Using the Property Modifier dialog, you can create an ASCII file to use as input into reservoir simulation programs. The dialog allows you to change values of any of the properties in the grid file. You can apply the changes to the entire grid or to a subset of the grid (either according to blanking criteria or by drawing a boundary). Using the Property Modifier dialog will not alter the values in the grid solution files. Instead, the Property Modifier dialog directs Tecplot RS to create a new file that the VIP, Eclipse, or Chears input decks can use.
Open the Property Modifier dialog by choosing Data > Sim Input > Cells.
To use the Property Modifier dialog, perform the following steps:
1.Load and display the grid solution files containing data to be modified. The displayed view (2D or 3D) impacts the cells chosen for inclusion in the file. To limit the output to a single plane, use a 2D view. Use a 3D view to choose cells in multiple planes.
2.In the Property Modifier dialog, specify which cells to apply modifications to: visible cells, blanked cells, cells inside boundary, or cells outside boundary.
3.To apply property modifications to the displayed cells, choose “Visible cells” and do not use Cell Value Blanking, Pick Blanking or Inside Views.
a.To apply the modifications to visible or blanked cells, specify the blanking criteria in the Cell Blanking dialog (accessed with the button in the toolbar) or any of the Inside Views options.
b.To apply the modifications using boundary criteria, use the second portion of the dialog to create the boundaries.
4.If you chose either of the boundary options in the Apply Modifications To region of the dialog, use the Boundary Creation region of the dialog to create the boundary. To use boundary criteria for your property modification, you must use an aerial view of your plot. In multi-frame plots, you must also have Frame 1 highlighted.
Use the buttons to create the boundary:
• Insert a rectangular boundary region.
• Insert a circular boundary region
• Insert a polygonal boundary region
• Erase the boundary region
You can use only one boundary region at a time. If you insert a second boundary region, the last one you drew will be erased automatically. |
5.After you have created your geometry, specify whether to include cells inside geometry when the boundary encloses all corners, or when the boundary encloses at least one corner. When you apply property modifications according to a boundary, only the visible cells will be used. To apply the property modifications to all cells affected by your boundary, do not use Cell Value Blanking, Pick Blanking or Inside Views.
6.Once you have specified which cells to apply your modifications to, you are ready to make your modifications in the Modifiers region of the dialog.
a.Use the Property menu to specify the property to modify. The Property variables match the variable list for the currently loaded grid file.
Selecting a different property to use in the Property Modifier dialog does not change the property displayed in your plot. Use the Variables region of the sidebar to change the variable displayed in your plot. |
b.From the Operator menu, you can choose from the operators =, +, -, *, /, @ (Property to the Value power), & (Value to the Property power), >, or <.
The inequality operators > and < force a minimum or maximum value, respectively; any values less than the specified value (or greater than, in the latter case) will be replaced by the provided value. For example, < 1600 replaces any values larger than 1600 with 1600, so that all values are no greater than 1600.
c.You can type any number as the value. Tecplot RS does not validate this value in any way.
7.After you have specified the property modifications, click the Apply Modifiers to Plot button to apply the changes. If you have the same property (variable) displaying in your grid plot, the plot will reflect the applied change. Click Reset to Original Values to undo the property modification.
8.Use the File Output region of the dialog to write out your property modifications.
a.Choose the desired output format (Chears, Eclipse, VIP, or INTERSECT) from the Output Format menu.
b.Click the File button when you are ready to output the data to a file. A Write Text File dialog will appear with a default file name matching the grid file name but with an extension of .txt. If the file already exists, a dialog will prompt you to either overwrite the file or append it. This allows you to output multiple property modifiers into a single file.
c.Click the Write Equations button to write out the modifiers to the file you specified with the File button. Alternatively, click the Copy Values button to write out the values for the variable chosen in the dialog to the file specified with the File button.
When you use the Copy Values option, Tecplot RS will output all grid cells for the chosen variable (regardless of blanking and boundary settings). |
If you choose to output your property modifications to a file, the output box at the bottom of the Property Modifier dialog will display the name of the file to which Tecplot RS wrote your output and a summary of the output (the summary displays the equations, if you clicked Write Equations, or a message indicating that the values were copied, if you clicked Copy Values).
