Source code for

import fnmatch
import logging
import re
import warnings

from contextlib import contextmanager

from ..tecutil import _tecutil
from ..constant import *
from ..exception import *
from .. import macro, session, tecutil
from ..tecutil import Index, lock, lock_attributes, sv
from .frame import Frame

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @lock_attributes class Page(object): """`Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` object within a layout, holding onto one or more `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>`. Parameters: uid (`int`, optional): This must be a *valid* unique ID number pointing internally to a `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` object or `None`. A new `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` is created if set to `None`. (default: `None`) Warning: Though it is possible to create a `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` object using the constructor, it is usually sufficient to obtain a page through `tecplot.add_page`, `tecplot.active_page`, `` or `tecplot.pages`. A `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` can be thought of like a canvas onto which one or more `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` can be laid out. The engine guarantees there will always be at least one `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` in the layout which can be accessed via `tecplot.active_page`: .. code-block:: python import tecplot page = tecplot.active_page() = 'Page 001' # prints: "Page 001" print( # prints: "Frame 001" for frame in page.frames(): print( """ def __init__(self, uid): self.uid = uid self.framelist = None """The unique ID number of this Page, internal to the |Tecplot Engine|.""" self._sv = [sv.PAGE] def __str__(self): """Brief string representation. Returns: `str`: Brief representation of this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. Example: .. code-block:: python import tecplot page = tecplot.active_page() = 'Page 001' # will print: 'Page: "Page 001"' print(page) """ return 'Page: "{name}"'.format( def __repr__(self): """Executable string representation. Returns: `str`: Internal representation of this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. The string returned can be executed to generate an identical copy of this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` object: .. code-block:: python import tecplot from tecplot.layout import Page page = tecplot.active_page() ''' The "repr" string of the Page is executable code. The following will print: "Page(uid=1)" ''' print(repr(page)) page2 = None exec('page2 = '+repr(page)) ''' At this point, page2 is just another handle to the exact same page object in the Tecplot Engine ''' assert page2 == page """ return 'Page(uid={uid})'.format(uid=self.uid) def __eq__(self, other): """Checks for `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` equality in the |Tecplot Engine|. Returns: `bool`: `True` if the unique ID numbers are the same for both `Pages <tecplot.layout.Page>`. Example: .. code-block:: python import tecplot page1 = tecplot.active_page() page2 = tecplot.add_page() assert page1 != page2 assert tecplot.active_page() == page2 """ return self.uid == other.uid @lock() def __contains__(self, frame): with self.activated(): result = False if _tecutil.FrameGetCount(): with session.suspend(): _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopStart() try: while True: if frame.uid == _tecutil.FrameGetUniqueID(): result = True break if not _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopNext(): break finally: _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopEnd() return result def __getitem__(self, pattern): return self.frame(pattern) def __iter__(self): self.framelist = list(self.frames()) return self def __next__(self): try: return self.framelist.pop(0) except (KeyError, IndexError): raise StopIteration @property def aux_data(self): """Auxiliary data for this page. Returns: `AuxData` This is the auxiliary data attached to the page. Such data is written to the layout file by default and can be retrieved later. Example usage:: >>> aux = tp.active_page().aux_data >>> aux['Result'] = '3.14159' >>> print(aux['Result']) 3.14159 """ return session.AuxData(self, AuxDataObjectType.Page) @property def position(self): """`Index`: Index of the Page The page positions are 0 based positions relative to the current page, where the current page has a position value of 0, the next page 1, the page after that 2, and so on. """ return Index(_tecutil.PageGetPosByUniqueID(self.uid) - 1) @property def name(self): """`str`: Name of the page. This is the name used when searching for `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` objects in `tecplot.pages` and ``. It does not have to be unique. Example: .. code-block:: python import tecplot page = tecplot.active_page() = 'My