from builtins import int
import collections
import ctypes
from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from ..tecutil import Index, IndexSet, color_spec, lock, sv
from .. import session, tecutil, version
from . import symbol
class StreamtraceStyle(session.Style):
def __init__(self, streamtrace, *sv_args):
self.streamtrace = streamtrace
kw = dict(uniqueid=streamtrace.plot.frame.uid)
super().__init__(streamtrace._sv, *sv_args, **kw)
class StreamtraceTiming(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Timed markers for streamlines.
Use `StreamtraceTiming` to control timed markers for streamlines, and timed
dashes for all types of streamtraces. Stream markers are drawn at time
locations along streamlines. The spacing between stream markers is
proportional to the magnitude of the local vector field:
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 22-24
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
import os
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'VortexShedding.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian2D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.vector.u_variable = dataset.variable('U(M/S)')
plot.vector.v_variable = dataset.variable('V(M/S)')
plot.show_streamtraces = True
plot.show_shade = True
plot.fieldmap(0).shade.color = Color.LightBlue
streamtraces = plot.streamtraces
streamtraces.show_markers = True
timing = streamtraces.timing
timing.anchor = 0 = 0.0001
streamtraces.marker_size = 1.5
streamtraces.marker_symbol().shape =GeomShape.RTri
streamtraces.marker_color = Color.Mahogany
streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(-0.003, 0.005),
end_position=(-0.003, -0.005),
plot.axes.y_axis.min = -0.02
plot.axes.y_axis.max = 0.02
plot.axes.x_axis.min = -0.008
plot.axes.x_axis.max = 0.04
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_timing.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_timing.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, streamtrace):
super().__init__(streamtrace, sv.STREAMTIMING)
def reset_delta(self):
"""Reset the time delta for dashed streamtraces.
The delta time is reset such that a stream dash in the vicinity of
the maximum vector magnitude will have a length approximately equal
to 10 percent of the frame width.
`TecplotSystemError`: Streamtraces time delta could not be reset.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.timing.reset_delta()
with self.streamtrace.plot.frame.activated():
if not _tecutil.StreamtraceResetDelta():
raise TecplotSystemError()
def _show_dashes(self):
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWDASHES)
def _show_dashes(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWDASHES)
def _show_markers(self):
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWMARKERS)
def _show_markers(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWMARKERS)
def _marker_color(self):
return color_spec(self._get_style(Color, sv.MARKCOLOR),
def _marker_color(self, value):
self._set_style(color_spec(value), sv.MARKCOLOR)
def _marker_size(self):
return self._get_style(float, sv.MARKSIZE)
def _marker_size(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.MARKSIZE)
def _dash_skip(self):
return self._get_style(int, sv.DASHSKIP)
def _dash_skip(self, value):
self._set_style(int(value), sv.DASHSKIP)
def _marker_symbol_type(self):
return symbol.Symbol(self, sv.MARKSYMBOL)._symbol_type
def _marker_symbol_type(self, value):
symbol.Symbol(self, sv.MARKSYMBOL)._symbol_type = value
def _marker_symbol(self, symbol_type=None):
_dispatch = {
SymbolType.Text: symbol.TextSymbol,
SymbolType.Geometry: symbol.GeometrySymbol}
return _dispatch[symbol_type or self._marker_symbol_type](
self, sv.MARKSYMBOL)
def start(self):
"""`float`: Time at which the first marker should be drawn.
A start time of zero means that the first marker is drawn at the
starting point. A start time of 2.5 means that the first stream
marker is drawn 2.5 time units downstream of the starting point.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.timing.start = 2.5
return self._get_style(float, sv.TIMESTART)
def start(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.TIMESTART)
def end(self):
"""`float`: Time after which no stream markers are drawn.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.timing.end = 3.0
return self._get_style(float, sv.TIMEEND)
def end(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.TIMEEND)
def anchor(self):
"""`float`: Time that a dash is guaranteed to start.
A dash is guaranteed to start at `anchor`, provided the start
and end time surround the dash.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.timing.anchor = 1.1
return self._get_style(float, sv.TIMEANCHOR)
def anchor(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.TIMEANCHOR)
def delta(self):
"""`float`: Time between stream markers.
`delta` is the time interval that measures the time between
stream markers. The actual distance between markers is the product
of this number and the local `Vector` magnitude.
Call `StreamtraceTiming.reset_delta()` to reset this to the default.
Example usage::
>>> = 0.1
return self._get_style(float, sv.TIMEDELTA)
def delta(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.TIMEDELTA)
class StreamtraceTerminationLine(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Streamtraces termination line attributes.
A streamtrace termination line is a polyline that terminates any
streamtraces that cross it. The termination line is useful for stopping
streamtraces before they spiral or stall.
.. note::
Before setting any `StreamtraceTerminationLine` properties, you must
`add a termination line <set_termination_line>`.
Streamtraces are terminated whenever any of the following occur:
* The maximum number of integration steps is reached.
