Source code for tecplot.annotation.georeference

from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..exception import *
from .. import tecutil
from . import annotation

[docs]class GeoreferencedImage(annotation.Annotation): """A Geographic reference image. A georeferenced can be added to a plot with a call to `Frame.add_georeferenced_image()`. Placement of the image is controlled by the :math:`(x, y)` variables of the `Frame <layout.Frame>` and the `GeoreferencedImage` object's :math:`z` parameter. """ @property def z(self): """`float`: :math:`z`-position of the georeferenced image. This is the :math:`z` position (typically elevation) of the georeferenced image with respect to the :math:`(x, y, z)` variables set in the `Frame <layout.Frame>`. Example usage:: >>> georefimg.z = 100 """ with self.frame.activated(): pos = _tecutil.GeomGetAnchorPos(self.uid) return tecutil.XYZ(*pos).z @z.setter @tecutil.lock() def z(self, value): with self.frame.activated(): _tecutil.GeomSetAnchorPos(self.uid, 0, 0, float(value))