import getpass
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import platform
import textwrap
import warnings
from ..tecutil import _tecutil, _tecutil_connector
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from .. import layout, macro, tecutil, version
from ..tecutil import IndexSet, StringList, lock, sv
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist,
frame = frame or layout.active_frame()
# If read_data_option is append and there is no data, we
# need to silently change it to "Replace in Active Frame"
if read_data_option == ReadDataOption.Append and (
not frame.has_dataset or frame.dataset.num_zones == 0):
read_data_option = ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame
if read_data_option == ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame:
read_data_option = None # Replace in active frame is the default
with frame.activated():
sv.READDATAOPTION: read_data_option,
sv.RESETSTYLE: reset_style,
sv.INITIALPLOTFIRSTZONEONLY: initial_plot_first_zone_only,
sv.INITIALPLOTTYPE: initial_plot_type,
sv.ASSIGNSTRANDIDS: assign_strand_ids,
sv.ADDZONESTOEXISTINGSTRANDS: add_zones_to_existing_strands})
if __debug__:
msg = 'loading data:'
for k, v in arglist.items():
msg += f'\n {k}:'
for i in v:
msg += f'\n {i}'
msg += f'\n {k}: {v}'
if not _tecutil.DataSetReadX(arglist):
raise TecplotSystemError()
return frame.dataset
# This is used by load_tecplot and then only one V3 laoder (load_tecplot_szl)
# We could extend this to be used by other V3 loaders as well. Keep in mind,
# for V3 loaders, this is only used when appending and some V3 loader may have
# their own instruction for how to treat variables for a single load instruction.
def _set_var_load_instructions(variables, arglist, allocd):
# default var load mode is ByName
if variables is None:
arglist[sv.VARLOADMODE] = VarLoadMode.ByName
if isinstance(variables[0], int):
arglist[sv.VARLOADMODE] = VarLoadMode.ByPosition
varset = IndexSet(*variables)
arglist[sv.VARPOSITIONLIST] = varset
elif isinstance(variables[0], str):
arglist[sv.VARLOADMODE] = VarLoadMode.ByName
var_string_list = StringList(*variables)
arglist[sv.VARNAMELIST] = var_string_list
err = 'unknown type for variables: {}'
raise TecplotTypeError(err.format(type(variables)))
def _append_filelist(instr, cmd, *filenames):
instr.extend([cmd, sum(map(len, filenames))])
for flist in filenames:
def load_converge_hdf5(filenames,
"""Read CONVERGE HDF5 data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): CONVERGE HDF5 data files to be
read. (See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type
for the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic` (default), `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`,
`XYLine`, `PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`.
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. versionadded:: 2019.1
Loading CONVERGE HDF5 data requires Tecplot 360 2019 R1 or later.
.. versionadded:: 1.2
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
if not _tecutil_connector.connected \
or in ['localhost', '']:
for f in filenames:
if not f.is_file():
raise TecplotOSError(f'File not found: {f}')
with tecutil.StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'CONVERGE HDF5 File Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DATAFILES', filenames)
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_converge_output(filenames,
"""Read CONVERGE Output data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): CONVERGE Output data files to be
read. (See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'CONVERGE Output File Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST', filenames)
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_converge_cgns(filenames,
"""Read CONVERGE CGNS data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): CONVERGE CGNS data files to be
read. (See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'CONVERGE CGNS File Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DATAFILES', filenames)
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_fvcom(filenames,
"""Read FVCOM netCDF data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): FVCOM data files to be read.
(See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type
for the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic` (default), `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`,
`XYLine`, `PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`.
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. versionadded:: 2018.2
Loading FVCOM data requires Tecplot 360 2018 R2 or later.
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'FVCOM netCDF Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DATAFILES', filenames)
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_cgns(filenames,
"""Read CGNS data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): CGNS data files to be read.
(See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_first_zone_only (`bool`, optional): Informs
the |Tecplot Engine| that after the data is loaded it only needs to
activate the first enabled `Zone <data_access>` for the initial
plot. This option is particularly useful if you have many `Zones
<data_access>` and want to get the data into the |Tecplot Engine|
and the first `Zone <data_access>` drawn as fast as possible. The
inactive `Zones <data_access>` can always be activated when needed.
(default: `False`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type
for the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic` (default), `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`,
`XYLine`, `PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`.
zones (`list` of `integers <int>`, optional): List of zone indexes to
load starting from zero. `None` implies loading all zones.
(default: `None`)
variables (`list` of `integers <int>`, optional): List of variable
indexes, beyond the first coordinate variables, to load starting
from zero. `None` implies loading all variables. The grid will
always be loaded and an index of zero indicates the first
non-coordinate variable. (default: `None`)
load_convergence_history (`bool`, optional): Load the
global convergence history rather than any grid or solution data.
(default: `False`)
combine_fe_sections (`bool`, optional): Combine all
finite-element sections with the zone cell-dimension into one
zone. (default: `False`)
average_to_nodes (`str`, optional): Average
cell-centered data to grid nodes using the specified method.
(Options: `None`, "Arithmetic", "Laplacian", default: "Arithmetic")
uniform_grid (`bool`, optional): Indicates the grid
structure is the same for all time steps. (default: `True`)
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `False`)
include_boundary_conditions (`bool`, optional): Load the
boundary conditions along with the data. Upon loading, the
associated fieldmaps will remain inactive. For unstructured data,
boundary conditions are always loaded and this option is ignored.