* Any point where a streamtrace passes outside the available data.
* The streamtrace reaches a point where the velocity magnitude is zero.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 19-29
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
import os
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'VortexShedding.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian2D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.vector.u_variable = dataset.variable('U(M/S)')
plot.vector.v_variable = dataset.variable('V(M/S)')
plot.show_streamtraces = True
plot.show_shade = True
plot.fieldmap(0).shade.color = Color.LightBlue
streamtraces = plot.streamtraces
streamtraces.set_termination_line([(0.03, 0.005),
(0.03, -0.005), ])
term_line = streamtraces.termination_line = True = True
term_line.color = Color.Red
term_line.line_pattern = LinePattern.Dashed
term_line.pattern_length = .5
term_line.line_thickness = .5
streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(-0.003, 0.005),
end_position=(-0.003, -0.005),
plot.axes.y_axis.min = -0.02
plot.axes.y_axis.max = 0.02
plot.axes.x_axis.min = -0.01
plot.axes.x_axis.max = 0.04
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_term_line.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_term_line.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, streamtrace):
super().__init__(streamtrace, sv.TERMLINE)
def active(self):
"""`bool`: Activate/disable the streamtrace termination line.
Set to `True` to activate the termination line and terminate any
streamtraces that cross it. Set to `False` and redraw the plot
with unterminated streamtraces.
.. note::
To display the termination line itself, set `show` to `True`.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.ISACTIVE)
def active(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.ISACTIVE)
def is_active(self):
'0.13', '2018 R2')
def is_active(self, value):
'0.13', '2018 R2')
def show(self):
"""`bool`: Display the termination line.
Set to `True` to display the termination line. Set to `False` and
redraw the plot to display terminated streamlines (if `active` is
set to `True`), but not the termination line itself.
.. note::
To display terminated streamtraces, `active` must be set to
Example usage::
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOW)
def show(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOW)
def color(self):
"""`Color`: Color of the termination line.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.termination_line.color = Color.Red
return self._get_style(Color, sv.COLOR)
def color(self, value):
self._set_style(Color(value), sv.COLOR)
def line_pattern(self):
"""`LinePattern`: Pattern of the terminating line.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.termination_line.line_pattern = LinePattern.Dotted
return self._get_style(LinePattern, sv.LINEPATTERN)
def line_pattern(self, value):
self._set_style(LinePattern(value), sv.LINEPATTERN)
def pattern_length(self):
"""`float`: Length of the pattern as a percentage of frame height.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.termination_line.pattern_length = 2
return self._get_style(float, sv.PATTERNLENGTH)
def pattern_length(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.PATTERNLENGTH)
def line_thickness(self):
"""`float`: Thickness of the termination line as a percentage of frame height.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.termination_line.line_thickness = 0.1
return self._get_style(float, sv.LINETHICKNESS)
def line_thickness(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.LINETHICKNESS)
class StreamtraceRodRibbonMesh(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Streamtraces rod/ribbon mesh attributes.
.. note::
To set the mesh color or line thickness, see `Streamtraces.color`
and `Streamtraces.line_thickness`.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 25-28
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'DownDraft.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.fieldmap(0).surfaces.surfaces_to_plot = SurfacesToPlot.BoundaryFaces
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_shade = False
plot.show_edge = True
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 5
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 6
plot.show_streamtraces = True
ribbon = plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon
ribbon.width = .008 = True
ribbon.mesh.line_thickness = 0.2
#Ribbon mesh color inherited from streamtrace color
plot.streamtraces.color = Color.AquaGreen
start_position=(0, 0.22, 0),
end_position=(0, 0.22, 0.1),
plot.view.width = 0.644
plot.view.alpha = 66.4
plot.view.theta = -122.4
plot.view.psi = 124.5
plot.view.position = (5.3, 3.56, -4.3)
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_ribbon_mesh.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_ribbon_mesh.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, robribbon):
super().__init__(robribbon, sv.MESH)
self.streamtrace = robribbon.streamtrace
def show(self):
"""`bool`: Display mesh.
.. note::
The mesh color for streamtraces is determined by the line color.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOW)
def show(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOW)
def line_thickness(self):
"""`float`: Get/Set streamtrace rod/ribbon mesh line thickness as a
percentage of frame height.
