from builtins import super
import logging
import itertools as it
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from ctypes import c_int32, c_int64, c_void_p, POINTER, addressof, cast
from textwrap import dedent
from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from .. import session, tecutil, version
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FaceNeighbors(c_void_p):
r"""Face neighbor definition and control.
Face neighbors are used when the face of an element overlaps with another
face from another element. Specifying these two (or more) overlapping faces
as "face neighbors" indicates element connections outside the implicit
faces of the nodemap. By specifying face neighbors it ensures that plot
elements like shading, creases and edges are treated continously even if
there is a zone or cell boundry.
The neighbors can be completely "local", within a single zone, or "global"
conntecting two or more zones together. Furthermore, the connections made
can be one-to-one meaning there any given face can only neighbor one other
face, or one-to-many where a single face can neighbor several other faces.
This example creates two triangles in two different zones. Global
one-to-one face neighbors are then used to stitch the two triangles into a
quad. The data created looks like this:
.. code-block:: none
Node positions (x,y,z):
/ \
/ \
(0,1,.5) *-----* (1,0,.5)
\ /
\ /
The two triangles will have separate nodes at the shared locations:
.. code-block:: none
Zone 1: / \
/ \
\ /
Zone 0: \ /
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 50-51
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
# Triangle 0
nodes0 = (
(0, 0, 0 ),
(1, 0, 0.5),
(0, 1, 0.5))
scalar_data0 = (0, 1, 2)
conn0 = ((0, 1, 2),)
neighbors0 = ((None, 0, None),)
neighbor_zones0 = ((None, 1, None),)
# Triangle 1
nodes1 = (
(1, 0, 0.5),
(0, 1, 0.5),
(1, 1, 1 ))
scalar_data1 = (1, 2, 3)
conn1 = ((0, 1, 2),)
neighbors1 = ((0, None, None),)
neighbor_zones1 = ((0, None, None),)
# Create the dataset and zones
ds = tp.active_frame().create_dataset('Data', ['x','y','z','s'])
z0 = ds.add_fe_zone(ZoneType.FETriangle,
name='FE Triangle Float (3,1) Nodal 0',
num_points=len(nodes0), num_elements=len(conn0),
z1 = ds.add_fe_zone(ZoneType.FETriangle,
name='FE Triangle Float (3,1) Nodal 1',
num_points=len(nodes1), num_elements=len(conn1),
# Fill in and connect first triangle
z0.values('x')[:] = [n[0] for n in nodes0]
z0.values('y')[:] = [n[1] for n in nodes0]
z0.values('z')[:] = [n[2] for n in nodes0]
z0.nodemap[:] = conn0
z0.values('s')[:] = scalar_data0
# Fill in and connect second triangle
z1.values('x')[:] = [n[0] for n in nodes1]
z1.values('y')[:] = [n[1] for n in nodes1]
z1.values('z')[:] = [n[2] for n in nodes1]
z1.nodemap[:] = conn1
z1.values('s')[:] = scalar_data1
# Set face neighbors
z0.face_neighbors.set_neighbors(neighbors0, neighbor_zones0, obscures=True)
z1.face_neighbors.set_neighbors(neighbors1, neighbor_zones1, obscures=True)
### Setup a view of the data
plot = tp.active_frame().plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D)
plot.contour(0).colormap_name = 'Sequential - Yellow/Green/Blue'
plot.contour(0).colormap_filter.distribution = ColorMapDistribution.Continuous
for ax in plot.axes: = True
plot.show_mesh = False
plot.show_contour = True
plot.show_edge = True
plot.use_translucency = True
# View parameters obtained interactively from Tecplot 360
plot.view.distance = 10
plot.view.width = 2
plot.view.psi = 80
plot.view.theta = 30
plot.view.alpha = 0
plot.view.position = (-4.2, -8.0, 2.3)
fmaps = plot.fieldmaps()
fmaps.surfaces.surfaces_to_plot = SurfacesToPlot.All
fmaps.effects.surface_translucency = 40
# Turning on mesh, we can see all the individual triangles
plot.show_mesh = True
fmaps.mesh.line_pattern = LinePattern.Dashed
tp.export.save_png('fe_triangles1.png', 600, supersample=3)
.. figure:: /_static/images/fe_triangles1.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
Two triangles in two separate zones, stitched together using global
face neighbors, showing the edge and mesh.
def __init__(self, zone): = zone
def _native_reference(self):
return _tecutil.DataFaceNbrGetReadableRef( + 1)
def __eq__(self, other):
self_addr = addressof(cast(self , POINTER(c_int64)).contents)
other_addr = addressof(cast(other, POINTER(c_int64)).contents)
return self_addr == other_addr
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def c_type(self):
"""Underlying storage type used by the Tecplot Engine.
