Source code for tecplot.plot.axis

import ctypes

from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from .. import macro, session, tecutil
from ..tecutil import Index, lock, lock_attributes, sv
from .grid import (GridLines, GridLines2D, MarkerGridLine, MarkerGridLine2D,
                   MinorGridLines, MinorGridLines2D, PolarAngleGridLines,
                   PolarAngleMarkerGridLine, PolarAngleMinorGridLines)
from .ticks import (RadialTicks, RadialTickLabels, TickLabels2D, TickLabels3D,
                    Ticks2D, Ticks3D)
from .title import (Axis2DTitle, DataAxis2DTitle, DataAxis3DTitle,

class Axis(session.Style):
    def __init__(self, axes, name, **kwargs):
        self.axes = axes, self._sv_name, self._sv_detail = Axis._sv_axis_detail(name)
        kw = axes._kw
        super().__init__(axes._sv, self._sv_detail, **kw)

    def _sv_axis_detail(name):
        if isinstance(name, str):
            name = name.upper()
            svname = getattr(sv, name)
            svdetail = getattr(sv, name+'DETAIL')
            _tr = {sv.X: 'X', sv.Y: 'Y', sv.Z: 'Z', sv.R: 'R',
                   sv.THETA: 'THETA'}
            _tr_detail = {sv.X: sv.XDETAIL, sv.Y: sv.YDETAIL, sv.Z: sv.ZDETAIL,
                          sv.R: sv.RDETAIL, sv.THETA: sv.THETADETAIL}
            svdetail = _tr_detail[name]
            svname = name
            name = _tr[svname]
        return name, svname, svdetail

    def __eq__(self, that):
        return (isinstance(that, type(self)) and == and
                self.axes == that.axes)

    def __ne__(self, that):
        return not (self == that)

    def _view(self, action, consider_blanking=None):
        """Internal implementation for all view actions which take a single
        consider blanking parameter."""
        with self.axes.plot.frame.activated():
            with tecutil.ArgList() as arg_list:
                arg_list[sv.VIEWOP] = action
                arg_list[sv.AXIS] = ord([0])
                arg_list[sv.AXISNUM] = getattr(self, 'index', 0) + 1
                if consider_blanking:
                    arg_list[sv.CONSIDERBLANKING] = True
                if not _tecutil.ViewX(arg_list):
                    raise TecplotSystemError()

    def show(self):
        """`bool`: Enable drawing of this axis.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> = True
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWAXIS)

    def show(self, show):
        self._set_style(bool(show), sv.SHOWAXIS)

    def min(self):
        """`float`: Lower bound of this axis' range.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.min = 0.0
        return self._get_style(float, sv.RANGEMIN)

    def min(self, value):
        # This is a work around for handling an uninitialized range
        # for the sketch axes. We set both min and max using a
        # macro which allows us to set the min and max individually.
        # Also, it prevents the range from being reset as the result
        # of uninitialized conditions in the engine with dynamically
        # created axis variables. (See TargetProcess request: 106803)
        fmt = '$!{} {}Detail {{ RangeMin = {} RangeMax = {} }}'
        cmd = fmt.format(self._sv[0],, float(value), self.max)
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.RANGEMIN)

    def max(self):
        """`float`: Upper bound of this axis' range.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.max = 1.0
        return self._get_style(float, sv.RANGEMAX)

    def max(self, value):
        # This is a work around for handling an uninitialized range
        # for the sketch axes. We set both min and max using a
        # macro which allows us to set the min and max individually.
        # Also, it prevents the range from being reset as the result
        # of uninitialized conditions in the engine with dynamically
        # created axis variables. (See TargetProcess request: 106803)
        fmt = '$!{} {}Detail {{ RangeMin = {} RangeMax = {} }}'
        cmd = fmt.format(self._sv[0],, self.min, float(value))
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.RANGEMAX)

    def ticks(self):
        """`Ticks2D`: Axis major and minor ticks style control.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.ticks.line_thickness = 0.8
        return Ticks2D(self)

    def tick_labels(self):
        """`TickLabels2D`: Axis ticks labels style control.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> = False
        return TickLabels2D(self)

    def grid_lines(self):
        """`GridLines2D`: Major grid lines style control.