21 - 1.1 Property Modifier Output
The output file will contain information which identifies:
• The property (variable) being modified
• The grid name (if cells are in an LGR)
• The range of cells to be modified
• The operator (for example: equals, add, subtract)
• The value
In general, the output is an equation for modifying the existing properties. The equations are specific to VIP, CHEARS, Eclipse, or INTERSECT, depending on the chosen Output Format. They are not in the format of the Tecplot Data Alter equations. For additional details regarding the file format, refer to the VIP, CHEARS, Eclipse, or INTERSECT user’s manual.
CHEARS Variable Names
For some variables, the names in the .init and .unrst files differ from what CHEARS needs for the property modifier input deck.
Tecplot RS will translate the following variable names when writing equation data to CHEARS format files:
.init or .unrst name |
Output file name |
CHEARS File Formats
Output in CHEARS format by way of the Write Equations button uses the following format when you are modifying data:
***** Comment *****
WINDOW I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 (operation) value
(WINDOW line may be repeated)
The header indicates the operation performed and the chosen selection method. The next line specifies the variable being modified. Tecplot RS then specifies a WINDOW of cells bounded by I1, I2, J1, J2, K1, and K2 limits. The indicates what to do with the value, and the final number is the user-supplied value. Below is an example of subtracting 0.5 from the POROSITY of the visible cells:
***** Output Visible Cells *****
WINDOW 1 4 1 1 1 1 - 0.500000
WINDOW 1 3 2 2 1 1 - 0.500000
WINDOW 1 3 3 3 1 1 - 0.500000
WINDOW 1 1 4 4 1 1 - 0.500000
When using Copy Values, the output file uses the following format:
***** Comment *****
CELLS i1 i2 j1 j2 k1 k2 =
value1 value2 ... valueN
The header indicates the operation performed. The next line specifies the variable being modified. A group of cells is specified using their I/J/K boundaries, followed by, on the next line, the values of these cells. For example:
***** Copy cell values from plot *****
CELLS 1 24 1 12 1 10 =
Eclipse File Formats
When using Write Equations, an Eclipse file will have a format based on the following template:
-- Comment
VARNAME value I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 /
(the above line may be repeated)
That is, a comment indicating the operation and the selection, followed by a line indicating the operation, which is spelled out in Eclipse format (ADD for +, etc.). This is followed by one or more lines indicating the variable name, the value to be applied, and the I/J/K window to be modified. Multiple of this latter kind of line will appear if there are multiple regions being modified based on the selection type. The variable name and value will be repeated on each line in this case. For example:
-- Output Visible Cells
PRESSURE 1.0000 13 18 5 1 1 /
For Copy Values, the file format is slightly different:
-- Comment
I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 /
value1 value2 ... valueN
After the comment, separate lines contain the command BOX, the I/J/K window of the full data set, the variable name, and the values in the individual cells. For example:
-- Copy cell values from plot
1 24 1 12 1 10 /
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000...
VIP File Formats
For Write Equations, the VIP file output format adheres to the following syntax:
! Comment
I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 (operation)value
(above line may be repeated)
That is, a comment line indicating the operation and the selection, the name of the variable name being modified, the keyword MOD indicating modification, each on its own line. This is followed by one or more lines indicating the I/J/K window being modified, the operation, and the value. For example:
! Output Visible Cells
13 18 5 5 1 1 +1.0000
When using Copy Values, the following format is used:
! Comment
I1 I2 J1 J2 K1 K2 EQ
value1 value2 ... valueN
This format includes a comment line, a VOVER command followed by the name of the variable, specifications for the I/J/K window constraining the data, the EQ command, and the values of the cells. For example:
! Copy cell values from plot
1 24 1 12 1 10 EQ
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ...
Intersect File Formats
INTERSECT output is in two parts. The first part defines the cells to be modified using the IJK indices. The GLOBAL grid is assumed, but if the cells are part of an LGR, its name is also included.
# Comment
CellSelectionFamily "quinaultlgr_Fam1" {
Cells = [[
(4 1 1) (5 1 1) (6 1 1) (7 1 1) (8 1 1) (9 1 1) (10 1 1) (4 2 1)
('B_INJ' 6 1 1) ('B_INJ' 3 2 1) ('B_INJ' 4 2 1) ('B_INJ' 5 2 1)
SelectionNames = ["quinaultlgr_Sel1"]
Comments are designated by the # symbol.
Once the cell selection is defined, there will be one or more property modifiers as follows:
CellPropertyEdit "quinaultlgr_Prop1" [
Family Name Property Expression
"quinaultlgr_Fam1" "quinaultlgr_Sel1" "PRESSURE" "PRESSURE + 2000"
INTERSECT does not support copying individual values from an altered plot.