TECGUI.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Go to the source code of this file.


#define EXTERN   extern
#define MAINDIALOGID   -1
#define BADDIALOGID   -2


typedef LgIndex_t(* TecGUITextCallback_pf )(const char *TextString)
 General GUI callback function with a const char * parameter.
typedef void(* TecGUIIntCallback_pf )(const LgIndex_t *Data)
 General GUI callback function with a LgIndex_t * parameter.
typedef void(* TecGUIVoidCallback_pf )(void)
 General GUI callback function with no parameters.


void TecGUIDialogEnableActionArea (LgIndex_t DialogID, Boolean_t EnableActionArea)
 Set/Unset the dialog to always be on top of other windows.
void TecGUIDialogApplySetSensitivity (LgIndex_t DialogID, Boolean_t IsSensitive)
  Sets the sensitivity of the Apply button in a dialog.
void TecGUIDialogSetTopmost (LgIndex_t DialogID, Boolean_t MakeTopmost)
  Sets a modal or modeless dialog to be the topmost window.
void TecGUIDialogSetPosition (LgIndex_t DialogID, AnchorAlignment_e Placement, LgIndex_t OffsetX, LgIndex_t OffsetY)
  Sets the position of the add-on dialog.
void TecGUIDialogSetLaunchPosition (LgIndex_t DialogID, AnchorAlignment_e Placement, LgIndex_t OffsetX, LgIndex_t OffsetY)
void TecGUIDialogSetPositionX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
  Set the position of an add-on dialog.
void TecGUIDialogSetLaunchPositionX (ArgList_pa ArgList)
LgIndex_t TecGUIDialogCreateModeless (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *Title, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf InitCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf CloseButtonCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf HelpButtonCallback)
  Creates a modeless dialog and returns the ID of the dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIDialogCreateModal (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *Title, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf InitCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf OkButtonCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ApplyButtonCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf CancelButtonCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf HelpButtonCallback)
  Creates a modal dialog and returns the ID of the dialog.
void TecGUIBlockForModalDialog (Boolean_t *DoneWithModalDialog)
  Call this function if your code is structured such that it must wait for a modal dialog to close.
LgIndex_t TecGUIColoredButtonAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *LabelString, ColorIndex_t ColorIndex, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ButtonCallback)
  Adds a colored button to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIButtonAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *LabelString, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ButtonCallback)
  Adds a button to a dialog.
void TecGUIColoredButtonSetColor (LgIndex_t ButtonID, ColorIndex_t Color)
  Sets background color of a button.
LgIndex_t TecGUIBitmapButtonAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t ButtonWidth, LgIndex_t ButtonHeight, LgIndex_t BitmapWidth, LgIndex_t BitmapHeight, const char *BitmapData_Array, Boolean_t UseTransparentColor, LgIndex_t TransparentR, LgIndex_t TransparentG, LgIndex_t TransparentB, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ButtonCallback)
  Adds a bitmap button to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIBitmapToggleAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t ButtonWidth, LgIndex_t ButtonHeight, LgIndex_t BitmapWidth, LgIndex_t BitmapHeight, const char *BitmapData_Array, Boolean_t UseTransparentColor, LgIndex_t TransparentR, LgIndex_t TransparentG, LgIndex_t TransparentB, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a bitmap toggle button to a dialog.
void TecGUISetToolTip (LgIndex_t ControlID, const char *ToolTipText)
  Sets a tool tip help string for the specified control.
void TecGUISetStatusLine (LgIndex_t ControlID, const char *StatusLineText)
  Sets a status line help string for the specified control.
void TecGUIButtonSetDefault (LgIndex_t DialogID, LgIndex_t ButtonID)
  Used to identify the button control to receive the default action for a dialog.
void TecGUIButtonSetText (LgIndex_t ButtonID, const char *NewText)
  Sets the text of a button control.
void TecGUISetSensitivity (LgIndex_t ControlID, Boolean_t IsSensitive)
  Sets the sensitivity (in Windows, the enabled state) of a control.
void TecGUISetVisibility (LgIndex_t ControlID, Boolean_t MakeVisible)
  Sets the visibility of a control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIOptionMenuAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *OptionList, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds an option menu control to a dialog.
void TecGUIOptionMenuSet (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID, LgIndex_t Selection)
  Set the current option in an option menu.
LgIndex_t TecGUIOptionMenuSetByString (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID, const char *Name)
