Source code for tecplot.plot.labels

from builtins import int, super

from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from ..tecutil import sv
from .. import session, tecutil, text

class DataLabels(session.Style):
    def show_node_labels(self):
        """`bool`: Display labels at each node.

        Example usage::

            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWNODELABELS)

    def show_node_labels(self, value):
        self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWNODELABELS)

    def node_label_type(self):
        """`LabelType`: The value to be displayed for node labels.

        Possible values are `LabelType.Index` or `LabelType.VarValue`::

            >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelType
            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
            >>> plot.data_labels.node_label_type = LabelType.VarValue
        return self._get_style(LabelType, sv.NODELABELTYPE)

    def node_label_type(self, value):
        self._set_style(LabelType(value), sv.NODELABELTYPE)

    def index_step(self):
        """`int`: Step interval between labels.

        A value of 1 displays labels on all nodes or cells. Example usage::

            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
            >>> plot.data_labels.index_step = 10

        .. seealso:: `LinePlotDataLabels.step_mode` for line plots.
        return self._get_style(int, sv.INDEXSKIP)

    def index_step(self, value):
        self._set_style(int(value), sv.INDEXSKIP)

    def color_by_map(self):
        """`bool`: Inherit `Color` from the symbol or scatter mapping style.

        Example usage for linemaps::

            >>> from tecplot.constant import Color
            >>> plot.linemap(0).symbols.color = Color.Blue
            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
            >>> plot.data_labels.color_by_map = True

        Example usage for fieldmaps::

            >>> from tecplot.constant import Color
            >>> plot.fieldmap(0).scatter.color = Color.Yellow
            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
            >>> plot.data_labels.color_by_map = True
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.COLORBYZONEMAP)

    def color_by_map(self, value):
        self._set_style(bool(value), sv.COLORBYZONEMAP)

    def color(self):
        """`Color`: The `Color` of the data labels.

        Example usage::

            >>> from tecplot.constant import Color
            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
            >>> plot.data_labels.color = Color.LightBlue
        return self._get_style(Color, sv.COLOR)

    def color(self, value):
        self._set_style(Color(value), sv.COLOR)

    def show_box(self):
        """`bool`: Show a box around each label.

        This is `True` by default. Set to `False` to disable the box::

            >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True
            >>> plot.data_labels.show_box = False
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.INCLUDEBOX)

    def show_box(self, value):
        self._set_style(bool(value), sv.INCLUDEBOX)

    def font(self):
        """`text.Font`: Typeface control for all data labels.

        Example usage::

            >>> plot.data_labels.font.typeface = 'Times'
        return text.Font(self)

    def label_format(self):
        """`text.LabelFormat`: Floating-point number format control.

        Example usage::

            >>> from tecplot.constant import NumberFormat
            >>> labels = plot.data_labels
            >>> labels.label_format.format_type = NumberFormat.Integer
        return text.LabelFormat(self)

[docs] class FieldPlotDataLabels(DataLabels): """Node and cell labels for field plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 20-25 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import LabelType, NumberFormat, PlotType examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'RainierElevation.plt') dataset = frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D) plot.activate() plot.show_contour = True plot.contour(0) = False plot.axes.x_axis.min = -8500 plot.axes.x_axis.max = 8200 plot.axes.y_axis.min = -400 plot.axes.y_axis.max = -150 plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True plot.data_labels.node_label_type = LabelType.VarValue plot.data_labels.node_variable = dataset.variable('E') plot.data_labels.index_step = 4 plot.data_labels.label_format.format_type = NumberFormat.Integer plot.data_labels.show_box = False tp.export.save_png('field_plot_data_labels.png') .. figure:: /_static/images/field_plot_data_labels.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ def __init__(self, plot): self.plot = plot super().__init__(sv.GLOBALSCATTER, sv.DATALABELS, **plot._kw) @property def show_cell_labels(self): """`bool`: Display labels at each cell. Example usage:: >>> plot.data_labels.show_cell_labels = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWCELLLABELS) @show_cell_labels.setter def show_cell_labels(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWCELLLABELS) @property def cell_label_type(self): """`LabelType`: The value to be displayed for cell labels. Possible values are `LabelType.Index` or `LabelType.VarValue`:: >>> plot.data_labels.show_cell_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.cell_label_type = LabelType.VarValue """ return self._get_style(LabelType, sv.CELLLABELTYPE) @cell_label_type.setter def cell_label_type(self, value): self._set_style(LabelType(value), sv.CELLLABELTYPE) @property def cell_variable_index(self): """`Index`: `Index` of the variable to use for cell labels. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelType >>> plot.data_labels.show_cell_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.cell_label_type = LabelType.VarValue >>> plot.data_labels.cell_variable_index = 3 """ return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.CELLLABELVAR) @cell_variable_index.setter def cell_variable_index(self, value): self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.CELLLABELVAR) @property def cell_variable(self): """`Variable`: `Variable` to use for cell labels. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelType >>> plot.data_labels.show_cell_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.cell_label_type = LabelType.VarValue >>> plot.data_labels.cell_variable = dataset.variable('E') """ i = self.cell_variable_index return self.plot.frame.dataset.variable(i) @cell_variable.setter def cell_variable(self, value): self.cell_variable_index = value.index @property def node_variable_index(self): """`Index`: `Index` of the variable to use for node labels. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelType >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.node_label_type = LabelType.VarValue >>> plot.data_labels.node_variable_index = 3 """ return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.NODELABELVAR) @node_variable_index.setter def node_variable_index(self, value): self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.NODELABELVAR) @property def node_variable(self): """`Variable`: `Variable` to use for node labels. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import LabelType >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.node_label_type = LabelType.VarValue >>> plot.data_labels.node_variable = dataset.variable('E') """ i = self.node_variable_index return self.plot.frame.dataset.variable(i) @node_variable.setter def node_variable(self, value): self.node_variable_index = value.index
[docs] class LinePlotDataLabels(DataLabels): """Node labels for line plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 12-13 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'SunSpots.plt') dataset = frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot(PlotType.XYLine) plot.activate() plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True plot.data_labels.index_step = 3 tp.export.save_png('line_plot_data_labels.png') .. figure:: /_static/images/line_plot_data_labels.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ def __init__(self, plot): self.plot = plot super().__init__(sv.GLOBALLINEPLOT, sv.DATALABELS, **plot._kw) @property def step_mode(self): """`StepMode`: The scale to use when stepping through elements. Possible values are: `StepMode.ByIndex` and `StepMode.ByFrameUnits`. Example usage:: >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.step_mode = StepMode.ByFrameUnits >>> plot.data_labels.step_distance = 10.0 """ return self._get_style(StepMode, sv.SKIPMODE) @step_mode.setter def step_mode(self, value): self._set_style(StepMode(value), sv.SKIPMODE) @property def step_distance(self): """`float`: Distance between labels when stepping by frame units. Example usage:: >>> plot.data_labels.show_node_labels = True >>> plot.data_labels.step_mode = StepMode.ByFrameUnits >>> plot.data_labels.step_distance = 10.0 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.DISTANCESKIP) @step_distance.setter def step_distance(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.DISTANCESKIP)