Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
tecplot::toolbox::ArgListArgList should be used with TecUtil functions that take the ArgList_pa type
tecplot::toolbox::AuxDataMay be used in place of TecUtilAuxData functions
tecplot::toolbox::ExceptionBase exception class
tecplot::toolbox::InvalidArgumentExceptionInvalidArgumentException is thrown when an argument passed to a method is determined as invalid
tecplot::toolbox::OutOfMemoryExceptionOutOfMemoryException is typically thrown allocation failures
tecplot::toolbox::SetSet should be used with TecUtil functions that use the Set_pa type
tecplot::toolbox::StateChangeEventInterfaceStateChangeEventInterface provides methods for investigating information regarding a state change event
tecplot::toolbox::StateChangeListenerInterfaceInterface for listening to State Change Notification events
tecplot::toolbox::StateChangeNotifierHandles State Change Notification events and passes those events on to registered listeners
tecplot::toolbox::StringListStringList maintains a list of strings
tecplot::toolbox::StyleValueAn object referring to a node in the Tecplot style hierarchy, which can be used to retrieve and modify style settings

Generated on Tue Mar 12 02:24:47 2013 for Tecplot by  doxygen 1.5.5