  Set the current item of an option menu to the item that matches the string.
LgIndex_t TecGUIOptionMenuGet (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID)
  Gets the position index currently selected option menu item.
LgIndex_t TecGUIListAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, Boolean_t IsMultiSelection, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a single or multi-selection list control to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIListGetItemCount (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Gets the number of items in a list control.
void TecGUIListAppendItem (LgIndex_t ListID, const char *Item)
  Appends an item to a list control.
char * TecGUIListGetString (LgIndex_t ListID, LgIndex_t Position)
  Gets the text of an item in a list box.
void TecGUIListReplaceItem (LgIndex_t ListID, const char *Item, LgIndex_t Position)
  Replaces the text of an item in a list control.
void TecGUIListDeleteAllItems (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Removes all the items from a list control.
void TecGUIListDeleteItemAtPos (LgIndex_t ListID, LgIndex_t Position)
  Deletes an item in a list control.
void TecGUIListDeselectAllItems (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Deselects all items in a list control.
void TecGUIListSetSelectedItem (LgIndex_t ListID, LgIndex_t Position)
  Selects an item in a list control.
void TecGUIListGetSelectedItems (LgIndex_t ListID, LgIndex_t **SelectedItemList, LgIndex_t *SelectedItemCount)
  Gets the indices of all selected items in a list control.
void TecGUIListSetSelectedItems (LgIndex_t ListID, LgIndex_t *SelectedItemList, LgIndex_t SelectedItemCount)
  Selects one or more items in a multi-selection list control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIListGetSelectedItem (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Gets the position index of the single selected item in a list control.
void TecGUIListSelectAllItems (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Selects all items in a list control (if multi-selection).
LgIndex_t TecGUIToggleAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *Label, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a toggle control to a dialog.
void TecGUIToggleSet (LgIndex_t ToggleID, Boolean_t SetOn)
  Sets or clears a toggle control.
Boolean_t TecGUIToggleGet (LgIndex_t ToggleID)
  Get the current value of a toggle.
LgIndex_t TecGUIRadioBoxAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *Label1, const char *Label2, const char *Label3, const char *Label4, const char *Label5, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a set of radio box controls to a dialog.
void TecGUIRadioBoxSetToggle (LgIndex_t RadioBox, LgIndex_t ToggleNumber)
  Sets a radio button in radio box control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIRadioBoxGetToggle (LgIndex_t RadioBox)
  Get the current radio box selection.
LgIndex_t TecGUILabelAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, const char *Label)
  Adds a static text label to a dialog.
void TecGUILabelSetText (LgIndex_t LabelID, const char *LabelString)
  Sets the text of a static label control.
void TecGUILabelSetLgIndex (LgIndex_t LabelID, LgIndex_t Value)
  Formats an integer value and assigns it as the label string.
void TecGUILabelSetDouble (LgIndex_t LabelID, double Value, const char *Format)
  Formats a double value and assigns it as the label string.
void TecGUILabelSetSet (LgIndex_t LabelID, Set_pa Set, Boolean_t IncludeSquareBrackets)
  Formats a set and assigns it as the label string.
LgIndex_t TecGUITextFieldAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, TecGUITextCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a text field control to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUITextAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, Boolean_t IsReadOnly, TecGUITextCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a multi-line text control to a dialog.
void TecGUITextAddKeyEventCallback (LgIndex_t TextOrTextFieldID, TecGUIIntCallback_pf KeyEventCallback)
  Add a key event callback for a multi-line text or text field control.
void TecGUITextSetInsertPos (LgIndex_t Text, LgIndex_t Position)
  Set the text insert position at the specified position in the text string.
void TecGUITextSetMinInsertPos (LgIndex_t Text)
  Set the insert position to before the first character in text string maintained by the multi-line text control.
void TecGUITextSetMaxInsertPos (LgIndex_t Text)
  Set the text insert position at the maximum position in the text string.
void TecGUITextSetString (LgIndex_t Text, const char *TextString)
  Sets the text in a multi-line text control.
char * TecGUITextGetString (LgIndex_t Text)
  Gets the text in a multi-line text control.
void TecGUITextInsertString (LgIndex_t Text, const char *TextString)