Typical values are **.02, .1, .4, .8, 1.5**
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.mesh.line_thickness = 0.2
return self.streamtrace._get_style(float, sv.LINETHICKNESS)
def line_thickness(self, value):
self.streamtrace._set_style(float(value), sv.LINETHICKNESS)
class StreamtraceRodRibbonContour(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Contour flooding display for streamtrace rod/ribbons.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 15-16,28-29
import os
import numpy as np
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'DownDraft.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.fieldmap(0).surfaces.surfaces_to_plot = SurfacesToPlot.BoundaryFaces
plot.contour(0).variable = dataset.variable(3)
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_shade = False
plot.show_edge = True
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 5
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 6
plot.show_streamtraces = True
rod = plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon
rod.width = .008 = True
rod.contour.use_lighting_effect = True
start_position=(0, 0.22, 0),
end_position=(0, 0.22, 0.1),
plot.view.width = 0.644
plot.view.alpha = 66.4
plot.view.theta = -122.4
plot.view.psi = 124.5
plot.view.position = (5.3, 3.56, -4.3)
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_rod_contour.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_rod_contour.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, streamtrace):
super().__init__(streamtrace, sv.CONTOUR)
def use_lighting_effect(self):
"""`bool`: Enable lighting effect for streamtrace rod/ribbons.
.. note::
Setting `StreamtraceRodRibbonContour.use_lighting_effect` will also set
the same value for `StreamtraceRodRibbonShade.use_lighting_effect`,
and vice-versa.
The lighting effect is set with `StreamtraceRodRibbonEffects.lighting_effect`, and may
be one of `LightingEffect.Gouraud` or `LightingEffect.Paneled`.
Example usage::
>>> ribbon = plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon
>>> contour = ribbon.contour
>>> contour.use_lighting_effect = True
>>> ribbon.effects.lighting_effect = LightingEffect.Paneled
return self._get_style(bool, sv.USELIGHTINGEFFECT)
def use_lighting_effect(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.USELIGHTINGEFFECT)
def show(self):
"""`bool`: Enable or disable contour flooding display.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOW)
def show(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOW)
def flood_contour_group_index(self):
"""`Index` (zero-based index): The `Index` of the `ContourGroup` to use for flooding.
This property sets and gets, by `Index`, the `ContourGroup` used for
flooding. Changing style on this `ContourGroup` will affect all
fieldmaps on the same `Frame <layout.Frame>` that use it.
Example usage::
>>> contour = plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.contour
>>> contour.flood_contour_group_index = 0 # First contour group
return self._get_style(Index, sv.FLOODCOLORING)
def flood_contour_group_index(self, index):
self._set_style(Index(index), sv.FLOODCOLORING)
def flood_contour_group(self):
"""`ContourGroup`: Contour group to use for flooding.
This property sets and gets the ContourGroup used for flooding.
Changing style on this `ContourGroup` will affect all fieldmaps on
the same `Frame <layout.Frame>` that use it.
Example usage::
>>> group = plot.contour(1)
>>> contour = plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.contour
>>> contour.flood_contour_group = group
return self.streamtrace.plot.contour(self.flood_contour_group_index)
def flood_contour_group(self, flood_contour_group):
self.flood_contour_group_index = flood_contour_group.index
class StreamtraceRodRibbonShade(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Color and lighting display for rod/ribbons.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 25-29
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'DuctFlow.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_shade = False
plot.show_edge = True
plot.fieldmap(0).edge.edge_type = EdgeType.Creases
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 3
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 5
plot.show_streamtraces = True
plot.streamtraces.show_paths = True
ribbon = plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon = True
ribbon.shade.color = Color.Blue
ribbon.shade.use_lighting_effect = True
ribbon.width = .03
plot.streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(1.5, 0, .45),
end_position=(1.5, 1, 0),
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_ribbon_shade.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_ribbon_shade.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, streamtrace):
super().__init__(streamtrace, sv.SHADE)
def show(self):
"""`bool`: Show shade attributes.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOW)
def show(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOW)
def color(self):
"""`Color`: Shade color.
`Color.MultiColor` and `Color.RGBColor` coloring are not available.
Use flooded contours for multi-color or RGB flooding.
Example usage::
>>> = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.shade.color = Color.Blue
return self._get_style(Color, sv.COLOR)
def color(self, value):
self._set_style(Color(value), sv.COLOR)
def use_lighting_effect(self):
"""`bool`: Use lighting effect.
When set to `True`, the lighting effect may be selected with the
`SliceEffects.lighting_effect` attribute.
.. note::
Setting `SliceShade.use_lighting_effect` will also set
the same value for `SliceContour.use_lighting_effect`,
and vice-versa.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.shade.use_lighting_effect = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.lighting_effect = LightingEffect.Paneled
return self._get_style(bool, sv.USELIGHTINGEFFECT)
def use_lighting_effect(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.USELIGHTINGEFFECT)
class StreamtraceRodRibbonEffects(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Controls how lighting and translucency interacts with streamtrace rods and ribbons.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 28-29
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'DuctFlow.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_shade = False
plot.show_edge = True
plot.fieldmap(0).edge.edge_type = EdgeType.Creases
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_shade = False
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 3
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 5
plot.show_streamtraces = True
plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.width = .03
plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.shade.color = Color.Green
plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.use_translucency = True
plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.surface_translucency = 80
plot.streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(1.5, 0, .45),
end_position=(1.5, 1, 0),
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_ribbon_effects.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_ribbon_effects.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, streamtrace):
super().__init__(streamtrace, sv.EFFECTS)
def lighting_effect(self):
"""`LightingEffect`: Get/set the lighting algorithm used when lighting
streamtrace rods and ribbons.
