Source code for tecplot.plot.hoe_settings
from builtins import super, int
from ..tecutil import sv
from .. import session
class FieldPlotHOESettings(session.Style):
def __init__(self, frame):
self.frame = frame
super().__init__(sv.HOESETTINGS, uniqueid=frame.uid)
def num_subdivision_levels(self):
"""`int`: Refine element decomposition.
With a default setting of 1, the elements are subdivided using only the
natural nodes. A value of 2 subdivides elements one level below the
natural nodes. Greater than 2 further refines the element decomposition
and is more accurate, using the basis functions to compute the
manufactured sub-element node values. Each level of subdivisions
increases accuracy and time required to render. As a special case, a
value of zero is permitted, instructing Tecplot to ignore the high order
natural nodes using only the corner nodes for rendering. Example usage::
>>> plot.hoe_settings.num_subdivision_levels = 3
return self._get_style(int, sv.NUMSUBDIVISIONLEVELS)
def num_subdivision_levels(self, value):
self._set_style(int(value), sv.NUMSUBDIVISIONLEVELS)
def minmax_scaling_factor(self):
"""`float`: Widens or narrows the buffer around sub-element filtering.
The default value is 1.0. When filtering sub-elements, the extrema
(min/max) of an iso-surface or probe variable for the nodes of an
sub-element is multiplied by the factor and added as a buffer around the
variable min/max range. Example usage::
>>> plot.hoe_settings.minmax_scaling_factor = 4.0
return self._get_style(float, sv.MINMAXSCALINGFACTOR)
def minmax_scaling_factor(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.MINMAXSCALINGFACTOR)