3 - 2   Changing the View

The View menu contains controls with which you can adjust the active frame’s view, the view of the entire workspace.

3 - 2.1   Display of the Toolbar or Sidebar

You can turn off the toolbar and/or Plot Controls sidebar by choosing “Toolbar” or “Sidebar”, respectively, from the View menu. To turn them back on, choose the corresponding menu item again.

3 - 2.2   Redraw a Frame

By default, Tecplot RS automatically redraws the current plot whenever you make changes to it. If you choose to turn off this Auto Redraw feature (in the Performance dialog, accessible from the Options menu), or while recording macros, you can redraw the active frame by choosing “Redraw Frame” from the View menu. You can also redraw the active frame by pressing Ctrl-R, or clicking the Redraw Frame button in the toolbar.

3 - 2.3   Redraw All

To redraw your entire plot when the Auto Redraw feature is turned off (in the Performance dialog, accessible from the Options menu) or when recording a macro, choose “Redraw All” from the View menu. You can also press Ctrl-D or click the Redraw button in the toolbar or sidebar to redraw your plot.

3 - 2.4   Zoom

Tecplot RS includes the capability to zoom in several ways, adjusting the perceived distance between the viewer and the plot.

Plot Zooming

As well as clicking the Zoom tool in the Plot Controls Sidebar, you can also zoom your plot interactively by choosing “Zoom” from the View menu to access the Zoom tool. Drag the pointer to draw a box: the region within the view box will resize to fit in the frame according to the longest dimension of the box.

note00055.pngTo return to the previous view, choose “Last” in the View menu (or press Ctrl-L). Choose “Center” from the View menu to center the data in the active frame.

Paper Zooming

You can also zoom your workspace, rather than the plot, by pressing the Shift key while drawing a box with the Zoom tool. Tecplot RS will resize the plot so that the longest dimension of the zoom box fits in the entire workspace.

note00056.pngYou can also fit one or all frames to the workspace by choosing “Fit Selected Frames to Workspace” or “Fit All Frames to Workspace” from the View menu.

Interactive Zooming and Translation

You can also use the middle and right buttons of the pointer to smoothly zoom and translate your plot view. Drag with the middle button up and down to zoom smoothly; drag with the right button to translate your plot view.

3D mouse - Tecplot RS also supports a 3D mouse, an input device that allows zooming (and translation and rotation) of 3D plots with a touch. You do not need to activate the Zoom tool to use the 3D mouse for zooming. Simply push the mouse’s cap toward or away from you to zoom.

Hold the Alt key while zooming with the 3D mouse to switch the zoom method (see “Input Devices” on page 17 for details).

Avoid tilting the mouse cap, as this may induce unintended rotation. Hold down the Alt key to switch between zooming by moving the data and by moving the viewer.

3 - 2.5   Last

Choose “Last” from the View menu to restore the previous view of your plot. With this command, you can step backward through resizing and repositioning a plot. Tecplot RS remembers the last fifteen view changes, including zooming, centering, translating, or fitting, for each frame.

3 - 2.6   Center

Choose “Center” from the View menu to center the plot within its frame. This command centers only the data, neglecting text, geometries, and 3D axes. Neither axes or plot change in size with this command.

3 - 2.7   Fit Everything

Choose “Fit Everything” from the View menu to resize the plot so that all data, text, and geometries fit visibly in the frame. You can also fit everything by pressing Ctrl-E. This view can be useful to restore a standard view of your plot after extensive zooming, scaling, or translating.

3 - 2.8   Fit Data

Choose “Fit Data” from the View menu to resize the plot so that all data points fit visibly in the frame. This command ignores text and geometries when resizing. You can include the text by setting the text to be positioned by grid coordinates (in the Text Details dialog).

3 - 2.9   Copy View

Use “Copy View” in the View menu to copy the active frame view; you can then paste the frame view into another frame. The copied view includes all view attributes affected by the View menu: zoom position, translation, scale, and (in 3D grid plots) the degree of rotation and perspective projection.

3 - 2.10   Paste View

Choose “Paste View” from the View menu to paste a copied view onto the active frame (click on the frame you wish to copy the view onto first to make it the active frame). When working with multiple frames in one plot type, this command (and the Copy View command) can help make you more efficient, since you can make view changes to one frame and then copy and paste those changes to the other frames in your plot.

3 - 2.11   Custom 3D View

Use the commands Save Custom 3D View and Apply Custom 3D View to save the current view (rotation, center, and perspective) and to reset the current view to the saved settings. The Reset View toolbar button can also be used to apply the saved view. Available only when a 3D plot is active. See “Custom 3D View” on page 251 for further details.

3 - 2.12   Workspace Commands

The View menu contains several advanced commands to optimize your viewing of the workspace. To type the keyboard shortcuts, hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys while pressing the corresponding letter key.

Fit Selected Frames to Workspace (Ctrl-Shift-F) Choose this command to resize all frames proportionally so that the selected frame(s) fill the workspace either vertically or horizontally.

Fit All Frames to Workspace (Ctrl-Shift-A) Choose “Fit All Frames to Workspace” or type the keyboard shortcut to resize all frames proportionally so that all frame(s) fill the workspace either vertically or horizontally.

Fit Paper to Workspace (Ctrl-Shift-P) This command resizes the paper to fill the Tecplot RS workspace.

Last Workspace View (Ctrl-Shift-L) Choose this command to restore the workspace to the previous view. This command undoes the last “Fit Selected Frames to Workspace” or “Fit All Frames to Workspace” command.

3 - 2.13   View Presets

When viewing 3D grid plots, you can access additional advanced commands in the View menu. The View Presets in the View menu control preset rotations. Choose “View Presets” from the View menu to choose from 4 standard orthographic projections or a plan (aerial) view.