Ribbon lighting effects must be enabled by setting
`StreamtraceRodRibbonShade.use_lighting_effect` to `True` when
setting this value.
Note that setting `StreamtraceRodRibbonShade.use_lighting_effect` will also set
this value for `ribbon contours <StreamtraceRodRibbonContour>`.
There are two types of lighting effects: Paneled and Gouraud:
* `Paneled`: Within each cell, the color assigned to each area by
shading or contour flooding is tinted by a shade constant
across the cell. This shade is based on the orientation
of the cell relative to your 3D light source.
* `Gouraud`: This offers smoother, more continuous shading than
Paneled shading, but it also results in slower plotting
and larger print files. `Gouraud` shading is not continuous
across zone boundaries unless face neighbors are specified
in the data. `Gouraud` shading is not available for finite
element volume `Zone <data_access>` when blanking is active.
The zone's lighting effect reverts to `Paneled`
shading in this case.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.shade.use_lighting_effect = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.lighting_effect = LightingEffect.Paneled
return self._get_style(LightingEffect, sv.LIGHTINGEFFECT)
def lighting_effect(self, value):
self._set_style(LightingEffect(value), sv.LIGHTINGEFFECT)
def surface_translucency(self):
"""`int`: Surface translucency of the streamtraces ribbon.
Surface translucency must be enabled by setting
`StreamtraceRodRibbonEffects.use_translucency` = `True`
when setting this value.
Valid translucency values range from one (opaque) to 99 (translucent).
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.use_translucency = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.surface_translucency = 20
return self._get_style(int, sv.SURFACETRANSLUCENCY)
def surface_translucency(self, value):
self._set_style(int(value), sv.SURFACETRANSLUCENCY)
def use_translucency(self):
"""`bool`: Enable surface translucency.
The surface translucency value can be changed by setting
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.use_translucency = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.surface_translucency = 20
return self._get_style(bool, sv.USETRANSLUCENCY)
def use_translucency(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.USETRANSLUCENCY)
class StreamtraceRodRibbon(StreamtraceStyle):
"""Get/Set streamtrace rod/ribbon attributes.
The `StreamtraceRodRibbon` class allows you to query and set attributes
of streamtrace rod/ribbon types:
* `Streamtrace.SurfaceRibbon`
* `Streamtrace.VolumeRibbon`
* `Streamtrace.VolumeRod`
In addition to attributes common to all rod/ribbon
streamtrace types such as `width <StreamtraceRodRibbon.width>`,
some attributes are further divided into subcategories:
* `Rod/ribbon mesh <StreamtraceRodRibbonMesh>`
* `Rod/ribbon contour <StreamtraceRodRibbonContour>`
* `Rod/ribbon shade <StreamtraceRodRibbonShade>`
* `Rod/ribbon effects <StreamtraceRodRibbonEffects>`
.. note::
To change the color of streamtrace rods/ribbons, set
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 25-35
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'DuctFlow.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_shade = False
plot.show_edge = True
plot.fieldmap(0).edge.edge_type = EdgeType.Creases
plot.contour(0).variable = dataset.variable(3)
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 3
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 5
plot.show_streamtraces = True
plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.width = .03 = True
plot.streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(1.5, 0.1, .4),
end_position=(1.5, .9, 0.1),
plot.streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(1.5, 0.1, 0.1),
end_position=(1.5, .9, .4),
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_ribbon.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_ribbon.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, streamtrace):
super().__init__(streamtrace, sv.RODRIBBON)
self.plot = streamtrace.plot
def mesh(self):
"""`StreamtraceRodRibbonMesh`: Streamtraces rod/ribbon mesh attributes.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return StreamtraceRodRibbonMesh(self)
def contour(self):
"""`StreamtraceRodRibbonContour`: Streamtraces rod/ribbon contour attributes.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return StreamtraceRodRibbonContour(self)
def shade(self):
"""`StreamtraceRodRibbonShade`: Streamtraces rod/ribbon color and lighting attributes.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.shade.color = Color.Magenta
return StreamtraceRodRibbonShade(self)
def effects(self):
"""`StreamtraceRodRibbonEffects`: Streamtraces rod/ribbon effects.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.effects.use_translucency = True
return StreamtraceRodRibbonEffects(self)
def width(self):
"""`float`: Rod/ribbon width in grid units.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.width = 0.01
return self._get_style(float, sv.WIDTH)
def width(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.WIDTH)
def num_rod_points(self):
"""`int`, valid range 3-100: Number of rod points.
Volume rods have a polygonal cross-section; this parameter tells
|Tecplot 360| what that cross-section should be.