  Inserts text into a multi-line text control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIScaleAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, LgIndex_t ScaleMin, LgIndex_t ScaleMax, LgIndex_t DecimalPrecision, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback, TecGUIIntCallback_pf DragValueChangedCallback)
  Adds a scale control to a dialog.
void TecGUIScaleSetValue (LgIndex_t ScaleID, LgIndex_t NewValue)
  Sets the current position of a scale control.
void TecGUIScaleSetLimits (LgIndex_t ScaleID, LgIndex_t ScaleMin, LgIndex_t ScaleMax, LgIndex_t DecimalPrecision)
  Set the limits (that is, minimum and maximum values) and decimal precision of a scale control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIScaleGetValue (LgIndex_t ScaleID)
  Sets the current position of a scale control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIVertSeparatorAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Height)
  Adds a vertical separator to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIHorzSeparatorAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width)
  Adds a horizontal separator to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIFrameAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, const char *Label)
  Add a frame to the specified parent dialog.
void TecGUITextFieldSetString (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, const char *TextString)
  Sets the text in a text field control.
char * TecGUITextFieldGetString (LgIndex_t TextFieldID)
  Gets the text in a text field control.
Boolean_t TecGUITextFieldGetLgIndex (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, LgIndex_t *Value)
  Gets the integer value from the text field.
Boolean_t TecGUITextFieldGetDouble (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, double *Value)
  Gets the double precision value from the text field.
Boolean_t TecGUITextFieldValidateLgIndex (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, const char *TextFieldName, LgIndex_t MinDomain, LgIndex_t MaxDomain, Boolean_t AllowMxSyntax)
  Validates that the contents of the specified text field are within the specified domain.
Boolean_t TecGUITextFieldValidateDouble (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, const char *TextFieldName, double MinDomain, double MaxDomain)
  Validates that the contents of the specified text field are within the specified domain.
Boolean_t TecGUITextFieldGetSet (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, Set_pa *Set)
  Gets the set represented by the contents of the text field.
void TecGUITextFieldSetLgIndex (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, LgIndex_t Value, Boolean_t UseMx)
  Formats an integer value and assigns it as the text field string.
void TecGUITextFieldSetDouble (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, double Value, const char *Format)
  Formats a double value and assigns it as the text field string.
void TecGUITextFieldSetSet (LgIndex_t TextFieldID, Set_pa Set, Boolean_t IncludeSquareBrackets)
  Formats a set and assigns it as the text field string.
void TecGUIDialogLaunch (LgIndex_t DialogID)
  Displays a dialog created with TecGUIDialogCreatexxx().
void TecGUIDialogDrop (LgIndex_t DialogID)
  Closes a dialog.
Boolean_t TecGUIDialogIsUp (LgIndex_t DialogID)
  Returns TRUE if a dialog is currently displayed.
void TecGUIDialogSetTitle (LgIndex_t DialogID, const char *NewTitle)
  Sets the title text of a dialog.
void TecGUITextAppendString (LgIndex_t TextID, const char *TextString)
  Appends a string to the end of a multi-line text control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIMenuBarAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID)
  Add a menu bar to an existing dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUIMenuAdd (LgIndex_t ParentMenuID, const char *Label)
  Add a menu to a menu bar or a walking menu to a menu list.
LgIndex_t TecGUIMenuAddItem (LgIndex_t ParentMenuID, const char *Label, const char *StatusLineText, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf Callback)
  Add a menu item to a menu list.
LgIndex_t TecGUIMenuAddToggle (LgIndex_t ParentMenuID, const char *Label, const char *StatusLineText, TecGUIIntCallback_pf Callback)
  Add a menu item with a toggle to a menu list.
void TecGUIMenuAddSeparator (LgIndex_t ParentMenuID)
  Add a separator to a menu list.
void TecGUIMenuItemSetText (LgIndex_t MenuItemID, const char *NewText)
  Set the text for a menu item.
void TecGUIMenuSetToggle (LgIndex_t MenuItemID, Boolean_t SetOn)
  Set the state of a menu item toggle.
void TecGUIMenuDeleteItem (LgIndex_t MenuItemID)
  Delete a menu item from a menu list.
LgIndex_t TecGUITabAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, TecGUIIntCallback_pf ActivateCallback, TecGUIIntCallback_pf DeactivateCallback)
  Adds a tab control to a dialog.
LgIndex_t TecGUITabAddPage (LgIndex_t TabID, const char *Caption)
  Adds a page to a tab control.
void TecGUITabSetCurrentPage (LgIndex_t TabID, LgIndex_t PageID)
  Sets a specific tab page of a tab control as the current tab page.