(default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
`TecplotSystemError`: Internal error when loading data.
`TecplotTypeError`: Invalid input.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
if __debug__:
avg_to_nodes_opts = [None, 'Arithmetic', 'Laplacian']
if average_to_nodes not in avg_to_nodes_opts:
msg = 'average_to_nodes must be one of: '
msg += ', '.join(str(x) for x in avg_to_nodes_opts)
raise TecplotTypeError(msg)
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
instr += ['LoaderVersion', 'V3']
# We need to add the cgns library version to the arglist,
# although this setting is not exposed in the API.
instr += ['CgnsLibraryVersion', '3.1.4']
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_CGNSFILES', filenames)
if zones is not None:
indexes = [str(int(z)) for z in zones]
instr += ['ZoneList', ','.join(indexes)]
if variables is not None:
indexes = [str(int(v)) for v in variables]
instr += ['VarList', ','.join(indexes)]
if average_to_nodes is None:
instr += ['AverageToNodes', 'No']
elif average_to_nodes != 'Arithmetic':
# Default for 'AverageToNoes' is 'Yes'
# Default for AveragingMethods is 'Arithmetic'
instr += ['AveragingMethod', average_to_nodes]
if uniform_grid is not None:
instr += ['UniformGridStructure',
'Yes' if uniform_grid else 'No']
if combine_fe_sections is not None:
instr += [
'SectionLoad', 'SeparateZones'
if combine_fe_sections else 'Combine']
if include_boundary_conditions is not None:
instr += ['LoadBCs',
'Yes' if include_boundary_conditions else 'No']
if load_convergence_history is not None:
instr += ['LoadConvergenceHistory',
'Yes' if load_convergence_history else 'No']
if assign_strand_ids is not None:
instr += ['AssignStrandIDs',
'Yes' if assign_strand_ids else 'No']
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_fluent(case_filenames=None,
"""Read Fluent data files.
case_filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`, optional):
Case (*.cas*, *.cas.gz*) files to be read. Compressed files with
extension *.gz* are supported. (See note below concerning absolute
and relative paths.)
data_filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`, optional):
Data (*.dat*, *.xml*, *.dat.gz*, *.fdat*, *.fdat.gz*, etc.) files
to be read. Compressed files with extension *.gz* are supported.
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
append (`bool`, optional): Append the data to the existing
`Dataset <>`. If `False`, the existing data attached to
the `Frame <layout.Frame>` is deleted and replaced. (default: `True`)
zones (`str` or `list` of `integers <int>`, optional): List of
zone indexes (zero-based) to load or string specifying the type of
zones to load. Possible values are: "CellsAndBoundaries",
"CellsOnly" and "BoundariesOnly". Specifying one of these options
is mutually exclusive with the ``variables`` option. (default:
variables (`list` of `strings <str>`, optional): List of variable
names to load. `None` implies loading all variables. (default:
all_poly_zones (`bool`, optional): Converts all zones to
Tecplot polytope (polyhedral or polygonal) zones. (default:
average_to_nodes (`str`, optional): Average
cell-centered data to grid nodes using the specified method.
(Options: `None`, "Arithmetic", "Laplacian", default: "Arithmetic")
time_interval (`float`, optional): Use a constant time interval between
each data (*.dat*) file. If `None`, the flow-data parameter of each
solution data (*.dat*) file is used. (default: `None`)
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
.. note::
assign_strand_ids only applies if you have also provided a
time_interval, otherwise it will be ignored.
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `False`)
include_particle_data (`bool`, optional): Load particle
data from the data (*.dat*) files. If loading particle data from an XML
file, the XML file should be included in the ``data_filenames``
list. (default: `False`)
include_additional_quantities (`bool`, optional): Load
quantities that were derived from the FLUENT's standard quantities.
(default: `True`) *New in Tecplot 360 2017 R2*.
save_uncompressed_files (`bool`, optional): Save the
uncompressed files to the compressed files' location.
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
`TecplotSystemError`: Internal error when loading data.
`TecplotTypeError`: In-valid input.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
The ``zones`` option takes either a `list` of zone indexes to be
imported or one of "CellsAndBoundaries", "CellsOnly" or
"BoundariesOnly" to indicate the type of zones the user wants to load,
however these options are mutually exclusive with the ``variables``
>>> dataset =['one.cas', 'two.cas'],
... data_filenames=['one.dat', 'two.dat'],
... variables = ['Pressure','Velocity'],
... zones = [0,1,3])
case_filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(case_filenames)
data_filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(data_filenames)
if __debug__:
zone_types_opts = ['CellsAndBoundaries', 'CellsOnly', 'BoundariesOnly']
avg_to_nodes_opts = [None, 'Arithmetic', 'Laplacian']
if isinstance(zones, str):
if zones not in zone_types_opts:
msg = 'Zones must be list of indexes or one of: '
msg += ', '.join(zone_types_opts)
raise TecplotTypeError(msg)
if variables is not None:
msg = 'Loading a subset of variables is allowed only if'
msg += ' zones is None or a list of zones.'
