18 - 5   KSum, KAvg, and Recovery map

18 - 5.1   KSum

When activated, the KSum toggle in the sidebar will cause Tecplot RS to sum all the variable values in a column (all cells with matching I and J indexes). If weighting is enabled in the KSum/KAvg Options dialog, the specified weighting variable is multiplied by the grid variable before being added to the total.

note.pngThe KSum applies only to the cells visible in the current 3D view. To limit the included layers, use Inside Views or Cell Value Blanking.

The summed value appears in all cells of that column. Since these data are typically viewed from the top, Tecplot RS will switch to an aerial view. The full 3D Grid plot still exists, and you can view it quickly by using the Reset View button reset_view.pngor the view presets under the 3D menu.

Cells in LGRs are summed separately from the parent grids, and if the LGR is not visible at the grid surface, you will need to isolate it using an Inside Views selection.

18 - 5.2   KAvg

When KAvg is toggled-on in the sidebar, Tecplot RS averages the values according to the averaging method selected in the KSum/KAvg Options dialog. If weighting is enabled, the specified weighting variable is multiplied by the grid variable before being included in the average.

note.pngThe KAvg applies only to the cells that are visible in the current 3D view. You can limit the included layers using the Inside Views.