from builtins import super
from ..tecutil import sv
from .. import constant, exception, session, tecutil
class ValueBlankingConstraint(session.Style):
"""Value blanking constraint for cartesian 3D and line plots.
.. seealso:: `ValueBlankingCartesian3D`
def __init__(self, blanking, index):
if __debug__:
if index < 0 or index > 7:
raise exception.TecplotIndexError
self.blanking = blanking
super().__init__(blanking._sv, sv.CONSTRAINT,
def variable_index(self):
"""`Index`: Index of the `Variable` to be blanked.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseVar
>>> constraint.variable_index = 1
return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.VARA)
def variable_index(self, value):
self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.VARA)
def variable(self):
"""`Variable`: The `Variable` to be blanked.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseVar
>>> constraint.variable = dataset.variable('s')
return self.blanking.plot.frame.dataset.variable(self.variable_index)
def variable(self, value):
self.variable_index = value.index
def comparison_value(self):
"""`float`: Constant value for blanking.
The variable will be blanked according to this constant value, using
the `comparison_operator` for this constraint, when the `compare_by`
attribute is set to `ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant`::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode, RelOp
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> = True
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant
>>> constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
>>> constraint.comparison_value = 3.14
return self._get_style(float, sv.VALUECUTOFF)
def comparison_value(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.VALUECUTOFF)
def comparison_variable_index(self):
"""`Index`: `Index` of the `Variable` to determine when to blank.
The variable will be blanked according to values in this "comparison"
variable, using the `comparison_operator` for this constraint, when the
`compare_by` attribute is set to `ConstraintOp2Mode.UseVar`::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode, RelOp
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> = True
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseVar
>>> constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
>>> constraint.comparison_variable_index = 2
return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.VARB)
def comparison_variable_index(self, value):
self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.VARB)
def comparison_variable(self):
"""`Variable`: The `Variable` to determine when to blank.
The variable will be blanked according to values in this "comparison"
variable, using the `comparison_operator` for this constraint, when the
`compare_by` attribute is set to `ConstraintOp2Mode.UseVar`::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode, RelOp
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> = True
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseVar
>>> constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
>>> constraint.comparison_variable = dataset.variable('s')
return self.blanking.plot.frame.dataset.variable(
def comparison_variable(self, value):
self.comparison_variable_index = value.index
def compare_by(self):
"""`ConstraintOp2Mode`: Compare against a constant or `Variable`.
This controls what is used in the comparison for blanking. Possible
values are: `ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant` and
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode, RelOp
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> = True
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant
>>> constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
>>> constraint.comparison_value = 3.14
return self._get_style(constant.ConstraintOp2Mode,
def compare_by(self, value):
def comparison_operator(self):
"""`RelOp`: The relationship to use to determine blanking.
This controls what comparison relation is used for blanking. Possible
values are `RelOp.LessThanOrEqual`, `RelOp.GreaterThanOrEqual`,
`RelOp.LessThan`, `RelOp.GreaterThan`, `RelOp.EqualTo` and
>>> from tecplot.constant import ConstraintOp2Mode, RelOp
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> = True
>>> constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant
>>> constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
>>> constraint.comparison_value = 3.14
return self._get_style(constant.RelOp, sv.RELOP)
def comparison_operator(self, value):
self._set_style(constant.RelOp(value), sv.RELOP)
def active(self):
"""`bool`: Include value blanking.
Toggle-on to include this constraint for value blanking on the plot::
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(0).active = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.INCLUDE)
def active(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.INCLUDE)
class ValueBlankingConstraintCartesian2D(ValueBlankingConstraint):
"""Value blanking constraint for cartesian 2D plots.
.. seealso:: `ValueBlankingCartesian2D`
def show_line(self):
"""`bool`: Show constraint boundary.
Toggle-on to display a line that separates the region of your data that
is blanked from the region which is not blanked::
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(0).show_line = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOW)
def show_line(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOW)
def color(self):
"""`Color`: `Color` of the constraint boundary line.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import Color
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(0).show_line = True
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(0).color = Color.Red
return self._get_style(constant.Color, sv.COLOR)
def color(self, value):
self._set_style(constant.Color(value), sv.COLOR)
def line_thickness(self):
"""`float`: Width of the constraint boundary line.
