The well path toggle is similar in operation to the Time/History and Depth toggles except it is only available in 3D Grid Plots. The Well Path toggle instead follows the value through the distance of the well path.
Probing along the Well Path also has two options for displaying the data. Either by distance from the first node or vertical depth. These options can be changed by selecting the “...” icon next to Well Path.
Use the 2D Plane in 3D View toggle to display a 3D view of your current 2D Grid Plots. The last frame of a multi-frame view always becomes the 2D plane in 3D view, no matter how many plot frames are shown. In single-frame mode, the current 2D view will switch to 3D. It will return to 2D mode when you toggle-off this option.
The toggle provides a 3D view of the 2D plane specified in the Planes region of the sidebar. Use the arrow buttons in the Planes region of the sidebar to scroll through the available planes. This works as an ideal way to view where the currently selected planes in different LGRs sit relative to each other.