13 - 2.1   3D View Details

Use the 3D View Details dialog (accessed via the View menu) to control a variety of parameters affecting the display of 3D Grid plots.


Use Perspective - Sets Tecplot RS’s projection type. If selected, Tecplot RS draws the current frame with perspective projection. If not selected, Tecplot RS draws the current frame with orthographic1 projection. (Range is 0.1 to 179.9.)

Field of View (deg) - Sets the amount of the plot (in terms of spherical arc) in front of the viewer that may be seen. Zooming in or out of a 3D perspective plot changes this number and the viewer’s position.

Maintain Object Size During Field of View Changes - If selected, Field of View changes result in the viewer’s position being moved so that approximately the same amount of the plane is visible after the change.

If not selected, Field of View changes do not change the viewer’s position and result in the entire plot appearing to grow or shrink.

View Width - Sets the amount of the plot (in X-axis units) in front of the viewer that may be seen. Zooming in or out of a 3D orthographic plot changes this number, but not the viewer’s position.

Viewer Position - Change the viewer’s relation to the image by resetting the X, Y, or Z-location, or by changing the view distance.

1.   With orthographic projection,- the shape of the objects is independent of distance. This is sometimes an “unrealistic” view, but it is often used for displaying physical objects when preserving the true lengths is important (such as drafting).