Example usage::
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(0).show_line = True
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(0).line_thickness = 1.5
return self._get_style(float, sv.LINETHICKNESS)
def line_thickness(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.LINETHICKNESS)
def line_pattern(self):
"""`LinePattern`: Dash pattern of the constraint boundary line.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import LinePattern
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> constraint.show_line = True
>>> constraint.line_pattern = LinePattern.Dashed
return self._get_style(constant.LinePattern, sv.LINEPATTERN)
def line_pattern(self, value):
self._set_style(constant.LinePattern(value), sv.LINEPATTERN)
def pattern_length(self):
"""`float`: Length of the dash pattern for the boundary line.
Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import LinePattern
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> constraint.show_line = True
>>> constraint.line_pattern = LinePattern.Dashed
>>> constraint.pattern_length = 1.5
return self._get_style(float, sv.PATTERNLENGTH)
def pattern_length(self, value):
self._set_style(float(value), sv.PATTERNLENGTH)
class ValueBlanking(session.Style):
"""Value blanking for line plots.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 21-27
from os import path
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'Rainfall.dat')
dataset =
frame = tp.active_frame()
frame.plot_type = PlotType.XYLine
plot = frame.plot()
lmap = plot.linemap(0)
line = lmap.line
line.color = Color.Blue
line.line_thickness = 1
line.line_pattern = LinePattern.LongDash
line.pattern_length = 2 = True
constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0) = True
constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant
constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
constraint.comparison_value = 6
constraint.variable = dataset.variable('Month')
tp.export.save_png('value_blanking_line.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/value_blanking_line.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def __init__(self, plot):
self.plot = plot
super().__init__(sv.BLANKING, sv.VALUE, uniqueid=plot.frame.uid)
def active(self):
"""`bool`: Include value blanking.
Set to `True` to include value blanking. The individual constraints
must be activated as well::
>>> = True
>>> constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0)
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.INCLUDE)
def active(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.INCLUDE)
def constraint(self, index):
"""One of the eight availble value-blanking constraints.
index (`Index`): Integer from 0 to 7 inclusive for the eight
possible value-blanking constraints.
There are total of eight value blanking constraints that can be
independendly activated and adjusted. Example usage::
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(4).active = True
return ValueBlankingConstraint(self, index)
class ValueBlankingCartesian2D(ValueBlanking):
"""Value blanking for cartesian 2D plots.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 14-21
from os import path
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'HeatExchanger.plt')
dataset =
frame = tp.active_frame()
plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D)
plot.show_contour = True = True
plot.value_blanking.cell_mode = ValueBlankCellMode.AnyCorner
constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0) = True
constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant
constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.LessThanOrEqual
constraint.comparison_value = 5
constraint.variable = dataset.variable('X(M)')
# ensure consistent output between interactive (connected) and batch
tp.export.save_png('value_blanking_2d.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/value_blanking_2d.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def constraint(self, index):
"""One of the eight availble value-blanking constraints.
index (`Index`): Integer from 0 to 7 inclusive for the eight
possible value-blanking constraints.
There are total of eight value blanking constraints that can be
independendly activated and adjusted. Example usage::
>>> plot.value_blanking.constraint(4).active = True
return ValueBlankingConstraintCartesian2D(self, index)
def cell_mode(self):
"""`ValueBlankCellMode`: Determine which cells to blank.
This property controls which value is used when determining if a cell
should be blanked. It also allows for trimming cells precisely.
Possible values are: `ValueBlankCellMode.AllCorners`,
`ValueBlankCellMode.AnyCorner`, `ValueBlankCellMode.PrimaryValue` and
`ValueBlankCellMode.TrimCells`. This affects all value-blanking
constraints on the plot::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ValueBlankCellMode
>>> plot.value_blanking.cell_mode = ValueBlankCellMode.TrimCells
if self._get_style(bool, sv.BLANKENTIRECELL):
return self._get_style(constant.ValueBlankCellMode,
return constant.ValueBlankCellMode.TrimCells
def cell_mode(self, value):
value = constant.ValueBlankCellMode(value)
if value == constant.ValueBlankCellMode.TrimCells:
self._set_style(False, sv.BLANKENTIRECELL)
self._set_style(True, sv.BLANKENTIRECELL)
self._set_style(value, sv.VALUEBLANKCELLMODE)
class ValueBlankingCartesian3D(ValueBlanking):
"""Value blanking for cartesian 3D plots.