(Three is an equilateral triangle, four is a square,
five is a regular pentagon, and so on.) If you want two sets
of volume rods with different cross-sections, you must create one
set and then extract the set as a zone, then configure a new
set of streamtraces with the second cross-section.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.rod_ribbon.num_rod_points = 10
return self._get_style(int, sv.NUMRODPOINTS)
def num_rod_points(self, value):
self._set_style(int(value), sv.NUMRODPOINTS)
class Streamtraces(session.Style):
"""Streamtrace attributes for the plot.
A streamtrace is the path traced by a massless particle placed at an
arbitrary location in a steady-state vector field.
Streamtraces may be used to illustrate the nature of the vector
field flow in a particular region of the `Plot`.
Because streamtraces are dependent upon a vector field, you must
define vector components before creating streamtraces.
However, it is not necessary to activate the Vector zone layer to
use streamtraces.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 22-29
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'Eddy.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.fieldmap(0).surfaces.surfaces_to_plot = SurfacesToPlot.BoundaryFaces
plot.show_mesh = True
plot.show_shade = False
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 5
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 6
plot.show_streamtraces = True
streamtraces = plot.streamtraces
streamtraces.color = Color.Blue
streamtraces.show_arrows = True
streamtraces.arrowhead_size = 2
streamtraces.step_size = .25
streamtraces.line_thickness = .2
streamtraces.max_steps = 100
streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=(45.49, 15.32, 59.1),
end_position=(48.89, 53.2, 47.6),
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_example.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_example.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, plot):
super().__init__(sv.STREAMATTRIBUTES, uniqueid=plot.frame.uid)
self.plot = plot
def rod_ribbon(self):
"""`StreamtraceRodRibbon`: Streamtrace rod/ribbon attributes.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return StreamtraceRodRibbon(self)
def timing(self):
"""`StreamtraceTiming`: Streamtraces timing attributes.
Example usage::
>>> timing = plot.streamtraces.timing
>>> timing.start = 0.01
return StreamtraceTiming(self)
def termination_line(self):
"""`StreamtraceTerminationLine`: Streamtraces termination line attributes.
A streamtrace termination line is a polyline that terminates any
streamtraces that cross it. The termination line is useful for stopping
streamtraces before they spiral or stall.
Example usage::
>>> term_line = plot.streamtraces.termination_line
>>> = True
return StreamtraceTerminationLine(self)
def show_dashes(self):
"""`bool`: Display streamtrace dashes.
The lengths of the dashes and the spaces between the dashes are
controlled by the value of ``. Set the
`Streamtraces.dash_skip` attribute to control the number of
time deltas used for the "off" sections of the streamtraces.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.show_dashes = True
return self.timing._show_dashes
def show_dashes(self, value):
self.timing._show_dashes = value
def show_markers(self):
"""`bool`: Display streamtrace markers.
Stream markers are only available for surface and volume
type streamlines.
You may also specify the `size <Streamtraces.marker_size>`,
`color <Streamtraces.marker_color>`, and
`shape <Streamtraces.marker_symbol>` of the markers.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.show_markers = True
return self.timing._show_markers
def show_markers(self, value):
self.timing._show_markers = value
def marker_color(self):
"""`Color` or `ContourGroup`: `Color` of the streamline markers.
Streamtrace markers can be a solid color or be colored by a
`ContourGroup` as obtained through the ``plot.contour`` property.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.marker_color = Color.Blue
return self.timing._marker_color
def marker_color(self, value):
self.timing._marker_color = value
def marker_size(self):
"""`float`: Size of streamline markers.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.marker_size = 1.1
return self.timing._marker_size
def marker_size(self, value):
self.timing._marker_size = value
def dash_skip(self):
"""`int`: Number of time deltas used for the "off" sections of the streamlines.
.. note::
The ``dash_skip`` value must be greater than 0.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.dash_skip = 2
return int(self.timing._dash_skip)
def dash_skip(self, value):
self.timing._dash_skip = value
def marker_symbol_type(self):
"""`SymbolType`: The `SymbolType` to use for stream markers.
This sets the active symbol type for streamtrace markers.
Use `Streamtraces.marker_symbol` to access the symbol::
>>> from tecplot.constant import SymbolType
>>> streamtrace = plot.streamtraces
>>> streamtraces.marker_symbol_type = SymbolType.Text
>>> symbol = streamtraces.marker_symbol(SymbolType.Text)
>>> symbol.text = 'a'
return self.timing._marker_symbol_type
def marker_symbol_type(self, value):
self.timing._marker_symbol_type = value
def marker_symbol(self, symbol_type=None):
"""Returns a streamline symbol style object.
symbol_type (`SymbolType`, optional): The type of symbol to return.
By default, this will return the active marker symbol type
which is obtained from `Streamtraces.marker_symbol_type`.