        Major grid lines are attached to the locations of the major ticks. See
        `minor_grid_lines <XYLineAxis.minor_grid_lines>` for lines attached to
        minor ticks. Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> = True
        return GridLines2D(self)

    def minor_grid_lines(self):
        """`MinorGridLines2D`: Minor grid lines style control.

        Minor grid lines are attached to the locations of the minor ticks.
        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> = True
        return MinorGridLines2D(self)

    def title(self):
        """`str`: Axis title.

        This is the primary label for the axis and usually includes units::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.title.text = 'distance (m)'
        return Axis2DTitle(self)

    def line(self):
        """`Cartesian2DAxisLine`: Axis line style control.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.line.line_thickness = 0.6
        return Cartesian2DAxisLine(self)

    def adjust_range_to_nice(self):
        """Rounds the axis range to the nearest major axis increment.

        This method resets the axis-line label values such that all
        currently displayed label values are set to have the smallest number
        of significant digits possible.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.adjust_range_to_nice()

    def marker_grid_line(self):
        """`MarkerGridLine2D`: Marker line to indicate a particular position along an axis.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> = True
            >>> axis.marker_grid_line.position = 0.5
        return MarkerGridLine2D(self)

    def fit_range(self):
        """Set range of axis to variable minimum and maximum.

        .. note:: If the axis dependency is not `Independent`, then this action
            may also affect the range on another axis.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.fit_range()

    def fit_range_to_nice(self):
        """Set range of axis to nice values near variable minimum and maximum.

        This method resets the range to equal the minimum and maximum of the
        data being plotted, but makes the axis values "nice" by setting labels
        to have the smallest number of significant digits possible,

        .. note:: If the axis dependency is not independent then this method
            may also affect the range on another axis.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.fit_range_to_nice()

class ReversibleAxis(Axis):
    def reverse(self):
        """`bool`: Reverse the direction of the axis scale.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.reverse = True
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.ISREVERSED)

    def reverse(self, value):
        self._set_style(bool(value), sv.ISREVERSED)

class Cartesian2DAxis(Axis):
    def log_scale(self):
        """`bool`: Use logarithmic scale for this axis.

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.r_axis" for the radial axis in polar plots
            >>> axis.log_scale = True
        return self._get_style(CoordScale, sv.COORDSCALE) is CoordScale.Log

    def log_scale(self, value):
        cscale = CoordScale.Log if value else CoordScale.Linear
        self._set_style(cscale, sv.COORDSCALE)

class DataAxis(Axis):
    def title(self):
        """`str`: Axis title.

        This is the primary label for the axis and usually includes units::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.title.text = 'distance (m)'
        return DataAxis2DTitle(self)

class FieldAxis(DataAxis):
    def fit_range(self, consider_blanking=True):
        """Set range of axis to variable minimum and maximum.

        .. note:: If the axis dependency is not `Independent`, then this action
            may also affect the range on another axis.

            consider_blanking (`Boolean <bool>`, optional): If `True` and
                blanking is enabled, the resulting view excludes blanked cells
                at the edges of the plot. If `False`, then
                the resulting view will ignore blanked cells at the edges of the
                plot. (default: `True`)

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.fit_range()
        self._view(View.AxisFit, consider_blanking)

    def fit_range_to_nice(self, consider_blanking=True):
        """Set range of axis to nice values near variable minimum and maximum.

        This method resets the range to equal the minimum and maximum of the
        data being plotted, but makes the axis values "nice" by setting labels
        to have the smallest number of significant digits possible,

        .. note:: If the axis dependency is not independent then this method
            may also affect the range on another axis.

            consider_blanking (`Boolean <bool>`, optional): If `True` and
                blanking is enabled, the resulting view excludes blanked cells
                at the edges of the plot. If `False`, then
                the resulting view will ignore blanked cells at the edges of the
                plot. (default: `True`)

        Example usage::

            >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots
            >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots
            >>> axis.fit_range_to_nice()
        self._view(View.AxisNiceFit, consider_blanking)

    def variable(self):
        """`Variable`: The `Variable` assigned to this axis.

        This is the spatial variable associated with this axis
        and is usually one of ``(X, Y, Z)``. Example usage:

        .. code-block:: python

            import tecplot as tp
            from tecplot.constant import PlotType

            fr = tp.active_frame()
            ds = fr.create_dataset('D', ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'U', 'V'])
            axes = fr.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D).axes

            # prints: ('X', 'Y')

            axes.x_axis.variable = ds.variable('U')
            axes.y_axis.variable = ds.variable('V')

            # prints: ('U', 'V)
        ds = self.axes.plot.frame.dataset
        return ds.variable(self.variable_index)

    def variable(self, v):
        self.variable_index = v.index

    def variable_index(self):
        """`Index` (zero-based): Index of the `Variable` assigned to this axis.

