Source code for tecplot.annotation.polyline

import ctypes

from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from .. import constant, tecutil, version

from . import geometry

[docs]class Arrowhead(object): """Polyline arrowhead properties. .. seealso:: `Frame.add_polyline()` .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 10-12 import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import * frame = tp.active_frame() line0 = frame.add_polyline([[30,30], [50,60]], coord_sys=CoordSys.Frame) line1 = frame.add_polyline([[35,30], [55,60]], coord_sys=CoordSys.Frame) line2 = frame.add_polyline([[40,30], [60,60]], coord_sys=CoordSys.Frame) line0.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd line1.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd line2.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd line0.line_thickness = 2 line1.line_thickness = 2 line2.line_thickness = 2 tp.export.save_png('arrowhead.png', 600) .. figure:: /_static/images/arrowhead.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ def __init__(self, polyline): self.polyline = polyline self.uid = self.polyline.uid self.frame = self.polyline.frame @property def angle(self): """`float`: The angle of the arrow lines in degrees. This is the angle that one side of the arrowhead makes with the vector, i.e. the apex angle is twice the arrowhead angle:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ArrowheadAttachment >>> polyline.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd >>> polyline.arrowhead.angle = 45 """ with self.frame.activated(): return _tecutil.GeomArrowheadGetAngle(self.uid) @angle.setter @tecutil.lock() def angle(self, value): with self.frame.activated(): _tecutil.GeomArrowheadSetAngle(self.uid, float(value)) @property def attachment(self): """`ArrowheadAttachment`: Location of arrowhead on the polyline. Possible values are `ArrowheadAttachment.None_`, `ArrowheadAttachment.AtBeginning`, `ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd` and `ArrowheadAttachment.AtBothEnds`:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ArrowheadAttachment >>> polyline.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd """ with self.frame.activated(): return _tecutil.GeomArrowheadGetAttach(self.uid) @attachment.setter @tecutil.lock() def attachment(self, value): attachment = constant.ArrowheadAttachment(value) with self.frame.activated(): _tecutil.GeomArrowheadSetAttach(self.uid, attachment.value) @property def size(self): """`float`: Size of the arrowhead on the polyline. This is in the coordinate system specified by the `position_coordinate_system <Polyline2D.position_coordinate_system>` attribute of the polyline:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ArrowheadAttachment >>> polyline.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd >>> polyline.arrowhead.size = 10 """ with self.frame.activated(): return _tecutil.GeomArrowheadGetSize(self.uid) @size.setter @tecutil.lock() def size(self, value): with self.frame.activated(): _tecutil.GeomArrowheadSetSize(self.uid, float(value)) @property def style(self): """`ArrowheadStyle`: The style of the arrowhead on the polyline. Possible values are `ArrowheadStyle.Plain`, `ArrowheadStyle.Hollow` and `ArrowheadStyle.Filled`:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ArrowheadAttachment, ArrowheadStyle >>> polyline.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd >>> = ArrowheadStyle.Filled """ with self.frame.activated(): return _tecutil.GeomArrowheadGetStyle(self.uid) @style.setter @tecutil.lock() def style(self, value): style = constant.ArrowheadStyle(value) with self.frame.activated(): _tecutil.GeomArrowheadSetStyle(self.uid, style.value)
class Polyline(geometry.Geometry): def __init__(self, index, mpolyline): self.index = tecutil.Index(index) self.mpolyline = mpolyline self.uid = self.mpolyline.uid self.frame = self.mpolyline.frame def __len__(self): with self.frame.activated(): return _tecutil.GeomMPolyGetPointCount(self.uid, self.index + 1)
[docs]class Polyline2D(Polyline, geometry.Geometry2D): """A series of connected points in 2D. .. seealso:: `Frame.add_polyline()` .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 13-15 import math import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import * # create sine-wave in frame % coordinates xx = list(range(10, 90)) yy = [10 * math.sin(x / 5) + 50 for x in xx] points = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(xx, yy)] frame = tp.active_frame() line = frame.add_polyline(points, coord_sys=CoordSys.Frame) line.line_thickness = 2 line.color = Color.Blue tp.export.save_png('polyline2d.png', 600) .. figure:: /_static/images/polyline2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def arrowhead(self): """`Arrowhead`: Style control for arrowheads. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ArrowheadAttachment, ArrowheadStyle >>> polyline.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd >>> = ArrowheadStyle.Filled """ return Arrowhead(self) def __getitem__(self, i): if __debug__: if i >= len(self): raise IndexError with self.frame.activated(): pos = _tecutil.Geom2DMPolyGetPoint(self.uid, self.index + 1, i + 1) return tecutil.XY(*pos) @tecutil.lock() def __setitem__(self, i, values): if isinstance(i, slice): num_points = len(self) if i == slice(None, None, None): x = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)(*[v[0] for v in values]) y = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)(*[v[1] for v in values]) else: x = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)() y = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)() for j in range(len(self)): x[j], y[j] = self[j] x[i] = [v[0] for v in values] y[i] = [v[1] for v in values] else: x, y = (float(v) for v in values) with self.frame.activated(): if isinstance(x, ctypes.Array): _tecutil.Geom2DMPolySetPolyline(self.uid, self.index + 1, x, y) else: _tecutil.Geom2DMPolySetPoint(self.uid, self.index + 1, i + 1, x, y)
[docs]class Polyline3D(Polyline): """A series of connected points in 3D. .. seealso:: `Frame.add_polyline()` .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 18-20 import math import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import * # create helix polyline in data coordinates zz = [z / 2000 for z in range(1000)] xx = [0.5 * math.cos(z * 50) for z in zz] yy = [0.5 * math.sin(z * 50) for z in zz] points = [(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(xx, yy, zz)] frame = tp.active_frame() dataset = frame.create_dataset('Dataset Name', ['x', 'y', 'z']) dataset.add_ordered_zone('Zone Name', (10, 10, 10)) plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D) plot.activate() line = frame.add_polyline(points) line.line_thickness = 2 line.color = Color.Chartreuse tp.export.save_png('polyline3d.png', 600) .. figure:: /_static/images/polyline3d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ def __getitem__(self, i): if __debug__: if i >= len(self): raise IndexError with self.frame.activated(): pos = _tecutil.Geom3DMPolyGetPoint(self.uid, self.index + 1, i + 1) return tecutil.XYZ(*pos) @tecutil.lock() def __setitem__(self, i, values): if isinstance(i, slice): num_points = len(self) if i == slice(None, None, None): x = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)(*[v[0] for v in values]) y = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)(*[v[1] for v in values]) z = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)(*[v[2] for v in values]) else: x = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)() y = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)() z = (ctypes.c_double * num_points)() for j in range(len(self)): x[j], y[j], z[j] = self[j] x[i] = [v[0] for v in values] y[i] = [v[1] for v in values] z[i] = [v[2] for v in values] else: x, y, z = (float(v) for v in values) with self.frame.activated(): if isinstance(x, ctypes.Array): _tecutil.Geom3DMPolySetPolyline(self.uid, self.index + 1, x, y, z) else: _tecutil.Geom3DMPolySetPoint(self.uid, self.index + 1, i + 1, x, y, z)
class MultiPolyline(geometry.Geometry): def __len__(self): with self.frame.activated(): return _tecutil.GeomMPolyGetPolylineCnt(self.uid)
[docs]class MultiPolyline2D(MultiPolyline, geometry.Geometry2D): """A collection of `Polyline2D` objects. .. seealso:: `Frame.add_polyline()` .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 16-18 import math import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import * # create sine-wave in frame % coordinates xx = list(range(10, 90)) yy = [10 * math.sin(x / 5) + 50 for x in xx] points = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(xx, yy)] # create new line with points shifted up and to the left shifted_points = [(x + 5, y + 5) for x, y in points] frame = tp.active_frame() multi_line = frame.add_polyline(points, shifted_points, coord_sys=CoordSys.Frame) multi_line.line_thickness = 2 multi_line.color = Color.Blue tp.export.save_png('multipolyline2d.png', 600) .. figure:: /_static/images/multipolyline2d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ @property def arrowhead(self): """`Arrowhead`: Style control for arrowheads. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import ArrowheadAttachment, ArrowheadStyle >>> multi_polyline.arrowhead.attachment = ArrowheadAttachment.AtEnd >>> = ArrowheadStyle.Filled """ return Arrowhead(self) def __getitem__(self, i): if __debug__: if i >= len(self): raise IndexError return Polyline2D(i, self)
[docs]class MultiPolyline3D(MultiPolyline): """A collection of `Polyline3D` objects. .. seealso:: `Frame.add_polyline()` .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 19-21 import math import tecplot as tp from tecplot.constant import * # create double-helix multi-polyline in data coordinates zz = [z / 2000 for z in range(1000)] xx = [0.5 * math.cos(z * 50) for z in zz] yy = [0.5 * math.sin(z * 50) for z in zz] points = [(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(xx, yy, zz)] points_shifted = [(x, y, z + 0.02) for x, y, z in zip(xx, yy, zz)] frame = tp.active_frame() dataset = frame.create_dataset('Dataset Name', ['x', 'y', 'z']) dataset.add_ordered_zone('Zone Name', (10, 10, 10)) plot = frame.plot(PlotType.Cartesian3D) plot.activate() line = frame.add_polyline(points, points_shifted) line.line_thickness = 2 line.color = Color.Turquoise tp.export.save_png('multipolyline3d.png', 600) .. figure:: /_static/images/multipolyline3d.png :width: 300px :figwidth: 300px """ def __getitem__(self, i): if __debug__: if i >= len(self): raise IndexError return Polyline3D(i, self)