Returns: `TextSymbol` or `GeometrySymbol`, depending on `marker_symbol_type`
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import SymbolType
>>> streamtrace = plot.streamtraces
>>> streamtraces.marker_symbol_type = SymbolType.Text
>>> symbol = streamtraces.marker_symbol(SymbolType.Text)
>>> symbol.text = 'a'
return self.timing._marker_symbol(symbol_type)
def show_arrows(self):
"""`bool`: Display arrowheads along all streamlines.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.show_arrows = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.ADDARROWS)
def show_arrows(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.ADDARROWS)
def arrowhead_size(self):
"""`float`: Arrowhead size as a percentage of frame height.
Recommend values are one of 1, 3, 5, 8, or 12.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.show_arrows = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.arrowhead_size = 1.0
return self._get_style(float, sv.ARROWHEADSIZE)
def arrowhead_size(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.ARROWHEADSIZE)
def arrowhead_spacing(self):
"""`float`: Distance between arrowheads in terms of Y-frame units.
For example, a value of 10 will space arrowheads approximately
ten percent of the frame height apart from each other along each
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.show_arrows = True
>>> plot.streamtraces.arrowhead_spacing = 10
return self._get_style(float, sv.ARROWHEADSPACING)
def arrowhead_spacing(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.ARROWHEADSPACING)
def step_size(self):
"""`float`: Maximum fraction of the distance across a cell that a streamtrace
moves in one step.
The step size is the maximum fraction of the distance across a cell
that a streamtrace moves in one step. A streamtrace adjusts its
step size between `step_size` and `min_step_size`, depending
on local curvature of the streamtrace.
A typical value (and the default) is **0.25**, which results in
four integration steps through each cell or element.
The value for Step Size affects the accuracy of the integration.
.. warning::
Setting step size too small can result in round-off errors,
while setting it too large can result in truncation
errors and missed cells.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.step_size = .25
return self._get_style(float, sv.CELLFRACTION)
def step_size(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.CELLFRACTION)
def color(self):
"""`Color` or `ContourGroup`: Color of streamtraces line (not rods or ribbons).
Streamtraces can be a solid color or be colored by a
`ContourGroup` as obtained through the ``plot.contour`` property.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.color = Color.Red
return color_spec(self._get_style(Color, sv.COLOR),
def color(self, value):
self._set_style(color_spec(value), sv.COLOR)
def line_thickness(self):
"""`float`: Streamtrace line thickness.
Line thickness as a percentage of the frame height for 2D lines,
or a percentage of the median axis length for 3D surface lines and
volume lines.
Suggested values are .02, .1, .4, .8, 1.5
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.line_thickness = 1.1
return self._get_style(float, sv.LINETHICKNESS)
def line_thickness(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.LINETHICKNESS)
def max_steps(self):
"""`int`: Maximum number of steps before the streamtrace is terminated.
`max_steps` prevents streamtraces from spinning forever in a vortex,
or from wandering into a region where the vector components are very
small, very random, or both.
If a small `step_size` is selected, the `max_steps`
should be a large value.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.max_steps = 5000
return self._get_style(int, sv.MAXSTEPS)
def max_steps(self, value):
self._set_style(int(value), sv.MAXSTEPS)
def min_step_size(self):
"""`float`: Smallest step size to use as a percentage of cell distance.
A typical minimum step size value is 0.00001, which is the default.
.. Warning::
Setting this too small results in integration problems. Setting
this greater than or equal to the `step_size` results in a constant
step size.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.min_step_size = .0002
return self._get_style(float, sv.MINCELLFRACTION)
def min_step_size(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.MINCELLFRACTION)
def obey_source_zone_blanking(self):
"""`bool`: Obey source zone blanking.
When `True`, streamtraces are generated for non-blanked regions only.
When `False`, streamtraces are generated for both blanked and
unblanked regions.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.obey_source_zone_blanking = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.OBEYSOURCEZONEBLANKING)
def obey_source_zone_blanking(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.OBEYSOURCEZONEBLANKING)
def show_paths(self):
"""`bool`: Draw streamtrace paths (lines, ribbons, or rods).
A streamtrace path may be a line, ribbon or rod.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.show_paths = True
See also `Streamtraces.show_markers`
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWPATHS)
def show_paths(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWPATHS)
def add_on_zone_surface(self, stream_type, zones=None, num_seed_points=10,
"""Add streamtraces to one or more zones in a plot.
The plot type must be either `Cartesian2D` or `Cartesian3D`.
.. note:: For volume zones the streamtraces are propagated from the
surfaces of the volume.
stream_type: (`Streamtrace`): Type of streamtraces to add.
zones (`set` of `integers <int>`, optional):
Set of `Zones <data_access>` on which to add streamtraces. If
`None`, then streamtraces will be added to the currently
active zones.
num_seed_points: (`int`, optional):
Number of seed points for distributing along a rake or on
defined surfaces.
direction: (`StreamDir`, optional): Direction of propagation
of the streamtraces being added.
