Manage Data

To manage your data sets, use the Manage Data dialog. Click the Manage Data button in the toolbar or choose “Manage Data” from the Project menu to launch this dialog. Switch to the Grid page of the dialog specify the active grid data.


The Grid page of the Manage Data dialog has the following options:

Display As Use the Display As text field to designate a display name for the Active data set. Tecplot RS will use the display name if you have incorporated the file name as part of your Paper Layout. Tecplot RS uses the file name if the Display As field remains empty. (You must click Update to save your changes to the Display As field.)

Available Data Sets When you load multiple grids, you must also designate which one is the active data set. You can have only one grid active at a time. The active data set will display when you choose a grid plot type.


The Manage Data dialog allows you to control whether the active data set changes when Tecplot RS opens a new file, but you can easily change the active grid after loading the files as well. When you load multiple grids, they will display in the Available Data Sets box. Tecplot RS will highlight the active grid, and a summary showing information about the active grid (number of planes, LGRs, and wells) will display in the Active Data Set box.

To change to a different active data set, highlight that file name in the Available Data Set box. When you click OK and choose the desired plot type, the plot display and dialog options will reflect the data from the newly active grid.

12 - 2.1   Unloading Grid Data

Since grid files can often consume large amounts of system RAM, when you no longer need a grid, it is a good idea to unload it. This releases the system memory that you can use to load another file.

Use the Unload page of the Manage Data dialog to unload data sets. You do not need to unload files prior to exiting Tecplot RS; the data sets unload automatically when you exit.

12 - 2.2   Reloading the Active Grid (Eclipse format only)

If the active grid has changed, it can be reloaded by click the “Reload Grid” toolbar button.

Reloading the grid will preserve the current environment while reloading the grid and loading any additional timesteps. After clicking the reload grid button, a popup message will display over the tooltip indicating the number of new timesteps read (if any).

Note: Reload Grid is currently only supported for Eclipse format grid files.