        Example usage, interchanging the (x, y) axes::

            >>> v0 = plot.axes.x_axis.variable_index
            >>> v1 = plot.axes.y_axis.variable_index
            >>> plot.axes.x_axis.variable_index = v1
            >>> plot.axes.y_axis.variable_index = v0
        return self._get_style(Index, sv.VARNUM)

    def variable_index(self, i):
        self._set_style(Index(i), sv.VARNUM)

class IndexedLineAxis(DataAxis, Cartesian2DAxis, ReversibleAxis):
    def __init__(self, axes, name, index):
        self.index = Index(index)
        super().__init__(axes, name, offset1=self.index)

    def __eq__(self, that):
        return (isinstance(that, type(self)) and self.index == that.index and
       == and self.axes == that.axes)

    def __ne__(self, that):
        return not (self == that)

class PolarLineAxis(DataAxis, ReversibleAxis):
    def line(self):
        """`AxisLine2D`: Axis line style control.

        Example usage::

            >>> plot.axes.r_axis.line.line_thickness = 0.6
            >>> plot.axes.theta_axis.line.line_thickness = 0.6
        return AxisLine2D(self)

    def origin(self):
        """`float`: Value at the origin of the axis.

        Example usage::

            # value at center of plot equal to 10
            >>> plot.axes.r_axis.origin = 10
            # rotate theta axis 45 degrees clockwise
            >>> plot.axes.theta_axis.origin = 45
        return self._get_style(float, sv.VALUEATORIGIN)

    def origin(self, value):
        self._set_style(float(value), sv.VALUEATORIGIN)

    def clip_data(self):
        """`bool`: Do not show data outside the axes area.

        Example usage::

            >>> plot.axes.clip_data = True
        return self._get_style(bool, sv.CLIPDATA)

    def clip_data(self, value):
        self._set_style(bool(value), sv.CLIPDATA)