Data' # prints: "this page: My Data" print('this page:', """ with self.activated(): return _tecutil.PageGetName()[1] @name.setter @lock() def name(self, name): with self.activated(): if not _tecutil.PageSetName(name): raise TecplotSystemError() @property def paper(self): """`Paper`: The `Paper` defined in this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. Every `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` has the concept of a workspace which includes all `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` as well as a sub-area of the workspace called the `Paper`. The limits of the `Paper` with respect to the placement of `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is used when exporting certain image formats. """ return Paper(self) @property def active(self): """Checks if this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` is active. Returns: `bool`: `True` if active. """ return self.uid == _tecutil.PageGetUniqueID()
[docs] @lock() def activate(self): """Activates the `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. Raises: `TecplotRuntimeError`: Page does not exist. `TecplotSystemError`: Could not activate the page. """ if not if not self.exists: raise TecplotRuntimeError('page does not exists') elif not _tecutil.PageSetCurrentByUniqueID(self.uid): raise TecplotSystemError('could not activate page')
@contextmanager def activated(self): current_page = Page(_tecutil.PageGetUniqueID()) if self == current_page: yield else: self.activate() try: yield finally: current_page.activate()
[docs] def active_frame(self): """Returns the active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`. Returns: `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`: The active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`. This implicitly activates this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` and returns the active `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` attached to it. """ self.activate() if _tecutil.FrameGetCount(): return Frame(_tecutil.FrameGetActiveID(), self)
[docs] @lock() def add_frame(self, position=None, size=None): """Creates a new `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` in this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. Parameters: position (`tuple` of `floats <float>` (x,y), optional): The position (in inches) of the frame relative to the top left corner of the paper. If supplied, size must also be supplied. size (`tuple` of `floats <float>` (width,height), optional): The size (in inches) of the frame. If supplied, position must also be supplied. Returns: `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`: The newly created and activated `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`. This implicitly activates the `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` and creates and activates a new `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`. .. code-block:: python import tecplot as tp frame = tp.active_page().add_frame(position=(1, 0.25), size=(8, 9)) """ supplied_frame_size = bool(position or size) if __debug__: if bool(position) ^ bool(size): raise TecplotValueError('must supply position and size') msg = 'position and size must be 2-tuple' if supplied_frame_size: if hasattr(position, '__iter__') and hasattr(size, '__iter__'): if len(position) != 2 or len(size) != 2: raise TecplotValueError(msg) else: raise TecplotTypeError(msg) pos = tecutil.XY(*(position or (0, 0))) size = tecutil.XY(*(size or (0, 0))) self.activate() if not _tecutil.FrameCreateNew(supplied_frame_size, pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y): raise TecplotSystemError('could not create new frame') else: uid = _tecutil.FrameGetActiveID() if uid > 0: return Frame(uid, self) else: raise TecplotRuntimeError('could not get id of newly created active frame')
[docs] @lock() def delete_frame(self, frame): """Removes the frame from this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. Raises: `TecplotRuntimeError`: If `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` is not in this `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. `TecplotSystemError`: Could not delete the frame. """ if frame not in self: raise TecplotRuntimeError('frame is not in this page') else: with frame.activated(): if not _tecutil.FrameDeleteActive(): raise TecplotSystemError()
[docs] @lock() def frame(self, pattern): """Returns the `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` by name. Parameters: pattern (`str` or `re.Pattern <re.compile>`): Case-insensitive `glob-style pattern string <fnmatch.fnmatch>` or a compiled `regex pattern instance <re.compile>` used to match the frame by name. Returns: `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>`: The first `Frame <tecplot.layout.Frame>` identified by *pattern*. .. note:: A `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` can contain `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` with identical names and only the first match found is returned. This is not guaranteed to be deterministic and care should be taken to have only `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` with unique names when this feature is used. Example: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 11 import tecplot page = tecplot.active_page() frameA = page.add_frame() = 'A' frameB = page.add_frame() = 'B' assert assert frameA == page.frame('A') """ pattern_type = getattr(re, 'Pattern', getattr(re, '_pattern_type', None)) if not isinstance(pattern, pattern_type): regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), re.IGNORECASE) else: regex = pattern with self.activated(): frame = None if _tecutil.FrameGetCount(): with session.suspend(): _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopStart() try: while True: if regex.match(_tecutil.FrameGetName()[1]): frame = Frame(_tecutil.FrameGetUniqueID(), self) break if not _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopNext(): break finally: _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopEnd() if __debug__: if ( frame is None and isinstance(pattern, str) and any(c in pattern for c in '*?[]') ): msg = 'no frame found matching: "{}"'.format(pattern) warning = TecplotPatternMatchWarning(pattern, msg, 'glob') warnings.warn(warning) return frame
[docs] @lock() def frames(self, pattern=None): """Returns a `list` of `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` matching the specified pattern. Parameters: pattern (`str` or `re.Pattern <re.compile>`, optional): Case-insensitive `glob-style pattern string <fnmatch.fnmatch>` or a compiled `regex pattern instance <re.compile>` used to match frame names. Returns: `list`: `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` identified by *pattern* or all frames if no *pattern* is specified. Example: .. code-block:: python import tecplot page = tecplot.active_page() page.add_frame() # create a second frame # iterate over all frames and print their names for frame in page.frames(): print( # store a persistent list of frames frames = page.frames() # prints: ['Frame 001', 'Frame 002'] print([ for f in frames]) """ if pattern: pattern_type = getattr(re, 'Pattern', getattr(re, '_pattern_type', None)) if not isinstance(pattern, pattern_type): regex = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern), re.IGNORECASE) else: regex = pattern with self.activated(): framelist = [] if _tecutil.FrameGetCount(): with session.suspend(): _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopStart() try: while True: success, name = _tecutil.FrameGetName() if success: if pattern is None or regex.match(name): framelist.append(Frame(_tecutil.FrameGetUniqueID(), self)) if not _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopNext(): break finally: _tecutil.FrameLightweightLoopEnd() if __debug__: if ( not framelist and pattern is not None and isinstance(pattern, str) and any(c in pattern for c in '*?[]') ): msg = 'no frames found matching: "{}"'.format(pattern) warning = TecplotPatternMatchWarning(pattern, msg, 'glob') warnings.warn(warning) return framelist
@property @lock() def exists(self): """Checks if the `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` exists in the current layout. This will return `False` after the `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>` has been deleted: .. code-block:: python import tecplot as tp page = tp.add_page() assert page.exists tp.delete_page(page) assert not page.exists """ current_page = _tecutil.PageGetUniqueID() try: for _ in range(_tecutil.PageGetCount()): _tecutil.PageSetCurrentToNext() if self.uid == _tecutil.PageGetUniqueID(): return True return False finally: if current_page != _tecutil.PageGetUniqueID(): _tecutil.PageSetCurrentByUniqueID(current_page)
[docs] @lock() def tile_frames(self, mode=TileMode.Grid): """Tile frames based on a certain mode. Parameters: mode (`TileMode`, optional): Direction and layout mode for tiling frames. Possible values: `TileMode.Grid` (default), `TileMode.Columns`, `TileMode.Rows`, `TileMode.Wrap`. Example usage:: >>> from tecplot.constant import TileMode >>> page.tile_frame(TileMode.Wrap) """ with self.activated(): macro.execute_extended_command('Multi Frame Manager', mode.value)
[docs] @lock_attributes class Paper(object): """The `Paper` boundary defined on a workspace. This is the area used for certain image output formats. It is defined for a specific `Page <tecplot.layout.Page>`. `Frames <tecplot.layout.Frame>` can be laid out in reference to this sub-area of the workspace. """ def __init__(self, page): = page self._sv = page._sv + [sv.PAPER] @property def dimensions(self): """Width and height (read-only). the dimensions, *(width, height)* in inches, of the currently defined paper in the Tecplot workspace. """ with return _tecutil.PaperGetDimensions()