Possible values: `ctypes.c_int32`, ctypes.c_int64`.
.. note:: This property is read-only.
_ctypes = {
OffsetDataType.OffsetDataType_32Bit: c_int32,
OffsetDataType.OffsetDataType_64Bit: c_int64}
data_type = _tecutil.DataFaceNbrRawItemType(self)
return _ctypes[data_type]
def mode(self):
"""`FaceNeighborMode`: Relative locality of the face neighbors.
Possible values: `FaceNeighborMode.LocalOneToOne`,
.. note:: This property is read-only.
Face neighbors are used when the face of an element overlaps with
another face from another element. The neighbors can be completely
"local", within a single zone, or "global" conntecting two or more
zones together. Furthermore, the connections made can be one-to-one
meaning there any given face can only neighbor one other face, or
one-to-many where a single face can neighbor several other faces. The
face neighbor mode is set on zone creation and can not be changed
>>> zone = dataset.add_fe_zone(ZoneType.FETriangle, 'Zone', 4, 2,
... face_neighbor_mode=FaceNeighborMode.LocalOneToMany)
>>> print(zone.face_neighbors.mode)
return _tecutil.DataFaceNbrGetModeByRef(self)
def set_neighbors(self, neighbors, zones=None, obscures=False):
"""Clear and set face neighbors from the given array.
neighbors (array of `integers <int>`): Zero-based Element indices
of the neighbors for each face in the zone. A value of
:math:`-1` or `None` indicates no neighbor.
zones (array of `Zones <data_access>`, optional): This parameter is
only used when the face neighbor mode is global one-to-one or
global one-to-many. (default: `None`)
obscures (array of `booleans <bool>`, optional): Indicates that the
neighbors completely obscure the face. (default: `False`)
This method uses the `FaceNeighbors.assignment()` context internally to
ensure the proper book keeping is done. See the example code for
`FaceNeighbors` class object for details on how to use this method.
with self.assignment():
for elem, faces in enumerate(neighbors):
for face, face_neighbors in enumerate(faces):
if face_neighbors is None:
elif face_neighbors == -1:
if not hasattr(face_neighbors, '__iter__'):
face_neighbors = [face_neighbors]
if zones is None:
neighbor_zones = None
z = zones[elem][face]
if not hasattr(z, '__iter__'):
z = [z]
neighbor_zones = z
if hasattr(obscures, '__iter__'):
if hasattr(obscures[elem], '__iter__'):
obscure = obscures[elem][face]
obscure = obscures[elem]
obscure = obscures
self.add_neighbors(elem, face, face_neighbors,
neighbor_zones, obscure)
def add_neighbors(self, element, face, neighbors, zones=None,
"""Connect boundary of an element's face to a neighboring face.
This sets the boundary connection face neighbors within an open face
neighbor assignment sequence for the specified element and face.
element (`int`): The element number (zero-based).
face (`int`): The face number on the element (zero-based).
neighbors (`list` of `integers <int>` or `None`): List of
zero-based indices of the neighboring faces.
zones (`list` of zone objects, optional): List of zones for
global neighbors. This must be the same length as
``neighbors``. Use `None` to indicate these are local
neighbors. (default: `None`)
obscure (`bool`, optional): Indicates that the neighbors
completely obscure the face. (default: `False`)
This method must be called from within a `FaceNeighbors.assignment()`
context which will clear any previously existing face neighbor data::
>>> with zone.face_neighbors.assigment():
... for elem, face, neighbors, zn in face_neighbor_data:
... zone.face_neighbors.add_neighbors(elem, face,
... neighbors, zn)
See the example code for `FaceNeighbors` class object for more details
on how to set up user-defined face neighbors.
if __debug__:
if zones is not None and len(neighbors) != len(zones):
msg = 'neighbors and zones must be the same length'
raise TecplotLogicError(msg)
_dispatch = {
c_int32: _tecutil.DataFaceNbrAssignByRef,
c_int64: _tecutil.DataFaceNbrAssignByRef64}
int_type = self.c_type
def _add_one(arr):
def _f(x):
return x + 1 if x is not None else 0
return list(map(_f, arr))
def _add_one_index(arr):
def _f(x):
return getattr(x, 'index', x) + 1 if x is not None else 0
return list(map(_f, arr))
n = len(neighbors)
if __debug__:
if min(neighbors) < 0 or <= max(neighbors):
raise TecplotIndexError
if zones:
if min(zones) < 0 or <= max(zones):
raise TecplotIndexError
Face Neighbor Assign:
elem: {},
face: {},
obs: {},
n: {},
nbrs: {},
zns: {}''').format(
element + 1, face + 1, obscure, n,
neighbors = (int_type * n)(*_add_one(neighbors))
zone_unique_ids = None
if zones is not None:
zones = (c_int32 * n)(*_add_one_index(zones))
if version.sdk_version_info >= (2021, 2):
# The TecUtil API 2021.2+ requires boundary zone unique IDs.
zone_uids = (c_int64 * n)()
_tecutil.DataSetGetUniqueIDsForZones(zones, n, zone_uids)
zones = zone_uids
args = (element + 1, face + 1, obscure, n, neighbors, zones)
if not _dispatch[int_type](self, *args):
raise TecplotSystemError()
def add_local_neighbors(self, neighbors, offset=0):
"""Assign all local one-to-one face neighbors at once.