.. code-block:: python
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'OneraM6wing', 'OneraM6_SU2_RANS.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 5
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 6
plot.show_streamtraces = True
# To add streamtraces to the currently active zones,
# pass zones=None
zones=[1], # Add streamtraces on 2nd zone only
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_add_on_zone_surface.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_add_on_zone_surface.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
if zones is None:
with IndexSet(zones) as zone_set:
num_points=num_seed_points, zones=zone_set)
def add_rake(self, start_position, end_position, stream_type,
num_seed_points=10, direction=StreamDir.Both):
"""Add a rake of streamtraces to the plot of the current frame.
The plot type must be either `Cartesian2D` or `Cartesian3D`.
start_position: (2- or 3- `tuple` of `floats <float>`):
Pass a 2-`tuple` of `float` for a
`Cartesian2DFieldPlot`, or a 3-`tuple` of `float` for a
end_position: (2- or 3- `tuple` of `floats <float>`):
Pass a 2-`tuple` of `float` for a
`Cartesian2DFieldPlot`, or a 3-`tuple` of `float` for a
stream_type: (`Streamtrace`): Type of streamtraces to add.
num_seed_points: (`int`, optional):
Number of seed points for distributing along a rake or on
defined surfaces.
direction: (`StreamDir`, optional): Direction of propagation
of the streamtraces being added.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 24-26
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'Eddy.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.fieldmap(0).surfaces.surfaces_to_plot = SurfacesToPlot.BoundaryFaces
plot.show_mesh = True
plot.show_shade = False
plot.vector.u_variable_index = 4
plot.vector.v_variable_index = 5
plot.vector.w_variable_index = 6
plot.show_streamtraces = True
streamtraces = plot.streamtraces
streamtraces.add_rake(start_position=[.5, .5, .5],
end_position=[20, 20, 20],
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_add_rake.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_add_rake.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
self._add(stream_type, DistributionRegion.Rake, direction,
num_seed_points, start_position, end_position)
def add(self, seed_point, stream_type, direction=StreamDir.Both):
"""Add a single streamtrace to the plot of the current frame.
The plot type must be either `Cartesian2D` or `Cartesian3D`.
seed_point: (2- or 3- `tuple` of `floats <float>`):
Pass a 2-`tuple` of `float` for a
`Cartesian2DFieldPlot`, or a 3-`tuple` of `float` for a
stream_type: (`Streamtrace`): Type of streamtraces to add.
direction: (`StreamDir`, optional): Direction of propagation
of the streamtraces being added.
.. note::
*stream_type* is automatically set to `Streamtrace.SurfaceLine`
if the plot type is `Cartesian2DFieldPlot`. The only stream
type available for 2D plots is `Streamtrace.SurfaceLine`.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 41
import os
import tecplot
from tecplot.constant import *
import numpy as np
examples_dir = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
datafile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'DuctFlow.plt')
dataset =
frame = tecplot.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = tecplot.constant.PlotType.Cartesian3D
plot = frame.plot()
plot.contour(0).variable = dataset.variable('P(N/m2)')
plot.contour(0) = False
plot.vector.u_variable = dataset.variable('U(M/S)')
plot.vector.v_variable = dataset.variable('V(M/S)')
plot.vector.w_variable = dataset.variable('W(M/S)')
# Goal: create a grid of 12 stream trace ribbons
x_slice_location = .79
y_start = .077
y_end = .914
z_start = .052
z_end = .415
num_left_right_slices = 4 # Must be >= 2
num_top_bottom_slices = 3 # Must be >= 2
plot.show_streamtraces = True
streamtraces = plot.streamtraces
streamtraces.show_paths = True
rod = streamtraces.rod_ribbon
rod.width = .03 = True
for y in np.linspace(y_start, y_end, num=num_left_right_slices):
for z in np.linspace(z_start, z_end, num=num_top_bottom_slices):
streamtraces.add([x_slice_location,y,z], Streamtrace.VolumeRibbon)
tecplot.export.save_png('streamtrace_add_xyz.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/streamtrace_add_xyz.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
end_position=seed_point if stream_type in (
Streamtrace.SurfaceRibbon, Streamtrace.VolumeRibbon,
Streamtrace.VolumeRod) else None)
def _add(self, stream_type, distribution_region, stream_direction,
def _assign_position(arg_list, point_ordinal, value):
if __debug__:
frame = self.plot.frame
if frame.plot_type == PlotType.Cartesian2D and (
len(value) != 2):
raise TecplotTypeError(
'[x,y] position for streamtrace '
'requires 2D plot type.')
elif frame.plot_type == PlotType.Cartesian3D and (
len(value) != 3):
raise TecplotTypeError(
'[x,y] position for streamtrace '
'requires 2D plot type.')
arg_list['X' + point_ordinal], arg_list['Y' + point_ordinal] = (
float(value[0]), float(value[1]))
if len(value) == 3:
arg_list['Z' + point_ordinal] = float(value[2])
except TypeError:
raise TecplotTypeError('streamtrace position must be a '
'2- or 3- tuple of floats.')