[docs]class Cartesian2DFieldAxis(FieldAxis, Cartesian2DAxis, ReversibleAxis): """X or Y axis for 2D field plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 18-33 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, AxisMode, AxisTitleMode examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'HeatExchanger.plt') dataset = frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D) plot.show_contour = True plot.axes.axis_mode = AxisMode.Independent plot.axes.viewport.right = 75 plot.axes.preserve_scale = False xaxis = plot.axes.x_axis xaxis.title.text = 'Longitudinal (m)' xaxis.title.title_mode = AxisTitleMode.UseText xaxis.min = 3.8 xaxis.max = 5.3 = True xaxis.grid_lines.draw_last = True yaxis = plot.axes.y_axis yaxis.title.text = 'Transverse (m)' yaxis.title.title_mode = AxisTitleMode.UseText yaxis.min = 2.8 yaxis.max = 4.3 = True = True yaxis.minor_grid_lines.draw_last = True # ensure consistent output between interactive (connected) and batch plot.contour(0).levels.reset_to_nice() tp.export.save_png('axis_2d.png',600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """
[docs]class Cartesian3DFieldAxis(FieldAxis): """X, Y or Z axis on 3D field plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 18,24-36 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color, AxisLine3DAssignment examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'RainierElevation.lay') tp.load_layout(infile) frame = tp.active_frame() dataset = frame.dataset plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D) plot.activate() plot.show_contour = True plot.axes.grid_area.filled = False axes = [plot.axes.x_axis, plot.axes.y_axis, plot.axes.z_axis] assignments = [AxisLine3DAssignment.YMinZMax, AxisLine3DAssignment.ZMaxXMin, AxisLine3DAssignment.XMaxYMin] for ax, asgn in zip(axes, assignments): = True = False = False = False ax.line.edge_assignment = asgn = True plot.axes.y_axis.min=-2000 plot.axes.y_axis.max=1000 plot.axes.x_axis.min=-9500 plot.axes.x_axis.max=-7200 plot.axes.z_axis.min=0 plot.axes.x_axis.scale_factor=1.9 plot.view.width = 7830 plot.view.alpha = 0 plot.view.theta = -147.5 plot.view.psi = 70 plot.view.position = (1975, 15620, 115930) tp.export.save_png('axis_3d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_3d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def title(self): """`str`: Axis title. This is the primary label for the axis and usually includes units:: >>> plot.axes.x_axis.title.text = 'distance (m)' """ return DataAxis3DTitle(self) @property def line(self): """`AxisLine3D`: Axis line style control. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.x_axis.line.line_thickness = 0.6 """ return AxisLine3D(self) @property def ticks(self): """`Ticks3D`: Axis major and minor ticks style control. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.x_axis.ticks.line_thickness = 0.8 """ return Ticks3D(self) @property def tick_labels(self): """`TickLabels3D`: Axis ticks labels style control. Example usage:: >>> = False """ return TickLabels3D(self) @property def scale_factor(self): """`float`: Factor used for axis scaling. This will automatically scale the other axes if axis mode dependent. Setting the axis mode to independent allows each axis to have their own scale factor:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisMode >>> plot.axes.axis_mode = AxisMode.Independent >>> plot.axes.x_axis.scale_factor = 1 >>> plot.axes.y_axis.scale_factor = 2 >>> plot.axes.z_axis.scale_factor = 3 """ style = session.Style(sv.GLOBALTHREED, sv.AXISSCALEFACT, **self._kw) return style._get_style(float, self._sv_name) @scale_factor.setter def scale_factor(self, value): style = session.Style(sv.GLOBALTHREED, sv.AXISSCALEFACT, **self._kw) style._set_style(float(value), self._sv_name) @property def grid_lines(self): """`GridLines`: Major grid lines style control. Major grid lines are attached to the locations of the major ticks. See `minor_grid_lines <Cartesian3DFieldAxis.minor_grid_lines>` for lines attached to minor ticks. Example usage:: >>> = True """ return GridLines(self) @property def minor_grid_lines(self): """`MinorGridLines`: Minor grid lines style control. Minor grid lines are attached to the locations of the minor ticks. Example usage:: >>> = True """ return MinorGridLines(self) @property def marker_grid_line(self): """`MarkerGridLine`: Marker line to indicate a particular position along an axis. Example usage:: >>> = True >>> plot.axes.x_axis.marker_grid_line.position = 0.5 """ return MarkerGridLine(self)
