sv.GRANCHOR)

[docs] class Ticks2D(Ticks): """Tick marks (major and minor) along axes in 2D. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 25-26,29-33 import tecplot as tp from os import path from tecplot.constant import PlotType, AxisMode, AxisAlignment, TickDirection examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'CircularContour.plt') dataset = frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D) plot.show_contour = True plot.contour(0).colormap_name = 'Sequential - Yellow/Green/Blue' = False yaxis = plot.axes.y_axis yaxis.max = 0.15 = False yaxis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithOpposingAxisValue yaxis.line.opposing_axis_value = 0 yaxis.tick_labels.transparent_background = True yaxis.tick_labels.offset = -5 yticks = yaxis.ticks yticks.direction = TickDirection.Centered for ticks in [plot.axes.x_axis.ticks, yticks]: ticks.auto_spacing = False ticks.spacing = 0.5 ticks.minor_num_ticks = 3 ticks.length *= 3 ticks.line_thickness *= 2 # ensure consistent output between interactive (connected) and batch plot.contour(0).levels.reset_to_nice() tp.export.save_png('ticks_2d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/ticks_2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_border_min(self): """`bool`: Draw ticks along the lower border of the axes grid. Example usage:: >>> axis.ticks.show_on_border_min = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMIN) @show_on_border_min.setter def show_on_border_min(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMIN) @property def show_on_border_max(self): """`bool`: Draw ticks along the upper border of the axes grid. Example usage:: >>> axis.ticks.show_on_border_max = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMAX) @show_on_border_max.setter def show_on_border_max(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMAX)
[docs] class RadialTicks(Ticks2D): """Tick marks (major and minor) along the radial axis. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 18-21 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, ThetaMode, Color, TickDirection examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() datafile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'IndependentDependent.lpk') dataset = tp.load_layout(datafile) plot = tp.active_frame().plot(PlotType.PolarLine) plot.activate() plot.axes.theta_axis.mode = ThetaMode.Radians raxis = plot.axes.r_axis raxis.line.color = Color.Red raxis.tick_labels.offset = -4 raxis.ticks.direction =TickDirection.Centered raxis.ticks.line_thickness = 0.8 raxis.ticks.length = 4 raxis.ticks.minor_length = 4 tp.export.save_png('ticks_radial.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/ticks_radial.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_all_radial_axes(self): """`bool`: Draw ticks along all radial axis lines. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.r_axis.line.show_perpendicular = True >>> plot.axes.r_axis.ticks.show_on_all_radial_axes = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONALLAXES) @show_on_all_radial_axes.setter def show_on_all_radial_axes(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONALLAXES)
[docs] class Ticks3D(Ticks): """Tick marks (major and minor) along axes in 3D. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 21-22 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, TickDirection examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'F18.plt') dataset = frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D) plot.activate() plot.show_contour = True plot.contour(0) = False plot.axes.grid_area.filled = False for axis in plot.axes: = True = False axis.ticks.length *= 4 axis.ticks.minor_length *= 4 tp.export.save_png('ticks_3d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/ticks_3d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_opposite_edge(self): """`bool`: Draw ticks along the opposite border of the axes grid. Example usage:: >>> axis.ticks.show_on_opposite_edge = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONOPPOSITEEDGE) @show_on_opposite_edge.setter def show_on_opposite_edge(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONOPPOSITEEDGE)
class TickLabels(session.Style): def __init__(self, axis): self.axis = axis super().__init__(axis._sv, sv.TICKLABEL, **axis._kw) @property def show(self): """`bool`: Draw labels for the major tick marks. Example usage:: >>> = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONAXISLINE) @show.setter def show(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONAXISLINE) @property def alignment(self): """`float` (degrees) or `LabelAlignment`: Angle at which to render the label text. Possible values: `LabelAlignment.ByAngle`, `LabelAlignment.AlongAxis` or `LabelAlignment.PerpendicularToAxis`. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelAlignment >>> axis.tick_labels.alignment = LabelAlignment.AlongAxis """ return self._get_style(LabelAlignment, sv.LABELALIGNMENT) @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): self._set_style(LabelAlignment(value), sv.LABELALIGNMENT) @property def angle(self): """`float` (degrees): Angle at which to render the label text. The ``alignment`` attribute must be set to `LabelAlignment.ByAngle`:: >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelAlignment >>> axis.tick_labels.alignment = LabelAlignment.ByAngle >>> axis.tick_labels.angle = 30 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.ANGLE) @angle.setter def angle(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.ANGLE) @property def color(self): """`Color`: Color of the tick labels. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import Color >>> axis.tick_labels.color = Color.Blue """ return self._get_style(Color, sv.COLOR) @color.setter def color(self, value): self._set_style(Color(value), sv.COLOR) @property def offset(self): """`float`: Relative offset of the tick labels. Positive values will be outside the grid area, negative values are inside the grid area:: >>> axis.tick_labels.offset = 5 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.OFFSET) @offset.setter def offset(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.OFFSET) @property def step(self): """`int`: Step for labels placed on major ticks. A value of 1 will place a label on every major tick mark:: >>> axis.tick_labels.step = 1 """ return self._get_style(int, sv.SKIP) @step.setter def step(self, value): self._set_style(int(value), sv.SKIP) @property def format(self): """`LabelFormat`: Label format and style control. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.format.format_type = NumberFormat.BestFloat """ return LabelFormat(self) @property def font(self): """`text.Font`: Text style control including typeface and size. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.font.typeface = 'Times' """ return Font(self)
[docs] class TickLabels2D(TickLabels): """Tick labels along axes in 2D. .. code-block:: python from datetime import datetime import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import (PlotType, AxisMode, AxisAlignment, NumberFormat, Color) # tecplot dates are in days after Midnight, Dec 30, 1899 origin = datetime(1899, 12, 30) start = (datetime(1955, 11, 5) - origin).days stop = (datetime(1985, 10, 26) - origin).days tp.new_layout() plot = tp.active_frame().plot(tp.constant.PlotType.Sketch) plot.activate() plot.axes.viewport.left = 15 plot.axes.viewport.right = 95 xaxis = plot.axes.x_axis = True xaxis.min, xaxis.max = start, stop xaxis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithViewport xaxis.line.position = 50 xaxis.ticks.auto_spacing = False xaxis.ticks.spacing = (stop - start) // 4 xaxis.ticks.spacing_anchor = start xaxis.tick_labels.format.format_type = NumberFormat.TimeDate xaxis.tick_labels.format.datetime_format = 'mmm d, yyyy' xaxis.tick_labels.color = Color.Blue xaxis.tick_labels.angle = 45 tp.export.save_png('tick_labels_2d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/tick_labels_2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_border_max(self): """`bool`: Draw labels along the upper grid area border. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.show_on_border_max = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMAX) @show_on_border_max.setter def show_on_border_max(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMAX) @property def show_on_border_min(self): """`bool`: Draw labels along the lower grid area border. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.show_on_border_min = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMIN) @show_on_border_min.setter def show_on_border_min(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONGRIDBORDERMIN) @property def show_at_axis_intersection(self): """`bool`: Include the labels at the intersection of other axes. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.show_at_axis_intersection = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWATAXISINTERSECTION) @show_at_axis_intersection.setter def show_at_axis_intersection(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWATAXISINTERSECTION) @property def transparent_background(self): """`bool`: Make the text box around each label transparent. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.transparent_background = True """ return not self._get_style(bool, sv.ERASEBEHINDLABELS) @transparent_background.setter def transparent_background(self, value): self._set_style(not bool(value), sv.ERASEBEHINDLABELS)
[docs] class RadialTickLabels(TickLabels2D): """Tick mark labels along the radial axis. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 16-18 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, ThetaMode, Color examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() datafile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'IndependentDependent.lpk') dataset = tp.load_layout(datafile) plot = tp.active_frame().plot(PlotType.PolarLine) plot.activate() plot.axes.theta_axis.mode = ThetaMode.Radians raxis = plot.axes.r_axis raxis.line.color = Color.Red raxis.tick_labels.offset = -4 raxis.tick_labels.color = Color.Red raxis.tick_labels.font.bold = True tp.export.save_png('tick_labels_radial.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/tick_labels_radial.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_all_radial_axes(self): """`bool`: Draw labels along all radial axis lines. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.r_axis.line.show_perpendicular = True >>> plot.axes.r_axis.tick_labels.show_on_all_radial_axes = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONALLAXES) @show_on_all_radial_axes.setter def show_on_all_radial_axes(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONALLAXES)
[docs] class TickLabels3D(TickLabels): """Tick labels along axes in 3D. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 23-27 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'F18.plt') dataset = frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D) plot.activate() plot.show_contour = True plot.contour(0) = False for ax in [plot.axes.x_axis, plot.axes.y_axis]: xaxis = plot.axes.x_axis = True = False ax.line.show_on_opposite_edge = True ax.ticks.show_on_opposite_edge = True ax.tick_labels.color = Color.Blue ax.tick_labels.show_on_opposite_edge = True ax.tick_labels.font.typeface = 'Times' ax.tick_labels.font.size = 8 ax.tick_labels.font.italic = True tp.export.save_png('tick_labels_3d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/tick_labels_3d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_opposite_edge(self): """`bool`: Draw labels on the opposite edge of the grid. Example usage:: >>> axis.tick_labels.show_on_opposite_edge = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWONOPPOSITEEDGE) @show_on_opposite_edge.setter def show_on_opposite_edge(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWONOPPOSITEEDGE)