from builtins import super
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from ..tecutil import _tecutil_connector, sv
from .. import legend, session, tecutil, version
class RGBColoring(session.Style):
"""RGB coloring (multivariate contour) style control.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 39-53
import os
import numpy as np
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
def normalize_variable(dataset, varname, nsigma=2):
Normalize a variable such that the specified number of standard deviations
are within the range [0.5, 1] and the mean is transformed to 0.5. The
new variable will append " normalized" to the original variable's name.
with tp.session.suspend():
newvarname = varname + ' normalized'
data = np.concatenate([z.values(varname).as_numpy_array()
for z in dataset.zones()])
vmin = data.mean() - nsigma * data.std()
vmax = data.mean() + nsigma * data.std()
for z in dataset.zones():
arr = z.values(varname).as_numpy_array()
z.values(newvarname)[:] = (arr - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)
examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
infile = os.path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'HeatExchanger.plt')
dataset =
frame = tp.active_frame()
plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D)
plot.show_contour = True
# Variables must be normalized relative to each other
# to make effective use of RGB coloring.
normalize_variable(dataset, 'T(K)')
normalize_variable(dataset, 'P(N)')
plot.rgb_coloring.mode = RGBMode.SpecifyGB
# all three channel variables must be set even if
# we are only contouring on two of them.
plot.rgb_coloring.red_variable = dataset.variable(0)
plot.rgb_coloring.green_variable = dataset.variable('P(N) normalized')
plot.rgb_coloring.blue_variable = dataset.variable('T(K) normalized') = True
plot.rgb_coloring.legend.use_variable_for_green_label = False
plot.rgb_coloring.legend.green_label = 'Pressure'
plot.rgb_coloring.legend.use_variable_for_blue_label = False
plot.rgb_coloring.legend.blue_label = 'Temperature'
plot.fieldmaps().contour.flood_contour_group = plot.rgb_coloring
.. figure:: /_static/images/rgb_coloring.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, plot):
self.plot = plot
super().__init__(sv.GLOBALRGB, **plot._kw)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.plot == other.plot
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def index(self):
"""`Index`: Color `Index` for RGB Coloring.
This property is used internally to identify it as a contour flooding
return tecutil.Index(Color.RGBColor.value)
def legend(self):
"""`RGBColoringLegend`: Legend placement and style control.
Example usage::
>>> = True
return legend.RGBColoringLegend(self)
def mode(self):
"""`RGBMode`: Which channels to use for RGB coloring.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import RGBMode
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.mode = RGBMode.SpecifyRB
return self._get_style(RGBMode, sv.RGBMODE)
def mode(self, value):
self._set_style(RGBMode(value), sv.RGBMODE)
def min_intensity(self):
"""`float`: `Variable` value at minimum intensity for each channel.
This should typically be set to the minimum value of the data being
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.min_intensity = dataset.variable('P').min()
return self._get_style(float, sv.RANGEMIN)
def min_intensity(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.RANGEMIN)
def max_intensity(self):
"""`float`: `Variable` value at maximum intensity for each channel.
This should typically be set to the maximum value of the data being
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.max_intensity = dataset.variable('P').max()
return self._get_style(float, sv.RANGEMAX)
def max_intensity(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.RANGEMAX)
def _ensure_valid_rgb_variables(self, index):
Note: this is essentially a work-around for behavior in the Tecplot
engine where setting a single RGB channel would be reverted when
the engine goes to an on-idle state. The engine was changed to
allow setting a single channel in 2018 R3 but this function remains
so that setting RGB channel variables still work with 2018 R2.
However, it requires the suspend context which was not available
in 2018 R1.
if _tecutil_connector.connected:
r = self.red_variable_index
g = self.green_variable_index
b = self.blue_variable_index
if any(x < 0 for x in (r, g, b)):
r = tecutil.Index(index if r < 0 else r)
g = tecutil.Index(index if g < 0 else g)
b = tecutil.Index(index if b < 0 else b)
with session.suspend():
self._set_style(r, sv.REDCHANNELVAR)
self._set_style(g, sv.GREENCHANNELVAR)
self._set_style(b, sv.BLUECHANNELVAR)
def red_variable_index(self):
"""`Index`: `Variable` `Index` to use for the red channel.
Example usage::
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.red_variable_index = 5
.. note::
In connected mode, setting this property requires Tecplot 360
version 2018 R2 or later.
return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.REDCHANNELVAR)
def red_variable_index(self, value):
self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.REDCHANNELVAR)
def red_variable(self):
"""`Variable`: `Variable` to use for the red channel.
Example usage::
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.red_variable = dataset.variable('Gas')
.. note::
In connected mode, setting this property requires Tecplot 360
version 2018 R2 or later.
return self.plot.frame.dataset.variable(self.red_variable_index)
def red_variable(self, variable):
self.red_variable_index = variable.index
def green_variable_index(self):
"""`Index`: `Variable` `Index` to use for the green channel.
Example usage::
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.green_variable_index = 3
.. note::
In connected mode, setting this property requires Tecplot 360
version 2018 R2 or later.
return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.GREENCHANNELVAR)
def green_variable_index(self, value):
self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.GREENCHANNELVAR)
def green_variable(self):
"""`Variable`: `Variable` to use for the green channel.
Example usage::
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.green_variable = dataset.variable('Oil')
.. note::
In connected mode, setting this property requires Tecplot 360
version 2018 R2 or later.
return self.plot.frame.dataset.variable(self.green_variable_index)
def green_variable(self, variable):
self.green_variable_index = variable.index
def blue_variable_index(self):
"""`Index`: `Variable` `Index` to use for the blue channel.
Example usage::
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.blue_variable_index = 4
.. note::
In connected mode, setting this property requires Tecplot 360
version 2018 R2 or later.
return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.BLUECHANNELVAR)
def blue_variable_index(self, value):
self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.BLUECHANNELVAR)
def blue_variable(self):
"""`Variable`: `Variable` to use for the blue channel.
Example usage::
>>> plot.rgb_coloring.blue_variable = dataset.variable('Water')
.. note::
In connected mode, setting this property requires Tecplot 360
version 2018 R2 or later.
return self.plot.frame.dataset.variable(self.blue_variable_index)
def blue_variable(self, variable):
self.blue_variable_index = variable.index