raise TecplotTypeError(msg)
if (case_filenames or data_filenames) is None:
raise TecplotTypeError('You must specify a case or data file.')
if (case_filenames is None) and (len(data_filenames) != 1):
msg = 'Case file is required when loading multiple data files'
raise TecplotTypeError(msg)
if average_to_nodes not in avg_to_nodes_opts:
msg = 'average_to_nodes must be one of: '
msg += ', '.join(str(x) for x in avg_to_nodes_opts)
raise TecplotTypeError(msg)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'Fluent Data Loader'
if append:
instr += ['Append', 'Yes']
if case_filenames is not None:
instr += ['LoadOption', 'MultipleCaseAndData']
if data_filenames is not None:
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_Files', case_filenames,
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_Files', case_filenames)
assert len(data_filenames) == 1
instr += ['LoadOption', 'ResidualsOnly']
instr += ['FILENAME_DataFile', data_filenames[0]]
if time_interval is not None:
instr += ["UnsteadyOption", 'ApplyConstantTimeInterval']
instr += ['TimeInterval', str(float(time_interval))]
if isinstance(zones, str):
instr += ['GridZones', zones]
elif (zones or variables) is not None:
instr += ["GridZones", 'SelectedZones']
if zones is not None:
zone_indexes = ','.join(str(int(z) + 1) for z in zones)
instr += ['ZoneList', zone_indexes]
if variables is not None:
var_names = '\n'.join(variables)
instr += ['VarNameList', var_names]
if include_particle_data: # "No" is the default
instr += ['IncludeParticleData',
if all_poly_zones: # "No" is the default
instr += ['AllPolyZones',
if average_to_nodes is None:
instr += ['AverageToNodes', 'No']
elif average_to_nodes != 'Arithmetic':
# Default for 'AverageToNoes' is 'Yes'
# Default for AveragingMethods is 'Arithmetic'
instr += ['AveragingMethod', average_to_nodes]
if assign_strand_ids is not None:
instr += ['AssignStrandIDs',
'Yes' if assign_strand_ids else 'No']
if add_zones_to_existing_strands is not None:
instr += ['AddZonesToExistingStrands',
'Yes' if add_zones_to_existing_strands else 'No']
# Always explicitly provide SaveUncompressedFiles
instr += ['SaveUncompressedFiles',
'Yes' if save_uncompressed_files else 'No']
instr += ['LoadAdditionalQuantities',
'Yes' if include_additional_quantities else 'No']
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist, frame=frame)
def load_fluent_cff(filenames,
"""Read Fluent Common Fluids Format files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): One or more Fluent CFF
case (*.cas.h5*) files followed by zero or more Fluent CFF data
(*.dat.h5*) files (See note below concerning absolute and relative
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type for
the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic`, `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`, `XYLine`,
`PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`. (default: `PlotType.Automatic`)
solution_time_source (`FluentCFFLoader.SolutionTimeSource`, optional):
Assign the solution times of the zones based on the specified
criteria. (default: `FluentCFFLoader.SolutionTimeSource.Auto`)
Possible values are:
* `FluentCFFLoader.SolutionTimeSource.Auto`
First looks for and uses solution time specified in the
simulation settings of the Fluent CFF data files. If that
information isn't present in all supplied files, next looks
for solution time embedded in ``filenames``. If solution
time cannot be determined, the loader assigns a constant
time interval, starting at zero and incrementing by one, if
there is a single file, or if there are case and data file
combinations, otherwise assigns static solution times of
* `FluentCFFLoader.SolutionTimeSource.SteadyState`
Assigns a static solution time of zero to all zones.
* `FluentCFFLoader.SolutionTimeSource.ConstantTimeInterval`
Assigns a constant time interval, starting at zero and
incrementing by one
include_interior_face_zones (`bool`, optional): Interior face zones,
which are used to build cell zones, are loaded as independent
face zones. (default: `False`)
include_particle_zones (`bool`, optional): Loads particle data as
I-ordered zones and nodal variables if it exists in the data
(*dat.h5*) file(s). (default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. note::
The Fluent CFF loader is not available on macOS.
The Fluent CFF loader takes one or more case files, followed by zero or
more data files in a single list::
>>> dataset =
... ['one.cas.h5', 'one.dat.h5', 'two.dat.h5', 'three.cas.h5'],
... read_data_option = ReadDataOption.Replace,
... include_interior_face_zones = True)
.. versionadded:: 2021.1
Loading Fluent CFF files requires Tecplot 360 2021 R1 or later.
.. versionadded:: 1.4
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
TimeSource = FluentCFFLoader.SolutionTimeSource
with tecutil.StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'Fluent Common Fluid Files Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DATAFILES', filenames)
if solution_time_source is not None:
instr += ['SolutionTimeSource',
if include_interior_face_zones: # 'No' is the default
instr += ['IncludeInteriorFaceZones', 'Yes']
if include_particle_zones is False:
instr += ['IncludeParticleZones', 'No']
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_telemac(filenames=None,
"""Read Telemac data files and/or boundary file.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`, optional): Telemac data
file(s) to be read. (See note below concerning absolute and
relative paths.) Not required if a boundary file is being appended
to an existing data set.
boundary_filename (`str`, optional): Boundary file. If loaded with
multiple Telemac files, will be applied to the first Telemac file.