LgIndex_t TecGUIFormAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height)
  Adds a new form control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIFormAddPage (LgIndex_t ParentFormID)
  Creates a new form page.
void TecGUIFormSetCurrentPage (LgIndex_t FormID)
  Sets a specific form page to be displayed.
LgIndex_t TecGUISpinTextFieldAdd (LgIndex_t ParentDialogID, LgIndex_t X, LgIndex_t Y, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, TecGUITextCallback_pf ValueChangedCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ButtonUpCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ButtonDownCallback)
  Adds a spin text field to a dialog.
Boolean_t TecGUISpinTextFieldIncLgIndex (LgIndex_t SpinTextFieldID, LgIndex_t Increment, LgIndex_t MinDomain, LgIndex_t MaxDomain)
  The Tecplot GUI Builder creates empty callbacks for the up and down arrow buttons of each spin box used by the add-on.
Boolean_t TecGUISpinTextFieldIncDouble (LgIndex_t SpinTextFieldID, const char *Format, double Increment, double MinDomain, double MaxDomain)
  The Tecplot GUI Builder creates empty callbacks for the up and down arrow buttons of each spin box used by the add-on.
void TecGUIOptionMenuDeleteItemAtPos (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID, LgIndex_t Position)
  Delete an item in an option menu control.
void TecGUIOptionMenuAppendItem (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID, const char *Item)
  Appends an item to an option menu control.
LgIndex_t TecGUIOptionMenuGetItemCount (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID)
  Get the number of items in an option menu.
void TecGUIOptionMenuDeleteAllItems (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID)
  Remove all items from an option menu.
char * TecGUIOptionMenuGetString (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID, LgIndex_t Position)
  Get the text of an item in an option menu.
void TecGUIOptionMenuReplaceItem (LgIndex_t OptionMenuID, const char *NewText, LgIndex_t Position)
  Replace the text of an item in an option menu control.
void TecGUIScaleShowNumericDisplay (LgIndex_t ScaleID, Boolean_t ShowDisplay)
  Turns numeric display of a scale on or off.
LgIndex_t TecGUISidebarRegister (const char *SidebarName, AddOn_pa AddOnID, LgIndex_t Width, LgIndex_t Height, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf ActivateCallback, TecGUIVoidCallback_pf DeactivateCallback)
  Creates and registers the specified sidebar by name with Tecplot.
void TecGUISidebarActivate (LgIndex_t SidebarID)
  Activates the specified sidebar replacing the current one.
void TecGUISidebarDeactivateAll (void)
  Deactivates any activate sidebar causing it to no longer be visible.
Boolean_t TecGUISidebarIsActive (LgIndex_t SidebarID)
  Given a sidebar ID, return TRUE if the sidebar is currently active, FALSE otherwise.
LgIndex_t TecGUIListGetCapacity (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Gets the number of items that the list control can visibly display.
LgIndex_t TecGUIListGetTopItemNum (LgIndex_t ListID)
  Gets the index of the first visible item in a list box.
void TecGUIListSetTopItemNum (LgIndex_t ListID, LgIndex_t ItemNum)
  Scrolls the list box until either the item specified appears at the top of the list box or the maximum scroll range has been reached.
void TecGUISetInputFocus (LgIndex_t ControlID)
  Set the input focus to a GUI control.

Define Documentation

#define BADDIALOGID   -2


#define EXTERN   extern

#define MAINDIALOGID   -1


Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* TecGUIIntCallback_pf)(const LgIndex_t *Data)

General GUI callback function with a LgIndex_t * parameter.

Many of the TecGUI functions require you to provide a function that has this function prototype.

Data Read-only pointer. Depending on the calling function it could reference a single integer or an entire array of integers, where the end of the list is identified by a zero. The context of the control issuing the call governs the content. Guaranteed to be non-NULL.

typedef LgIndex_t(* TecGUITextCallback_pf)(const char *TextString)

General GUI callback function with a const char * parameter.

TecGUI functions related to text fields and multi-line text fields require you to provide a function that has this function prototype.

TextString Read-only pointer. Text string sent to the callback function by the control issuing the call. Guaranteed to be non-NULL
This function should return one if the text is valid, zero otherwise. For example, if the text field requires the user to enter a number and he or she enters a letter, you should return zero. It is the responsibility of the add-on to replace the text field value if the text is invalid.

typedef void(* TecGUIVoidCallback_pf)(void)

General GUI callback function with no parameters.

Many of the TecGUI functions require you to provide a function that has this function prototype.

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:40 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5