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.STREAMTYPE] = stream_type
arglist[sv.DISTRIBUTIONREGION] = distribution_region
arglist[sv.STREAMDIRECTION] = stream_direction
if zones is not None:
arglist[sv.ZONESET] = zones
if num_points is not None:
arglist[sv.NUMPTS] = int(num_points)
if start_position is not None:
_assign_position(arglist, '1', start_position)
if end_position is not None:
_assign_position(arglist, '2', end_position)
with self.plot.frame.activated():
if not _tecutil.StreamtraceAddX(arglist):
raise TecplotSystemError()
def delete_all(self):
"""Delete all streamtraces for the current plot type.
2D and 3D streamtraces are independent of each other.
If the plot type is `Cartesian2D`, all 2D streamtraces are deleted.
If the plot type is `Cartesian3D`, all 3D streamtraces are deleted.
`TecplotSystemError`: The streamtraces could not be deleted.
Example usage::
>>> plot.streamtraces.delete_all()
with self.plot.frame.activated():
if not _tecutil.StreamtraceDeleteAll():
raise TecplotSystemError()
def delete_range(self, range_start, range_end):
"""Delete a range of streamtraces.
range_start: (`int`): 0-based start streamtrace number to delete.
range_end: (`int`): 0-based end streamtrace number to delete.
`TecplotSystemError`: The streamtraces in the range could not be deleted.
Example usage::
>>> # Delete the first 100 streamtraces
>>> plot.streamtraces.delete_range(0, 99)
with self.plot.frame.activated():
if not _tecutil.StreamtraceDeleteRange(range_start + 1, range_end + 1):
raise TecplotSystemError()
def set_termination_line(self, line_points):
"""Set the position of the termination line for streamtraces.
line_points: (array of `float` `tuple`) Points of the termination line.
`TecplotSystemError`: Termination line could not be set.
Example usage::
>>> # Multi-segment line between points (0,0)-(5,8)-(3,6)
>>> line_points = [(0, 0), (5, 8), (3,6)]
>>> plot.streamtraces.set_termination_line(line_points)
num_points = len(line_points)
# __mul__() is used below because the alternative:
# (c_double * num_points)(*P[0]... causes a lint warning in PyCharm
x_points = (ctypes.c_double.__mul__(num_points)
)(*[P[0] for P in line_points])
y_points = (ctypes.c_double.__mul__(num_points)
)(*[P[1] for P in line_points])
with self.plot.frame.activated():
if not _tecutil.StreamtraceSetTermLine(
raise TecplotSystemError()
def count(self):
"""Query the number of active streamtraces for the current plot type.
.. note:: This property is read-only.
>>> num_active_streamtraces = plot.streamtraces.count
with self.plot.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.StreamtraceGetCount()
def position(self, stream_number):
"""Query the starting position of a streamtrace.
stream_number: (`int`): 0-based stream number to query.
`tuple` of `floats <float>`
Get the position of streamtrace number 3::
>>> position = plot.streamtraces.position(2) # Note: 0-based
>>> position.x # == position[0]
>>> position.y # == position[1]
>>> position.z # == position[2]
with self.plot.frame.activated():
position = _tecutil.StreamtraceGetPos(stream_number + 1)
return tecutil.XYZ(*position)
def streamtrace_type(self, stream_number):
"""Query the type of a streamtrace by streamtrace number.
stream_number: (`int`): 0-based stream number to query.
Get the type of streamtrace 3. Note 0-based stream number::
>>> streamtrace_type = plot.streamtraces.streamtrace_type(2)
>>> streamtrace_type
<Streamtrace.VolumeLine: 2>
with self.plot.frame.activated():
return Streamtrace(_tecutil.StreamtraceGetType(stream_number+1))
def has_terminating_line(self):
"""Determine if the streamtraces have the terminating line.
.. note:: This property is read-only.
`bool`. `True` if the streamtraces have the terminating
line, `False` otherwise.
Example usage::
>>> has_terminating_line = plot.streamtraces.has_terminating_line
with self.plot.frame.activated():
with lock():
return _tecutil.StreamtraceHasTermLine()
def active(self):
"""`bool`: Determine if there are active streamtraces.
.. note:: This property is read-only.
`bool`. `True` if there are active streamtraces
in the current plot type.
Example usage::
>>> streamtraces_are_active =
with self.plot.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.QueryStreamtracesAreActive()
def are_active(self):
tecutil.api_moved('Streamtraces.are_active', '',
'0.13', '2018 R2')
def use_slice_clipping(self):
"""`bool`: Clip isosurface by any intersecting slices.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ClipPlane
>>> slice = plot.slice(0)
>>> slice.clip = ClipPlane.AbovePrimarySlice
>>> plot.fieldmap(0).effects.clip_planes = slice
>>> plot.streamtraces.use_slice_clipping = True
.. seealso:: `SliceGroup.clip`
return self._get_style(bool, sv.OBEYCLIPPLANES)
def use_slice_clipping(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.OBEYCLIPPLANES)