If loaded with no Telemac files, must be appended to an existing
data set (read_data_option must be `ReadDataOption.Append`, the
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type for
the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic`, `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`, `XYLine`,
`PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`. (default: `PlotType.Automatic`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. versionadded:: 2019.1
Loading Telemac data requires Tecplot 360 2019 R1 or later.
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'Telemac Data Loader'
if filenames is not None:
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_TELEMAC', filenames)
if boundary_filename is not None:
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_plot3d(grid_filenames=None,
# setting any of these three implies auto_detect=False
data_structure=None, # (1D|2D|3DP|3DW|UNSTRUCTURED)
is_multi_grid=None, # (True|False)
ascii_is_double=None, # (True|False)
ascii_has_blanking=None, # (True|False)
uniform_grid=None, # (True|False)
append_function_variables=None, # (True|False)
"""Read Plot3D data files.
grid_filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`, optional): One or more grid
file names to be read. (See note below concerning absolute and
relative paths.)
solution_filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`, optional): One or more
solution data file names to be read.
function_filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`, optional): One or more
function file names.
name_filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`, optional): Path to the name file.
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
append (`bool`, optional): Append the data to the existing
`Dataset <>`. If `False`, the existing data attached to
the `Frame <layout.Frame>` is deleted and replaced. (default: `True`)
data_structure (`str`, optional): Specifies the data
structure and overrides the automatic detection. Options are:
``1D``, ``2D``, ``3DP``, ``3DW``, ``UNSTRUCTURED``. Setting this
requires ``is_multi_grid`` and ``style`` to be set as well.
is_multi_grid (`bool`, optional): Sets data as multi-grid
and overrides the automatic data structure detection. Setting
this requires ``data_structure`` and ``style`` to be set as well.
style (`bool`, optional): Specifies the data style and
overrides the automatic data structure detection. Options are:
requires ``data_structure`` and ``is_multi_grid`` to be set as
ascii_is_double (`bool`, optional): Indicates that
floating-point numbers found in the text data files should be
store with 64-bit precision. (default: `False`)
ascii_has_blanking (`bool`, optional): Indicates that the
text data files contain blanking. (default: `False`)
uniform_grid (`bool`, optional): Indicates the grid
structure is the same for all time steps. (default: `True`)
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `True`)
append_function_variables (`bool`, optional): Append
variables in function files to those found in solution files.
(default: `False`)
include_boundaries (`bool`, optional): Loads boundary zones
found in the ".g.fvbnd" file located in the same directory as the
grid file, if available. (default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
`TecplotSystemError`: Internal error when loading data.
`TecplotValueError`: In-valid input.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. note:: Data structure is automatically detected by default.
The options ``data_structure``, ``is_multi_grid`` and ``style``
must be supplied together or not at all. When all of these are
`None`, the data structure is automatically detected.
The variables from the function files can be appended to the dataset
upon loading::
>>> dataset =
... grid_filenames = 'data.g',
... solution_filenames = ['t0.q', 't1.q'],
... function_filenames = ['t0.f', 't1.f'],
... append_function_variables = True)
grid_filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(grid_filenames)
solution_filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(solution_filenames)
function_filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(function_filenames)
if __debug__:
data_structure_opts = [None, '1D', '2D', '3DP', '3DW', 'UNSTRUCTURED']
if data_structure not in data_structure_opts:
msg = 'data_structure must be one of: '
msg += ', '.join(str(x) for x in data_structure_opts)
raise TecplotValueError(msg)
if style not in style_opts:
msg = 'style must be one of: '
msg += ', '.join(str(x) for x in style_opts)
raise TecplotValueError(msg)
if grid_filenames and solution_filenames:
if len(grid_filenames) != 1 and \
len(grid_filenames) != len(solution_filenames):
raise TecplotValueError(textwrap.dedent('''\
You must specify a single grid file or
the same number of grid and solution files.'''))
autodetect_opts = [data_structure, is_multi_grid, style]
if sum([x is None for x in autodetect_opts]) not in [0, 3]:
raise TecplotValueError(textwrap.dedent('''\
The options: data_structure, is_multi_grid and style
must be supplied all together or not at all.'''))
frame = frame or layout.active_frame()
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'PLOT3D Loader'
preexisting_dataset = frame.has_dataset and frame.dataset.num_zones
if append is not None:
if append:
if preexisting_dataset:
instr += ['Append', 'Yes']
instr += ['Append', 'No']
if grid_filenames is not None:
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_GRIDFILES', grid_filenames)
if solution_filenames is not None:
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_SOLUTIONFILES', solution_filenames)
if function_filenames is not None:
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_FUNCTIONFILES', function_filenames)
if name_filename is not None:
if (data_structure or is_multi_grid or style) is None:
instr += ['AUTODETECT', 'Yes']
instr += ['AUTODETECT', 'No']
instr += ['DATASTRUCTURE', data_structure]
instr += ['ISMULTIGRID', 'Yes' if is_multi_grid else 'No']
instr += ['STYLE', style]
if ascii_is_double is not None:
instr += ['ASCIIISDOUBLE', 'Yes' if ascii_is_double else 'No']
if ascii_has_blanking is not None:
instr += ['ASCIIHASBLANK',
'Yes' if ascii_has_blanking else 'No']
if uniform_grid is not None:
'Yes' if uniform_grid else 'No']
if assign_strand_ids is not None:
'Yes' if assign_strand_ids else 'No']
if add_zones_to_existing_strands is not None:
if preexisting_dataset:
'Yes' if add_zones_to_existing_strands else 'No']
if append_function_variables is not None:
if solution_filenames or preexisting_dataset:
'Yes' if append_function_variables else 'No']
if include_boundaries is not None:
instr += ['LOADBOUNDARY', 'Yes' if include_boundaries else 'No']
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist, frame=frame)
except TecplotLogicError as e:
if str(e).startswith('The boundary file does not'):
return layout.active_frame().dataset
def load_cfx(filename,
"""Read an ANSYS CFX data file.
filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): The data file to be read. (See note below
concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
append (`bool`, optional): Append the data to the existing
`Dataset <>`. If `False`, the existing data attached to
the `Frame <layout.Frame>` is deleted and replaced. (default: `True`)
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Set the initial plot type
upon loading of the data. Must be one of `PlotType.Automatic`
(default), `PlotType.Cartesian3D` or `PlotType.Cartesian2D`.
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. note::
The CFX loader is not available on macOS.
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
msg = 'CFX data loader is not available on macOS'
raise TecplotNotImplementedError(msg)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
instr += ['FEALoaderVersion', FEALoader.Version.Current.value]
instr += ['FILENAME_File', tecutil.normalize_path(filename)]
frame = frame or layout.active_frame()
preexisting_dataset = frame.has_dataset and frame.dataset.num_zones
if preexisting_dataset:
instr += ['Append', 'Yes' if append else 'No']
instr += ['AddToExistingStrands',
'Yes' if add_zones_to_existing_strands else 'No']
instr += ['AutoAssignStrandIDs',
'Yes' if assign_strand_ids else 'No']
initplottype = PlotType(initial_plot_type)
if initplottype != PlotType.Automatic:
instr += ['InitialPlotType',]
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist, frame=frame)
def load_ensight(filename,
"""Read Ensight data files and/or boundary file.
filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): The case file to be read. (See note below
concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type for
the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic`, `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`, `XYLine`,
`PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`. (default: `PlotType.Automatic`)
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'EnSight Loader'
instr += ['FILENAME_CASEFILE', tecutil.normalize_path(filename)]
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
def load_kiva(filenames,
"""Read Kiva/GMV data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): The data file(s) to be
read. (See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
is_double (`bool`, optional): Allows greater precision for your data
values. (default: `True`)
load_particle_data (`bool`, optional): Adds a zone for any files
containing particle data. (default: `True`)
velocity_vector (`str`, optional): Identify the naming convention for
your velocity vectors. This is the name of the first component (u)
and is typically one of: "u_vel" (default), "u-vel" or "u".
dataset_title (`str`, optional): The name of the resulting `Dataset
<>` in Tecplot. (default: `None`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
filenames = tecutil.normalized_filenames(filenames)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'Kiva Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DataFiles', filenames)
instr += ['ISDOUBLE', 'YES' if is_double else 'No']
instr += ['LOADPARTICLEDATA', 'YES' if load_particle_data else 'No']
instr += ['VELVECTOR', str(velocity_vector)]
if dataset_title:
instr += ['DATASETTITLE', str(dataset_title)]
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist, frame)
def load_openfoam(
"""Read an OpenFOAM data file.
filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): The data file to be read. (See note below
concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
append (`bool`, optional): Append the data to the existing
`Dataset <>`. If `False`, the existing data attached to
the `Frame <layout.Frame>` is deleted and replaced. (default: `True`)
boundary_zone_construction (`OpenFOAMLoader.BoundaryZoneConstruction`, optional):
Set how the boundary zones are constructed. This may be either
`OpenFOAMLoader.BoundaryZoneConstruction.Reconstructed` (default)
or `OpenFOAMLoader.BoundaryZoneConstruction.Decomposed`. This
option requires Tecplot 360 2019 R1 or later.
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Set the initial plot type
upon loading of the data. Must be one of `PlotType.Automatic`
(default), `PlotType.Cartesian3D` or `PlotType.Cartesian2D`.
initial_plot_first_zone_only (`bool`, optional): Informs
the |Tecplot Engine| that after the data is loaded it only needs to
activate the first enabled `Zone <data_access>` for the initial
plot. This option is particularly useful if you have many `Zones
<data_access>` and want to get the data into the |Tecplot Engine|
and the first `Zone <data_access>` drawn as fast as possible. The
inactive `Zones <data_access>` can always be activated when needed.