neighbors (2D array of `integers <int>`): :math:`(E,F)` Array of
the face neighbors where :math:`E` is the number of elements
and :math:`F` is the number of faces per element.
offset (`int`, optional): Offset in Tecplot's face
neighbor array to begin assigning the supplied neighbor
elements. (default: 0)
This method must be called from within a `FaceNeighbors.assignment()`
context which will clear any previously existing face neighbor data::
>>> with zone.face_neighbors.assigment():
... zone.face_neighbors.add_local_neighbors(neighbors)
See the example code for `FaceNeighbors` class object for more details
on how to set up user-defined face neighbors.
_dispatch = {
c_int32: _tecutil.DataFaceNbrAssignArrayByRef,
c_int64: _tecutil.DataFaceNbrAssignArrayByRef64}
int_type = self.c_type
def _flatten_add_one(arr):
def _add_one(x):
return x + 1 if x is not None else 0
return list(map(_add_one, it.chain(*arr)))
neighbors = _flatten_add_one(neighbors)
n = len(neighbors)
neighbors = (int_type * n)(*neighbors)
if __debug__:
if min(neighbors) < 0 or < max(neighbors):
raise TecplotIndexError
Face Neighbor Assign Array:
offset: {},
nbrs({}): {}''').format(offset + 1, n,
_dispatch[int_type](self, offset + 1, n, neighbors)
def assignment(self):
"""Context manager for assigning face neighbors.
This context ensures the proper book keeping is done when setting face
neighbors. After the face neighbors are specified, this context will
valid the connections and make appropriate changes to the zone
metadata. It must be used with the
`FaceNeighbors.add_local_neighbors()` and/or
`FaceNeighbors.add_neighbors()` methods. See the `FaceNeighbors`
example code for more details on how to set up user-defined face
with tecutil.lock():
if not _tecutil.DataFaceNbrBeginAssign( + 1):
raise TecplotSystemError()
c_void_p.__init__(self, self._native_reference())
_Neighbor = namedtuple('Neighbor', ['element', 'zone'])
def neighbors(self, element, face):
"""Get the neighboring elements and zones of a specific face.
element (`int`): The zero-based index of the element.
face (`int`): The zero-based index of the face on this
`list` of `namedtuples <collections.namedtuple>`:
``(element, zone)``:
The zero-based index of the neighboring element.
The zone holding the neighboring element. A value of `None`
indicates this is a local (intra-zone) neighbor connection.
Example getting the neighboring faces of a zone's first element, second
>>> neighbors = zone.face_neighbors.neighbors(element=0, face=1)
>>> for neighbor in neighbors:
... elem, zn = neighbor
... print(elem, zn.index)
21 2
element = element + 1
face = face + 1
n, user_spec = _tecutil.DataFaceNbrGetNumNByRef(self, element, face)
neighbors = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
res = _tecutil.DataFaceNbrGetNbrByRef(self, element, face, i)
neighbor_elem, neighbor_zone = res
neighbor_elem -= 1
if neighbor_zone == 0:
neighbor_zone = None
neighbor_zone = - 1)
neighbor = FaceNeighbors._Neighbor(neighbor_elem, neighbor_zone)
return neighbors
def is_obscured(self, element, face, active_zones=None):
"""Obscuration of the specified face.
element (`int`): The zero-based index of the element.
face (`int`): The zero-based index of the face on the
active_zones (`list` of `Zones <data_access>`): List of zones to
consider when global face neighbors are present. If `None`,
the active zones of the dataset's parent frame will be used.
.. note::
Because datasets can be shared between frames, the default frame
used to identify the active zones may not be the one you want. In
this case, you can use the `Frame.active_zones()` method to provide
the active zones for a specific frame. Furthermore, the plot type
of the frame must have the concept of active zones - i.e. it must
not be in "sketch" mode.
Example usage::
>>> zone.face_neighbors.is_obscured(element=0, face=1)
if active_zones is None:
frame =
active_zones = frame.active_zones()
with tecutil.IndexSet(*active_zones) as active_zones:
return _tecutil.DataFaceNbrFaceIsObscured(self, element + 1,
face + 1, active_zones)