Paper Layout

The Paper Layout mode let you design a layout for your plots. The layout controls a variety of items to create a professional, finished presentation plot, including:

• Paper size, color, and orientation

• Titles identifying the entity, variable, and so forth.

• Page number, date, or time

• Legends

• Orientation axes showing view rotation

• User-defined text and images (company name and/or logo, address, project, any additional text or image elements)

• Areas for headers and footers

• Color, size, font, location, and orientation of all the above

Your installation includes a default layout. You can also define and save your own layouts. Tecplot RS stores paper layouts in named files with an extension of .rslayx. You can create a single file and instruct Tecplot RS to use it as the default layout for each plot. Alternatively, you can create multiple layouts and choose which layout to use for a particular plot type. This approach works well with macros, since you can automatically load a new paper layout prior to any sequence of plots.