(default: `False`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
.. warning:: **Zone and variable ordering may change between releases**
Due to possible changes in data loaders or data formats over time, the
ordering of zones and variables may be different between versions of
Tecplot 360. Therefore it is recommended to always reference zones and
variables **by name** instead of by index.
if isinstance(boundary_zone_construction, BoundaryZoneConstruction):
enum_value = boundary_zone_construction.value
boundary_zone_construction = \
if __debug__:
'1.4', '2021 R1', warning=True)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'OpenFOAM (FEA)'
instr += ['FEALoaderVersion', FEALoader.Version.Current.value]
instr += ['FILENAME_File', tecutil.normalize_path(filename)]
frame = frame or layout.active_frame()
preexisting_dataset = frame.has_dataset and frame.dataset.num_zones
if preexisting_dataset:
instr += ['Append', 'Yes' if append else 'No']
instr += ['AddToExistingStrands',
'Yes' if add_zones_to_existing_strands else 'No']
instr += ['AutoAssignStrandIDs',
'Yes' if assign_strand_ids else 'No']
initplottype = PlotType(initial_plot_type)
if initplottype != PlotType.Automatic:
instr += ['InitialPlotType',]
instr += ['ShowFirstZoneOnly',
'Yes' if initial_plot_first_zone_only else 'No']
BZCon = OpenFOAMLoader.BoundaryZoneConstruction
if boundary_zone_construction is None:
bzcon = BZCon.Reconstructed
bzcon = BZCon(boundary_zone_construction)
instr += ['BoundaryZoneConstruction', bzcon.value]
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist, frame=frame)
def load_stl(filename,
"""Read a 3D Systems STL data file.
filename (`pathlib.Path` or `str`): The data file to be read. (See note below
concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
append (`bool`, optional): Append the data to the existing
`Dataset <>`. If `False`, the existing data attached to
the `Frame <layout.Frame>` is deleted and replaced. (default: `True`)
subdivide_zones (`STLLoader.SubdivideZones`, optional): Specify method
of zone division. Possible values are:
`STLLoader.SubdivideZones.DoNotSubdivide` (default),
`STLLoader.SubdivideZones.ByComponent` and
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Set the initial plot type
upon loading of the data. Must be one of `PlotType.Automatic`
(default), `PlotType.Cartesian3D` or `PlotType.Cartesian2D`.
initial_plot_first_zone_only (`bool`, optional): Informs
the |Tecplot Engine| that after the data is loaded it only needs to
activate the first enabled `Zone <data_access>` for the initial
plot. This option is particularly useful if you have many `Zones
<data_access>` and want to get the data into the |Tecplot Engine|
and the first `Zone <data_access>` drawn as fast as possible. The
inactive `Zones <data_access>` can always be activated when needed.
(default: `False`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
if isinstance(subdivide_zones, SubdivideZones):
subdivide_zones = STLLoader.SubdivideZones(subdivide_zones.value)
if __debug__:
tecutil.api_moved('SubdivideZones', 'STLLoader.SubdivideZones',
'1.4', '2021 R1', warning=True)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = '3D Systems STL (FEA)'
instr += ['FEALoaderVersion', FEALoader.Version.Current.value]
instr += ['FILENAME_File', tecutil.normalize_path(filename)]
frame = frame or layout.active_frame()
preexisting_dataset = frame.has_dataset and frame.dataset.num_zones
if preexisting_dataset:
instr += ['Append', 'Yes' if append else 'No']
instr += ['AddToExistingStrands',
'Yes' if add_zones_to_existing_strands else 'No']
subdiv = STLLoader.SubdivideZones(subdivide_zones)
if subdiv != STLLoader.SubdivideZones.DoNotSubdivide:
instr += ['SubdivideZonesBy', subdiv.value]
instr += ['AutoAssignStrandIDs',
'Yes' if assign_strand_ids else 'No']
initplottype = PlotType(initial_plot_type)
if initplottype != PlotType.Automatic:
instr += ['InitialPlotType',]
instr += ['ShowFirstZoneOnly',
'Yes' if initial_plot_first_zone_only else 'No']
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(arglist, frame=frame)
def load_vtk(filenames,
"""Read VTK data files.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): The data file(s) to be
read. (See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
The `Dataset <>` in the active frame is
replaced by the new `Dataset <>`. If other
frames were using the same `Dataset <>`
originally in the active frame, they will continue to use it.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame, and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
Default: `ReadDataOption.Append`
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type
for the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic` (default), `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`,
`XYLine`, `PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`.
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `False`)
solution_time_source (`VTKLoader.SolutionTimeSource`, optional): Assign
the solution times of the zones based on the specified criteria.
Possible values are: `VTKLoader.SolutionTimeSource.Auto` (default)
which favors the "time" scalar over the numbers embedded in the
file names, `VTKLoader.SolutionTimeSource.None_` which does not
assign solutions times or strands,
`VTKLoader.SolutionTimeSource.FromFieldData` which uses the "time"
scalar and `VTKLoader.SolutionTimeSource.FromFilename` which uses
the solution time embedded in the file names.
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
if isinstance(solution_time_source, SolutionTimeSource):
enum_value = solution_time_source.value
solution_time_source = VTKLoader.SolutionTimeSource(enum_value)
if __debug__:
'1.4', '2021 R1', warning=True)
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
with StringList('STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0') as instr:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'VTK Data Loader'
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DATAFILES', filenames)
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
reset_style=reset_style, initial_plot_type=initial_plot_type,
def load_tecplot(filenames,
"""Read a tecplot data file.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): Files to be
read. (See note below concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
The `Dataset <>` in the active frame is
replaced by the new `Dataset <>`. If other
frames were using the same `Dataset <>`
originally in the active frame, they will continue to use it.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame, and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
Default: `ReadDataOption.Append`
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_first_zone_only (`bool`, optional): Informs
the |Tecplot Engine| that after the data is loaded it only needs to
activate the first enabled `Zone <data_access>` for the initial
plot. This option is particularly useful if you have many `Zones
<data_access>` and want to get the data into the |Tecplot Engine|
and the first `Zone <data_access>` drawn as fast as possible. The
inactive `Zones <data_access>` can always be activated when needed.