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 12-19
from os import path
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory()
infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'Sphere.lpk')
frame = tp.active_frame()
plot = frame.plot() = True
plot.value_blanking.cell_mode = ValueBlankCellMode.AnyCorner
constraint = plot.value_blanking.constraint(0) = True
constraint.compare_by = ConstraintOp2Mode.UseConstant
constraint.comparison_operator = RelOp.GreaterThan
constraint.comparison_value = 0
constraint.variable = frame.dataset.variable('X')
# ensure consistent output between interactive (connected) and batch
tp.export.save_png('value_blanking_3d.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/value_blanking_3d.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def cell_mode(self):
"""`ValueBlankCellMode`: Determine which cells to blank.
This property controls which value is used when determining if a cell
should be blanked. Possible values are:
`ValueBlankCellMode.AllCorners`, `ValueBlankCellMode.AnyCorner` and
`ValueBlankCellMode.PrimaryValue`. This affects all value-blanking
constraints on the plot::
>>> from tecplot.constant import ValueBlankCellMode
>>> plot.value_blanking.cell_mode = ValueBlankCellMode.AnyCorner
return self._get_style(constant.ValueBlankCellMode,
def cell_mode(self, value):
value = constant.ValueBlankCellMode(value)
if value == constant.ValueBlankCellMode.TrimCells:
msg = 'trim cells mode not available in this plot type'
raise exception.TecplotLogicError(msg)
self._set_style(value, sv.VALUEBLANKCELLMODE)
class IJKBlanking(session.Style):
"""IJK blanking for cartesian 2D and 3D plots.
def __init__(self, plot):
self.plot = plot
super().__init__(sv.BLANKING, sv.IJK, uniqueid=plot.frame.uid)
def active(self):
"""`bool`: Include :math:`(i, j, k)` blanking.
Set to `True` to include :math:`(i, j, k)` blanking::
>>> = True
return self._get_style(bool, sv.INCLUDE)
def active(self, value):
self._set_style(bool(value), sv.INCLUDE)
def zone_index(self):
"""`Index`: `Index` of the `Zone <data_access>` to be blanked.
Example usage::
>>> plot.ijk_blanking.zone_index = 1
return self._get_style(tecutil.Index, sv.ZONE)
def zone_index(self, value):
self._set_style(tecutil.Index(value), sv.ZONE)
def zone(self):
"""`Zone <data_access>`: The `Zone <data_access>` to be blanked.
Example usage::
>>> ='Zone Name')
def zone(self, value):
self.zone_index = value.index
def mode(self):
"""`IJKBlankMode`: Blank the interior or exterior of the region.
Possible values are `IJKBlankMode.BlankInterior` and
`IJKBlankMode.BlankExterior` and are a reference to the region between
`IJKBlanking.min_percent` and `IJKBlanking.max_percent`::
>>> from tecplot.constant import IJKBlankMode
>>> plot.ijk_blanking.mode = IJKBlankMode.BlankExterior
return self._get_style(constant.IJKBlankMode, sv.IJKBLANKMODE)
def mode(self, value):
self._set_style(constant.IJKBlankMode(value), sv.IJKBLANKMODE)
def min_percent(self):
"""`tuple`: Minimum :math:`(i, j, k)` values in percent.
The percentage is of the total range of the dataset in each dimension.
This example sets the minimum to 50% in each of the :math:`(i, j, k)`
>>> plot.ijk_blanking.min_percent = (50, 50, 50)
return session.IJKMinFract(self)
def min_percent(self, values):
session.IJKMinFract(self)[:] = values
def max_percent(self):
"""`tuple`: Maximum :math:`(i, j, k)` values in percent.
The percentage is of the total range of the dataset in each dimension.
This example sets the maximum to 90% in each of the :math:`(i, j, k)`
>>> plot.ijk_blanking.max_percent = (90, 90, 90)
return session.IJKMaxFract(self)
def max_percent(self, values):
session.IJKMaxFract(self)[:] = values