[docs]class PolarAngleLineAxis(PolarLineAxis): """Theta axis for polar plots. This example manipulates both the theta and radial axes to produce a star plot. Custom labels are created for each data point: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, ThetaMode, NumberFormat, AxisAlignment np.random.seed(2) npoints = 7 theta = np.linspace(0, npoints, npoints+1) frame = tp.active_frame() dataset = frame.create_dataset('Data', ['Magnitude', 'Property']) for i in range(3): r = list(np.random.uniform(0.01, 0.99, npoints)) r.append(r[0]) zone = dataset.add_ordered_zone('Zone {}'.format(i), (npoints+1,)) zone.values('Magnitude')[:] = r zone.values('Property')[:] = theta plot = frame.plot(PlotType.PolarLine) plot.activate() plot.delete_linemaps() for i, zone in enumerate(dataset.zones()): lmap = plot.add_linemap('Linemap {}'.format(i), zone, dataset.variable('Magnitude'), dataset.variable('Property')) lmap.line.line_thickness = 0.8 r_axis = plot.axes.r_axis r_axis.max = 1 = False r_axis.title.position = 85 r_axis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithOpposingAxisValue r_axis.line.opposing_axis_value = 1 theta_axis = plot.axes.theta_axis theta_axis.origin = 1 theta_axis.mode = ThetaMode.Arbitrary theta_axis.min = 0 theta_axis.max = theta.max() theta_axis.period = npoints theta_axis.ticks.auto_spacing = False theta_axis.ticks.spacing = 1 theta_axis.ticks.minor_num_ticks = 0 = False theta_labels = theta_axis.tick_labels.format theta_labels.format_type = NumberFormat.CustomLabel theta_labels.add_custom_labels('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G') theta_labels.custom_labels_index = 0 tp.export.save_png('star_plot.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/star_plot.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ def __init__(self, axes): super().__init__(axes, sv.THETA) @property def grid_lines(self): """`PolarAngleGridLines`: Theta angle major grid lines. Example usage:: >>> = True """ return PolarAngleGridLines(self) @property def minor_grid_lines(self): """`PolarAngleMinorGridLines`: Theta angle minor grid lines. Example usage:: >>> = True """ return PolarAngleMinorGridLines(self) @property def marker_grid_line(self): """`PolarAngleMarkerGridLine`: Theta angle marker grid line. Example usage:: >>> = True """ return PolarAngleMarkerGridLine(self) @property def mode(self): """`ThetaMode`: Units or scale used for the theta axis. Possible values: `ThetaMode.Degrees`, `ThetaMode.Radians`, `ThetaMode.Arbitrary`. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ThetaMode >>> plot.axes.theta_axis.mode = ThetaMode.Radians """ return self.axes._get_style(ThetaMode, sv.THETAMODE) @mode.setter def mode(self, value): self.axes._set_style(ThetaMode(value), sv.THETAMODE) @property def period(self): """`float`: Number of (min, max) cycles to include in 360 degrees. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.theta_axis.period = 2 """ return self.axes._get_style(float, sv.THETAPERIOD) @period.setter def period(self, value): self.axes._set_style(float(value), sv.THETAPERIOD)
[docs] @lock() def set_range_to_entire_circle(self): """Set theta range to entire circle. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.theta_axis.set_range_to_entire_circle() """ self._view(View.AxisResetToEntireCircle)
[docs]class RadialLineAxis(PolarLineAxis, Cartesian2DAxis): """The R axis for polar plots See the example shown for the `theta axis <PolarAngleLineAxis>`. """ def __init__(self, axes): super().__init__(axes, sv.R) @property def title(self): """`str`: Axis title. This is the primary label for the axis and usually includes units:: >>> plot.axes.r_axis.title.text = 'distance (m)' """ return RadialAxisTitle(self) @property def line(self): """`RadialAxisLine2D`: Radial axis line style control. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.r_axis.line.line_thickness = 0.6 """ return RadialAxisLine2D(self) @property def ticks(self): """`RadialTicks`: Axis major and minor ticks style control. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.r_axis.ticks.line_thickness = 0.8 """ return RadialTicks(self) @property def tick_labels(self): """`RadialTickLabels`: Axis ticks labels style control. Example usage:: >>> = False """ return RadialTickLabels(self)
[docs]class SketchAxis(Cartesian2DAxis): """X or Y axis for sketch plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 11-18 import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType plot = tp.active_frame().plot(PlotType.Sketch) viewport = plot.axes.viewport viewport.left = 10 viewport.right = 90 viewport.bottom = 10 xaxis = plot.axes.x_axis = True xaxis.min = 0 xaxis.max = 360 xaxis.title.text = 'Angle (Degrees)' xaxis.ticks.auto_spacing = False xaxis.ticks.spacing = 60 tp.export.save_png('axis_sketch.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_sketch.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """
[docs]class XYLineAxis(IndexedLineAxis): """X or Y axis for line plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 18-22,24-25,27-28 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'Rainfall.dat') dataset = plot = tp.active_frame().plot(PlotType.XYLine) plot.activate() for i in range(2): lmap = plot.linemap(i) = True lmap.line.line_thickness = 0.6 lmap.y_axis_index = i yax = plot.axes.y_axis(i) yax.line.color = lmap.line.color yax.title.color = lmap.line.color yax.tick_labels.color = lmap.line.color yax.line.line_thickness = 0.6 if i == 0: = True yax.grid_lines.color = lmap.line.color elif i == 1: = True yax.minor_grid_lines.color = lmap.line.color tp.export.save_png('axis_line.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_line.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """
class AxisLine(session.Style): def __init__(self, axis): self.axis = axis super().__init__(axis._sv, sv.AXISLINE, **axis._kw) @property def show(self): """`bool`: Draw the primary axis line on the plot. Example usage:: >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> = False """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOW) @show.setter def show(self, show): self._set_style(bool(show), sv.SHOW) @property def color(self): """`Color`: Color of the axis line. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import Color >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> axis.line.color = Color.Blue """ return self._get_style(Color, sv.COLOR) @color.setter def color(self, value): self._set_style(Color(value), sv.COLOR) @property def line_thickness(self): """`float`: Width of the axis line to be drawn. Example usage:: >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> axis.line.line_thickness = 0.5 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.LINETHICKNESS) @line_thickness.setter def line_thickness(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.LINETHICKNESS)
[docs]class AxisLine2D(AxisLine): """Graduated axis line for 2D plots. Cartesian *(x, y)* plots use an extension of this class (`Cartesian2DAxisLine`). Polar plots use this class directly: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, ThetaMode npoints = 300 r = np.linspace(0, 2000, npoints) theta = np.linspace(0, 10, npoints) frame = tp.active_frame() dataset = frame.create_dataset('Data', ['R', 'Theta']) zone = dataset.add_ordered_zone('Zone', (300,)) zone.values('R')[:] = r zone.values('Theta')[:] = theta plot = frame.plot(PlotType.PolarLine) plot.activate() plot.delete_linemaps() lmap = plot.add_linemap('Linemap', zone, dataset.variable('R'), dataset.variable('Theta')) lmap.line.line_thickness = 0.8 r_axis = plot.axes.r_axis r_axis.max = np.max(r) r_axis.tick_labels.angle = 45 r_axis.tick_labels.font.size *= 2 theta_axis = plot.axes.theta_axis theta_axis.mode = ThetaMode.Radians theta_axis.tick_labels.font.size *= 2 tp.export.save_png('axis_line_2d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_line_2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def offset(self): """`float` (percent of frame height): Axis line placement with respect to the grid border. This is the offset from the grid border-aligned position dictated by properties such as `AxisLine2D.alignment`. The example moves the axis line into the plot by 5% of the frame height:: >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> axis.line.offset = -5 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.OFFSET) @offset.setter def offset(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.OFFSET) @property def opposing_axis_value(self): """`float`: Axis line placement with respect to the opposing axis. The axis alignment must be set to `AxisAlignment.WithOpposingAxisValue` to make this property relevant:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisAlignment >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> axis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithOpposingAxisValue >>> axis.line.opposing_axis_value = 0.5 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.OPPOSINGAXISVALUE) @opposing_axis_value.setter def opposing_axis_value(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.OPPOSINGAXISVALUE) @property def alignment(self): """`AxisAlignment`: Axis line placement. Possible values: `WithViewport`, `WithOpposingAxisValue`, `WithGridMin`, `WithGridMax`, `WithGridAreaTop`, `WithGridAreaBottom`, `WithGridAreaLeft` or `WithGridAreaRight`. Not all values will be available for every plot type. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisAlignment >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> axis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithGridMin """ return self._get_style(AxisAlignment, sv.AXISALIGNMENT) @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): self._set_style(AxisAlignment(value), sv.AXISALIGNMENT)
[docs]class Cartesian2DAxisLine(AxisLine2D): """Axis line for 2D field plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 19-22 from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color, AxisAlignment examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'CircularContour.plt') dataset = plot = tp.active_frame().plot(PlotType.Cartesian2D) plot.activate() plot.show_contour = True plot.contour(0).colormap_name = 'Sequential - Yellow/Green/Blue' plot.axes.preserve_scale = True plot.axes.x_axis.fit_range() for ax in plot.axes: line = ax.line line.color = Color.DeepRed line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithOpposingAxisValue line.opposing_axis_value = 0 ax.title.position = 85 plot.contour(0).levels.reset_to_nice() tp.export.save_png('axis_line_cartesian2d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_line_cartesian2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def position(self): """`float`: Axis line placement with respect to the viewport. The axis alignment must be set to `AxisAlignment.WithViewport` to make this property relevant:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisAlignment >>> # get axis via "plot.axes.x_axis(0)" for line plots >>> # or "plot.axes.x_axis" for field or sketch plots >>> axis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithViewport >>> axis.line.position = 0.5 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.POSITION) @position.setter def position(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.POSITION)