(default: `False`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type
for the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic` (default), `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`,
`XYLine`, `PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`.
zones (`set` of `integers <int>`, optional): Set of `Zones
<data_access>` to load. Use `None` to load all zones. (default:
variables (`set` of `strings <str>` or `integers <int>`, optional):
Set of `Variables <Variable>` to load. If variable names are
specified as strings and appending then variables will be aligned
with existing variables. If variable offsets are supplied then
the variables at those offsets will be loaded and aligned based
on the value of the collapse parameter. Use `None` to load all
variables. (default: `None`)
collapse (`bool`, optional): Reindex `Zones <data_access>` and
`Variables <Variable>` if any are disabled. (default: `False`)
skip: (3-`tuple` of `integers <int>`, optional) The *ijk*-skip. A value
of (1,1,1) loads every data point in the *(i,j,k)* directions. A
value of (2,2,2) loads every other data point and so forth. This
only applies to ordered data. (default: (1,1,1))
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `False`)
include_text (`bool`, optional): Load any text, geometries, or
custom labels (default: `True`)
include_geom (`bool`, optional): Load geometries. (default:
include_custom_labels (`bool`, optional): (default: `True`)
include_data (`bool`, optional): Load data. Set this to
`False` if you only want annotations such as text or geometries.
(default: `True`)
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
`TecplotSystemError`: Internal error when loading data.
`TecplotTypeError`: In-valid input.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
with StringList(filenames) as fnames:
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
allocd = []
sv.INCLUDETEXT: include_text,
sv.INCLUDEGEOM: include_geom,
sv.INCLUDECUSTOMLABELS: include_custom_labels,
sv.INCLUDEDATA: include_data,
if zones is not None:
zoneset = IndexSet(zones)
arglist[sv.ZONELIST] = zoneset
_set_var_load_instructions(variables, arglist, allocd)
if skip is not None:
i, j, k = skip
arglist[sv.ISKIP] = i
arglist[sv.JSKIP] = j
arglist[sv.KSKIP] = k
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
for a in allocd:
def load_tecplot_szl(filenames,
# Possible Future Enhancement.
# As it stands the szl loader is hardcoded to load variables by name when
# appending to an existing dataset. If we want the szl loader to behave
# similar to the internal tecplot loader then we need to add the ability
# to specify a "variables" like paramter (but should not be named
# "variables" because of conflicts with other V3 loaders that already use
# that for their primary load instructions.
# This will apply ONLY to the VarNameList and VarPositionList for the
# $!READDATASET command (i.e. only applied to appending for V3 Loaders)
# Proposed is to add:
# appending_variables=None,
# Documentation then will include:
# appending_variables (`set` of `strings <str>` or `integers <int>`, optional):
# Set of `Variables <Variable>` to load. If variable names are
# specified as strings and **read_data_option** is set to
# `ReadDataOption.Append` then variables will be aligned with
# existing variables. If variable offsets are supplied then
# the variables at those offsets will be loaded.
# Use `None` to load all variables. (default: `None`)
"""Read tecplot SZL data file.
filenames (`pathlib.Path`, `str` or `list`): Files to be read. (See note below
concerning absolute and relative paths.)
frame (`Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`, optional): The `Frame
<tecplot.layout.Frame>` to attach the resulting `Dataset`. If
`None`, the currently active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used
and the zones are appended by default.
read_data_option (`ReadDataOption`, optional): Specify how the data
is loaded into Tecplot. (default: `ReadDataOption.Append`)
Possible values are:
* `ReadDataOption.ReplaceInActiveFrame`
Remove the dataset from the active frame prior to reading in the
new dataset. If other frames use the same `Dataset
<>` in the active frame, they will continue to
use the old one.
* `ReadDataOption.Append`
Append to the existing `Dataset <>`.
Note also that when appending, the variables in the incoming dataset
will be matched up with the existing variables by name and any new
variables will be added to the end of the list.
* `ReadDataOption.Replace`
Replace the `Dataset <>` attached to the active
frame and to all other frames that use the same `Dataset
reset_style (`bool`, optional): Reset the style for
destination `Frame <layout.Frame>`. If `False`, the `Frame
<layout.Frame>`'s current style is preserved. (default: `True`)
initial_plot_first_zone_only (`bool`, optional): Informs
the |Tecplot Engine| that after the data is loaded it only needs to
activate the first enabled `Zone <data_access>` for the initial
plot. This option is particularly useful if you have many `Zones
<data_access>` and want to get the data into the |Tecplot Engine|
and the first `Zone <data_access>` drawn as fast as possible. The
inactive `Zones <data_access>` can always be activated when needed.
(default: `False`)
initial_plot_type (`PlotType`, optional): Forces a specific type of
plot upon loading of the data. Only used if *resetstyle* is `True`.
