Source code for

import logging

from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from .. import layout, macro, tecutil
from ..tecutil import IndexSet, lock, sv

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _save_tecplot(binary, frame, dataset, filename, include_text, include_geom,
                  include_data, include_data_share_linkage,
                  include_autogen_face_neighbors, use_point_format,
                  associate_with_layout, zones, variables, precision, version):
    if dataset is None:
        if frame is None:
            frame = layout.active_frame()
    elif frame is None:
        frame = dataset.frame
    elif frame.dataset != dataset:
        msg = ('Input dataset must be attached to the input Frame: {} != {}'.
               format(repr(frame.dataset), repr(dataset)))
        raise TecplotValueError(msg)

    with frame.activated():
        with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
            alloc_list = []
            arglist[sv.FNAME] = str(tecutil.normalize_path(filename))
            arglist[sv.BINARY] = binary

            if zones is not None:
                s = IndexSet(zones)
                arglist[sv.ZONELIST] = s

            if variables is not None:
                s = IndexSet(variables)
                arglist[sv.VARLIST] = s

            arglist[sv.INCLUDETEXT] = include_text
            arglist[sv.INCLUDEGEOM] = include_geom
            arglist[sv.INCLUDEDATA] = include_data
            arglist[sv.INCLUDEDATASHARELINKAGE] = include_data_share_linkage
            arglist[sv.INCLUDEAUTOGENFACENEIGHBORS] = \
            arglist[sv.ASSOCIATELAYOUTWITHDATAFILE] = associate_with_layout
            if version is not None:
                arglist[sv.TECPLOTVERSIONTOWRITE] = BinaryFileVersion(version)
            arglist[sv.PRECISION] = precision
            arglist[sv.USEPOINTFORMAT] = use_point_format

                if not _tecutil.DataSetWriteX(arglist):
                    raise TecplotSystemError()
                for a in alloc_list:

        return frame.dataset

[docs]def save_tecplot_ascii(filename, frame=None, dataset=None, zones=None, variables=None, include_text=None, precision=None, include_geom=None, include_data=None, include_data_share_linkage=None, include_autogen_face_neighbors=None, use_point_format=None): """Write Tecplot ASCII data file. Parameters: filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): Name of the data file to write. (See note below conerning absolute and relative paths.) frame (`Frame <layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame <layout.Frame>` which holds the `Dataset <>` to be written. If this option and *dataset* are both `None`, the currently active `Frame <layout.Frame>` is used. (default: `None`) dataset (`Dataset <>`, optional): The `Dataset <>` to write out. If this and *frame* are both `None`, the `Dataset <>` of the currently active `Frame <layout.Frame>` is used. (default: `None`) include_text (`bool`, optional): Write out all text, geometries and custom labels. (default: `True`) include_geom (`bool`, optional): Write out all geometries. (default: `True`) include_data (`bool`, optional): Write out the data. Set this to `False` if you only want to write out annotations. (default: `True`) include_data_share_linkage (`bool`, optional): Conserve space and write the variable and connectivity linkage wherever possible. If `False`, this will write out all data, losing the connectivity sharing linkage for future dataset reads of the file. (default: `False`) include_autogen_face_neighbors (`bool`, optional): Save the face neighbor connectivity. This may produce very large data files. (default: `False`) use_point_format (`bool`, optional): Write out point format, otherwise use block format. (default: `False`) zones (`list` of `Zones <data_access>`, optional): `Zones <data_access>` to write out. Use `None` to write out all `Zones <data_access>`. (default: `None`) variables (`list` of `Variables <Variable>`, optional): `Variables <Variable>` to write out. Use `None` to write out all `Variables <Variable>`. (default: `None`) precision (`int`, optional): ASCII decimal precision to use. (default: 12) Returns: `Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` read from when saving. Raises: `TecplotSystemError` `TecplotLogicError` .. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot** Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling :func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected <tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360| installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local) instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed. Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"`` which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"`` respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings: ``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"`` Example: In this example, we load sample data and save the data in Tecplot ASCII format: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 12-14 from os import path import tecplot examples_directory = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_directory, 'OneraM6wing', 'OneraM6_SU2_RANS.plt') dataset = variables_to_save = [dataset.variable(V) for V in ('x','y','z','Pressure_Coefficient')] zone_to_save ='WingSurface') # write data out to an ascii file'wing.dat', dataset=dataset, variables=variables_to_save, zones=[zone_to_save]) """ return _save_tecplot( binary=False, frame=frame, dataset=dataset, filename=filename, include_text=include_text, include_geom=include_geom, include_data=include_data, include_data_share_linkage=include_data_share_linkage, include_autogen_face_neighbors=include_autogen_face_neighbors, use_point_format=use_point_format, associate_with_layout=None, precision=precision, zones=zones, variables=variables, version=None)
[docs]def save_tecplot_plt(filename, frame=None, dataset=None, zones=None, variables=None, version=None, include_text=None, include_geom=None, include_data=None, include_data_share_linkage=None, include_autogen_face_neighbors=None, associate_with_layout=None): """Write Tecplot binary PLT data file. Parameters: filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): Name of the data file to write. (See note below conerning absolute and relative paths.) frame (`Frame <layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame <layout.Frame>` which holds the `Dataset <>` to be written. If this option and *dataset* are both `None`, the currently active `Frame <layout.Frame>` is used. (default: `None`) dataset (`Dataset <>`, optional): The `Dataset <>` to write out. If this and *frame* are both `None`, the `Dataset <>` of the currently active `Frame <layout.Frame>` is used. (default: `None`) zones (`list` of `Zones <data_access>`, optional): `Zones <data_access>` to write out. If `None`, all `Zones <data_access>` will be saved. variables (`list` of `Variables <Variable>`, optional): `Variables <Variable>` to write out. If `None`, all `Variables <Variable>` will be saved. include_text (`bool`, optional): Write out all text, geometries and custom labels. (default: `True`) include_geom (`bool`, optional): Write out all geometries. (default: `True`) include_data (`bool`, optional): Write out the data. Set this to `False` if you only want to write out annotations. (default: `True`) include_data_share_linkage (`bool`, optional): Conserve space and write the variable and connectivity linkage wherever possible. If `False`, this will write out all data, losing the connectivity sharing linkage for future dataset reads of the file. (default: `False`) include_autogen_face_neighbors (`bool`, optional): Save the face neighbor connectivity. This may produce very large data files. (default: `False`) associate_with_layout (`bool`, optional): Associate this data file with the current layout. Set to `False` to write the datafile without modifying Tecplot's current data file to layout association. If *version* is set to anything other than `BinaryFileVersion.Current`, this association is not possible, and this parameter will be ignored. (default: `True`) version (`BinaryFileVersion`, optional): Specifies the file version to write. Note that some data may be excluded from the file if it cannot be supported in the specified version. Possible values are: `Tecplot2006`, `Tecplot2008`, `Tecplot2009` and `BinaryFileVersion.Current`. (default: `BinaryFileVersion.Current`) Returns: `Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` read from when saving. Raises: `TecplotSystemError` `TecplotLogicError` .. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot** Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling :func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected <tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360| installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local) instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed. Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"`` which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"`` respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings: ``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"`` Example: In this example, we load sample data and save the data in Tecplot binary PLT format: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 13-15 from os import path import tecplot examples_directory = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_directory, 'OneraM6wing', 'OneraM6_SU2_RANS.plt') dataset = variables_to_save = [dataset.variable(V) for V in ('x', 'y', 'z', 'Pressure_Coefficient')] zone_to_save ='WingSurface') # write data out to a binary file'wing.plt', dataset=dataset, variables=variables_to_save, zones=[zone_to_save]) """ return _save_tecplot( binary=True, frame=frame, dataset=dataset, filename=filename, include_text=include_text, include_geom=include_geom, include_data=include_data, include_data_share_linkage=include_data_share_linkage, include_autogen_face_neighbors=include_autogen_face_neighbors, use_point_format=None, associate_with_layout=associate_with_layout, precision=None, zones=zones, variables=variables, version=version)
[docs]def save_tecplot_szl(filename, frame=None, dataset=None): """Write Tecplot SZL data file. Parameters: filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): Name of the data file to write. (See note below conerning absolute and relative paths.) frame (`Frame <layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame <layout.Frame>` which holds the `Dataset <>` to be written. If this option and *dataset* are both `None`, the currently active `Frame <layout.Frame>` is used. (default: `None`) dataset (`Dataset <>`, optional): The `Dataset <>` to write out. If this and *frame* are both `None`, the `Dataset <>` of the currently active `Frame <layout.Frame>` is used. (default: `None`) Returns: `Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` read from when saving. .. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot** Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling :func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected <tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360| installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local) instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed. Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"`` which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"`` respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings: ``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"`` Example: In this example, we load sample data and save it in Tecplot SZL format: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 7 from os import path import tecplot examples_directory = tecplot.session.tecplot_examples_directory() infile = path.join(examples_directory, 'OneraM6wing', 'OneraM6_SU2_RANS.plt') dataset ='wing.szplt') """ if dataset is None: if frame is None: frame = layout.active_frame() elif frame is None: frame = dataset.frame elif frame.dataset != dataset: msg = ('Input dataset must be attached to the input Frame: {} != {}'. format(repr(frame.dataset), repr(dataset))) raise TecplotValueError(msg) filepath = tecutil.normalize_path(filename) with frame.activated(): macro.execute_extended_command( 'Tecplot Subzone Data Tools', f'WRITEDATASET FILENAME="{filepath}"') return frame.dataset