At any point while using Tecplot RS, you can look up the value(s) of your data using one of the following functions:
• Probing Use the probe or quick probe tool (in the toolbar), or choose “Probe” or “Quick Probe” from the Data menu to look up the value of your variables at a given grid cell. Refer to Chapter 16: “Data Probing” for additional information.
• Data Set Info Use the Data Set Info dialog (accessible by choosing “Data Set Info” from the Data menu) to view information about your data set, including variable ranges and auxiliary data. Refer to Section 2 - 3 “Viewing Data Set Information” for additional information.
• Spreadsheet Use the Data Spreadsheet dialog (accessed by choosing “Spreadsheet” from the Data menu) to view variable values in spreadsheet form. Refer to Chapter 9: “Viewing XY Data” for additional information.
• Data Range Launch the Data Ranges dialog (accessed by choosing “Data Ranges” from the Data menu) to quickly view the range of each variable (for all time steps) in your data set.