To have |Tecplot 360| determine the most appropriate plot type
for the data, use `PlotType.Automatic`. Possible values are:
`PlotType.Automatic` (default), `Cartesian3D`, `Cartesian2D`,
`XYLine`, `PlotType.Sketch`, `PolarLine`.
assign_strand_ids (`bool`, optional): Assign strand ID's to
zones that have a strand ID of -1. (default: `True`)
add_zones_to_existing_strands (`bool`, optional): Add the
`Zones <data_access>` to matching strands, if they exist. Otherwise, if the
new data specifies strands, new ones will be created beginning after the
last strand in the `Dataset <>`. (default: `False`)
server (`str`, optional): Load the data remotely from this
server address. When provided, file paths will be relative to the
SZL server's working directory. (default: `None`)
connection_method (`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod`, optional): When
*server* is given, this specifies the type of connection to be
made. Possible values are:
`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Tunneled` (default),
user (`str`, optional): When *server* is given and *connection_method*
is `SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Tunneled` or
`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Direct`, this specifies the
username to use when logging into the server. This will default to
the client host's user name.
authentication_method (`SZLLoader.RemoteAuthenticationMethod`, optional):
The authentication method to use when connecting to the remote
server when *connection_method* is
`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Tunneled` or
`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Direct`. Possible values are
`SZLLoader.RemoteAuthenticationMethod.SSHPrivateKey` (default)
which uses the file specified by *ssh_private_keyfile* or
`SZLLoader.RemoteAuthenticationMethod.Password` which will prompt
the user for the remote login password in the console.
ssh_private_keyfile (`pathlib.Path` or `str`, optional): When *server* is
specified and *connection_method* is set to
`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Tunneled` or
`SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod.Direct` and when *authentication_method*
is set to `SZLLoader.RemoteAuthenticationMethod.SSHPrivateKey`, this
specifies the full path to the private SSH keyfile. This parameter defaults
to ``~/.ssh/id_rsa`` where ``~`` expands out to the local user's home
`Dataset <>`: The `Dataset <>` holding
the loaded data.
.. note:: **Absolute and relative paths with PyTecplot**
Relative paths, when used within the PyTecplot API are always from
Python's current working directory which can be obtained by calling
:func:`os.getcwd()`. This is true for batch and `connected
<tecplot.session.connect()>` modes. One exception to this is paths
within a macro command or file which will be relative to the |Tecplot
Engine|'s home directory, which is typically the |Tecplot 360|
installation directory. Finally, when connected to a remote (non-local)
instance of Tecplot 360, only absolute paths are allowed.
Note that backslashes must be escaped which is especially important for
windows paths such as ``"C:\\\\Users"`` or ``"\\\\\\\\server\\\\path"``
which will resolve to ``"C:\\Users"`` and ``"\\\\server\\path"``
respectively. Alternatively, one may use Python's raw strings:
``r"C:\\Users"`` and ``r"\\\\server\\path"``
if isinstance(connection_method, RemoteConnectionMethod):
enum_value = connection_method.value
connection_method = SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod(enum_value)
if __debug__:
'1.4', '2021 R1', warning=True)
if isinstance(authentication_method, RemoteAuthenticationMethod):
enum_value = authentication_method.value
authentication_method = SZLLoader.RemoteAuthenticationMethod(enum_value)
if __debug__:
'1.4', '2021 R1', warning=True)
ConnectionMethod = SZLLoader.RemoteConnectionMethod
AuthenticationMethod = SZLLoader.RemoteAuthenticationMethod
if server is not None:
if connection_method is None:
connection_method = ConnectionMethod.Tunneled
connection_method = ConnectionMethod(connection_method)
if (
not _tecutil_connector.connected and
connection_method == ConnectionMethod.Manual
msg = 'Manual connection to SZL server not supported in batch mode'
raise TecplotLogicError(msg)
with tecutil.ArgList() as arglist:
if server is None:
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames)
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'Tecplot Subzone Data Loader'
instr = ['STANDARDSYNTAX', '1.0']
# Note: SZL Remote Loader does not use "StandardSyntax"
# and all paths must be absolute coming in since
# remote paths cannot be resolved locally.
filenames = tecutil.normalize_filenames(filenames, resolve=False)
arglist[sv.DATASETREADER] = 'SZL Remote Loader'
instr = ['Connection Method', connection_method.value,
'MACHINE', server]
if connection_method in [ConnectionMethod.Tunneled,
if authentication_method is None:
auth = AuthenticationMethod.SSHPrivateKey
auth = AuthenticationMethod(authentication_method)
if user is None:
user = getpass.getuser()
instr += ['USER', user, 'SSH Authentication Option', auth.value]
if auth == AuthenticationMethod.SSHPrivateKey:
keyfile = pathlib.Path(ssh_private_keyfile).expanduser()
instr += ['Key Path', str(keyfile)]
if szlserver_path is not None:
instr += ['Server Executable Path', str(szlserver_path)]
_append_filelist(instr, 'FILELIST_DATAFILES', filenames)
allocd = []
# Var load mode and variables options are ONLY used when appending
# with V3 Loaders (unlike the native tecplot loader)
# For now this is hard coded to None thus making the szl loader hard
# coded to load by name and consider all variables.
appending_variables = None
if read_data_option is ReadDataOption.Append:
_set_var_load_instructions(appending_variables, arglist, allocd)
with tecutil.StringList(*instr) as instr:
return _tecplot_loader_load_data(
arglist, frame=frame, read_data_option=read_data_option,
for a in allocd: