from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from .. import constant, tecutil
from . import annotation
class Geometry(annotation.Annotation):
"""Base class for all geometric shape annotations."""
def color(self):
"""`Color`: Line `Color`.
This example shows how to change the edge or line `Color` to red::
>>> from tecplot.constant import Color, CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 10, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.color = Color.Red
return constant.Color(_tecutil.GeomGetColor(self.uid))
def color(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomSetColor(self.uid, constant.Color(value).value)
def fill_color(self):
"""`constant.Color`: Background fill color.
This example shows how to change the area fill `Color` to red. To turn
off filling the geometry, set this attribute to `None`::
>>> from tecplot.constant import Color, CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 10, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.fill_color = Color.Red
with self.frame.activated():
is_filled = _tecutil.GeomGetIsFilled(self.uid)
if is_filled:
return constant.Color(_tecutil.GeomGetFillColor(self.uid))
def fill_color(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
if value is None:
_tecutil.GeomSetIsFilled(self.uid, False)
_tecutil.GeomSetIsFilled(self.uid, True)
_tecutil.GeomSetFillColor(self.uid, constant.Color(value).value)
def line_pattern(self):
"""`LinePattern`: Pattern used for drawing lines or edges.
This example shows how to change the line pattern::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys, LinePattern
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 10, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.line_pattern = LinePattern.DashDot
with self.frame.activated():
return constant.LinePattern(_tecutil.GeomGetLinePattern(self.uid))
def line_pattern(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
line_pattern = constant.LinePattern(value)
_tecutil.GeomSetLinePattern(self.uid, line_pattern.value)
def line_thickness(self):
"""`float`: Thickness of lines or edges.
This example shows how to change the line thickness::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 10, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.line_thickness = 4.0
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomGetLineThickness(self.uid)
def line_thickness(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomSetLineThickness(self.uid, float(value))
def pattern_length(self):
"""`float`: Length of the line pattern.
This example shows how to change the pattern length::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 10, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.pattern_length = 1.2
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomGetPatternLength(self.uid)
def pattern_length(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomSetPatternLength(self.uid, float(value))
class Geometry2D(Geometry, annotation.MovableAnnotation):
def clipping(self):
"""`Clipping`: Clip geometry to the axes or frame for 2D plots.
Clipping refers to displaying only that portion of an object that falls
within a specified clipping region of the plot. If you have specified
the position in the Frame coordinate system, the `Annotation` will be
clipped to the frame. Default: `Clipping.ClipToViewport`.
If you have specified the Grid coordinate system, you can choose to
clip your `Annotation` to the frame or the viewport. The size of the
viewport depends on the plot type as follows:
* 3D Cartesian - The viewport is the same as the frame, so viewport
clipping is the same as frame clipping.
* 2D Cartesian/XY Line - The viewport is defined by the extents of
the X and Y axes.
* Polar Line/Sketch - By default, the viewport is the same as the
.. warning::
For 3D and line plots the viewport is the same as the frame and so
clipping to the viewport or the frame will have no apparent affect.
In cartesian 2D plots, clipping to the axes
(`Clipping.ClipToViewport`) is only available when the position
coordinate system is `CoordSys.Grid`.
Example of clipping a circle to the frame::
>>> from tecplot.constant import Clipping, CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((0.5, 0.5), 0.55, CoordSys.Grid)
>>> geom.clipping = Clipping.ClipToFrame
with self.frame.activated():
return constant.Clipping(_tecutil.GeomGetClipping(self.uid))
def clipping(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomSetClipping(self.uid, constant.Clipping(value).value)
class CurvedGeometry(Geometry2D):
def num_points(self):
"""`int`: Number of points to use when creating the curved shape.
This is the number of segments along the edge plus one. Example usage::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 10, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.num_points = 300
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomEllipseGetNumPoints(self.uid)
def num_points(self, value):
_tecutil.GeomEllipseSetNumPoints(self.uid, int(value))
class Circle(CurvedGeometry):
"""A circle annotation attached to a `Frame <layout.Frame>`.
.. seealso:: `Frame.add_circle()`
.. code-block:: python
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
frame = tp.active_frame()
circle0 = frame.add_circle((40, 50), 12, CoordSys.Frame)
circle1 = frame.add_circle((50, 50), 12, CoordSys.Frame)
circle2 = frame.add_circle((60, 50), 12, CoordSys.Frame)
circle0.fill_color = Color.Magenta
circle1.fill_color = Color.Yellow
circle2.fill_color = Color.Cyan
tp.export.save_png('circle.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/circle.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def radius(self):
"""`float`: Length of the radius.
This will be in the coordinate system specified by
`Circle.position_coordinate_system`. This example creates a circle of
radius 5 and then doubles it to 10 later::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_circle((20, 30), 5, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.radius = 10
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomCircleGetRadius(self.uid)
def radius(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomCircleSetRadius(self.uid, float(value))
class Ellipse(CurvedGeometry):
"""An ellipse annotation attached to a `Frame <layout.Frame>`.
.. seealso:: `Frame.add_ellipse()`
.. code-block:: python
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
frame = tp.active_frame()
ellipse0 = frame.add_ellipse((40, 45), (10, 12), CoordSys.Frame)
ellipse1 = frame.add_ellipse((50, 50), (10, 16), CoordSys.Frame)
ellipse2 = frame.add_ellipse((60, 55), (10, 20), CoordSys.Frame)
ellipse0.fill_color = Color.Magenta
ellipse1.fill_color = Color.Yellow
ellipse2.fill_color = Color.Cyan
tp.export.save_png('ellipse.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/ellipse.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def size(self):
"""`tuple`: Size :math:`(h_{axis}, v_{axis})` of the ellipse.
This is the horizontal and vertical axis lengths of the ellipse and
will be in the coordinate system specified by
`Ellipse.position_coordinate_system`. This example creates an ellipse
with :math:`(h_{axis}, v_{axis})` of :math:`(5, 10)` and changes it to
:math:`(10, 20)` later::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_ellipse((50, 50), (5, 10), CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.size = (10, 20)
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomEllipseGetSize(self.uid)
def size(self, values):
haxis, vaxis = (float(v) for v in values)
_tecutil.GeomEllipseSetSize(self.uid, haxis, vaxis)
class Rectangle(Geometry2D):
"""A rectangle annotation attached to a `Frame <layout.Frame>`.
.. seealso:: `Frame.add_rectangle()`
.. code-block:: python
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
frame = tp.active_frame()
rectangle0 = frame.add_rectangle((40, 45), (20, 12), CoordSys.Frame)
rectangle1 = frame.add_rectangle((50, 50), (20, 16), CoordSys.Frame)
rectangle2 = frame.add_rectangle((60, 55), (20, 20), CoordSys.Frame)
rectangle0.fill_color = Color.Magenta
rectangle1.fill_color = Color.Yellow
rectangle2.fill_color = Color.Cyan
tp.export.save_png('rectangle.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/rectangle.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def size(self):
"""`tuple`: Size :math:`(width, height)` of the rectangle.
This is the width and height of the rectangle and will be in the
coordinate system specified by `Rectangle.position_coordinate_system`.
This example creates a rectangle with :math:`(width, height)` of
:math:`(5, 10)` and changes it to :math:`(10, 20)` later::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_rectangle((50, 50), (5, 10), CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.size = (10, 20)
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomRectangleGetSize(self.uid)
def size(self, values):
width, height = (float(v) for v in values)
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomRectangleSetSize(self.uid, width, height)
class Square(Geometry2D):
"""A square annotation attached to a `Frame <layout.Frame>`.
.. seealso:: `Frame.add_square()`
.. code-block:: python
import tecplot as tp
from tecplot.constant import *
frame = tp.active_frame()
square0 = frame.add_square((40, 40), 15, CoordSys.Frame)
square1 = frame.add_square((50, 50), 15, CoordSys.Frame)
square2 = frame.add_square((60, 60), 15, CoordSys.Frame)
square0.fill_color = Color.Magenta
square1.fill_color = Color.Yellow
square2.fill_color = Color.Cyan
tp.export.save_png('square.png', 600)
.. figure:: /_static/images/square.png
:width: 300px
:figwidth: 300px
def size(self):
"""`float`: Length of one side of the square.
This will be in the coordinate system specified by
`Square.position_coordinate_system`. This example creates a square of
side-length 5 and then doubles it to 10 later::
>>> from tecplot.constant import CoordSys
>>> geom = frame.add_square((50, 50), 5, CoordSys.Frame)
>>> geom.radius = 10
with self.frame.activated():
return _tecutil.GeomSquareGetSize(self.uid)
def size(self, value):
with self.frame.activated():
_tecutil.GeomSquareSetSize(self.uid, float(value))