[docs]class AxisLine3D(AxisLine): """X, Y or Z axis for 3D field plots. This represents the line along which ticks and labels are drawn. The color affects the line itself and the associated tick marks but not labels or axis titles: .. code-block:: python from os import path import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color examples_dir = tp.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_dir, 'SimpleData', 'Sphere.lpk') dataset = tp.load_layout(infile) frame = tp.active_frame() plot = frame.plot() plot.show_mesh = False plot.axes.grid_area.fill_color = Color.Grey for ax in [plot.axes.x_axis, plot.axes.y_axis, plot.axes.z_axis]: = True = False ax.line.color = Color.Cyan ax.line.line_thickness = 0.2 ax.line.show_on_opposite_edge = True tp.export.save_png('axis_line_3d.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_line_3d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_on_opposite_edge(self): """`bool`: Draw axis line on opposite edge of axes box. Example usage:: >>> plot.axes.x_axis.line.show_on_opposite_edge = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWOPPOSITEEDGE) @show_on_opposite_edge.setter def show_on_opposite_edge(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWOPPOSITEEDGE) @property def edge_assignment(self): """`AxisLine3DAssignment` or `None`: Edge to use when drawing the primary axis line. Possible values: `AxisLine3DAssignment.Automatic` (aliased to `None`), `YMinZMin`, `YMaxZMin`, `YMinZMax`, `YMaxZMax`. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisLine3DAssignment >>> axis.line.edge_assignment = AxisLine3DAssignment.YMinZMin """ style = session.Style(**self._kw) auto_reset = style._get_style(bool, sv.THREEDAXIS, sv.EDGEAUTORESET) if auto_reset: return AxisLine3DAssignment.Automatic else: return self._get_style(AxisLine3DAssignment, sv.EDGE) @edge_assignment.setter def edge_assignment(self, value): style = session.Style(**self._kw) if value in (None, AxisLine3DAssignment.Automatic): style._set_style(True, sv.THREEDAXIS, sv.EDGEAUTORESET) else: style._set_style(False, sv.THREEDAXIS, sv.EDGEAUTORESET) self._set_style(AxisLine3DAssignment(value), sv.EDGE)
[docs]class RadialAxisLine2D(AxisLine2D): """Radial axis line for polar plots. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 26-27 import numpy as np import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import PlotType, Color npoints = 300 r = np.linspace(0, 2000, npoints) theta = np.linspace(0, 700, npoints) frame = tp.active_frame() dataset = frame.create_dataset('Data', ['R', 'Theta']) zone = dataset.add_ordered_zone('Zone', (300,)) zone.values('R')[:] = r zone.values('Theta')[:] = theta plot = frame.plot(PlotType.PolarLine) plot.activate() plot.axes.r_axis.max = np.max(r) plot.delete_linemaps() lmap = plot.add_linemap('Linemap', zone, dataset.variable('R'), dataset.variable('Theta')) lmap.line.line_thickness = 0.8 raxis = plot.axes.r_axis raxis.line.show_both_directions = True raxis.line.show_perpendicular = True tp.export.save_png('axis_line_radial.png', 600, supersample=3) .. figure:: /_static/images/axis_line_radial.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def show_both_directions(self): """`bool`: Mirror the radial axis 180 degrees from the primary line. If `RadialAxisLine2D.show_perpendicular` is `True`, this will mirror that axis line as well resulting in four axis lines, 90 degrees apart. Example usage:: >>> r_axis.line.show_both_directions = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWBOTHDIRECTIONS) @show_both_directions.setter def show_both_directions(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWBOTHDIRECTIONS) @property def show_perpendicular(self): """`bool`: Mirror the radial axis 90 degrees from the primary line. Example usage:: >>> r_axis.line.show_perpendicular = True """ return self._get_style(bool, sv.SHOWPERPENDICULAR) @show_perpendicular.setter def show_perpendicular(self, value): self._set_style(bool(value), sv.SHOWPERPENDICULAR) @property def alignment(self): """`AxisAlignment`: Axis line placement. Possible values: `WithOpposingAxisValue`, `WithGridMin`, `WithGridMax`, `WithSpecificAngle`, `WithGridAreaTop`, `WithGridAreaBottom`, `WithGridAreaLeft` or `WithGridAreaRight`. Not all values will be available for every plot type. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisAlignment >>> plot.r_axis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithOpposingAxisValue >>> plot.r_axis.line.opposing_axis_value = 45 """ return self._get_style(AxisAlignment, sv.AXISALIGNMENT) @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): self._set_style(AxisAlignment(value), sv.AXISALIGNMENT) @property def angle(self): """`float`: Specific angle to place the radial axis line. The alignment must be set to `AxisAlignment.WithSpecificAngle`:: >>> from tecplot.constant import AxisAlignment >>> plot.r_axis.line.alignment = AxisAlignment.WithSpecificAngle >>> plot.r_axis.line.angle = 45 """ return self._get_style(float, sv.ANGLE) @angle.setter def angle(self, value): self._set_style(float(value), sv.ANGLE)